Reading Room - The Lawful PathWe hope You will enjoy the library of reading materials, and the downloadable files that We have made available to You here, at no cost. If you don't find what You're looking for here, please visit Our Catalog section.
Un-Grouped Essays- From the Editor, by Gregory Allan (Various)
- A few essays and rants by our editor.
- Against School, by John Taylor Gatto (22K)
- How public education cripples our kids, and why.
- Bills of Attainder, Defining, by Thomas M. Saunders (15K)
- Explains the meaning of the term, as mentioned in the U.S.A. Constitution.
- Brainwashing, by author unknown (133K)
- A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
- Conspiracy Theory, by Dave McGowan (90K)
- A general overview of conspiracy theories.
- Grateful Slave, The, by Paine's Torch (7K)
- A provocative poem. May stir even the most deeply slumbering.
- Greening, The, by Larry H. Abraham (191K)
- This is the whole, real story behind the environmental movement, from the spotted owls, to Klamath Falls.
- Letters to Jessica, by Robert Bissett (186K)
- A Child's Guide to Freedom of Mind and Spirit. The full text of part-one of this wonderful book. Teach children the difference between government and God, before they're too old to get the message.
- Origin of Law, by Gregory Allan (17K)
- What does the word "law" mean, and what is a real law?
- Operation Vampire Killer 2000, by Jack McLamb (4.3M)
- Officially Revised 1999. An excellent wake-up primer for the uninitiated. A must for every police officer and soldier you know. Please give a copy to your County Sheriff, he needs this information, and you need for him to have it. For more than ten years, The Lawful Path has published a version of this document which did not include any of the illustrations, photos, or maps. This is a revised version which is complete in every detail.
PDF Version (8.1M) -- This is a photographic scan of the printed book. It is not text-searchable, but is useful for printing out copies to hand to your favorite Policeman or Soldier. Includes a flier on the new Operation Vampire Killer 2012. EPUB Version (1.7M) -- For your convenience, I've converted the web version to EPUB format, so you can read it on your mobile devices.
- Our Debt... Save the Children, by Ed Henry (15K)
- Gives an interesting perspective on the size of the alleged National Debt.
- Rights vs. "Rights", by Tibor R. Machan (26K)
- Where do rights come from? Shows the correlation between rights and duties. Includes commentary by Alfred Adask.
- Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, by author unknown (342K)
- Compares economics with electronics. Outlines NWO plan for world conquest. Essential in understanding the NWO game plan.
- Silver Bulletin, by Bill Medina (68K)
- Why one is required to volunteer into a general jurisdiction.
- The Law, by Frederic Bastiat (121K)
- English translation, first published A.D. 1850. This is a
must read. When 2012 presidential candidate Ron Paul was asked in an interview which book he would most recommend people read above all others, he recommended this one. It's short; you can read it in one evening.
Jural Society / Ecclesia- Antinomianism, the Spirit of Lawlessness, by Ben Williams (37K)
- Explains why law was not replaced by grace in the New Testament.
- A Radical Perspective on Jurisdiction, by Gregory Allan (30K)
- Understanding jurisdiction: What it is, and how it attaches to people.
- Book of the Hundreds, The, by the several bondmen and unprofitable servants of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ (2.5M)
- Fourth Edition, Revised, with Updates. This is the book which originally inspired the formation of Christ county, and so many jural societies throughout the lands known as America. A must-read for all students of lawful process.
Also available in PDF.
- Christ county Vault, by The People of Christ county, kingdom of God (179K, various documents)
- Christ county was a Christian jural society with its own jurisdiction, courts, and governing assembly. Government schools don't teach their slave-students how to form new governments. That would be training the competition. A huge amount of work was done on the documents in this vault, over the course of a few years, by some very dedicated people. Not all their records are preserved here, but you will find some of the most valuable.
- Christian Jural Society News, The, by various authors (6.4M)
- The complete set of newsletters, issues 1 through 70. Now known as Matters Concerning His Lawful assembly. Articles by Randy Lee, John Quade, John William, and John Joseph, just to name a few.
- How the Church Fell from Grace, by John William and John Joseph (411K)
- To whom do you you owe your allegiance? Also available in PDF format.
- What is the Ecclesia?, by Ben Williams (556K)
- A three-part essay on the meaning of the word ecclesia; how it was mistranslated as church in the Scriptures, and what effect that has upon our perceptions of Christianity.
Government- Early Presidents of the United States, by Gregory Allan (270K)
- Who was the first President? You might be surprised.
- Faking Democracy, by Fred Reed (9K)
- A Textbook on American Democracy. Both humorous, and thought provoking.
- Federal Reserve Ownership Chart, by Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - Published 1976 (21K)
- Do you think the Federal Reserve is an agency of the U. S. Government? Think again.
- Missing 13th Amendment, The, by David Dodge (68K)
- Reveals possible fraud in the Constitutional Amendment process. Excellent perspective on Titles of Nobility.
- Political Prisoners? In America?, by Edgar J. Steele (7K)
- Examples of how easily one may become a political prisoner in the United States.
- Rise of the Fourth Reich?, by author unknown (12K)
- A comparison between Germany's actions at the beginning of WWII, and the United States' 2003 invasion of Iraq.
- Rolling Back Government: Lessons from New Zealand, by Maurice P. McTigue (22K)
- A former member of the New Zealand Parliament illustrates amazing examples of government reform.
- Seventeenth Amendment: Should it be Repealed?, by John W. Dean (13K)
- Explains the effects of the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; how it has damaged States' Rights, and contributed to runaway central government.
- Which Flag is Which?, by Richard McDonald (39K)
- Flags of the united states of America -- War vs. Civil
Self-Defense- A Cause By Any Other Name, by Gregory Allan (14K)
- A brief history of the Michigan Militia Corps. Wolverines to 02/28/1998
- Gun Facts, by Frank Stoppa (4K)
- Interesting statistics on gun ownership and use. Arm yourself with this, for the next time some Liberal spouts off with anti-gun propaganda.
- Nation of Cowards, by Jeffrey R. Snyder (39K)
- Among the best essays on the unlawfulness and futility of gun control.
- Notes on Gun Control, by Faxanadu (30K)
- A Handout to the Ill Informed.
- Sundown at Coffin Rock, by Raymond K. Paden (11K)
- A touching story about a boy and his grandfather. Pro-gun message.
- Sundown at Coffin Rock, The Sequel, by Raymond K. Paden (13K)
- This is part-two of the powerful gun rights story Sundown at Coffin Rock. What happens to the grandson after his betrayal of his grandfather?
- They Were Having a Sale at the Gun Store, by Leslie Fish (3K)
- Strong message in favor of the freedom to keep and bear arms.
- Where is the Authority for Militias?, by Gregory Allan (16K)
- How militias can have lawful covering.
- Who Was the Fat Lady?, by Edgar J. Steele (14K)
- On the significance of the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear Silveira vs. Lockyer. Relates to gun rights.
Property Rights- Do You Own Yourself?, by Butler Shaffer (13K)
- Discusses Property Rights as they relate to private lives, versus political systems.
- Municipal Zoning and the Little Guy, by Gregory Allan (12K)
- Story of how the author used the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to fight zoning.
- Seven Lies of Zoning, The, by Gregory Allan (13K)
- Zoning and land use laws are really nothing more than the theft of property rights.
- Seven Lies of Zoning, The, by Gregory Allan (86K)
- Pamphlet in PDF format, designed to be printed and distributed in mass.
Marriage- Coverture and the Courts, by Gregory Allan (16.8K)
- Can a Husband Represent His Wife? The true story of how the author successfully did it. For the complete package, see our Catalog.
- Secular Marriage, by Virgil Cooper (13K)
- An outline of the legal relationship between any couple married with a state "marriage license", and their relationship with the state.
Right-to-Travel- Driver Licensing vs. the Right to Travel, by author Unknown (60K)
- Essay purports to have been used in at least three states (Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia) as a legal brief to support a demand for dismissal of charges of driving without a license.
- Notes on Right to Travel, by author unknown (36K)
- Can the States require the Private Citizen to take its Driver's License to travel and transport his family and goods across them?
- Right to Travel, by Jack McLamb (11K)
- Why should a driver's license be necessary? From the Aid & Abet newsletter.
- Traffic Stop Procedure, by Gregory Allan ((multimedia))
- A preview of traffic stop procedure as taught by Eddie Craig.
- What's Wrong with Car Insurance?, by Gregory Allan (5K)
- Mandatory car insurance is a criminal fraud. Here's why.
News & Notices- News regarding Alfred Adask, editor of AntiShyster Magazine
- Update 01/09/2003
- Involuntary Servitude (16K) Article written 'within' jail, raising some interesting possibilities regarding the 13th and 14th Amendments.
- Alfred Adask in Jail (6K)
Transcript of an alleged letter by Al, from the inside.
- Embassy of Heaven RAIDED!, by Gregory, of the ekklesia Kurios (11K)
- Government Attacks Church, Steals Property
- Tennessee Revolt, by author unknown (3K)
- Newspaper account of a small town revolt -- True story.
- Tenth Amendment Resolution, by Peter Kershaw (3K)
- Text of the resolution passed by the Colorado legislature.
- Weaver Story, by Jim Oliver (18K)
- The Randy Weaver story, from American Rifleman magazine.
Reference Documents- Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary
- Title Page (14K)
- Complete PDF (8M)
- Maxims of Law (157K)
- Word Studies:
- Annotated Forms of Pleading and Practice at Common Law, by John Lewson (21M)
- (1914) Volume 2 of 3. For Use in All Common-Law States and Especially Adapted to the States of Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Florida, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia. PDF format.
- Articles of Confederation, by The First Continental Congress (25K)
- The true founding document of the United States of America.
- Black's Law Dictionary, Second Edition, by Henry Campbell Black (105M)
- The principal terms of international, Constitutional, ecclesiastical, and commercial law, and medical jurisprudence, with a collection of legal maxims, numerous select titles from the Roman, Modern Civil, Scotch, French, Spanish, and Mexican law, and other foreign systems; and a table of abbreviations; PDF format
- Blackstone's Commentaries Vol. 1, by Sir William Blackstone (63M)
- Commentaries on the Laws of England, Vol. 1 (Civil); PDF format
- Blackstone's Commentaries Vol. 2, by Sir William Blackstone (50M)
- Commentaries on the Laws of England, Vol. 2 (Criminal); PDF format
- Common-Law Pleading: It's History and Principles, by R. Ross Perry (27M)
- (1897) Including Dicey's Rules Concerning Parties to Actions, and Stephen's Rules of Pleading.. PDF format. Also available in EPUB
- Constitution for the united States of America, by members of Congress under the Articles of Confederation (32K)
- For historical research purposes.
Challenge: see if you can find any provisions still honored.
Bill of Rights
Amendments 11 through 27
- Declaration of Independence, by Thomas Jefferson (8K)
- This used to be required reading in the public fool system. Yes, really!
- Federal Reserve Ownership Chart, by Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence - Published 1976 (21K)
- Do you think the Federal Reserve is an agency of the U. S. Government? Think again.
- Federalist Papers, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay (401K)
- This is a compressed file in txt format. Very important read.
- Magna Carta, by King John of England (31K)
- The full text of this Great Charter
- Pleading and Practice In Actions at Common Law, by Martin P. Burks (54.5M)
- (1905, 1912) General book of Pleadings, including Acts of Assembly of 1912. Part 2 consists of Stephen's Rules of Pleading, 8th Edition. PDF format. Also available in EPUB
- Principles of Common-Law Pleading, by John Jay McKelvey, LL.B., A.M. (3.5M)
- (1917, Second Edition, Revised) A brief explanation of the different forms of common-law actions, and a summary of the most important principles of pleading therein, with illustrations taken from the cases. PDF format. Also available in EPUB
- Uniform Code of Military Justice, by United States Military (61K)
- This is a compressed file in txt format. It contains chapters 1 through 12. We'd like to have this in html for reading online, and maybe we'll have the time someday to do it. Anyone interested interested in scripting it for us?
- Uniform Commercial Code, by Legislatures in all 50 united States (223K)
- A set of uniform laws adopted in all 50 united States. Covers primarily contracts involving personal (not real or immovable) property. Most of the things you don't like, which are done to you by government and large corporations, are done using the U.C.C. If you learn how to use it too, maybe you won't be so easily screwed next time. This is a compressed archive containing files in txt format.
- Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, by various (30M)
- This is the 1913 edition, from project Gutenberg, in PDF format. Their wiki says it's a work in progress, and there may be some errors. Release date, 08/22/2009, last updated 05/18/2014.
Security- Make Your Computer Easier, Faster and Smarter, for Free, by Gregory Allan (27K)
- Do you know that your computer doesn't have to run Microsoft Windows™? It can instead run something else you may like better. Linux isn't scary any more.
- Pretty Good Privacy ver. 2.62, by Phil Zimmermann (277K)
- Encryption software; runs on DOS/Windows systems. Newer versions probably have a backdoor, which is why we archive this one. It may or may not have been cracked by the NSA. In the 1990s it was considered military grade encryption. I recommend scrapping Windows, which is acknowledged to be full of backdoors, and go with Linux instead. In which case you'll be using opengpg. In any case, this file is here if you want it.
- Pretty Good Privacy ver. 2.62 Source Code, by Phil Zimmermann (644K)
- The most sure way to know someone hasn't tampered with a program is to compile it yourself, from the source code.
- Stealth for PGP (probably version 1.0), by Henry Hastur (19K)
- Stealth is a tool which takes a PGP 2.x encrypted message, and strips any standard headers off to ensure that the result looks like random noise, and if the PGP random number generators are secure, and if IDEA, and RSA (RSA when normalised) produce good quality random numbers, the result should look like white noise, and stand up to ananlysis as being indistinguishable as white noise. This is called steganography. The zip file contains an .EXE file which should run in Microsoft Windows™. I recommend scrapping Windows in favor of Linux. You'll find steganography software for Linux that's open source and likely to be much more secure.
Tactics- Commercial Redemption Rejected as Valueless, by Gregory Allan (34K)
- Demonstrates why the author believes the Commercial Redemption process is a fraud and a trap.
- How to Survive Hospital Costs Without Insurance - Evaluation Copy, by Gregory Allan (4M)
- This is the free portion of my book (PDF format) which teaches readers how to get services from hospitals for a fraction of the usual cost. For the full version, please see our Catalog.
- No Trespass Sign, by (original author unknown) (4K)
- This sample No Trespass sign is really an offer to rent. Properly displayed, versions of this sign have successfully warded off evil government tyrants all over the country. We got our original version from Zeno Budd, and this version is somewhat like that one. Gregory Allan wrote what we believe to be a much better sign; ready to print-and-post version, which is available in our Catalog.
- Reaffirmation of Oath of Office, by (original author unknown) revised by Gregory Allan (4K)
- Hold Public Servants to their oath, or make them pay the price. It basically asks them to sign a contract to make you one of the people to whom they have sworn an oath. No one will ever sign this, but showing it to them and asking them to sign it becomes evidence they have been put on notice.
We Welcome Submissions
If you know of a document you think belongs here,
and it is either in the public domain, or you have the authority to
grant permission for its publication, please send it to us for
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