Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

Post by Firestarter »

It sure is strange that Elon Musk is now praised by some media as a true champion for free speech (by forcing "humans" to identify themselves). It seems ever more unlikely that he wil actually buy Twitter.
Selling Elon Musk's first company Zip2 to Compaq made him a millionaire in 1999.

It's strange that the New York Times and Pulitzer Inc. were among the investors of Zip2, while Elon is now supposedly against the effective censorship by/through the mainstream media.
Another Zip2 investor was the Japanese SoftBank.

The most interesting of these investors could very well be Lauder Partners: https://www.crunchbase.com/search/princ ... stors/zip2

Lauder Partners was founded by Gary Lauder. Gary Lauder is the son of none other than Leonard A. Lauder, heir to the Estée Lauder billions. Whose family foundation employs such luminaries as Prince Laurentien of the Netherlands and Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild.
I've previously posted extensively on Leonard's younger brother, Trump's close friend Ronald Lauder.

Gary's wife since 1994, Laura Lauder, also works at Lauder Partners.
Laura Lauder is a fellow of the CFR, and trustee of the Aspen Institute: https://www.aspeninstitute.org/our-people/laura-lauder

Firestarter wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 5:45 pmOther than that it's interesting that Elon Musk, like Peter Thiel, appears to be launched by the CIA.
In 2002, Elon Musk took along Mike Griffin to Russia to buy an intercontinental ballistic missile (which ultimately he didn't buy). In 2002, Mike Griffin worked for the CIA’s venture capital arm – In-Q-Tel.

In February 1999, the Musks sold Zip2 to Compaq for a cool $307 million in cash and another $34 million in stock options, of which Elon received $22 million.
It's just so very easy to cover things up.
On 19 May, I (originally) posted about Elon Musk (like Peter Thiel) effectively being launched by the CIA.
So on 30 May Elon Musk posted on Twitter - "Does anyone else feel like their being watched?" - with the logo and name of the CIA: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1531322193010954240


Here's another interesting essay on technocracy, see some excerpts (even the "hero" of this topic appears)...
This essay introduces the concept of convergence as developed by Henry Jenkins and explores how the practice has expanded in the current global pandemic milieu wherein the interests of a technocratic elite converge to cultivate a general acceptance of the digital tools of a new socioeconomic order. Alongside this analysis stands the historical development of computing tools and the development of data as tools of social control.

we suggest that emerging technologies not only “integrate [people] into the institutional structures of the larger society” (p. 1), but also into the so-called free market. We analyze the persuasive communications that serve this emerging order of the market working to integrate human beings into the forthcoming Internet of Things (IoT) where all organic and inorganic objects are prepared for sale and purchase.
In the wake of 9/11, the power elites have steadily tightened control over press freedoms and free speech on digital platforms in accordance with the oppressive mandates of the USA PATRIOT ACT and, as presently witnessed, the COVID-19 pandemic. Corporate and state power converge, here, to control public perception. In the United States, for example, a study by Gilens and Page concludes that the wishes of the people have “a non-significant [or] near-zero level” (Gilens and Page, 2014) impact on the creation of laws that improve policies for the public good.

If humans want to continue to add value to the economy, they must augment their capabilities through a merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence. If we fail to do this, we'll risk becoming ‘house cats’ to artificial intelligence (Musk, 2017).

Beyond battling everybody in a “war of all against all,” the body politic, observes Miller, has been effectively dismembered,
—society balkanized by race-and-gender, as well as ‘blue’ and ‘red’, so that the necessary solidarity of the have-nots has come to seem impossible. While this development was hastened, if not initiated, by the CIA from the late'60s, it's now been universalized by social media, which offers the illusory solace of a fierce sense of belonging, and enables each of us to vent ferociously against ‘Trump’, ‘Putin’, ‘Killary’, the ‘fascists’, ‘homophobes’, ‘anti-vaxxers’, ‘anti-semites’ or whatever other tribe we have to hate. Thus, Social Media transforms each one of us into prolific war-propagandists; and now that we're all ‘sheltering in place’, most of us have little else to do except flip out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, 24/7 (Miller, personal communication).

If imprisonment and slavery, therefore, began with the Auschwitz inmate tattooed with an analog Hollerith number (as Black's research reveals), the new slavery will end with a concentration camp prisoner microchipped in the global matrix with a digital number. The tools of the matrix are, at present, appearing everywhere, the smart cameras and sensors of the real world augmented by the goggles of virtual reality in the Internet of Things (IoT). They are pushed upon the people in clever marketing campaigns by the power elite. This inexorable march toward voluntary slavery in a new order of global economics should arrive as no surprise to those who have watched with unease the tools of big data applied to all products and commodities, both organic and inorganic.

As of this writing, we see in the present COVID-19 Pandemic a clear path toward the “Brave New World” of “Big Digital”—the planned disappearance of hard currency and its replacement implanted in people mandated to be socially distant, the Microchip as big-tech savior resurrected by the “super-predators, [with] no conscience, no empathy [aiming to] bring [all] to heel” (Clinton, 1996).
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10 ... 00037/full
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

Post by Firestarter »

In essence there is no difference between the green agenda and technocracy, besides the words used to promote this tyranny.

In April 2019, the Guardian’s George Monbiot published an open letter entitled “A Natural Solution to the Climate Disaster – Climate and ecological crises can be tackled by restoring forests and other valuable ecosystems, say scientists and activists”, co-signed by green agenda celebrities, including Greta Thunberg, Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben.
This was to promote the launch of Monbiot's Natural Climate Solutions.

One of the first institutions to highlight Monbiot’s Natural Climate Solutions launch was the Food and Land Use Coalition, initiated by Paul Polman and none other than Mark Malloch Brown (there he is again!!).

The same NGOs that started the Natural Capital agenda (via the Natural Capital Coalition) – with Nature Conservancy and We Mean Business - are also the architects of “natural climate solutions”.
The Natural Capital Coalition is working with mulitnational corporations and big institutions to make us - the slaves - pay for nature....
See organisations involved in the Natural Capital Coalition.
https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2019/0 ... ii-act-vi/

The Dutch Paul Polman was an executive at both Nestlé and Procter & Gamble before becoming Unilever CEO (2009-2018), he is also a Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
Polman studied at the University of Groningen (where else?) and joined the Vindicat atque Polit corps, graduating in 1977.
Polman is a member of the World Economic Forum International Business Council, and even co-chair of the World Economic Forum in 2012. He was also a board member of the UN Global Compact.
Firestarter wrote: Sun May 29, 2022 8:10 pmIn 2014, none other than Lynn Forester de Rothschild founded the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism. Its Working Group includes such luminaries: as Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (of E.L. Rothschild, Lynn's husband and financial adviser to Queen Elizabeth), Dominic Barton (from McKinsey and Company), Ann Cairns (of MasterCard), Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles (of HSBC), and Paul Polman (of Unilever).
Firestarter wrote:The True Price Foundation has a 3 man board:
- Herman Mulder, formerly of the infamous ABN Amro Bank (yes, them again!), knighted by former Dutch Queen Beatrix
https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 711#p74711

Worldconnectors was launched by Herman Mulder that also started the "The True Price Foundation". Worldconnectors is also connected to Paul Polman.
In April 2009, Herman Wijffels became co-chair of Worldconnectors. Wijffels is the former chairman of Rabobank, president of the Ducth government hugely influential SER council) and the Worldbank administrator for the Netherlands: (in Dutch) https://interessantetijden.nl/2018/02/0 ... intenties/

For more on Mark Malloch Brown: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 631#p70631

Maybe the strangest in all of this is that I only looked into this mixed up mess of affiliated green depopulation technocratic organisations because the Guardian’s green psycho George Monbiot is associated with none other than almost famous conspiracy theorist Russell Brand.
This once again shows that the alternative and mainstream media are controlled by the same elite and support the same green agenda.

In December 2014, George Monbiot named Russell Brand one of the "Heroes of 2014": https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... d-activist

Russell Brand in turn promoted George Monbiot on his broadcast, promting the green, technocratic agenda.
Russell Brand has also interviewed and promoted WEF psycho Yuval Noah Harari, see how intimate they are!

The following video include information on Russell Brand's connection to Guardian columnist George Monbiot (and shortly Yuval Noah Harari).
https://odysee.com/@hugotalks:8/Russell ... o-Talks2:9

It could be damaging to the reputation of Fabian socialism, if their leftist fans find out out that its goals aren't to protect the poor and vulnerable, but to implement eugenics policies

Beatrice and Sidney Webb, writer George Bernard Shaw, and economist and politician William Beveridge (board member of the Eugenics Society Consultative Council) were among the Fabian eugenicists at the London School of Economics.

"Father" of eugenics Francis Galton was a cousin of none other than the "father" of evolution Charles Darwin.
Thomas Henry Huxley was called "Darwin's bulldog" for agressively defending the theory of evolution. Thomas Henry Huxley taught the infamous science fiction writer H.G. Wells, who invented atomic bombs, and WW I and WW II, to install a one world government (something like the UN).
Thomas Huxley was also the grandfather Julian and Aldous Huxley.

Julian Huxley and the famous economist John Maynard Keynes also became members of the Eugenics Society: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/vis ... /eugenics/

Last month, Elon Musk boasted on Twitter about his audience with the Dutch royals owned pope (with his teenage children, except the tranny), "Honored to meet @Pontifex yesterday".
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... -Pope.html
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DiCaprio, Rockefeller, EU, Carney, Tesla

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It remains a mystery to me why a Swedish girl called Greta, who for all I know believes she's fighting to save the world, gets all the adverse publicity and best memes, while famous actor and all around psycho Leonardo DiCaprio's support for technocracy (and genocide in general) remains somewhat underreported.

I think I almost get it, the "right wing" media, accuse the left "dark money" groups funded by George Soros et al. of destroying the economy to create some sort of communist utopia.
While the "left wing" media, accuse the right "dark money" groups funded by Koch et al. of destroying our environment out of pure greed.
But behind it all both the left and right are controlled and financed by the same group of elite psychopaths that want to have complete control over the slaves lower classes through technocracy.

So now the "right wing" FOX news is accusing famous "left wing" actor Leonardo DiCaprio of funding "government" climate change lawsuits through the dark money Resources Legacy Fund (RLF).

The dark money RLF funded law firm Sher Edling with more than $5.2 million from 2017 to 2020, which has brought "government" lawsuits against oil companies.
2017 emails show green "philanthropist" Dan Emmett discussing with Ann Carlson on funding the litigation. Emmett writes that the Sher Edling law firm has been supported by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF).
How much Leonardo DiCaprio donated is unknown, but on its website it was announced that $20 million in grants would be contributed to various environmental causes.

In January 2021, Ann Carlson became Biden's chief counsel to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... group.html

Harvard’s Emmett Environmental Law Clinic was created by a $5 million grant from Dan Emmett. Harvard University’s Law Clinic has helped in staging climate change liability lawsuits, including supplying amicus briefs to give credence to the “Exxon Knew” narrative.
In May 2016, the Law Clinic partnered with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) on a climate workshop with La Jolla alumni like Harvard's Naomi Oreskes, UCS' Peter Frumhoff, and former chief counsel for the US Department of Justice in the tobacco litigation, Sharon Eubanks.
The Emmett Institute also hosted the “Suing Over Climate Change Damages: The First Wave of Climate Lawsuits” with founding Sher Edling partner, Vic Sher.

In 2017, Oreskes and Geoffrey Supran published a manipulated study accusing ExxonMobil of misleading the public on climate change. The Rockefeller Family Fund was one of the funders of the Oreskes-Supran study. ExxonMobil was of course originally founded by Rockefeller, but the family has now gone full "woke" in support of the green electricity technocratic agenda.

In 2015, the Los Angeles Times published articles on ExxonMobil by graduate fellows in the Columbia University School of Journalism’s Energy and Environment Reporting Project.
This project was funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF), Energy Foundation, and Open Society Foundation (of the Anglo-Dutch royals favourite court Jew George Soros).

Andrew Sabin also generously supports UCLA’s Emmett Institute and Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.
Sabin is closely affiliated with the Rockefeller family and funds academics at Yale, Columbia, and UCLA – 3 of the most prestigious institutions in climate litigation: https://mfgaccountabilityproject.org/wp ... _final.pdf


The green agenda's objective isn't to save nature or prevent climate change, but to implement technocracy. There isn't even a objective to reduce energy consumption, but to replace fossil fuel energy with electric energy, which is more polluting because it requires highly toxic batteries.
So the inflating energy and food prices are in line with this strategy, but they do not want to inflate electricity, because electric machines feed the technocratic beast. Electricity prices in Europe increased almost 10 times in one year.

So now psycho president of the technocratic European Commission Ursula von der Leyen wants to break the link between gas and electricity prices, so that fossil fuel prices can continue to skyrocket, with electricity prices remaining constant (even though fossil fuels are used to generate electricity).

Von der Leyen described her plans:
We have to develop an instrument which makes sure that the gas price no longer dominates the electricity price. We’re seeing now with these exorbitantly high gas prices that we must decouple.
We will have to develop an instrument, that will happen in the next days and weeks, which ensures that the gas price will no longer dominate the electricity price.
Skyrocketing electricity prices are now exposing, for different reasons, the limitations of our current electricity market design
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... wer-prices

In April 2019, green technocratic psycho Mark Carney wrote that “If some companies and industries fail to adapt to this new [anti-carbon] world, they will fail to exist”.
So now after the forced lockdowns, the hyperinflation of energy and food will make sure this happens. Should we praise or blame Putin for implementing the technocratic agenda?!?

Carney, in his opening speech at the City of London’s 2020 Green Horizon Summit, said that total net zero transition represents “the greatest commercial opportunity of our time” and “our objective for COP26 is to build the framework so that every financial decision can take climate change into account”.
So while the poor have to get second jobs to make ends meet, the billionaires will laugh on their way to the bank...

In 2010, Carney founded FSB’s Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), with green psycho Michael Bloomberg for chairman, to classify companies on their “climate risk level”.
The TCFD has included executives at BlackRock, Barclays Bank, HSBC (City of London), Swiss Re; and Al Gore’s partner David Blood.
In January 2016, the City of London Corporation with the UK government founded the Green Finance Initiative (GFI) was founded to implement “green bonds”.

In April 2021, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) was launched to “transform” the global financial system. by: Mark Carney, John Kerry (him again, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change; Janet Yellen (US Secretary of the Treasury and former chair of the Federal Reserve). GFANZ is co-chaired by Carney and Bloomberg, while its "principals" include executives from the big banks and investment funds (that will profit from the green transition), including BlackRock CEO Larry Fink.
More than 450 firms representing $130 trillion of assets now belong to the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, almost double the roughly $70 trillion when GFANZ was launched in April.
https://expose-news.com/2022/08/30/carn ... n-finance/


Even though Elon Musk is a true champion of free speech, Tesla demands that the Dawn project take down videos of automatically driven Tesla cars running over child-size mannequins at speeds of over 20 mph, alleging the video is defamatory and "misrepresents" its "advanced driver-assistance software".

According to the Dawn project's Dan O’Dowd:
This letter is so pathetic in terms of whining: Mr. Free Speech Absolutist, just a crybaby hiding behind his lawyers
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

Post by Firestarter »

It would be foolish to think that mobile phones with their highly polluting batteries, are against "sustainable development", as its objectives have nothing to do with protecting the environment or preventing global warming...
As the main objective of "sustainable development" is actually implementing the technocratic agenda, they want more people to walk around with the ultimate surveillance equipment, the energy consuming, polluting smart phones, to build an "inclusive planet" (please don't ask me to explain?!).

This month, the GSMA released the report "2022 Mobile Industry Impact Report: Sustainable Development Goals":
Being connected is only the first step. Unlocking the full transformative power of mobile requires the online experience to be affordable, relevant and secure. It also requires consumers to have the necessary skills to realise the full benefits *) of digital technology.
*) The "full benefits" are of course Big Brother knowing all, so that the herd can be easily controlled.

The COVID-19 plandemic has: 1) increased poverty rates and food insecurity, and; 2) decreased the level of education, gender equality and health care.
The technocratic psychos are of course pleased that with the brutal lockdowns the fools became even more dependent on the surveillance equipment calles smart phones, so even more people used them.

Especially more poor people started using smart phones, of the poorest 40% of the world population (that often cannot afford primary goods), 1.2 billion people now spend their time and money on smart phones, more than double the 560 million in 2015.
Of these poor people, already 42% have access to internet through this ultimate surveillance equipment, while overall 55% of all people let smart phones control our lives: http://web.archive.org/web/202209221721 ... 22-web.pdf

In 2018, Elon Musk visited Masada in Israel with his children, and met with then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to Israel as a “technological power” and that he appreciates “what we are doing here”.
He posting his photo “Live free or die” in a now deleted Instagram post.

Musk previously secretly visited Israel in 2016 where he visited the Jerusalem offices of automotive chipmaker Mobileye: https://jewishunpacked.com/elon-musk-no ... to-israel/

In January 2021, King Charles unleashed the Terra Carta to implement the green electricity sustainability that is really technocracy, sort of like an inverted magna carta...
The Terra Carta aims to provide an integrated roadmap towards an inspiring, inclusive, equitable, prosperous and sustainable future for the sake of present and future generations; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, innovation and resources of the private sector.
The Terra Carta calls for companies to sign on to implement technocracy, for which they will be awarded the green Terra Carta seal...
The Bank of America, AstraZeneca, HSBC, Heathrow Airport, and BP have already signed on.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have earlier started a similar technocratic climate change initiative, while the sickos continue to tour in their private jets: https://www.greenmatters.com/p/princes- ... erra-carta

Corporations supporting Charles' Terra Carta also include BlackRock, Fidelity International, State Street, Schroders, Refinitiv, and Unilever: https://www.esgtoday.com/investors-comp ... s-charter/
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Twitter, printed meat, depopulation

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What a surprise, suddenly it was announced that Elon Musk would buy Twitter at the original $54.20 a share offer ($44 billion in total) after all.

Thursday, Elon Musk finalised his Twitter takeover. Musk immediately fired 4 top Twitter executives that will walk away with $88 million between them.
Former Twitter's CEO Parag Agrawal will get a cool $42 million, while ex-CFO Ned Segal will walk away with $25.4 million after being fired.

Musk has also promised to reverse Twitter bans, including that of former US president Donald Trump (and Kanye West?): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... tives.html

According to the "reputable" Washington Post, Elon Musk plans to fire nearly 75% of the 7,500 Twitter employees.
Elon Musk reassured Twitter staff he doesn't plan to fire 75% of its workforce: https://nypost.com/2022/10/27/elon-musk ... workforce/

Now that stock prices have plunged, including of Tesla, the 20 richest tech billionaires have lost $500 billion...

Elon Musk lost $58.6 billion in the last year, now worth $212 billion (204?)
Jeff Bezos lost $58.4 billion, now worth $134 billion (127?)
Bill Gates lost $28.7 billion the last year, now worth $109 billion (111?)

Mark Zuckerberg now has a net worth of a mere $37 billion, while at his peak he owned $142 billion.
Obviously the Metaverse is not much of a success (if not an almost complete disaster), which has led to Facebook's value dropping: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... nings.html


In April 1953, Mark R. Sullivan, president and director of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., predicted that "There'll be no escape in future from telephones" (as the ultimate surveillance equipment in the technocratic utopia):
In its final development, the telephone will be carried about by the individual, perhaps as we carry a watch today. It probably will require no dial or equivalent, and I think the users will be able to see each other, if they want, as they talk.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cellp ... from-1953/


Companies around the world are promoting (vegan) meat substitutes, shoved down the throat of people that don't want them.
I can't be the only one to have a different idea about the meaning of "printing"...

This includes the Israeli company Redefine Meat that is selling 3D printed synthetic meat in Israel, Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. Besides in Israel, Redefine Meat also has a new factory in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Its synthetic meat costs a whopping $40 per kilo, but that won't seem as much when (real) meat becomes even more expensive.

Co-founder and Chief Executive of Redefine Meat, Eshchar Ben-Shitrit, explained:
Our product is meat, it has the same attributes, it is just manufactured in a different way.
The fact that our products are now being sold by Giraudi Meats, the same people who sell high-quality meat, shows that they are not compromise vegan products.
https://leohohmann.com/2022/10/19/fake- ... a-company/


Just when you think the green electricity technocracy couldn't get any worse, we get the story that an estimated 189 million people per year have suffered from "extreme weather" disasters since 1991, including 676,000 deaths in (never) developing countries.
All of this allegedly caused by climate change!

The supposed solution is to make the fossil fuel industry pay for these disasters (mainly in the third world).
Of course if the fossil fuel companies pay for this damage, prices will increase, so even more inflation (but don't think about that for yourself!)...

For some reason they forget to take into account that an expanding population, would automatically lead to an increase of people suffering from natural disasters. As the population has (only) continued to grow in the (never) developing countries (including 1-child-policy China!), there would normally be more people suffering there from these disasters: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6058692 ... DELAY_.pdf

The World Economic Forum doesn't even hide that mass depopulation is one of their main goals. Several WEF cronies casually discuss that there are way too many people, which is bad for our planet, and we need to get rid of them.
Two of the WEF psychos in the video featured are: the infamous Yuval Noah Harari and Christina Fugueres.

Just remember, COVID vaccines are "safe and effective" (let's forget about "2 weeks to flatten the curve"), and all of these people suddenly crippled or dying has absolutely nothing to with the clot shots...
And obesity is healthy...
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

Post by rimglobal »

Firestarter wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:13 pm
In 2018, Elon Musk visited Masada in Israel with his children, and met with then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, referring to Israel as a “technological power” and that he appreciates “what we are doing here”.
He posting his photo “Live free or die” in a now deleted Instagram post.
Thanks @Firestarter

https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Masad ... lls-610486

lol more 'scrolls discovered in 1963
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Elon, Twitter, Tesla, Ukrainian grain

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What a shock; it looks like Elon Musk isn't a champion for free speech after all! Elon Musk complains that "activists" are ruining his Twitter takeover, drawing advertisers away. Isn't that like saying that these "activists" shouldn't have the right of free speech?

Since Elon became chief Twit on 27 October, several large corporations have stopped advertising on Twitter, including: Pfizer, General Motors, Volkswagen and Oreo maker Mondelz International.
I guess that we can't blame Elon for chasing away these advertisers?!?

Musk tweeted in response:
Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America
Bad activists, using free speech to destroy free speech. Isn't that what Musk has been doing by orchestrating stories to cover-up Tesla scandals?!?
Firestarter wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 5:31 pmIn March and December of 2021, a whistleblower complaint about the fire risk of Tesla solar panels leading to a SEC investigation got some publicity, but is now forgotten by just about all our wonderful media.
Shortly after the whistleblower, Steven Henkes, filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Elon Musk blatantly covered this up by a BS tweet (in the tradition of Donald Trump), on 30 November 2021 Musk (first) tweeted “Blow the whistle on Tesla!” (actually selling a steel whistle).
Firestarter wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:56 pmElon Musk reassured Twitter staff he doesn't plan to fire 75% of its workforce
Elon Musk has already fired over 3,700 people globally, about half of Twitter staff.
Some former employees have started a lawsuit against Twitter, because large companies in the US aren't allowed to fire employees en masse without a 60 days notice.

Since Elon took over Twitter, an estimated 877,000 accounts were deactivated and a further 497,000 suspended: https://archive.ph/zwrhx

Could it be that humans are so stupid that when they get forced into identification by some platform, they resist, but when they have to pay a monthly fee for the "service" of verification, they believe that it really is in defence of free speech?!?
Fighting BOTs sound soo much better than violating our privacy (anonymous users have no right to free speech)...

It was first rumoured that Musk's Twitter would demand $19.99 a month for a "premium" Twitter Blue subscription. It now turns out to be $8 a month for "verification" (for Twitter Blue).
Currently Twitter Blue users already pay $4.99 a month (why would anybody pay for Twitter spam?).

Musk threatens to fire programmers if they don't finish the Twitter Blue project by 7 November: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/01/elon-mu ... ystem.html

With Elon destroying Twitter, his co-investors can't be very happy.
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, maintains his stake in Twotter, worth roughly $1.9 billion at the agreed upon $54.20 share price, making him the second largest Twitter shareholder.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey owns about $978 million at the acquisition price, which gives hima a stake in Elon Musk’s X-Holdings I, which is in control of Twitter.
Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund owns a $375 million stake in the new social media company: https://www.thefinancialtrends.com/2022 ... y-filings/


Elon Musk has tried to sell his life as some sort of B-movie, where he wins against all odds to become the so-called "richest man in the world". As he has been changing his tune, he has contradicted himself.

The story Elon wants us to believe is that in 2008, Tesla was on the verge of bankruptcy, and he saved the day with a $40 million loan to Tesla.
Then Elon depended on friends to survive...

It seems that it was NOT Elon that saved Tesla, but Tesla CFO Deepak Ahuja: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepak_Ahuja

But at the time that Tesla was on the brink of bankruptcy, in 2008, Tesla CEO Elon Musk denied the rumours of a severe cashflow problem for Tesla.

Early investors in Tesla, included Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin: https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles ... s-20m-5098


As there is obviously a plan to starve the "useless eaters" into accepting the technocratic "green" tyranny, I was surprised by the July deal that Ukrainian grain would be exported through Turkey.

On Sunday, Russia suspended the grain deal, effectively blocking 218 vessels, because of drone attacks on its Black Sea Fleet near Sevastopol in Russian-annexed Crimea. According to Russia, the "terrorist" attack was done by Ukraine with the help of British navy "specialists".

It is expected that this will cause a jump in wheat prices, and ultimately starvation, but the last couple of days some grain ships have been allowed to leave: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ru ... 022-10-29/
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Twitter fake "blue" accounts

Post by Firestarter »

Firestarter wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:19 pmIt was first rumoured that Musk's Twitter would demand $19.99 a month for a "premium" Twitter Blue subscription. It now turns out to be $8 a month for "verification" (for Twitter Blue).
I guess that this is done intentionally to convince us that people really need to digitally identify themselves before being allowed to post on social media.
It is now reported that imposters have created a wave of "fake" checkmarked Twitter Blue accounts for $8.

Fraudulent "checkmarked" accounts included: Nintendo of America showing Mario flipping his middle finger, baseball pitcher Aroldis Chapman re-signing with the Yankees and ESPN's Adam Schefter "reported" the departure of Las Vegas Raiders coach Josh McDaniels...

On another fake Twitter Blue account, basketball legend Lebron James requested a trade.
https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/09/fake- ... bron-musk/

Another fake Eli Lilly Twitter blue account tweeted that "insulin is free now".

That was followed by a huge drop in Eli Lilly share price by 4.37% the next day, or tens of billions of dollars. Whether true or not, it seems likely that this was caused by the fake tweet.
If anybody could have predicted this, they could have made a lot of cash through put options (that make money when share price drops): https://dailycaller.com/2022/11/11/eli- ... elon-musk/

So is this funny, or just a distraction or even orchestrated media hysteria to make us accept the technocratic digitial ID tyranny?


Our free speech hero confirmed that “under Elon Musk, Twitter is working harder to thwart hateful conduct”.

Elon Musk has talked to the Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan Greenblatt and Yael Eisenstat to see what he can do against anti-Semitism (and/or hate speech in general).

He also talked to other pro-censorship groups, including the NAACP and George W. Bush Presidential Center: https://reclaimthenet.org/elon-musk-adl ... -policies/
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Twitter, Musk, Hunter

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Whatever you do, don't blame Elon Musk for advertisers running away from Twitter. Some 50 of Twitter's top 100 advertisers have pulled ads. Twitter has lost over $750 million in advertising in 2022.
High-profile companies that have stopped advertising on Elon's Twitter include:
BlackRock; Meta Platforms (Facebook); Kraft Heinz; Coca Cola; Nestle; AT&T; CNN; Heineken; Kellogg's: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... eover.html

Musk took aim at Apple stopping Twitter ads, accusing them of hating "free speech". While advertising for Apple's iPhone!

Elon Musk then backtracked on his accusations after a talk with Apple CEO Tim Cook, "we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store. Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so": https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1598090996281413638

Just when it looked as an interesting take that the Twitter - Apple fight was nothing but a marketing plot for Tesla's new Pi Phone that is rumoured to be released in April 2023 (or even earlier?): https://www.thefinancialtrends.com/2022 ... ting-ploy/

I had already heard stories about Musk's extreme behaviour at his companies, firing people when he feels like it, but I am still shocked at how he has alienated Twitter employees.

One day, Musk demanded that Twitter employees would sign up for “working long hours at high intensity” before 5 p.m. Eastern time Thursday to keep their job. In response many workers resigned, getting 3 months severance pay.
So Musk has finally become less demanding.

Then suddenly, Twitter shut its office buildings immediately, over the weekend until Monday 21 November: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63672307

The horrors... that I now have to praise Elon Musk (will also the banned accounts be reinstated, and what about those BOT's?). Twitter now allows tweets about conspiracy theories "misinformation" regarding the plandemic (including vaccines).
"Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy": https://transparency.twitter.com/en/rep ... 21-jul-dec


Yep, the Hunter Biden laptop is very interesting, but now instead of interesting information on what is on the laptop, we get another story of censorship (the 50th story or more?) "Twitter files", to manipulate the 2020 US presidential election, again blaming Twitter.
By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”
But then they admit.
Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored.
They then spin the story that this isn't fair, because "Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right": https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394

What all of these BS stories are missing is that Steve Bannon did indeed publish "fake" stories about the laptop.
So you could say that it was Bannon that discredited the laptop story...
Firestarter wrote:The following, reported in April 2022, explains that Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon conspired to leak sexual images, videos from Hunter's laptop, and adding fake claims.
Was this done to make the claims more shocking or to discredit this story?!?

In October 2020, Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon leaked the sexual stuff to the fugitive Chinese Guo Wengui.
Guo leaked the compromising footage to 2 WhatsApp groups with instructions to post it on his sites but misrepresent what it contained. He instructed them to claim that Hunter was having sex with underage Chinese girls, even though the prostitutes weren't Asian or underage.
Guo also started the rumour that the Chinese government would use the explicit images to blackmail the Bidens.
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

Post by Firestarter »

So our free speech hero, Elon Musk, has created a media hysteria over the the censorship of Hunter Biden's laptop by Twitter. A story that had already been reported, even by the mainstream media!
How stupid do they think we are?

Twitter CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey demanded from Elon Musk that all information related to the "Twitter Files" be released "without filter".
After that Elon Musk admitted that the first "Twitter files" release was censored, and that information was "hidden" and "deleted". Are we really supposed to believe that even a goofball like Elon wouldn't know that this story was a nothingburger?!?
How stupid do they think we are?

So now finally we get an interesting substory (that was probably planned all along, by Musk and Dorsey) that it was Twitter Deputy General Counsel from June 2020, James Baker, who "vetted" the Twitter Files, and was fired by Elon Musk over it. It is now also insinuated that it was really James Baker that censored the laptop story on Twitter all along: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking- ... tter-files

This is interesting as James Baker was the FBI General Counsel, before becoming a Brookings Institution fellow, and then joining Twitter.
James Baker didn't agree that former FBI Director James Comey decided not to charge Hillary Clinton for sending classified information over her private email server (which suggests that he wasn't the Clinton/Biden agent he is made out to be by the BS media): https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house ... s-but-was/

So now the story on the censorship of the censorship of the Hunter's laptop is made more interesting than the actual scandals on the laptop from hell. How stupid do they think we are?
For anybody actually interested in the scandals on Hunter's laptop, the corrupt dealings with China of Hunter with ketchup billionaire Christopher Heinz in Rosemont Seneca could very well be the best (or should I say worst?).
Firestarter wrote:In the summer of 2009, Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz founded Rosemont Seneca, funded by the Heinz family investment fund Rosemont Capital. Joining them was their Yale friend Devon Archer.
Rosemont Seneca Partners joined forces with the Thornton Group. Thornton was founded and chaired by James Bulger, the son of William Michael Bulger, President of the Massachusetts Senate for a record 18 years, before becoming president of the University of Massachusetts. James Bulger was named after his uncle James “Whitey” Bulger, the notorious FBI informant and mob hitman that was found guilty of 19 murders.

In 2012, Hunter met Jonathan Li and formed a partnership with Rosemont Seneca and Thornton Group. Li became the head of their joint venture, the Chinese private-equity fund Bohai Harvest RST (BHR).
In December 2013, Hunter Biden flew with his father to China. Then vice president Biden met Chinese President Xi Jinping. Hunter also introduce Li to sleepy Joe. Where Hunter Biden spent the rest of this trip is clouded in mystery.

Within 2 weeks of the China trip, (a subsidiary of) the Bank of China financed BHR with a cool $1 billion. Rosemont Seneca with the Thornton Group owned a 30% stake in BHR (worth $300 million?). The 2 involved Chinese asset managers, Bohai Industrial Investment Fund and Harvest Fund Management, together owned another 30%.
https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 519#p72519

The second part of the "Twitter files" is a little more interesting than the first.
It describes how Twitter effectively controls whose tweets (aren't) seen by others, by what many call “shadow banning”, but Twitter internally calls “Visibility Filtering” (VF).

See for example Dr. Jay Bhattacharya's profile that includes a “Trends Blacklist” that prevents his tweets from trending.
Bhattacharya argued that COVID lockdowns would harm children.

Or see Yoel Roth communicating on new strategies to reduce "exposure" of certain "content" ("Jack" refers to former Twitter CEO Dorsey).

Where I disagree with this one-sided limited hangout operation is that it once again claims that it were mainly the right wing conservatives that were censored by Twitter. They only give a couple of high profile "right wing" examples, but this doesn't prove in any way that this was done specifically against one flavour of politrics (that is right wing): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1601 ... 05600.html

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corp is developing a brain implant it hopes to start testing on humans in 6 months.
Neuralink is under federal investigation by the US Department of Agriculture for animal-welfare violations, causing the deaths of some 1,500 animals, much higher than needed because of rushed, failed experiments, leading to needless suffering and deaths.

Neuralink competitor Synchron, launched in 2016, is developing another less ambitious implant, and has already received FDA approval to start human trials in 2021.
Synchron has only killed about 80 sheep in its animal tests: https://www.reuters.com/technology/musk ... 022-12-05/

You may have heard about the dumb rapper Kanye "Ye" West, who has boasted about not reading books, making controversial statements to attract publicity, being banned from Twitter, reinstated and then banned again by Elon Musk personally.
His latest ban was over posting a picture of a swastika inside a star of David by free speech hero Musk.

In a strange twist, in April, Maitreya Rael named Elon Musk a "guide" to their movement.
The Raelian Movement features a swastika inside a star of David for its symbol: https://www.rael.org/hg/97-elon-musk/

That posting a swastika couldn't be reason for banning, is that it's an ancient symbol, there is even an ancient (?) example of a swastika inside of a hexagram (Tibet)!
Firestarter wrote:The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit word svastika. It wasn’t only a symbol in Hinduism, India but was also used in other parts of the world.
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