Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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While technocracy is interesting in its own right, I only started investigating (and posting about it), after I grew disgusted with the media hysteria about Elon Musk bying Twitter (the deal has been put on "hold" by Musk).
So in this "new" thread, I collect the information that I had previously posted (of course I will add some new information).

According to some of the alternative bull$hit media we are supposed to believe that Elon Musk is a real-life crusader for "free speech"... Unless of course you criticise Tesla or the green energy fraud that is more polluting than "dirty" fossil fuels!

In March and December of 2021, a whistleblower complaint about the fire risk of Tesla solar panels leading to a SEC investigation got some publicity, but is now forgotten by just about all our wonderful media.
Shortly after the whistleblower, Steven Henkes, filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Elon Musk blatantly covered this up by a BS tweet (in the tradition of Donald Trump), on 30 November 2021 Musk (first) tweeted “Blow the whistle on Tesla!” (actually selling a steel whistle).

Steven Henkes worked as a SolarCity and Tesla field quality manager and was fired in August 2020 after he had filed a whistleblower complaint about the solar panels in 2019. Henkes sued Tesla arguing that he dismissal was in retaliation for raising safety concerns.

Without disclosing the fire risk, Tesla began a program to replace "defective" solar panel parts.
Several customers or their insurers have sued Tesla over fires caused by their solar systems, In 2019, Walmart filed a lawsuit against Tesla claiming that its roof solar system led to 7 store fires. They ultimately reached a settlement: https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodi ... 021-12-06/

Henkes said that Tesla 'knew about the problem well before 2017' of the solar panel fire risk.

Henkes wasn't the only whistleblower that was silenced by Tesla.
Cristina Balan, who worked at Tesla from 2010 through 2014, foolishly sent an email directly to Musk, complaining about contracts being awarded based on personal relationships, safety issues with interior floor mats, and such problems being covered up by managers. She was threatened by human resources personnel into resigning.
She learnt that the email she sent to Musk, in 7 minutes after opening was forwarded to Tesla’s human resources manager.

Also in December 2021, 6 (current and former) employees at Tesla’s San Francisco Bay Area electric auto factory filed a lawsuit about sexually harassment at work. In November Jessica Barraza, also accused Tesla of of “rampant sexual harassment”: https://progressive.org/latest/tesla-hi ... ds-220115/
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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I've previously posted about the corrupt dealings of former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, but (like most media) forgot about the blatant Elon Musk connection...
Firestarter wrote:Alain Kaloyeros, former president of SUNY Polytechnic Institute who spearheaded key pieces of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Buffalo Billion economic revitalisation program, was found guilty in federal court of wire fraud connected to bid-rigging state contracts with executives at LPCiminelli, in favour of executives who were major donors to governor Cuomo’s campaign.
Firestarter wrote:Steven Aiello, Cor Development executive, who was convicted of bribery conspiracy.
The jury did not reach a verdict for Peter Galbraith Kelly Jr., the Competitive Power Ventures executive, who found a job for Percoco’s wife.
Joseph Gerardi, another Cor executive, was acquitted.
Joe Percoco's family friend and confidante Todd Howe, was also implicated
https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... f=7&t=2532

There isn't much information on how Musk, Tesla, SolarCity, and Musk's Rive cousins were involved in the SolarCity Buffalo Billion scandal.

SolarCity was founded by Musk's cousins Peter and Lyndon Rive, on the instructions of Musk.
In 2014, Elon Musk promoted the idea of SolarCity building a solar plant in Buffalo, New York. Construction started in 2014 and was completed in 2017, financed by $750 million and another $500 million subsidy from the New York state.

Tesla acquired SolarCity for over $2 billion in 2016.
The Buffalo Billion plant was a joint venture with Panasonic until early 2020.

In 2009, SolarCity announced a partnership with the Dutch Rabobank.

In March 2018, Cuomo's top aide, Joe Percoco, was convicted of bribery and wire fraud.
In July 2018 - Alain Kaloyeros; Steven Aiello; Joseph Gerardi; and Louis Ciminelli were convicted of rigging bids for state contracts, including Buffalo Billion.
Cuomo's former aide Todd Howe also pleaded guilty to corruption charges relating to COR Development and LPCiminelli.

In November 2013, Louis P. Ciminelli (CEO of LPCiminelli) hosted a fundraiser for Cuomo, 3 weeks before submitting his bid to the Buffalo Billion program. Reportedly Ciminelli personally contributed $96,500 to Cuomo's gubernatorial campaigns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_Billion

Buffalo Billion cost the New York taxpayer an $884 million loss, when the $958.6 million subisidies were written down to 8 cents on the dollar.

If SolarCity would have employed 1,460 people (as agreed upon, but not realised), this amount to $657,000 per job in Buffalo: https://buffalonews.com/2019/11/08/penn ... -build-it/
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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Elon Musk, who is in the headlines for buying Twitter, is not only deeply involved in controlling the population through AI and robots, but has become the so-called "richest man in the world" for his involvement in the "green" renewable energy, depopulation agenda.
Elon Musk is also heavily involved in implementing the technocratic (eugenics) agenda.
As "green energy" is more polluting than "dirt" fossil fuels, the goal is not saving the population but ecocide.

Elon Musk, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Jeff Skoll, et al. want to become even filthier rich through the Solutions Project.
The Solutions Project was co-founded by Marco Krapels, who as Executive Vice President at Rabobank (that was involved in a ploy to murder me in 2015 by illegally blocking my bank accounts) initiated sustainability efforts, including a project with Tesla and SolarCity (where he became an executive manager from 2015 to 2017) and is also a co-founder of Empowered By Light (to get the third world connected, so they can be as easily controlled as the masses in the developed world).

The Solutions Project investors include: Elon Musk Foundation, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, 11th Hour Project, Sara and Ev Williams Foundation, Skoll Global Threats Fund, Park Foundation, Compton Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, Better Tomorrow Fund, Cogut Family, Leah Missbach Day and Schmidt Family Foundation.

The Solutions Project campaign is largely based on distorting reality and embracing the fantasy that "green" energy is clean.
The Solutions Project was introduced by a video in April 2014 that was narrated by “futurist” Jason Silva, who lectures on the belief that “We are gods. Our tools make us gods”.

Billy Parish is a director for the Solutions Project and 1Sky, and serves on the US Advisory Council for 350.org. 350.org was founded by Rockefeller and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is a key financier. The CGI also financed Step It Up that was renamed 1Sky, which then merged with 350.org in 2011.
The “Joint Wind Power Development Project on Tribal Lands“ was officially launched by the Clinton Global Initiative in 2013 to install "renewable" energy projects on native American land. The 6 Sioux Tribes formed the Oceti Sakowin Power Authority in partnership with CGI, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the Bush Foundation, Northwest Area Foundation, Herron Consulting LLC and Arent Fox LLP.
https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2016/1 ... ts-part-5/

Michael Moore put his name on the documentary "Planet of the humans" in which the renewable, green energy fraud was exposed (in part), including that it would make the "green" billionaires even richer, while destroying nature.

Josh Fox who co-founded the Solutions Project and is an ally of 350.org founder Bill McKibben was not amused by "Planet of the humans".
Fox led the campaign to bury the documentary and called Moore one of “the bad guys”, “a megalomaniacal multi-millionaire who craves attention unlike anyone I’ve ever met”, the maker of a “racist” and “eco-fascist” film; and “a multi-millionaire circus barker” guilty of “journalistic malpractice”.
I sort of agree with this description of Moore...

In 2011, Naomi Klein was appointed to 350.org’s board of directors.
Naomi Klein joined the fight to suppress “Planet of the Humans”: https://www.e-mc2.gr/el/news/green-bill ... net-humans
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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My wild guess is that Elon Musk won't allow the truth be told about the DNA altering, immune destroying, infertility causing COVID vaccines either: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... &start=100

Elon Musk has boasted about Tesla's involvement in producing these synthetic "vaccines", and has blatantly supported the WEF (Great Reset) agenda.
On 16 November 2020 for example, Elon Musk tweeted (fyi: CureVac is a German vaccine producer).
CureVac, Moderna & a few others. Tesla makes the machine CureVac uses to go from known gene sequence to trillions of lipid-coated mRNA strands.

Creating synthetic mRNA for cures/vaccines is the future of medicine imo. Turns it (mostly) into a software & modeling problem.

See the picture of when Elon Musk was dating Grimes.

We all know that sexual misconduct by men, is more interesting than blatant corruption or even mass murder.
So this story could get a lot more publicity than a minor technicality than Tesla's solar panels setting buildings on fire. This is the only "known allegation" for sexual misconduct by Elon Musk.

A SpaceX flight attendant accused Elon Musk of exposing his erect penis to her, rubbing her leg without consent, and offering to buy her a horse in exchange for her to "do more" (obviously referring to sex acts) during a massage.

The flight attendant complained that after she refused Musk's advances work began to dry up.
After she complained in 2018, SpaceX settled the complaint for $250,000, which includes a non-disclosure agreement: https://archive.ph/hXirZ

In 2008, Elon Musk was listed as a "new" WEF young global leader (but not listed on its website): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... -world-dot

In 2018, Musk was selected as a fellow of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, which aims to control and distort science for the British royals since 1660: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fellow_of ... al_Society

Maybe the following shouldn't be made into more than a bad joke.
In 2018, Musk attended the Met Gala with his then-girlfriend Grimes in a white jacket, with written on the back (also in white) “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (or New World Order).
https://pagesix.com/2022/03/10/grimes-o ... 018-looks/
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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There are different names for basically the same agenda, which these days is often called "the great reset", including technocracy, sustainable development and eugenics...
There are undeniable links to green technocrat Elon Musk, the so-called "richest man in the world".

British writers like Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell gave us glimpses of what this technocratic utopia would look like.
Technocracy overlaps with science fiction, and some of its stated objectives are just fiction to fool the masses (colonising Mars!).

Elon Musk's Jewish Canadian grandfather, Joshua Norman Haldeman, became a director for Technocracy, Inc. of Canada.
In June 2019, Elon Musk tweeted about his affinity with technocracy:
Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy
In 1932, Howard Scott and Marion King Hubbert founded Technocracy Incorporated. Hubbert later developed the theory of peak oil that has been both used to inflate oil prices and implement the "sustainable development" eugenics agenda.
The American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen was associated to Scott Hubbert and promoted technocracy.

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, to implement the New World Order based on Technocracy. Brzezinski described this in his 1970 book the “Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era”: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 6295#p6295

A 1930s movie, produced by Technocracy Inc., boasts about being backed by The Masonic Temple.

See James Corbett's video on (the evils of) technocracy.
https://silview.media/2022/04/12/elon-m ... kefellers/

Or see David Knight on technocracy.

The following describes how the plandemic is used to implement the global technocracy, "a form of centralized, expert-led control over resource production and consumption that the Wall Street Journal has characterized as “anti-democratic rule by elites who think they know better”".

Four tech billionaires - Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg - plus Warren Buffett increased their total with an impressive 59% since the plandemic was started: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defe ... chnocrats/

Grandson of Joshua Haldeman, Elon Musk, is another WEF young global leader, fellow of the (British) Royal Society, and has been involved in frauduleus schemes that involve Andrew Cuomo, Clinton and the same Rabobank that in 2015 was involved in another ploy to kill me by illegally blocking my bank accounts:https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 680#p72680
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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To be a "technocrat" you need to have some "technical" credentials, so the official story on Elon Musk's scientific credentials is something like.
In 1990, Musk entered Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario (Canada). In 1992, he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the Wharton School.
In 1995, Musk started a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in materials science at Stanford University in California, but dropped out after only 2 days, because he found the Internet boom more appealing.

This doesn't make sense at all, for one he couldn't start his PhD studies in 1995, before he got his Bachelor of Science degree in 1995. In reality Elon Musk dropped out of university in 1995, without a degree, but then mysteriously got awarded 2 degrees in 1997. This smells like corruption.
According to John O’Reilly, who filed a lawsuit against Musk for stealing the idea for Zip2 in 2007, Musk was never admitted to Stanford in 1995. Musk has previously lied that he got his Pennsylvania bachelor degrees in 1995...
While playing detective, O’Reilly unearthed some information about Musk’s past that’s arguably more interesting than the allegations in the lawsuit. He found that the University of Pennsylvania granted Musk’s degrees in 1997—two years later than what Musk has cited. I called Penn’s registrar and verified these findings. Copies of Musk’s records show that he received a dual degree in economics and physics in May 1997. O’Reilly also subpoenaed the registrar’s office at Stanford to verify Musk’s admittance in 1995 for his doctorate work in physics. “Based on the information you provided, we are unable to locate a record in our office for Elon Musk,” wrote the director of graduate admissions.

When asked during the case to produce a document verifying Musk’s enrollment at Stanford, Musk’s attorney declined and called the request “unduly burdensome.” I contacted a number of Stanford physics professors who taught in 1995, and they either failed to respond or didn’t remember Musk. Doug Osheroff, a Nobel Prize winner and department chair at the time, said, “I don’t think I knew Elon, and am pretty sure that he was not in the Physics Department.”
Previous excerpt from Ashlee Vance - Elon Musk; Tesla, Space X, And The Quest For A Fantastic Future Rocky: http://web.archive.org/web/202011120000 ... sk/14.html

Other than that it's interesting that Elon Musk, like Peter Thiel, appears to be launched by the CIA.
In 2002, Elon Musk took along Mike Griffin to Russia to buy an intercontinental ballistic missile (which ultimately he didn't buy). In 2002, Mike Griffin worked for the CIA’s venture capital arm – In-Q-Tel.

In February 1999, the Musks sold Zip2 to Compaq for a cool $307 million in cash and another $34 million in stock options, of which Elon received $22 million.
Elon invested $10 million from this to co-found X.com that merged with Confinity after a year, which later became PayPal. In late 2000, Elon was fired by the board that made Peter Thiel its new CEO. This was shortly before the Russia trip with Griffin.

In October 2002, PayPal was sold to eBay for $1.5 Billion in stock, of which Elon, as the largest shareholder with a 11.7% stake, received $165 million. It's strange that this goofball is now the "richest man in the world", while Peter Thiel is worth less than $5 billion.
See Peter Thiel and Elon Musk at Paypal's headquarters in Palo Alto, California, in 2000.

There are some stories on Elon Musk crashing his McLaren in 2000. It hasn't been widely reported that Peter Thiel was in the passenger seat: https://onlyfunfacts.com/fun-facts/facts-elon-musk/

Peter Thiel's Palantir was (also) launched with an estimated $2 million investment from In-Q-Tel.

In 2016, Palantir sued the US Army for "improperly excluding the company" from the competition for the next stage of DCGS–A.
In a strange twist, the Biden-Trump connected law firm Boies Schiller Flexner represented Palantir in this legal affair.

Then after Donald Trump was crowned president, whose campaign had been financed with more than $1 million from Thiel, Thiel got direct access to top administration officials. In 2019, Palantir won a ten-year contract for DCGS–A worth $876 million: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/09 ... -karp.html
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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Patrick Wood has been warning about the technocratic movement for more than a decade. He tracks technocracy from its inception at Columbia University in the 1930s, through the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s, and beyond.
In 1938, they defined Technocracy with:
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism, to produce and distribute services to the entire population.
In the early 1930s, there was the Great Depression, and the technocrats at Columbia University decided that they had to do something about capitalism. They said there’s no reason for elections, but instead appoint technocrats to make all the decisions — unelected and unaccountable — based on “science”.
The Trilateral Commission was founded by Rockefeller to implement technocracy. They called their agenda “The New International Economic Order”. Six months later, in 1974, the United Nations passed general resolution 3201, called “Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order”.

Wood describes that when when you view society as a machine, to control it, you have to monitor everything. In a smart city sensors are embedded to control and monitor everything in the city. The current implementation and future technocratic dictatorship includes: mass surveillance, financial technology, smart cities, social credit system and tech spirituality.
In 1992, in a marketing ploy, they rebranded the technocratic agenda as “Sustainable Development”.

China comes closest to the technocratic Utopia as already envisioned in the 1930s. So we can look to China to see where our society is headed. China already has installed 600 million cameras, equipped with facial recognition software, to monitor the herd. Their social credit scoring system uses an AI program to score every citizen.
Our silence gives them permission to continue their agenda: https://thefederalist.com/2021/05/13/wh ... r-my-city/

Patrick Wood - Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015): https://pdfcoffee.com/wood-patrick-m-te ... -free.html

Here's a 2019 lecture by Patrick Wood on (the dangers of) technocracy (before the plandemic was started to implement the technocratic Great Reset).
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Re: Elon Musk, Technocracy and the New World Order

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James Corbett interviews Iain Davis on the New World Order enabled by technocracy.

It certainly is strange that governments worldwide have been taking away the last of our freedoms to implement the technocratic Great Reset, after the WHO (with only an advisory role) declared a "pandemic" in March 2020...
Technocratic legitimacy and political legitimacy seem to be intertwined in the WHO’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the world’s leading authority over global health issues, the importance of the WHO’s technocratic legitimacy is that “decision-makers consider the scientific nature of some problems to be beyond” political discussions. But if a decision that is supposed to be grounded in scientific evidence is susceptible to political pressure, then the expert-based legitimacy would necessarily be discounted.
https://www.californialawreview.org/wea ... ority-who/

The following paper is an interesting discussion on technocracy (as opposed to democracy) during the plandemic...
One of the most prevalent misunderstandings is considering technocracy in opposition to politics: a widespread attitude initially supported by Habermas (1971) and other scholars such as Putnam (1977), Fischer (1990) and Esmark (2017). According to Habermas, the Second World War period saw a “new or second phase in the rationalization process” which Max Weber had already comprehended as the basis for bureaucratic domination, defined by the “scientization of politics”. In this technocratic model, the relationship between the professional expert and the politician appears to have effectively “reversed itself”, making the latter «a mere agent of a scientific intelligentsia, which, in concrete circumstances, elaborates the objective implications and requirements of available techniques and resources as well as optimal strategies and rules of control» (Habermas, 1971, p. 63).

At the top level, starting with the World Health Organization (WHO), such structures have just had an advisory role: “suggesting” and “monitoring”, rather than deciding, are their responsibilities. Different from structures like the ECB, they are weak technocratic institutions, depending on politics and its discretionary power. Nevertheless, their role has been fundamental in pushing governments towards stronger containment measures, including lockdown strategies and, at the same time, justifying them to the public on behalf of the science community.

If we consider the whole complex of socio-political effects emerging due to the lockdown situation and, in general, the way of managing the struggle against the virus, it is possible to identify some similarities between the traditional police state and current political configuration; particularly the relationship between the state and its citizens:
1. The re-organisation of the whole state activity towards the aim of protecting citizens and to directly assure their well-being,
2. The need to regulate every aspect of social life, including social, informal relationships,
3. The reduction of many civil rights, particularly the right of freedom of movement,
4. The need for discipline and self-discipline as well as a more cogent informal social control to implement the rule of law as well as to protect public and individual health,
5. A massive use of law enforcement agencies to control citizens’ behaviour.

In 2013, a European Union briefing referred to the European Commission as a "technocratic authority" with "legislative monopoly" over EU lawmaking.
According to Martin Selmayr:
The Commission has always been a body between technocracy and politics. Since the beginning, there were the federalists who wanted the Commission to turn into a European government and the sovereignists, who wanted to keep the Commission as a technocratic organisation. Many of the debates today go back to this tension.
https://geopolitique.eu/en/2021/04/27/t ... n-selmayr/
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Elon Musk lawsuits

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It's strange how Elon Musk can influence stock prices with a single post on Twitter. It would be interesting if anybody close to Musk has made a fortune from the Twitter stocks first going up (after Elon announced he wanted to buy Twitter), and then going down just as fast (after he put the deal on hold)...

Elon Musk is sued by a Twitter investor accusing him that he manipulated Twitter stock price by putting the deal on hold, even though he was well aware before he announced buying Twitter about the many BOTs. That's not even counting that this would not be a valid reason regardless.
Twitter lost $8 billion in value since the buyout was announced: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/elon-mu ... on-3013344

Strangely Reuters has a completely different story. This sounds more serious.
Elon Musk had purchased more than 5% of Twitter by 14 March, and continued to buy, until he owned he owned 9.2% of Twitter in early April. According to the rules of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an investor must disclose a 5% stake in a company within 10 days, which Elon Musk didn't.
So the SEC started an investigation.

And Musk has also been sued over this by Twitter investors, who claim that Musk saved $156 million by failing to disclose his 5% stake in time.
The company Twitter is also a defendant in this lawsuit by Twitter investors, arguing that the company should have but didn't investigate Musk's conduct.

Musk has earlier this month been sued in Delaware by a Florida pension fund because some other big Twitter shareholders are supporting the buyout, in violation of Delaware law: https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/m ... 022-05-26/
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Inclusive Capitalism, USAID, Omidyar

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The green depopulation technocrats all work together in the "non-profit industrial complex": United Nations, World Bank, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, We Mean Business (represented by co-founder Callum Grieve), 350.org (represented by co-founder Jamie Henn) Upworthy (co-founded by Avaaz co-founder Eli Pariser), Avaaz, Here Now (Purpose, sister for-profit arm of Avaaz), World Economic Forum, GCCA (TckTckTck), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (chaired by Unilever CEO Paul Polman), Greenpeace, Unilever, and The Climate Reality Project (founded by Al Gore).

In 2014, none other than Lynn Forester de Rothschild founded the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism. Its Working Group includes such luminaries: as Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (of E.L. Rothschild, Lynn's husband and financial adviser to Queen Elizabeth), Dominic Barton (from McKinsey and Company), Ann Cairns (of MasterCard), Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles (of HSBC), and Paul Polman (of Unilever).
Speeches will be delivered by such green electricity advertisers as: Prince Charles, Bill Clinton, Mark Carney, Christine Lagarde (President of the ECB, and former managing director of the IMF), and Larry Summers (former US Treasury secretary).

From 2007 to 2010, Gillian Caldwell was Executive Director for 1Sky (Rockefeller incubator NGO), which merged with 350.org: https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2017/0 ... s-part-ii/

Firestarter wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 5:37 pm350.org was founded by Rockefeller and the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is a key financier. The CGI also financed Step It Up that was renamed 1Sky, which then merged with 350.org in 2011.

Biden’s USAID climate chief, Gillian Caldwell, was CEO of Global Witness (from 2015 to 2019), which covers up crimes against humanity under the guise of tackling climate change.
Before that, in 2007-2010, she started and led 1Sky, that lobbies in the US to implement climate crisis legislation: https://archive.ph/Js0ym

Global Witness is (of course) a British non-governmental organisation founded in 1993, and headquartered in London, England, which makes Caldwell another Crown agent.
In 2016, Global Witness received millions of dollars from the George Soros Open Society Foundation, Pierre Omidyar’s Omidyar Network, Ford Foundation and NATO governments: https://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2018/0 ... -of-truth/

Pierre Omidyar is the founder of eBay, his foundation is involved with the "usual suspects" of charity aimed at population control (including sustainable depopulation).

Google, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ModusBox, Omidyar Network, Coil and the Rockefeller Foundation have started the Mojaloop Foundation, a non-profit aimed at advancing the Mojaloop open source software project: https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news ... -nonprofit

In 2012, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Citibank, Ford Foundation, Omidyar Network, UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), US Agency for International Development (USAID), and Visa Inc. launched the Better Than Cash Alliance, to use electronic payments so that people living in poverty can be better monitored (than through cash): https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/m ... h-alliance
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