So in this "new" thread, I collect the information that I had previously posted (of course I will add some new information).
According to some of the alternative bull$hit media we are supposed to believe that Elon Musk is a real-life crusader for "free speech"... Unless of course you criticise Tesla or the green energy fraud that is more polluting than "dirty" fossil fuels!
In March and December of 2021, a whistleblower complaint about the fire risk of Tesla solar panels leading to a SEC investigation got some publicity, but is now forgotten by just about all our wonderful media.
Shortly after the whistleblower, Steven Henkes, filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Elon Musk blatantly covered this up by a BS tweet (in the tradition of Donald Trump), on 30 November 2021 Musk (first) tweeted “Blow the whistle on Tesla!” (actually selling a steel whistle).

Steven Henkes worked as a SolarCity and Tesla field quality manager and was fired in August 2020 after he had filed a whistleblower complaint about the solar panels in 2019. Henkes sued Tesla arguing that he dismissal was in retaliation for raising safety concerns.
Without disclosing the fire risk, Tesla began a program to replace "defective" solar panel parts.
Several customers or their insurers have sued Tesla over fires caused by their solar systems, In 2019, Walmart filed a lawsuit against Tesla claiming that its roof solar system led to 7 store fires. They ultimately reached a settlement: ... 021-12-06/
Henkes said that Tesla 'knew about the problem well before 2017' of the solar panel fire risk.
Henkes wasn't the only whistleblower that was silenced by Tesla.
Cristina Balan, who worked at Tesla from 2010 through 2014, foolishly sent an email directly to Musk, complaining about contracts being awarded based on personal relationships, safety issues with interior floor mats, and such problems being covered up by managers. She was threatened by human resources personnel into resigning.
She learnt that the email she sent to Musk, in 7 minutes after opening was forwarded to Tesla’s human resources manager.
Also in December 2021, 6 (current and former) employees at Tesla’s San Francisco Bay Area electric auto factory filed a lawsuit about sexually harassment at work. In November Jessica Barraza, also accused Tesla of of “rampant sexual harassment”: ... ds-220115/