Will you please consider reading this memo and take my advice on how to make America great again – Go Dutch.
My fellow countrymen of the press have prepared a great message for President Trump to show how great the Netherlands really is. Maybe it’s unlikely that the Donald will actually watch it or read this thread, but you can’t blame me for trying.
You can best start right at home by restoring New York back to its great old name: New Amsterdam.
Wall Street and Harlem are already perfectly named.
Better rename Brooklyn to Brookland (Broek in Waterland is just too long)
The Bronx to the Pipe (to remind us of the Pijp and the 2 oil pipe-line orders you signed)
You don’t even have a Dam Square… Times Square would immediately be great just by renaming it.
Broadway to Rokin.
Hudson to Jordan River (after the Jordaan in Amsterdam, what else?).
When Americans visit us, they are amazed at how little everything is: small houses, cars and streets (and lots of bikes).
Madurodam really shows how proud we are to be small. If you think it’s weird that in 2015 Madurodam was visited by a great 650,000 visitors, you might not believe that most of them are tourists.
Part of post removed to “new” thread on the secret backers of Adolf Hitler: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... 0&start=40
Keywords: "Diary of Anne Frank, bestselling books, Achterhuis, Meyer Levin, court case father Otto Frank, settled 50,000 dollar, Opeka and Pectin, handwriting"
We also have great justice; just ask the Turkish Kurd Baybasin that got sentenced to life in prison for leading a violent criminal organisation. This was based on the suspicious phone calls Baybasin made.
Baybasin in a phone call told one of his associates "to make him a call" – the “him” got murdered swiftly. Maybe you only understand this when you learn this was translated with "to make him cold" (see 10.3.12 in the following – in Dutch): http://uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl/inzien ... 002:AE5920
If you’re looking for great legal advice look no further than: De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek.
You don’t even have to leave New York, they have an office at Rockefeller Center, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 18th Floor.
Ask specifically for Willemijne Adank: one of the great attorneys that counselled me.
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek has provided ABN AMRO bank with legal advice in various mergers and acquisitions. This didn’t stop them from representing me in my court case against ABN AMRO.
You cannot be surprised that De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek pleaded against me.
Maybe you do find it surprising that I achieved a great victory against ABN AMRO bank in front of our Supreme Court: https://archive.is/nMvHH
Your friends must think it’s hilarious that you – that couldn’t even run a casino – have made a name for yourself as a billionaire, especially now that you’ve made it all the way to US president.
Real multibillionaires – like the House of Orange-Nassau - proclaim to be simple millionaires. It must be very easy: make up some sob story that you have sacrificed a large part of your wealth to lead the USA to greatness.
Our Royal family knows that they become even more popular when they are seen as regular Joes. Here we think riding a bike is plain, so they regularly get pictured riding a bike.
Here’s a great example at the Olympics in Rio last year. You can see Queen Máxima and Willem-Alexander on bike, while – if you look carefully – Princess Arianne is on the back of the bike of our King.

We also have great human rights.
A great example is the Project Lock of nature lover Prince Bernhard. When they weren’t shooting wild animals, they hired mercenaries of KAS International to hunt ANC-members in South Africa (to protect nature...): http://www.constantinereport.com/the-gr ... azi-party/
Speaking about Bernhard, his nickname was Agent Orange.
You might remember that some ignorant fools complained about the genocide by the US army in Vietnam
Our own Philips-Duphar produced some 2250 tons of “agent orange”.
So while the USA got the blame, we made the money; everybody should know that the Netherlands is the greatest.
When the great King Willem III was in his sixties he already had 2 great heirs to his throne and thought his life would be more exciting by marrying the 40 years younger (Queen) Emma.
Willem III was already infertile because of syphilis (he was nicknamed Koning Gorilla because of his wild lifestyle) and besides that: (most) men that age cannot produce offspring without great insemination techniques. This didn’t stop Emma from being the great mother of (the later Queen) Wilhelmina - the great-grandmother of Willem-Alexander: http://web.archive.org/web/201702071139 ... l-house-of
This means that our great Willem-Alexander is about as Royal as the homeless, alcoholic beggar Hadjememaar the great that won a seat in the city council of Amsterdam in 1921 and – in one of those great examples of democracy – was locked up in prison and forced to resign.

When you learn of the great Noord-Zuidlijn (North-Southline) project, you have to agree that Amsterdam is the greatest.
In November 1996 the Amsterdam city council decided to build the– an addition to the great Amsterdam metro system.
In June 1997 in a great referendum a whopping 65% voted against (123.198 votes), but they went ahead anyway. In October 1999 the great Tweede kamer agreed with the Noord-Zuidlijn and on October 9, 2002 the Amsterdam city council made the definitive decision to go ahead. The whole great Noord-Zuidlijn is a planned 9.7 kilometre (6.1 mile) of which only a great 3.8 kilometre is really underground.
They started building this great project on April 22, 2003 and estimated it would be finished in 2005 at an estimated cost of 680 million euro (in total).
Some great problems were experienced including some great houses that collapsed - killing a few: http://www.spiegel.de/international/eur ... 17894.html
After some lies, more lies and then even greater lies: the latest estimates claim that on July 22, 2018 the Noord-Zuidlijn will be finished at a great total cost of 3.1 billion euro. According to the official story the Noord-Zuidlijn project was originally estimated to be finished in 2011 at a total cost of 1.4 billion euro: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2 ... yed-again/
According to the “independent” Wikipedia this great project was originally estimated to be finished in 2005 for a total cost of 680 million euro: “Volgens de oorspronkelijke plannen zou de Noord/Zuidlijn in 2005 klaar zijn en 680 miljoen euro kosten[29].”
I couldn’t find the great source on which this is based: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noord/Zuidlijn
You must realise how important it is to get a project leader for the great Mexico wall to keep the project running endlessly. The longer it will take to build, the more you and your associates can fill your bank accounts.
My advice to you is to get our great former Mayor Job Cohen to have the Mexico wall built. He knows how to keep a project going for many, many years. When it already takes us 15 years (or more: planned dates can be postponed) to build less than 10 kilometres.

Yours sincerely,
Max Havelaar
William Jefferson Clinton (William in honour of our great King Willem) sure knows where to go.
Clinton was in Amsterdam just yesterday to collect a check of 1.8 million from the state lottery.
Any idea who makes the money (besides Clinton)? Lotteries and casinos in the Netherlands are prohibited by law...
They even gave it a nice twist. When Clinton was walking on the Prinsengracht he was spotted by Lucy Boaden that twittered “Okay I'm not on drugs Bill Clinton has just walked past the cafe we are sat in!!! Ha ha”: https://twitter.com/lucylocket1/status/ ... 5042266112
Hilarious of course – ha ha – Clinton (almost in imitation of our Royal family) walking around like any other tourist. They even placed a photo on the internet that’s not from the twitter account of Boaden, so who made it?
Bill Clinton (without Hillary of course) was walking in the direction of the Westerkerk (that great tower of Amsterdam). The press instead wrote he was walking in the direction of the Anne Frank house (that can be reached after passing the Westerkerk). Am I the only one that finds this a little farfetched?
Here is the picture of Bill Clinton (green shirt, white hair) seen from the back.

Unfortunately he didn’t visit our great statue of Multatuli; he was closer than 500 meters.