What are THEY planning for us ??

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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by Guardian »


On November 30th, the people of Switzerland will stand up and make their voices heard. The “Swiss Gold Initiative” will be held and the people of Switzerland will once again attempt to take control of their nation’s wealth.

T. Ferguson of the TFMetals report explains this upcoming event:

Interest is beginning to build, awareness is growing and the date of the national referendum has been set. Later this year, on November 30, the good people of Switzerland will finally get an opportunity to make their voices heard. The Swiss Gold Initiative can be roughly stated in three parts:

1. The halting of all Swiss gold sales

2. The repatriation of all Swiss gold that is held in foreign vaults

3. Resume backing the Swiss Franc with gold, at a minimum level of 20%

Full link : http://sprottmoneyblog.com/

Of course, the politicians and bankers of Switzerland are squarely against this initiative as it greatly diminishes their hold on power and restricts their ability to continue to debase the Franc.

Fortunately, as one of the world’s few remaining true democracies, the Swiss people have an opportunity on November 30 to directly affect a change. For their sake and for the sake of their posterity, I pray that they choose wisely.

Let us hope that they succeed. If so, this will be a major victory for those of us who wish to see the price of gold truly set free. Sadly for the Swiss people, the gold that they have leased out is unlikely to ever get returned. As we know, it’s sitting in Chinese and Russia vaults, never to see the light of day again.
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by Guardian »


Some further insight from Benjamin Fulford - ( who admits to being a Freemason but said he had no choice ................... )

Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian Journalist who lives in Japan ( fluent in Japanese ) and was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine for over 7 years

His listing has also been deleted from Wikipedia - read the article below and you can start to see why the powers that be are keen to silence him ( he claims several attempts have already been made on his life )

Benjamin Fulford - 11 August 2014 Posting :

" In the Middle East, Al Qaeda, now rebranded as ISIS, a Western organization headed by an Eastern European former comintern agent, wishes to erase the artificial borders created by colonial powers during the 20th century.

There has been an agreement made between various secret power groups for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate to replace the artificial borders created by the French and the British in the Middle East after World War I. That is what is happening now.

ISIS - Military Contractor :

There is a military contractor called ISIS that offers services in such areas as “role playing,” “exercise and evaluations,” “human intelligence,” “special operations” and “unmanned aircraft systems” among other things.

Full link : https://public.isishq.com/public/capabi ... fault.aspx

Most of their offices are either in the Middle East or the United States and it is a pretty good guess they got the contract to carry out operation ISIS in the Middle East. "

Getting to hard to believe ?? Then please explain the following ............


" As Iraqi government forces crumbled in disarray before the assault, there was speculation that they may have been ordered by their superiors to give up without a fight. One local commander in Salahuddin Province, where Tikrit is located, said in an interview Wednesday: “We received phone calls from high-ranking commanders asking us to give up. I questioned them on this, and they said, ‘This is an order.’ ”

Residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.

Mr. Maliki, a Shiite, himself suggested the possibility of a disloyal military in his exhortations on Tuesday for citizens to take up arms against the Sunni insurgents. "

Full link : http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/12/world ... .html?_r=2

Footnote : You can learn more about the background to what is actually happening in the Middle East and the role of ISIS on the following link under the headline "

ISIS in Iraq: A CIA-NATO “Dirty War” Op?

Full link : http://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-in-ir ... op/5388486
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by oracle »

Please take some time to view the attached interview - it is a wake up call for all of us ...................

Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, revealed startling details of what the government is calling their "Day After Plan."

Jim and many of his colleagues are preparing for an imminent $100 trillion meltdown of the American economy.

And they fear a 25-year Great Depression is now unavoidable.

"The Day After Plan" is what will immediately be enacted if this comes to pass.

Unfortunately, Jim fears the government is keeping the American people in the dark about this.

So he's going public with his findings and sharing the undeniable evidence

http://investmentwatchblog.com/jim-rick ... epression/

Footnote : This " Money Morning " Interview is about 45 minutes long but I strongly suggest that you watch all of it - they are predicting a " worldwide economic breakdown and collapse of the system leading to an extended period of Global Anarchy "

They claim that " the Federal Reserve and The US Treasury are the greatest threats to our National Security and NOT Al Quada or ISIS " - The Federal Reserve has already failed

They predict that in the next crisis the IMF will end up bailing out The Federal Reserve ( who are technically insolvent ) using the IMF Special Drawing Rights ( SDR's ) - and that the IMF SDR'S will become the de-facto " World Money "

They predict that when the Derivatives Market collapses ( which it will ) it will cause a global depression - this is all part of the Elite's Plan known as the End Game .................

Worldwide Global GDP = $ 72.6 Trillion
Derivatives Market. = $ 710.0 Trillion

Footnote :

"This will create a new global power system where sovereignty is globalized, taking power and constitutional authority away from nations and giving it to global markets and international bodies "

Full link : http://armstrongeconomics.com/wp-conten ... e-2014.pdf
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by Guardian »

Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, revealed startling details of what the government is calling their "Day After Plan."

Jim Ricksrds claims that " the Federal Reserve and The US Treasury are the greatest threats to our National Security and NOT Al Quada or ISIS "


Geo-political news and analysis
By Benjamin Fulford

The ongoing global financial war is reaching its final stages. Multiple reliable sources in three continents are all now reporting that a major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent. We can confirm from our own sources (including MI6 and Japanese military intelligence) that a large delegation descended on Washington last week and read the riot act to the Washington D.C. establishment.

They have been informed the Federal Reserve Board must be shut down immediately and the new financial system must be implemented or else the United States would be totally cut off from the world. The military is also close to open revolt with more than half of the military supporting a total clean up of Washington D.C., according to a CIA source.
There were discussions with the Chinese where they were given an explanation of the inner workings of the international financial system. They were also made an offer.

What was told to them was that over 90% of the dollars ever created were not owned by Americans. The people who own those dollars do not want them to become worthless paper when the Federal Reserve Board implodes. Instead, all dollars earned through honest work (i.e. not through derivates and other types of fraud) would be backed by gold.

These gold backed dollars would then be renamed. The Chinese want to call it the Renminbi. The Rothschilds want to call it the Hong Kong dollar. Our proposal is to call it the Hong Kong yen (pronounced yuan in Chinese). Many details will have to be worked out by experts. However, it is certain that never again will it be possible for private individuals to manipulate the world through the creation of money. The Chinese insist the creation of new money should be a job run by the government and this was agreed to by the concerned parties.

However, instead of anything dramatic happening, the cabal will be left to continue its slow motion implosion as new international structures continue to be put in place to by-pass their financial control systems, the sources say. The mathematics of finance and the real economy are working irrevocably against the cabal governments in the US and Israel so, time is on the side of the 188 nation BRICS alliance. Just like it is best to wait for a sick lion to die instead of trying to pick a fight with it, the cabal is inevitably sinking so there is no need to do anything rash.

FOOTNOTE : Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian Journalist who lives in Japan ( fluent in Japanese ) and was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine for over 7 years - admits to being a Freemason but said he had no choice
The Financial Times on China :

Extract from The Financial Times :

" In a new Chinese best-seller, Currency Wars , disparate events spanning two centuries have a single root cause:the control of money issuance through history by the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Even today, claims author Song Hongbing, the US Federal Reserve remains a puppet of private banks, which also ultimately owe their allegiance to the ubiquitous Rothschilds.

China, which is in the midst of a lengthy debate about opening its financial system under US pressure, the book has become a surprise hit and is being read at senior levels of government and business.

“I never imagined it could be so hot and that top leaders would be reading it,” he says during a book tour in Shanghai. “People in China are nervous about what’s going on in financial markets but they don’t know how to handle the real dangers. This book gives them some ideas.”

The thing that most shocked him, he says, was his “discovery” that the Fed is a privately owned and run bank. “I just never imagined a central bank could be a private body,” he says. "

Full link to article : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/70f2a23c-6b83 ... z2ncPR9FLq

Please remember that The Federal Reserve AND The Bank of England have the same owners and that most of the Worlds Central Banks are privately held cartels ( check it out for yourself )

The Perpetual Debt that they have loaded up on us has been deliberately orchestrated and they are now at the point where THEY can collapse the system at any time they want ............ the greedy politicians are just the foot soldiers ....... the masterminds are The International Private Merchant Bankers ( please remember this fact when the sh*t hits the fan )
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by editor »

For reference to the above article regarding the Federal Reserve, please see the linked article, which has been published on the Lawful Path for roughly eighteen years:

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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by iamfreeru2 »

If you think you understand, do you really? You may want to take a listen to this.


I am called Michael, a bond servant of the Chirst
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by prophecy »

That's very interesting ! So if this is true then the States are separate Sovereign entities in their own right which means we have an illegal power play in process - a key question that needs to be adressed is on whose behalf has the Federal Reserve racked up the massive debts ??

Can the Sovereign States be free of these debts ??
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by iamfreeru2 »

The State of Texas, The State of California, etc, you must understand are not sovereign States under the Articles of Confederation. California is not in the United States, the United States (territories) are in California aka the State of California.

When you realize that where you live is not the United States, but land within the perpetual Union, you also realize the federal government has not jurisdiction. Most everyone believes SCOTUS, in its rulings, the court is referring to the perpetual Union when it states the term Union. The Union it is actually referring to is the Union of States of the United States, which are nothing more that territories. Remember, there are two Unions, one perpetual under the AOC, and one territorial under Art 4.3.2 of the Constitution of the United States.

When you read the 16th Amendment for example, the term several states in that Amendment means only the territories. It does not mean the several states under the AOC. Most people haven't a clue as to where they live. Most believe they live in the United States, which is false.

If you take the time to study the organic laws and the history of what has taken place, it is very easy to unravel the deception. Ed Rivera has done an excellent job of teaching the real truth about the history of The United States of America. The only reason government gets away with what they are doing is because of most people's confusion.

For those of us that understand who and where we are, there is no "What are THEY planning for us??" I am not one of the "us" in the title of this thread. As a member of the perpetual Union, the so-called national debt is meaningless to me.
I am called Michael, a bond servant of the Chirst
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by oracle »

Well the boys have got some explaining to do now - the original report which is in Indonesian is provided on a link at the end for you ( you can use Google Translate )

Extract from the UK Daily Mail dated 14 September 2014 :

'I know what happened to MH370':Police chief claims to know what became of the missing jet
The head of the Indonesian Police Force claimed he knows 'what had actually happened with MH370'
General Sutarman made the comment in front of airline officials and senior police in Jakarta
Malaysian authorities expressed their shock and plan to speak with him
Extract from " The Blaze " dated 15 September 2014 :

While there’s been no recent news about the March disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370and the 239 people on board, a top Indonesian police official says he knows what happened.

Kompas, the national newspaper in Indonesia, reported that Indonesia Police Chief General Sutarman — his first name missing from many news reports about him — said he spoke with Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar, who was inspector general of the Royal Malaysian Police for 20 years but retired in 1994. After speaking with Omar, Sutarman said he now knows what happened to the plane that disappeared without a trace when it went off radar on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing six months ago.

“I spoke with the Chief of Police of Malaysia, Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar, I know what really happened with the MH370,” Sutarman apparently told Kompas Friday (via an unofficial translation).

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09 ... -happened/

He did not provide more information to reporters about what he supposedly knew.

“The Malaysian Police and I have known the truth, but I will not reveal it here,” the general said ,according to the Malaysian magazine Tempo.

According to the Malaysian Chronicle, both the Royal Malaysian Police and the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur denied the account that the newspaper reported from Gen. Sutarman.

“The reporter will be summoned by the Indonesian Police Chief to clarify the report. Action will be taken if he failed to show any proof,” Aby Nursetyanto with the Indonesian embassy said, according to the newspaper.

Footnote : At this level it is clearly a Government backed operation - the only remaining question is why and where is the plane and its passengers now ............... The original link to the Indonesian article

http://nasional.kompas.com/read/2014/09 ... ines.MH370
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Re: What are THEY planning for us ??

Post by Guardian »

The CIA’s links to Wall Street: Rise of the National Security State:

One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency.

According to former CIA director Richard Helms, when Allen Dulles was tasked in 1946 to “draft proposals for the shape and organization of what was to become the Central Intelligence Agency,” he recruited an advisory group of six men made up almost exclusively of Wall Street investment bankers and lawyers.

http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e30605.htm

According to Peter Dale Scott, over the next twenty years, all seven deputy directors of the agency were drawn from the Wall Street financial aristocracy; and six were listed in the New York social register.

So we see that from the beginning the CIA was an exclusive Wall Street club. Allen Dulles himself became the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence in early 1953.

The prevalent myth that the CIA exists to provide intelligence information to the president was the promotional vehicle used to persuade President Harry Truman to sign the 1947 National Security Act, the legislation which created the CIA.
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