For those looking for remedy, you may want to go the following site:
Read the material in the order presented. I posted the link here because one part of the information deals with traveling without license to operate your private conveyance. But this deals with so much more. I believe you will find the material overwhelming evidence that can be refutted by none.
You may also want to check out the following by going to the bottom of the page to section 182. ... Tax-at-281
Purging America of the matrix
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:11 am
Purging America of the matrix
I am called Michael, a bond servant of the Chirst
Re: Purging America of the matrix
Thanks, Scott and Michael. I've been at this for months now and some things are clicking, while others are still muddled. I'm still not sure if purging everything defacto is the right choice, or to keep one foot in, one out via commercial redemption process. I'll read the docs you suggested and I'm sure there'll be more questions to come.
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:11 am
Re: Purging America of the matrix
There is one thing you must comprehend, and it is this: you cannot have one foot in and one foot out. You are either in or out. And as far as commercial redemption is concerned: use it at your own risk and be prepared to lose. After you read the docs at "Purging America of the Matrix" you should have very few if any questions. But if you do have questions, the author gives his amail addy to contact him with any questions you may have. Enjoy!lis wrote:Thanks, Scott and Michael. I've been at this for months now and some things are clicking, while others are still muddled. I'm still not sure if purging everything defacto is the right choice, or to keep one foot in, one out via commercial redemption process. I'll read the docs you suggested and I'm sure there'll be more questions to come.
I am called Michael, a bond servant of the Chirst
Re: Purging America of the matrix
So I have to ask the question, how many people here have rescinded their BC, SS, DL, intentionally not pay income/property taxes, drive without license plate/insurance, have no banks, no credit cards, challenged the courts/judge, etc... SUCCESSFULLY? I understand that purging everything defacto is ideal and what we aspire to do, and I know that a few are living this way as much as possible, but these few individuals have been arrested multiple times and have their lives turned upside down. I want to aspire to be complete free, but with all the data available to prevent these mishaps. I'm new at this and would appreciate any advice. Thanks. 

Re: Purging America of the matrix
Brief skimming of the Q&A states that it's not wise to approach the court as the plaintiff. Bill Thorton ( says the only way to win in court is to be the plaintiff. Anyone? 

Re: Purging America of the matrix
This will depend on your definition of "success". What is your end goal, why are you committed to it, and how committed to it are questions you'll want to ask yourself.lis wrote:So I have to ask the question, how many people here have rescinded their BC, SS, DL, intentionally not pay income/property taxes, drive without license plate/insurance, have no banks, no credit cards, challenged the courts/judge, etc... SUCCESSFULLY? I understand that purging everything defacto is ideal and what we aspire to do, and I know that a few are living this way as much as possible, but these few individuals have been arrested multiple times and have their lives turned upside down. I want to aspire to be complete free, but with all the data available to prevent these mishaps. I'm new at this and would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
As far as purging everything defacto, if something doesn't exist as a matter of law, does it exist?
"De Facto" from Black's 2nd -
If you read the defacto officer doctrine, you will find that they claim it is the people that cloak the otherwise rogue corporate agents with being defacto by their consent and/or assent. It will be impossible to live with one foot in and one foot out because when you cloak any agent with power, you effectively embrace the whole [beast] system.In fact, in deed, actually. This phrase is used to characterize an officer, a government, a past action, or a state of affairs which exists actually and must be accepted for all practical purposes, but which is illegal or illegitimate. In this sense it is the contrary of de jure, which means rightful. legitimate, just, or constitutional. Thus, an officer, king, or government de facto is one who is in actual possession of the office or supreme power, but by usurpation, or v.-ifiirespect to lawful title; while an officer, king, or governor de jure is one who has just claim and rightful title to the office or power, but who has never had plenary possession of the same, or is not now in actual possession. 4 Bl. Comm. 77, 78. So a wife de facto is one whose marriage is voidable by decree, as distinguished from a wife de jure, or lawful wife. 4 Kent, Comm. 30. But the term is also frequently used independently of any distinction from de jure; thus a blockade de facto is a blockade which is actually maintained, as distinguished from a mere paper blockade. As to de facto “Corporation,” “Court,” “Domicile,” “Government,” and “Officer,” see those titles. In old English law. De facto means respecting or concerning the principal act of a murder, which was technically denominated factum. See Fleta, lib. 1, c. 27,
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:11 am
Re: Purging America of the matrix
Bill Thornton is incorrect. Rather than me answering your questions, read the documents from Thomas Nelson thoroughly, and most of, if not all of, your questions will be answered. I'm not trying to give you a non-responsive answer. It's that you will know what has happened and how to deal with it after having read and comprehending the material.lis wrote:Brief skimming of the Q&A states that it's not wise to approach the court as the plaintiff. Bill Thorton ( says the only way to win in court is to be the plaintiff. Anyone?
I am called Michael, a bond servant of the Chirst
- MTKonig
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Re: Purging America of the matrix
Basically, in the Q&A TCN outlines how he'd use the evidence generated by the examples in his presentation with a conditional acceptance, upon proof of claim, or dismiss/withdraw all charges.
I'd add another dimension to this that was recently used successfully by Robert Fox in a recent win:
Robert Fox Win ... zIgftp2yFk …. included in the zip file is:
* Ruling by the Appellate Court, overturning a Jury Conviction, which is rare. But the Evidence did not support the conviction, so it was thrown out.
* The "trust" scam: Fox's explanation of the Trust behind every Court Case, and how to use it to our advantage.
* Verified Notice of Admin Appointment - (the interesting part:
"In the matter of “____verified notice is hereby given that I, John Quincy of the House (family) of Adams, am the only known beneficiary of said trust entity and, as a matter of necessity, I hereby appoint (Judge Myron S. Blowhard) to serve and act in the capacity of trustee and faithfully administer the said trust to my benefit by performing the following duties:
1. Order the immediate dismissal (with prejudice) of said Case/Citation No._______; and
2. Vitiate all official record of said Case/Citation No._________; and
3. Permanently release my person and all property from actual or implied custody of the court; and
4. Order compensation in the amount of $____________be paid directly to me for time and effort spent on dealing with this matter."
I'd add another dimension to this that was recently used successfully by Robert Fox in a recent win:
Robert Fox Win ... zIgftp2yFk …. included in the zip file is:
* Ruling by the Appellate Court, overturning a Jury Conviction, which is rare. But the Evidence did not support the conviction, so it was thrown out.
* The "trust" scam: Fox's explanation of the Trust behind every Court Case, and how to use it to our advantage.
* Verified Notice of Admin Appointment - (the interesting part:
"In the matter of “____verified notice is hereby given that I, John Quincy of the House (family) of Adams, am the only known beneficiary of said trust entity and, as a matter of necessity, I hereby appoint (Judge Myron S. Blowhard) to serve and act in the capacity of trustee and faithfully administer the said trust to my benefit by performing the following duties:
1. Order the immediate dismissal (with prejudice) of said Case/Citation No._______; and
2. Vitiate all official record of said Case/Citation No._________; and
3. Permanently release my person and all property from actual or implied custody of the court; and
4. Order compensation in the amount of $____________be paid directly to me for time and effort spent on dealing with this matter."
greater things you will do: the royal priesthood
greater things you will do: the royal priesthood
Re: Purging America of the matrix
I would like to point out, that just because you appoint someone as Trustee, Arbitrator, Moderator, or Grand Poobah, does not mean he is obligated to accept the appointment.
In my opinion, the procedure you have outlined and attributed to Fox is too heavy-handed.
I have personally, in open court, offered to join with a case, and allow the judge to arbitrate, on the condition the arbitrator would recognize the conflict of laws between myself and the plaintiff, and hear the case according to the Law of my Family (already declared as the King James Bible, authorized version Anno Domini, sixteen hundred eleven).
The judge did not accept, but neither could he secure jurisdiction by escheat (claiming I had abandoned my right by refusing to offer a reasonable remedy).
For any cases in which Fox's procedure has been effective, I presume it is for the same reason. However, such a heavy-handed approach might be construed as refusing to offer a reasonable remedy.
In my opinion, the procedure you have outlined and attributed to Fox is too heavy-handed.
I have personally, in open court, offered to join with a case, and allow the judge to arbitrate, on the condition the arbitrator would recognize the conflict of laws between myself and the plaintiff, and hear the case according to the Law of my Family (already declared as the King James Bible, authorized version Anno Domini, sixteen hundred eleven).
The judge did not accept, but neither could he secure jurisdiction by escheat (claiming I had abandoned my right by refusing to offer a reasonable remedy).
For any cases in which Fox's procedure has been effective, I presume it is for the same reason. However, such a heavy-handed approach might be construed as refusing to offer a reasonable remedy.
- MTKonig
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:31 pm
- Location: Kingdom of Heaven on earth, New Jerusalem
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Re: Purging America of the matrix
Well, whatever works is good. Appreciate all different points of view. There are several issues to consider, obviously, and this was just another possibility based on what worked for Fox. Sort of hard to deny a success, but in order to reproduce it one would have to comprehend the details and reasons for why it turned out the way it did.
I wasn't suggesting one follow Fox' example to the letter, but merely introducing the appointment as an option once one has already dealt with the Jurisdiction issue. The procedure I referred to, offered in the Q&A, #6, re how to use the positive evidence of the SSN Extinguishment to defeat the jurisdiction of the court over the Person/Name should stop the matter cold. Adding the appointment of judge as trustee of that particular case is simply rebutting the remaining presumption one is there to be tricked into acting as trustee for the State's benefit.
I wasn't suggesting one follow Fox' example to the letter, but merely introducing the appointment as an option once one has already dealt with the Jurisdiction issue. The procedure I referred to, offered in the Q&A, #6, re how to use the positive evidence of the SSN Extinguishment to defeat the jurisdiction of the court over the Person/Name should stop the matter cold. Adding the appointment of judge as trustee of that particular case is simply rebutting the remaining presumption one is there to be tricked into acting as trustee for the State's benefit.
greater things you will do: the royal priesthood
greater things you will do: the royal priesthood