Unsurprisingly the thread was deleted quickly after my post, here I’ve archived it: http://archive.is/LZnwa
The following video was posted by the thread starter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH0ojeYviVs
I made the following reply (about as weak as I could) on 8 July:
In the video Icke makes strange hand signs with both his right and left hand, the maker of the video first called this the Sigma, but later corrected this to be the “Eagle claw of Hermes/Mercury”.I see that you've posted a video in your last post #11 that claims that Icke makes some masonic hand signs in a video. In the video the man also says that David worked for mainstream media (true: Icke worked for the BBC) and that he claimed to be the "son of God" when he left the BBC (not true: he claimed to be the "son of Godhead").
I don't know about these hand signals (the sygma...).
The following video is more interesting - EDIT the video and 2 images were deleted.
It starts with Icke making a similar symbol with both of his hands.
Icke has his watch on his right wrist.
(deleted) https://youtu.be/h_9wRCeqzi0
Even more damaging is that Icke ends the interview with Masonic handshakes with both people that interviewed him.

Here's a NEW picture showing David Icke and his ex-wife.
Both making Masonic hand symbols.

David Icke officially worked for the British state network BBC from 1981 to 1991 (starting on Newsnight). Icke even entered politrics for the Green party, but in March 1991 resigned. Later that year Icke announced that he was the “son of the Godhead”. The BBC made him more famous by letting him explain this in “Wogan” on 29 April 1991.
Icke publicly became an opponent of the state media, but in reality never severed the connection with the BBC. In 2006 for example David Icke was again interviewed by Wogan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke
The least they could do is hide his continuing affiliation with the BBC, but unashamedly in 2016 David Icke went on the BBC’s “This week” to be interviewed by Andrew Neil to tell that the British Royal family are lizards: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/da ... ly-8011156

In 2012 David Icke suddenly boasted that he had been exposing Jimmy Savile as a paedophile since 2011. This means that he has been covering this up with the rest of his journalist friends for some 30 years: https://web.archive.org/web/20141203234 ... id-nothing
Proclaiming himself to be the “son of the Godhead” could refer to Satanism.
On 21 December 2017, my post in which I wrote about River Phoenix was removed from Davidicke.com: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... t=90#p3230
The following explains why Icke had this post about the sex abuse of River Phoenix removed: https://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewto ... t=80#p3206
David Icke is linked to Zen Gardner that was in the “Children of God” cult (later renamed to “The family” in which River Phoenix was sexually abused starting at a very young age.
Zen Gardner denied that he knew, but he was part of the “Children of God” paedophile sex cult no less that 27 years and became a leader in the ranks; so he’s lying: http://investmentwatchblog.com/david-ic ... hile-cult/
David Icke simply denied being involved with Zen Gardner. Here’s a 2 hour interview that shows that David Icke was affiliated to this leader of this paedophile sex cult and shared (religious) views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsjPk0C0eK8
Please note that David Icke talked about “the Godhead”, this is because according to Icke “the Godhead” isn’t “one”. There are different interpretations, for how many “the Godhead” is/are - Father, Son and Holy Ghost (that’s 3).
The Mormons (Church of Latter Day Saints) for example follow the view that “the Godhead” is/are Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Father and Son both have a body similar to a man, but the Holy Spirit doesn’t. The Mormon religion has similarities with freemasonry.
According to the founder of the “Church of God” (this is not the “Children of God”), Herbert W. Armstrong, “the Godhead” is/are even all the members of a divine “family” (if I understand correctly, not a family of blood but of spiritual connection).
There is even a reference to “Godhead” in the books of the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley...
From “Magick Without Tears”: http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Ankh
From “Book four”: https://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/chap5This is why the Ankh or 'Key of Life' is a sandal-strap, borne in the hand of every God as a mark of his Godhead: a God is one who goes. (…)
The symbol of Godhead in Egypt was the Ankh, which is a sandal-strap, implying the Power to Go.
The last paragraph shows that according to Crowley, “the Godhead” is “the Devil”.THE WAY OF ATTAINMENT OF GENIUS OR GODHEAD CONSIDERED AS A DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN BRAIN (…)
The magician who is destroyed by absorption in the Godhead is really destroyed. (…)
Ayin (an eye) English A, or O more or less: the bleat of a Goat, A’a. 70 Capricornus (an earthy sign ruled by Saturn; Mars exalted therein. Sexually male.) Love, i.e. the instinct to satisfy Godhead by uniting it with the Universe.
Thus "the Devil" is Capricornus, the Goat who leaps upon the loftiest mountains, the Godhead which, if it become manifest in man, makes him Aegipan, the All.
I guess that in every single house references to “evil” can be found.
Here’s a video where David Icke’s house is visited: https://youtu.be/yiZ74X187l4
Icke has a sarcastic sense of humour which makes it difficult to know which parts of what he says are meant seriously.
He points out that he lives at number 8 – which symbolises infinity.
He shows that he’s stored a large amount of “old” light bulbs, because he doesn’t trust the new type. This looks like a reference to enlightenment (illuminati).
There’s also a pumpkin (an important symbol in the satanic Halloween).
He shows the stuffed animal “Olly the owl” (which reminds me of the Owl at Bohemian Grove, California).
At 6:55 in the video Icke mentions “in the centre of the square”. Often phallus symbols in the centre of the square refer to the Egyptian half-god Osiris.
There are a few paintings of lions in his house.