Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

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Posts: 334
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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On 24 October 2024 I forwarded my earlier email to Iran and Russia, and I also addressed it to NATO too.
That forwarded email's date is 16, October, 2024, and subject "NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus".
And I already posted that email in this forum on 20 October. It was about that "I reported / informed the EU-NATO countries about what happened at Italian, North Macedonian and Croatian embassies and also at Romanian embassy."

So this is what I wrote when I forwarded the earlier email.
To; -I.R.Iran Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R.Iran,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Mark Rutte NATO secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,

Dear Sir, Madam,
I'd like to forward this email to I.R.Iran and the Russian Federation, to show how some EU / NATO countries behaved against my expressing opinion, instead of following those rules and laws that NATO and EU demand.
- Honestly this is an irony and the reflection of corruption. There are wars and threats about the wars will be bigger, and I've to forward this email to the "enemy" of EU-NATO countries, - because nobody stands up for the basic human rights security in the EU-NATO world, - while responsible people act like they know what they do.
- And the "KimarNVideo34.pdf" attachment contains also the video links of my earlier expressing opinions too, including when I did it in front of your embassies.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***

Címzett; -Iráni.I.K. Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Iráni.I.K. Külügyminisztérium,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), PESCO,

Tisztelt Cím!
Szeretném továbbítani Iráni.I.K.-nak és az Oroszországi Föderációnak ezt az e-mailt, hogy bemutassam, hogyan viselkedett néhány EU / NATO ország a vélemény nyilvánításom ellen, ahelyett, hogy követnénk azokat a szabályokat és törvényeket, amelyeket a NATO és az EU követel.
- Őszintén szólva ez irónia és a korrupció tükröződése. Háborúk vannak és fenyegetések, hogy a háborúk nagyobbak lesznek, és ezt az e-mailt továbbítanom kell az EU-NATO országok "ellenségeinek", - mert senki sem áll ki az alapvető emberi jogi biztonság mellett az EU-NATO világban, - mialatt a felelős emberek úgy tesznek, mintha tudnák hogy mit csinálnak.
- És a "KimarNVideo34.pdf" csatolás tartalmazza a korábbi véleménynyilvánításaim videó linkjeit is, beleértve azt is, amikor az Önök követségei előtt csináltam.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
** 2 **

X showed me someone's tweet while I was reading news on X on 23 October 2024.
It was about an Uyghur man who was deported back to China, and Turkish police made him to sign "voluntarily" the deportation.
- Anyway it seemed like it was a click-bait news with subliminal message, to try to control me with fear and to confuse me, and to try to trick me to feel lost. It was like it tried to turn me back to the earlier days, when I thought it's good and useful to make comments for Hong Kong and Uyghurs and Ukraine, - but I slowly realised who are my real enemies and those trickily run persecution as a extortion control on me, and they just had to sit back and laugh "Look the divide and conquer is working, he fights for us for free, and he believes if our enemies lose then he'll get back his freedom from us".
- What can I say other than that Orban PM and his government, and his party etc can do that "activism", but not me, and interestingly they don't want to do that at all, because CCP would dislike them for that.

- So this was a pathetic try from my enemies, but to be honest it just proved what my banners said already, - I may need to replace the corrupt EU-NATO mediator world with someone else, - and then there may will be peace between me and Russia, - because the corrupt mediator middlemen is the problem of ending this persecution.
- Because the communism is ended in Hungary and in Russia decades ago, and sure the past is division between us, - but the Russian embassy agreed with me about that "West took a lot of money, and introduced new laws etc to solve problems like this...", and "they want us to throw mud at each other".
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On Nov, 01, 2024, I sent the usual email to the Pope again, it was the 19th time when I asked his Holiness to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ KDNP govt, to stop their racist communist crime against my life. Persecution officially started under this gov in 2015. And KDNP Christian Democratic People Party controlled the health care in that time

** 2 **
I sent this job-searching email to Parmalat, I addressed it tto the Hungarian group and also to the Italy headquarters, and I also addressed it to Italian Embassy, and to  -Viktor Orbán, PM, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zoltán Demeter, -Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health, -Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika, -NATO, -Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),

This is what I asked in the email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
Can Parmalat lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.
-And I ask the Italian, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.
I left out from this email the "Unipart" (and I still wonder was it a good idea or not because they deserve to be named);

So this is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, November, 04

Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Demeter Zoltán,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-NATO, -Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Olasz Nagykövetség Magyarországon,

Tárgy: Munkakeresés, Nyilatkozat
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2024KimarN.pdf, 202409NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
Tudna a Parmalat törvényesen foglalkoztatni, vagy megmondani hogyan dolgozhatnék máshol? Bármilyen állást elfogadok.
A probléma az hogy a magyar hatóságok rasszista (kommunista) bűnei elnyomják az emberi jogaimat 2015 óta. -Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
- Ha Önök nem tudnak semmit sem tenni akkor kérem adják át Iránnak azokat a piacukat Magyarországon, amelyek lefedik a kommunista bűncselekmények áldozatait és hozzátartozóit stb. -És természetesen azok a magyar áldozatok és hozzátartozóik, stb, akiknek ez nem tetszik, azt csinálhatnak a piaci részükkel/ jogukkal, amit akarnak. -És remélem, hogy Irán nem utasítja ezt vissza, de ha valami ok miatt Irán nem akarja ezt, akkor megkérek más országokat. Ennek a rasszista diszkriminatív bűnnek az áldozatai könnyebben megértik ezt az EU/NATO világában.
-És arra kérem az olasz, a magyar és a NATO titkosszolgálatait, hogy mutassák meg nekünk itt, hogyan kezelik Önök az emberi jogokat ezen a magyar piacon.

NATO, EU országok hatóságai, titkosszolgálatai korruptan együttműködnek a rasszista korrupt magyar hatóságokkal, titkosszolgálatokkal. - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek, a kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - És a tények azt mutatják, hogy azok az ex- kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik stb) csinálják ezt a rasszista üldözést akik most a Nyugatnak, főképpen az EU-nak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf).
(it)_Munkakeresés, Nyilatkozat / Job search, DeclarationEz történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.
- És a Háziorvosok meghamisították az egészségügyi dokumentumaimat és biztosításomat hamis orvosi jelentésekkel, és a hatóságok megtagadják megállítani ezt a bűnt.
4; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; törvényes munkavédelem nem lehetséges. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem. Az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet a rasszista üldöztetés miatt, mert nincs jövedelmem.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
04, November, 2024. Hungary,

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zoltán Demeter,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-NATO, -Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-Italian Embassy in Hungary,

Subject: Job search, Declaration
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2024KimarN.pdf, 202409NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
Can Parmalat lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.
-And I ask the Italian, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.

NATO, EU countries' authorities, secret services are corruptly working together with the racist corrupt Hungarian authorities, secret services. - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf).

This happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police refused to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "- This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
- And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
4; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; the lawful industrial safety is not possible. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this. And my mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution, because I've no income.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Somehow I coincidently put the subject of email before the "Ez történt;" (in English "This happened:"),
"(it)_Munkakeresés, Nyilatkozat / Job search, DeclarationEz történt:"

** 3 **

- I read in news about the Israelis soldiers are publishing on social media themselves even when they're in wars, - and the Muslims, Arabs etc people started to collect those photos, videos as evidences, and they even republish those and track down the Israelis. - So these news just realized me why some embassies and bunch of authorities openly act against me unlawfully, even while my camera is recording.
- Well they're doing it because they're radicalized, for some reason the greedy corrupt systems, governments, media pushed their egos to be privileged, so they hate people for living.
And the "other origin" etc discriminations from communism was practically imported with ex-KGB as parts of satellite communist control, and sure they stoped using these names in EU-NATO world but as they said me a few times "Nobody cares that "stupid" law" if it was about to prevent their prejudice bias..
Well FIDESZ reminds me to what a Holocaust survivor said;
“I saw In Auschwitz that if a dominant group wants to dehumanize others, as the Nazis dehumanized me, the dominant group must first dehumanize themselves, the same holds nowadays for Israel.."
- For example it was a pure reflection how some people (hatefully) acted against me in my expressing opion (protest) at FIDESZ headquarters in 2021, but the FIDESZ is working carefully in the media, instead of openly. The FIDESZ and its people try to look like gentlemen and a fantastic middle class.. They always remind me to the bank-robbers in the Bandits movie who dressed and acted as nice lovely people to camouflage their organized criminal life. Sure it works in peace time very good for them, but not sure in time of war, because they will want their oppressed minorities to fight and die for them. Well once I even said them that they can only do this racist crime because we have the same skin color and therefore it's harder to realize their racist groups.
-And now I know why there is so many bully to hate subliminal messages on my Internet when I read news, sure my enemies want me to be like them and then they could play the victim against me.

The director of NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine is Colonel Dr. Fazekas László, and his CV says; "1999 –2000 Deployment to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina as chief medical officer in Hungarian SFOR Engineer Contingent".
- I'm saying this because the present FIDESZ party was the govt also in that time. And interestingly the Croatian embassy didn't really want to let me express my opinion, and they really tried to prevent me to take evidence pictures about my expressing opinion in front of them, and their strange reason was; "What if the owner (embassy) doesn't want to let you do it?". Well once a very rich Hungarian businessman said in a report while he was in house-arrest; "The FIDESZ govt makes personal laws (against their targets)". And interestingly Croatia is one of the countries where to the FIDESZ govt and their business people etc go on holidays. And by the way the FIDESZ headquarters is few minutes away from FIDESZ.
- My life is so hard without any income and since years. My enemies are scared to let me have any income because it would mean I could travel again outside of their world where they've limited or zero power. And people there would laugh on my enemies' lobbies (my enemies would uncover themselves stronger), especially because too many evidences are against them and their character assassination could be too expensive, and could backfire easily.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** I sent email to the Hungarian authorities, govt, and to the EU-NATO countrties because I'm going to express opinion again on November, 13, 2024. Because of this racist discriminative communist crime against my life. Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU and NATO. - This time too I will walk with duck-tape on my mouth to prove that I'll be mute and I will video record it and take photos. - I want to get a lawful job / advice or money from families of Viktor Orban and FIDESZ-KDNP.
Because they happily live racist privileged life, and they inherit the racist wealth. But for example I a victim of their crimes can't work lawfully, and therefore I've no income.
My email has mistakes again, for some reason I coincidently past the Hungarian instead the English names of embassies into the English part of my email. Sure it can be my mistake and I'm a bit upset with myself for that, but it's like an AI would mass with my email. But anyway it won't stop me, and I can correct it in my reminder email what I will send on Monday.

So on 13, November, 2024, I will go to seven (7) embassies, consulate;
-Embassy of Canada in Budapest,
-Embassy of Germany in Budapest,
-Embassy of Denmark in Budapest,
-Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Budapest,
-Embassy of Portugal in Budapest,
-Embassy of Latvia in Budapest,
-Embassy of Finland in Budapest,

This is the email
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 1ker,  2ker, 11ker, 12ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR,FSB
-Kanada Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Németország Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Dánia Nagykövetsége Budapesten,
-Izland Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa Budapesten, -Portugália Nagykövetsége Budapesten,
-Lettország Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Finnország Nagykövetsége Budapesten,
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Összevont transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, Nopvember, 13
Kanada Nagykövetsége 1027, Ganz utca 12-14, - Német Nagykövetség 1014, Úri utca 64-66
Dán Nagykövetség 1122, Határőr út 37, - Izland Konzulátusa 1126, Orbánhegyi út 3
Portugál Nagykövetség 1123 MOM Park C ép. 4.em. Alkotás u. 53
Lett Nagykövetség, 1124 Vas Gereben utca 20, - Finn Nagykövetség 1118, Kelenhegyi út 16/A
Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő / hely / Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19 / Kazincbarcika / Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 11, 06
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 1ker,  2ker, 11ker, 12ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Justice Minister, -Sándor Pintér Interior Minister, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Embassy of Canada in Budapest, -Embassy of Germany in Budapest, -Embassy of Denmark in Budapest,
-Honorary Consulate of Iceland in Budapest, -Embassy of Portugal in Budapest,
-Embassy of Latvia in Budapest, -Embassy of Finland in Budapest,
-Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.
Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.

Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a merged banner too, it's attached  as 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

It's date and location: 13, November, 2024,
Kanada Nagykövetsége 1027, Ganz utca 12-14, - Német Nagykövetség 1014, Úri utca 64-66
Dán Nagykövetség 1122, Határőr út 37, - Izland Konzulátusa 1126, Orbánhegyi út 3
Portugál Nagykövetség 1123 MOM Park C ép. 4.em. Alkotás u. 53
Lett Nagykövetség, 1124 Vas Gereben utca 20, - Finn Nagykövetség 1118, Kelenhegyi út 16/A

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and/ or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place / date / Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika / 19, May, 1972 / Hungarian,
06, 11, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
On this expressing opinion the distance will be bigger between the embassies, unlike in my earlier protest, actually last time the embassies were very close to each other. And I protested in front of 12 embassies on that day, but this time there will be 7 embassies. I hope none of them will do the same what Italian and Croatian embassies did to me.
And also I wonder if any of them will ask me to came back later for reason they want to talk with me, as the Romanian embassy asked me. Sure it worked out without any problem and luckily it reflected how the police act times like this, and how the police reports disappear in the racist bureaucratic system instead of stopping their own racist human rights crime against my life.
- Well if they gonna ask me then I will have to think carefully what to do, but honestly Romania had some reason for example Romania and Hungary are strongly divided. But the countries / embassies what I will visit next week aren't divided with Hungary, and some are even friends of Hungarian govt, especially behind doors. And also the first family doctor which started this persecution is from Romania, she moved to Hungary but many decades ago, so that too can be an other reason why Romanian embassy asked me to come back, though the rest of doctors etc authorities are Hungarians (so for me it's easier to ignore these).
, ** 2 ** lol,
Trump won and funny is here in Hungary Orban etc celebrate it like it would be game changer, lol maybe for them but there are too many people who think nothing is changed with this.
- For me Trump is a friend of my enemy "Orban PM", because Orban is the highest responsible Hungarian person in this racist persecution against me. Andt honestly I wonder why republicans had to bring back Trump,because people know his words and steps way before he tries to sell anything.
- Fact is Orban lost his propaganda credit in foreign politics after he controlled wrongly the Israel-Palesine war (his desperate troll farms prove it the best). And I realized very fast in 2015 in Malaysia that Orban and his people are very weak in Islam world, actually Orban only works in post communist Turk Islam countries and in Turkey. He and his party is like a satellite govt of EU, NATO world in that area.
- And about the war between Russia and Ukraine, well I wonder how Orban and Trump will be able to make peace (if they really take it seriously at all). Orban easily went to Putin to talk about peace between Russia and Ukraine meanwhile for example he runs persecution against me, and I can't say that whether Orban knows me from my protests in front of his office and his home, but I do know the Russian embassy knows me and they talked with me even in my first protest too.
And I guess this racist persecution against me is an unsolved problem for the Russian embassy too (I wonder what Orban or his people can say to Russian embassy as a reason why they need to persecute me). So if Orban is not a Trojan Horse (everybody calls him Trojan Horse) then what is he waiting for to stop his govt racist crime against me?? Now he is/was a boss of EU and his friend Trump will be back in power and their campaign propaganda is "peace" (by the way Orban's father was a propaganda manager of communists).
- A main question is not whether their "peace" will be real or fake, because so far they just lied about peace to cover up their crimes, but a main question is how they will try to force their racist orders to hide their own human rights crimes. Well Orban always uses slicing strategy, and he always runs and hide from the responsibility if it backfires and he sacrifices some of his people as a scape goat just to look innocent. So a question is how radical his slicing strategy will be, and by the way Orban just admitted in radio that foreign countries don't want to buy from Hungary, and demands for weapon is growing (weapon factories in Hungary).
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

-- 1 --
On November 11 the State Police (ORFK) sent an email with an attachment, it was the usual "We forwarded your email for purpose of taking the necessary steps...". and then Budapest Police (BRFK) too send the same "We forwarded your email...", I think they send this always when I express my opinion on new places and mostly if it's another embassy.

-- 2 --
- November-13-2024, Budapest. I expressed my opinion with banners because of the racist communist crime against my life.
- So this time too I put duct-tape on my mouth in my expressing opinions and I recorded the events, because in November 2021 the police lied me in their custody/ court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police. - But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out, and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".
- And because Hungarian police deleted my videos from my phone even the corrupt arrest in 2021 November (when they took me from my expressing opinion/ protest).
- And authorities still did nothing to terminate their racial (commie) crime against my life.
So this happened; 1/7 - Canadian Embassy (it's in the same district where the UK embassy is). - The embassy didn't want to let me do it, they called the police. They played "French fishing", I call it "French fishing" because I only know this from French world, it's a bit common in French world (for me it looks like some French like it, some hate it, some ignore it), and Canada has French part too, and Canada and UK are close friends, and I and UK are divided. - If anybody who reads it and knows it's proper name then please correct me and/or look it that way.

- So I talked with a guard and he said "no" in an arrogant rude style, and a woman came out and started the conversation with saying "Hello" (which is tegezés in Hungarian but no problem), and she used / had accent and broken Hungarian language in the first moments. And when I started to answer to her then she suddenly interrupted me with "Do not 'tegezzen' me!", but I didn't do it. The "tegezés" is a type of conversation what friends, family members, etc use, and also it can be used in disrespect way. So she accused me but I didn't do it, and then later a guard started to "tegez" me, and I asked why he does it and he said he has rights to do it, well I rather let him have it.. And then later when police was there then I said my event will be about "öt - hét" "5 - 7" minutes long, and a little bit later this woman said that I said "két" ("2") minutes, and not "hét" ("7") minutes. Of course in Hungarian sometimes people misunderstand this, but we ask back and not use it to attack as she did it. And then I told the police she doesn't speak Hungarian and she said she's Hungarian. Well I wonder why she needed to confuse the numbers, and also why she used accent and broken Hungarian and said "hello" in the first moment when she came out from the Embassy before police were there.. And so on so they ran many more childish "French fishing", like they were bored.

- But the problem with this "French fishing" for example is that;
* A, - when they play it on abroad and the targeted person knows that game, but the police maybe familiar with that game or not..
* B, - and when the embassy is in a building which is directly next to public space / sidewalk, but the doors are closed, - and the embassy's staffs are inside smiling while the targeted person is outside waiting to the police and he's saying his thoughts onto his recording phone, - and then later the staffs come outside to the police and they continue the "French-fishing", - and the targeted person suddenly realize the embassy's staff is saying those thoughts/ things to the police what he said when each staff was inside the building in that time.. Well that's an interesting "Deja vu"..
This can also happen when the building's surveillance microphone was coincidently left on too sensitive and it hears even the public-space outside too..
- Well for example the freestyle motocross sport is very tough, dangerous but interestingly those guys use those new bikes which are available for anybody (tested by others), and when the reporters ask them about their bikes then they always say "factory set"..
- Well I like to use factory set on my phone / camera even though my phone and my camera are old and basic versions and not professionals (sadly even my camera has wifi, but the results can show hacker, etc attacks and it did many times since many years).
- It's known that many authorities use special professional fresh technology, and they are allowed or asked to test / use those as they want, and maybe the factory contract even protect them. And that reminds me to that warehouse where I last worked in UK long ago and some people acted like they were James Bonds.
- By the way the police looked a bit angry (but maybe they came from another annoying place so..), anyway one of them even asked me to turn off my camera because it's annoying him in his work, but I said no..
And the embassy and the police said I cannot photograph the embassy, and I said the policeman there is no sign which bans it, and other people can do it without any problem.. I don't know why they do this, they're on google maps and photos about the embassy are on Internet elsewhere too. And the modern cars have a bunch of recording cameras and people are driving those next to the embassy, and I needed to take pictures as evidence against EU-NATO corruption, so the embassy's issue was personal.
- What can I say it's always the same script, some of them make "mistakes" to change subject for reason to keep on loop their human rights crime against me, and when I complain then they all run the same victim blaming and misleading.
- The woman even asked the police to search my bag, and I didn't say anything and the police didn't do it.
- Once in a moment I even said the police and the embassy that I will report them to NATO and Russian etc secret services but they just smiled. So are these people know something or they are that arrogant?
- The woman also said she doesn't want me to "protest" there (a lawyer trick), and the police told her this isn't protest this is "expressing opinion". Well the "one person protest" is only expressing opinion and it's not gathering, and gathering is the security problem of protests, and forcing private person to ask permission when he wants to express his opinion in public space against racist crime / corruption is very interesting story.

- In the end when I started to put away my banners then a police van arrived and a policeman in it said to the other policemen in an easy way "everything is okay, don't worry, he always makes a short and walks away". And then police asked if I've other places too in their district, and turned out those were elsewhere.

2/7 -German Embassy
I knew they will be negative against me, but I didn't know how it will be. Germany has a lots of small / huge businesses in Hungary and many ex-communist Hungarians work and live in Germany, despite news about German and Hungarian governments dislike each other (they always play it). And Germany always moves with English world in decisions like this.
- So I talked with this embassy on their gate-phone, I told them the usual "I sent you email, and it's legal, and it's in public space etc", and they tried to limit me and to say me "no" with beating around the bush in a negative way. And I said them the Canadian embassy called the police and they too can call the police, and then their answer was something like this "We're too going to do that if you block the place / our way..", and then he hanged up the phone.. Practically they left me alone on my own, and they refused to cooperate against this persecution, but anyway I built up my banners and then I took some pictures and I walked away. And while I was taking pictures a man came out with a car tire in his hand, and he put it into a car's trunk, I've no idea who he was, but he acted who doesn't care about me.
3/7 -Denmark Embassy, Their gate-phone was broken and I asked the person to come out if it's possible. I told him I sent emails and I received robot replies from them, so they should know about this. And he said the ambassador should answer about it but he's busy, and I said him probably somebody is replacing the ambassador times like this (honestly I'm a small person next to any ambassador, sure ambassadors should know about this kind of events but there are people who can make this decisions times like this). And I said him there are embassies which rather argue and call the police but the law allows me to do this. Anyway he agreed then he went back to the embassy, and after I finished and started to put away my banners an old woman came out, and she said I cannot do it there, then I told her it's legal in public space and they can call the police if they want.. - Honestly I thought Denmark will be easier, they surprised me a little, but luckily we had moderate polite conversations.

4/7 -Iceland Honorary Consulate,
We didn't talk but everything went very easily.
A woman walked there and asked whether she can photograph my banners to read it later, and I nodded "yes" with my head.
5/7 -Portuguese Embassy, It's in shopping-mall, but their entrance is from outside in a less busy small street. So I walked into the embassy and I told to a woman the usual what I say to other embassies too (we talked in Hungarian) and she acted who doesn't understand it and what their embassy have to do with it, etc. Anyway they didn't want to stop me either, so I went outside into public space and I did it as I wanted it.
6/7 -Latvia Embassy The gates were open (embassy is a house with garden around it) so I entered and started to walk toward the house and a man asked me what I want and then he let me do it easily, and a bit later he asked me what is it all about, but he was civilized friendly person so everything went easily in a polite way.
7/7 -Finnish Embassy I had to wait a little, and to explain it's legal etc but anyway after that they let me do it.

** 3 **
** A **

That's an interesting news and can be useful in my case.
Title; Russia jails soldiers who killed entire family in Ukraine

""State news agency Tass reported that the men had been convicted for murder "motivated by political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred"."" ... -182311166. html
https ://www . yahoo . com/news/russia-jails-soldiers-killed-entire-182311166. html ... in-ukraine
https ://www . ke/news/world/2024-11-09-russia-jails-soldiers-who-killed-entire-family-in-ukraine ... ne-family/
https ://www .cbsnews . com/news/russian-soldiers-sentenced-massacre-ukraine-family/

It means the Russian system is taking more seriously their soldiers crimes in wars. And sure it also means the Russian system is now more interested about foreign countries' human rights problems, especially if it can be connected to military and possible future war crimes, and EU-NATO is on the top of their lists.
- And also for example there are organizations/people who are collecting evidences about those Israelis who publish photos/videos etc evidences about Gaza, West-Bank, Lebanon etc.
- Well without any kind of emotion, I can say the Russian embassy has been doing a good job in my expressing opinions next to them which is advancing them in different ways and since first moment.

- The NATO and EU countries should rethink many things in my case also, because for example when their embassies prefer to argue and / or call the police, then sometimes I mention them my experiences about the Russian embassy, and Russians said me I can do it next to them in the future too, and in my first time when I argued with the police (police are there in 24/7) then a Russian came out voluntarily and talked with me and let me do it instead of trying to send me away. Sure there too were difficult days, but NATO-EU world is acting way more harder, and they should help me.
- Practically this can be or it is a win-win advance for Russia, because it's regardless if EU-NATO embassies and police ignore this or not in arguments. If they ignore / laugh at it then the human rights crime is pointing on them and separating Russia from this, - and if they accept it then the Russian example is training / controlling the police.
- Probably the US embassy recognized it very fast, and maybe the Belgium emb too though there wasn't any argument etc so far, so this can be one of the reasons why the maintainer said me to go to other embassies too, and probably the Romanian emb too recognized the problems, while some EU-NATO embassies interestingly refuse to face with the consequences.
I just don't understand why nobody stops this persecution against me, practically I've been expressing my opinion in front of 26 EU-NATO countries' embassies/consulate and only 9 left; Cyprus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia, Montenegro.
- These countries will not stop this persecution either, all because if any of EU-NATO countries wanted to help me then they would have done it years ago, instead of let me express my opinion (protest) against it. And by the way Orban PM and his govt should be the first to end this persecution and not other EU-NATO countries.
That's why it's not even possible to get asylum or protection from any EU-NATO countries in this case, because this "run by FIDESZ human rights crime" proves for example that each country corruptly voted "yes" in the EU-NATO joining process, and none of them will admit that, and a question is why they don't stop it in Hungary ever since Orban PM is anti-refugee.

And Orban/FIDESZ govt was in power when Hungary joined NATO and they're running this persecution, Orban/FIDESZ are always traitors, they flip side and weaponise their own weakness against the vulnerable groups.
- Plus in spring of 2021 the Russian embassy and I talked about that the West especially EU should have stopped this or they should have lured me to another country to live there before I realize what's going on.. By the way in that time this persecution case was nothing to compare to this.

** B **
Another interesting news;

(DW) IKEA payed to East German political prisoners for forced labor ... a-70633944

- It's interesting news but on the other hand it's hard to imagine how it was possible, okay it's Germany and not Hungary but I'm only surprised because there are a lot of ex-Stasi in Germany.

And another lol about German system,
Weeks ago I checked the travel conditions to Iran, and it gave me a German agency (or it looked like German) it was about helping to get visa to Iran etc. And it's page looked like it was happy to show me "Look, Iran is requiring travel insurance now". Sure it means my chances are more complicated, but I learned that the opinions of my enemies (like German) is just pathetic negative wish, because they can't make decisions everywhere. And I'm not surprised because it would be a problem for them too if I can get back my rights outside of their world.
** C ** - There is so many news about the "future USA", the Hungarian media started to paint the new image of the next US embassy in Hungary and same about Trump, but Trump is covered by international news too. For example the media and FIDESZ are already celebrating how the new US embassy will look like. But they just paint an "armchair & theatre" image about the next embassy. Like it will be an easy-armchair (between Trump and Orban), and also a theatre to gaslight the public, as a try to sweep their problems under the rug, all because they're already concentrating on their business interests = like they were already corrupt.. What an interesting "psychological political warfare" for peace..
- Sure the new embassy will be different (well life goes on) but this present one showed an example also to the next one in cases like mine, even if for example "Iran", "Muslims" are on my banners and in my emails, what I mean is it didn't blind them luckily.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On November 27, 2024 in Kazincbarcika/Hungary, I expressed my opinion because of the racist communist crime against my life.
1, Dr Tamás Motkó family doctor surgery,
2, Dr Márta Lencár family doctor surgery,
3, District Prosecution,
4, District Court,
5, Mayor Office,
6, Jobcenter,
7, Dr József Tímár family doctor surgery,
8, Police headquarter,
- A car with dark windows stopped right next to me for a moment, while I was busy with taking some picture of my expressing opinion at Dr Tamás Motkó family doctor surgery. Anyway a neighbor has same car and the registration looked similar to theirs, but I don't care too much about that family. Because they many times did similar things earlier in my other expressing opinions too in different places in the city, and they're always fishing around anybody everywhere. This family is that kind what people call as "connected commies, provocateurs".
- Sure I'm not happy for it, but it dresses down my enemies.
** 2 ** An interesting is Orban PM proudly said a few times that he's coming from down (low class), but he forgets to say his family had privilege life in that "low" class, just as most of FIDESZ members had privilege life in each class under communism, well these privilege types were the oppressor communists everywhere.
And that's why they're popular and chosen by West, because they think and work as privilege and the Western colonizer, oppressors like it.
- But my parents, grandparents and great grandparents were middle class and one was from noble family, and communist called these families as "other origin", so we were the "oppressed" middle class..
- And I think the Democratic USA embassy recognized this, and that if they hurt me then they're aiding their enemies via on me, (I really wonder how Republican embassy will handle this persecution but anyway).

And that explains why I liked to be in Chow-Kit in Kuala Lumpur, because that community was Indonesian, a minority district and the media globally stigmatized each Muslim as "terrorist suspect" in that time, and some Malaysians were friends of the Indonesian minority in that district. And some Malaysians are known as arrogant privilege but here most of Malaysian were nice, (but I never cared about the arrogance issues because others compensated it always, as I still keep love those who helped me in Malaysia, and sure division happened between me and Malaysia after the embassy, but I know why).
- I recognized many times that, my enemies had hard times to reach me in that Indonesian district unlike in Petaling street (China-town - tourist district) etc places, where life was different but hostel etc was cheap and that was a main reason I stayed there.

- lol,
So my racist enemies want me to go under their "re-education" to recognize their racist privilege in the EU-NATO / Western world, and the system of EU-NATO world thinks it's okay in this world = they're useful ("idiots") of the enemies of my enemies.
- Well their racist stalks/ harassments etc turned into a racist discrimination and they call it "paranoia" but they're too weak to realize they're the paranoid = a false accusation is a confession.
** 3 ** -- Another interesting is, I already said in my earlier post here that Russia is taking more seriously the human rights crimes, and now even Israeli PM too is on ICC wanted list, so I guess they too gonna have to think.
I wonder when my enemies will realize this, because times like this the systems scan everything. Anyway those things what some embassies and the Hungarian police etc authorities did against me can be used as evidence against them. And they acted openly even in video records just as for example many soldiers acted in human rights crimes, and some of them for example tried to stop me to record evidences.. But the best was the Italian embassy because they're a neighbour of Iranian embassy. And the second winner is the UK embassy with the police with repeating everything many times.
- And that's always a moment when my enemies start running desperate counter attacks to remove their systems' racist jobs to white wash themselves.
- The USA embassy solved this problem very fast and in time and peacefully (except of course the persecution where they're too responsible as NATO member, and they're too voted corruptly "yes" just as others when they let Hungary to join corruptly NATO). But I just don't understand those EU-NATO embassies which willingly still walk into these open persecution support "problems", because their counter intelligences should know it from my reports, complaints etc emails to EU-NATO securities, and I even published those emails on Internet.
- These reckless ignores are also evidences of willingly unlawful acting, same about their counter intelligences too.
But who knows how human rights laws will be handled in the near future, maybe crimes will be more openly ignored..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On December-01-2024, I sent the usual email to Pope Francis again, to ask him to talk to Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life. It was the 20th time when I sent email to the Pope.
** 2 ** On December-04-2024, I sent email to authorities because I'm going again to express my opinion on December, 11, 2024 in Budapest. Because of the racist discriminative communist crime against my life.
- Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO. - This time too I will walk with duck-tape on my mouth to prove that I'll be mute and I will video record it and take photos. - I want to get a lawful job / advice or money from families of Viktor Orban and FIDESZ-KDNP. Because they live in the racist privileged, they inherit the racist wealth. But for example I cannot work lawfully because of this racist persecution therefore I've no income.

These are the places where I will express my opinion;
Embassy of Lithuania, 1052 Deak Ferenc utca 15, - Embassy of Cyprus, 1051, Dorottya utca 3.
Embassy of Montenegro, 1051, Arany Janos 15/I, - Embassy of Ireland, 1054, Szabadsag ter 7
Embassy of France 1055, Kossuth tér 13-15. - Embassy of Russia 1062 Bajza ut 35,

This is the email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 5ker, 6ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR,FSB
-Litván Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Ciprusi Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Montenegró Nagykövetsége Budapesten,
-Írország Nagykövetsége Budapesten,-Franciaország Nagykövetsége Budapesten
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Összevont transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024BnrRdir.jpg.
Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, December, 11,

Litván Nagykövetség, 1052 Deák Ferenc utca 15, - Ciprusi Nagykövetség, 1051, Dorottya utca 3.
Montenegró Nagykövetsége, 1051, Arany Janos 15/I, - Írország Nagykövetsége, 1054. Szabadság tér 7
Franciaország Nagykövetsége 1055, Kossuth tér 13-15. - Orosz Nagykövetség 1062 Bajza út 35,

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő / hely / Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19 / Kazincbarcika / Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 12, 04
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 5ker, 6ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Justice Minister, -Sándor Pintér Interior Minister, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Embassy of Lithuania in Budapest, -Embassy of Cyprus in Budapest, -Embassy of Montenegro in Budapest,
-Embassy of Ireland in Budapest, -Embassy of France in Budapest,
-Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a merged banner too, it's attached  as 2024BnrRdir.jpg.
It's date and location: 11, December, 2024,

Embassy of Lithuania, 1052 Deak Ferenc utca 15, - Embassy of Cyprus, 1051, Dorottya utca 3.
Embassy of Montenegro, 1051, Arany Janos 15/I, - Embassy of Ireland, 1054, Szabadsag ter 7
Embassy of France 1055, Kossuth tér 13-15. - Embassy of Russia 1062 Bajza ut 35,

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and/ or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place / date / Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika / 19, May, 1972 / Hungarian,
04, 12, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On December 07-2024, I sent this email to NATO EU countries. Subject / Tárgy; 2) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus.
So I reported the police and those embassies where I expressed my opinion in November.

And this is what i wrote about them in the email, I tried to describe everything in a few short sentences;
-1, Canadian Embassy didn't want to let me express my opinion in front of them and take pictures of their building, so they called the police. Well I make these videos and pictures for evidence of my expressing opinions. There was no sign prohibiting photography, and there are photos of the embassy even on Google Maps. And then the police came and after an argument I could express my opinion and take pictures. - But neither the embassy nor the police cared about stopping the racist persecution. And when I told them that I will report them then they just smiled. -And the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-2, German embassy answered me in a misleading negative style, and then they hung up their gate-phone. And then I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-3, Danish embassy; The guard let me express my opinion. But then when I finished and started to put away my banners a woman came out, and she opposed my right to express my opinion in front of them, and she didn't care about my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-4, Honorary Consulate of Iceland, they let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-5, The Portuguese embassy talked like they didn't want to understand anything. But I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-6, Latvia embassy let me express my opinion without any problem and they asked me about my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-7, Finn embassy let me express my opinion, and I told them my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

And this is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56.
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, december, 07

Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai. (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20151115Consul.png,
109Bp20241106To.pdf, KimarNVideo36.pdf, 20241113BnrBp.pdf,
Tárgy; 2) NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus

Tisztelt Cím!
2024 november 13-án a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki hét EU-NATO ország nagykövetségei, konzulátusai előtt Budapesten. Mindenkit értesítettem erről e-mailben, (email csatolva van mint 109Bp20241106To.pdf). Az események videó linkjei a KimarNVideo36.pdf csatolásban vannak. És ezeket a transzparenseket használtam csatolva mint 20241113BnrBp.pdf.

-Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. És például nincs jövedelmem mert ez az emberi jogi bűncselekmény még a törvényes munkavégzésben is megakadályoz engem ezért az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet. - Sajnos Magyarország anélkül csatlakozott az EU-NATO-hoz, hogy bárki megállította volna a kommunista ügynök bűnök áldozataival szembeni elfogultságot és előítéletet Magyarországon. EU-NATO-tagországok pedig ezt korruptan, törvénytelenül engedélyezték a szavazatukkal. További információk erről ezekben a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

Ez történt;
-1, Kanadai Nagykövetség nem akarta megengedni, hogy előttük kinyilvánítsam a véleményemet és lefényképezzem az épületüket, ezért kihívták a rendőrséget. Nos, ezeket a videókat és képeket a véleménynyilvánításom bizonyítására készítem. Fényképezést tiltó tábla nem volt, és még a Google térképen is vannak fotók a követségről. Aztán jöttek a rendőrök, és egy vita után véleményemet nyilváníthattam és fotózhattam. - De sem a nagykövetség, sem a rendőrség nem törődött azzal, hogy megállítsák a rasszista üldöztetést. És amikor azt mondtam nekik, hogy fel fogom jelenteni őket, akkor csak mosolyogtak. - És a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-2, Német nagykövetség félrevezető negatív stílusban válaszolt nekem, aztán letették a kaputelefonjukat. És utána véleményt nyilvánítottam. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-3, Dán nagykövetség; Az őr megengedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak. De amikor végeztem, és elkezdtem eltenni a transzparenseimet akkor egy nő jött ki, és ellenezte a véleménynyilvánítási jogomat elöltük, és nem érdekelte az indokom. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-4, Izland tiszteletbeli konzulátusa, gond nélkül engedték, hogy a véleményemet nyilvánítsam. -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-5, A Portugál nagykövetség úgy beszélt, mintha nem akart volna érteni semmit. De véleményt nyilvánítottam. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-6, Lettország nagykövetsége gond nélkül engedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak, és megkérdezték az indokomat. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
-7, Finn nagykövetség megengedte, hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak, és elmondtam nekik az indokomat. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
07, December, 2024. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,
-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries. (Some countries don't have email just "e Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20151115Consul.png,
109Bp20241106To.pdf, KimarNVideo36.pdf, 20241113BnrBp.pdf,
Subject; 2) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism

Dear Sir, Madam,
On November 13, 2024, I expressed my opinion in front of seven embassies, consulates of EU-NATO countries in Budapest. I informed everybody about it in email (email is attached as 109Bp20241106To.pdf). The video links of the events are in the KimarNVideo36.pdf attachment. And I used these banners attached as 20241113BnrBp.pdf.

-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. The facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. And for example I've no income because this persecution even prevents me to work lawfully, therefore my mother pays for my food. - Unfortunately, Hungary joined EU-NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And EU-NATO countries corruptly, unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

This happened;
-1, Canadian Embassy didn't want to let me express my opinion in front of them and take pictures of their building, so they called the police. Well I make these videos and pictures for evidence of my expressing opinions. There was no sign prohibiting photography, and there are photos of the embassy even on Google Maps. And then the police came and after an argument I could express my opinion and take pictures. - But neither the embassy nor the police cared about stopping the racist persecution. And when I told them that I will report them then they just smiled. -And the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-2, German embassy answered me in a misleading negative style, and then they hung up their gate-phone. And then I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-3, Danish embassy; The guard let me express my opinion. But then when I finished and started to put away my banners a woman came out, and she opposed my right to express my opinion in front of them, and she didn't care about my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-4, Honorary Consulate of Iceland, they let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-5, The Portuguese embassy talked like they didn't want to understand anything. But I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-6, Latvia embassy let me express my opinion without any problem and they asked me about my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
-7, Finn embassy let me express my opinion, and I told them my reason. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 2 **
So next week I will express my opinion in Budapest in front of these embassies;
- Lithuanian, - Cyprus, - Montenegro, - Irish, - French, and - Russian,

One thing sure, none of the EU-NATO embassies / countries will do anything against this persecution, because they've easier ways to stop it instead of acting in the last moment when I as a simple citizen stand in front of them with banners. My experience says that the only question is how many of them will let me express my opinion without any argument, and whether some of them may will call the police as an attempt to rescue themselves from this corrupt racist crime.
And I will use the same banners, including the "Iran". Well Iran is getting weaker, but I don't care I hope they will secure themselves. And I'm not surprised why Assad the most important ally of Iran and Russia lost power, and probably from now on Syrian and Lebanese securities will belong under the NATO control. It's a typical event when corruption ruins everything, and Arabians weakness is corruption and none of the Arabian countries has technology, etc, just oil and gas business. Well for example Hon Kong isn't Arabian but they fall back to China because UK securities had just a few naive people (useful "idiots") and their useless corrupt BBC, CNN etc propaganda, they just wanted to keep up their privilege power with their propaganda from their past = "talking and taxing HK, but not producing"..
- Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Israel or NATO will attack Iran within weeks, or some kind of event will be to create civil war there. I think Iranian system has left a very short time to reform itself, because in the last 6-7 months I read in news how Saud Arabia started to "liberate" its culture, and it was always like "somebody targets Iran with it", but Libya fall while most of it's people had easy free life. But anyway I only get information from Internet news what my enemies fully control / censor. So it's just "my" speculation from Internet fake news which always about to mislead me, but I hope everything will work out peacefully.
- Fact is EU-NATO world has been always betraying / abusing the victims of communist crimes, and on that reckless level which forces their crime victims like me to look them more and more as the Syrians including their army looked their Assad.. So their arrogant corruption pushed me toward Iran, maybe the Malaysian embassy / system recognized that already, and that's why they were about to sell me back to my enemies (Malaysia is friend of UK and UK is a friend of my enemies).
- So what I try to say is that if Iran falls then my enemies can only troll on me toward their sheep with their NATO-EU propaganda "Look this crazy man is going with Iran on his banners.. we told you he's crazy.. so we ask you dear sheep to trust only us!", and sure this is what they need to feed to their sheep.. And as I said years ago about Russian-Ukraine war "the ex-KGB gonna win that war, only question is whether the pro-NATO or the pro-Russia ex-KGB".
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

The Internet just showed me this, well if it's true then it explains a lot about "coincidences and reactions". According to wikipedia (my Internet) the Malaysian system is a satellite / proxy ally of NATO.

Five Power Defence Arrangements ... rangements
https :/ /en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Five_Power_Defence_Arrangements ... rangements
https :// www. mod. gov .my/index.php/en/information/five-power-defence-arrangements
The Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) are a series of bilateral defence relationships established by a series of multi-lateral agreements between Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, all of which are Commonwealth members that once belonged to the British Empire.
- Headquarters; RMAF Butterworth Air Base (Malaysia), Sembawang Air Base (Singapore).
And there was a time when wikipedia didn't want to show me any real info about Malaysian, Singaporean weapons, armies etc just only confusing misleading stories, what locals said it's not true. Well any AI can be set to hide info in a NATO false flag attack can't be.. And could be this a reason for example why the Russian embassy wanted to hear me and then said me "you can keep doing this (protesting) here with this if you think as you do now..", and could be maybe this a reason why UK, USA, Canadian, German, Danish, Italian, Croatian, etc embassies were openly upset with my banners in front of them unlike the Russians?? I knew Malaysia was a "former" colony of UK but this was a new thing for me.
"If something is too nice to be true then it's not a coincident.."
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On December-11-2024, Budapest. I expressed my opinion (protest) because of the racist communist crime against my life. These were the places/embassies;
1/6 - Lithuanian Embassy,
2/6 - Cyprus Embassy
3/6 - Montenegro Embassy
4/6 - Irish Embassy
5/6 - French Embassy
6/6 - Russian Embassy

As usual I had duct tape on my mouth this time too. I talked in Hungarian with each embassy.
This day was different, because none of these EU-NATO embassies called the police, and none of them talked in a bullyl way toward me, unlike elsewhere in my earlier expressing opinions (protests) when some other embassies were very bad / rude with open hate. Maybe it was a coincident or the radical haters were warned by NATO-EU counter intelligences to slow down everywhere, because there are now "genocide-trackers" etc organizations and even protected people became wanted for genocide, war crime, etc.
- So this day was "easier", but I'm still persecuted, so "easier" can mean a "coincident", or my enemies are looking for new set-ups, strategies, because their bully hate crime against me can be now dangerous evidence in this racist corrupt EU-NATO crime.
- Each personal conversation with embassies was inside office etc buildings and I don't want to record inside these buildings (just in public space), because rules are different there and I heard enough lies from embassies, securities elsewhere, and what if somebody will lie me the recording is legal but then they call the police. And I'm not a fan of recording moderate, normal tone answers of embassies in public space, unless it's important because they try to set me up, etc as for example the Croatian embassy tried it.
1/6 - Lithuanian Embassy;
The embassy is in an office building, and they asked if I had appointment, and I told them I sent emails 2 times, and then the embassy acted who doesn't know anything. And I told a person the reason of my expressing opinion and when I asked him whether they agree with my expressing opinion outside in public space then he looked in the air who doesn't want to understand it. And in a beating around the bush way he said they will check my email and they will reply me, actually he said something like that they will answer me in email when I can express my opinion, or he said something like that. Anyway I told him that some embassies don't want to let me do it, and they call the police to argue with me but this expressing opinion is legal. And then he just said in a straight way that well it's public space and I can do it there. And then I said him okay I will go out and do it now, and I asked him whether they will reply to my emails what I sent them, but he said no.. So I went outside and I expressed my opinion there. And my human rights are still violated.

2/6 - Cyprus Embassy;
It's inside an old building, it's a kind of apartment size embassy. I talked with a woman there, she seemed a nice person and the conversation was polite / moderate. She listened me and she tried to turn me away from the embassy in a careful moderate way. And she said maybe I should go to NATO, and I told her their country too voted corruptly therefore their govt too is responsible for this. Anyway she let me express my opinion. But my human rights are still violated.

3/6 - Montenegro Embassy;
It's in an old building, as the Cyprus embassy. A woman answered the gate phone, the conversation was polite, and she said me both of their diplomats were busy, and she read my email but they can't answer me in Hungarian. And I said her it's in English too and they can reply me in English also. And then she said she will tell them and they may reply me in email. And I told her I will express my opinion and she had no problem with that. And my human rights are still violated.

4/6 - Irish Embassy;
It's in a new office building, and the reception said me that appointment needs to visit the embassy, so I couldn't talk with the embassy (well each reaction is an answer). Anyway the reception had no problem with my expressing opinion outside in public space. And my human rights are still violated.

5/6 - French Embassy;
I talked with them on the doorbell phone, a male person answered me and he always misunderstood me, and he said that nobody is inside who speaks Hungarian. And in the end I just said him "I understand why you don't understand me, and I will go outside to public space to express my opinion", and then he answered something like this "you can't disturb the neighbours..".
And I expressed my opinion, and when I took the last picture then a woman came out and asked me what I do. I told her "I'm expressing my opinion at / in front of French embassy.. (because) Hungary corruptly joined NATO..", and then she went back to the building. And I started to put away my banners and when I finished it then she came out again and asked or more like said me this "-And are you going away. -And are you going to destroy the record." (I don't know maybe she wanted me to destroy the pictures or the video or everything.) And I said her "Why should I destroy it? I need this for evidence.". And she said something what I didn't understand because she started to close the door.
The embassy is on the 4th floor in an old building, and there are many lawyer etc businesseses in that building, and many different stylish business signs were (recklessly) next to each other outside by the front door, and the embassy's sign was surrounded by those.
The internet shows that the district healthcare department/office is also there, so who knows who was this woman.

- I was still laughing on this event even when I arrived to Russian embassy.
a) Because the embassy has been representing its country and its government, but they corruptly voted in EU and NATO decades ago, so the corruption should be destroyed and not my evidences against the crime.
- And honestly the French embassy should put its embassy sign to there on the wall where nobody is just them.
b) Anyway I picked and uploaded a weaker quality photo where it's difficult to read the signs and I wrote "French embassy" on the top of the photo, just to make sure I targeted the French embassy..
c) And by the way what's with those people who take picture of the French embassy sign without informing anybody? Because nothing bans it and by the way the embassy is in the one of the most popular tourist places, it's in the "Kossuth tér / square" where the Parliament is. And tourists from the ex-French-colonies may have sad grieving memories when they see French authorities, politicians embassies etc, and that can be also difficult for the embassy's neighbours.
And my human rights are still violated.

6/6 - Russian Embassy;
So I arrived to here with laughing because of "destroy the record" and "French embassy sign is (recklessly) surrounded", and I was also still a bit happy because the Montenegro embassy said me they read my email etc so they knew about me. But the strong emotion like "laughing, being happy" or being "bulled" etc moods aren't good signs, it can mean somebody is working and using the target in "his excited moments" (even some of hypnosis work this way). Maybe I over react this, but I wouldn't be surprised if somebody made a message here from my last month's expressing opinion in Budapest, anyway I don't care.
- So here at Russian embassy I talked with a young police woman, and she called the other police and they arrived fast and a police checked my ID, and one of the police remembered on me, and they let me easily express my opinion. But my human rights are still violated.

** 2 **
I want to send two emails, because of French embassy, and Turkish embassy.

a) French embassy;
I want to tell the embassy how come they told me to not to "disturb their neighbours" meanwhile
the embassy has responsibility in this persecution and I'm the persecuted, and the persecution is the disturbing and not my silent few minutes long peaceful expressing opinion.
-So why is a peacefully silent expressing opinion against racist corrupt crime is disturbing the embassy's neighbours and not the corrupt racist NATO-EU crime is the disturbing?
-Was that woman a "disturbed neighbour" or an embassy employment?
-I wonder why did that woman want me to destroy my evidence recordings against a racist corrupt NATO-EU crime?
-Honestly the embassy should distance its sign from its "neighbours".

b) Turkish embassy;
When on June-12-2024 I expressed my opinion (protested) in front of the Turkish embassy, then one of the embassy's employment looked my banners and made a tricky question "How to stop it?" like they didn't recognize / understand their responsibility in my case, (how and why would it belong to Turkish defence securities??), and then they went back to their embassy, like they did their job.

- Well the Turkish defence securities must knew everything about this corruption in NATO securities, and way before I realised for example that their Turkish politicians corruptly voted "Yes" when they let Hungary to join NATO.
- So how come the Turkish system still doesn't know how to stop this persecution? In other words it means they're corruptly okay with this crime against me, and they're unable to make any real investigations if war crime happens.

((An interesting problem about Turkish security is that, for example there are many information about that the Turkish are helping Israel while there is Gaza war/ genocide is happening. But the Turkish system and their trolls etc deny everything, and the informations, evidences etc have been disappearing very fast from Internet, but without any community-note, reason, answer, etc. In other words somebody like a stubborn maniac removes these informations, evidences etc about Turkish govt. Sure Turkish securities etc will pay a price for it in the future but they still do it, which means they're reckless about their own future too. So it's better to be careful even though my case has nothing to do with Gaza etc and my case is way less than Gaza, etc, and I don't want to bring Gaza, etc into my case, but fact is it's interesting.
And the Turkish embassy even asked me in my first protest in front of them "Why is the Turkish embassy? Is this the only (NATO) embassy where I do this (expressing opinion) or not?".. Well this is not a "tricky Turkish-ice cream" business where people can ignore (boycott) the Turkish ice cream seller and then the seller will just sing and be angry with his long spoon while he tries to talk to people who ignore him.
- In this case the corrupt Turkish system reminds me to the poisoned kids from my childhood. For example when we played then we had to make sure they can't be the first who fell out, lose. Because they easily started to act as a poisoned stubborn child who wants to go home, and if he had the football, etc or the games didn't have enough players without them then the games stopped.))

** 3 **
I read in news that Trump, Republicans have a "Peace-Plan" idea which tries to ask Russia and Ukraine to deploy EU peace soldiers.
Well it's an interesting idea and I also wonder if Orban PM too in it or not but it doesn't matter. Because for example Orban PM and his FIDESZ-KDNP government in EU have been openly persecuting me since 2015, and they were gladly relaxed without any problem when I protested in front of Russian embassy and my banners only targeted the ex-KGB / communist agents. But they very fast became desperately upset and angry with me when I went to their FIDESZ headquarters with a new banner which targeted and questioned the FIDESZ govt party.. And none of the EU countries wants to stop this racist ex-KGB crime.
- So it will be an interesting peace mission idea between Russia and Ukraine. Once I already sent email to Russia and Orban and I posted it on USA embassy's X, because Orban PM went to Russia to talk about "peace in Ukraine" while I'm persecuted and I've been expressing opinion even in front of Orban PM's home and his office and Russian embassy.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On December-20-2024, I sent this email to EU-NATO countries and to NATO, the subject is; "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus".
And today I forwarded this email to Russia and Iran, and today I also forwarded the date of 07, December, 2024 email, subject; "2) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus" email too.

This is the main part of email what I sent on December-20;
Dear Sir, Madam,
On December 11, 2024, I expressed my opinion in front of the Russian and five EU-NATO countries’ embassies, consulates in Budapest. Before that I informed everybody about it in email (it's attached as 111Bp20241209Rm1.pdf, 111Bp20241209Rm2.pdf, 20241204ToIrEmb.pdf). The video links of the events are in the KimarNVideo37.pdf attachment. And I used these banners attached as 20241211BnrBp.pdf.

-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. The facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. The FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. And for example I've no income because this persecution even prevents me to work lawfully, therefore my mother pays for my food. - Unfortunately, Hungary joined EU-NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And EU-NATO countries corruptly, unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

This happened;
-1, Lithuanian Embassy; a man asked if I had an appointment, I told him I sent emails two times, and he acted like he didn't know anything. I told him the reason for expressing my opinion, I asked him whether they agree with my expressing opinion outside in public space, he said they will look at my email, and they will respond. I told him that some embassies call the police to argue but this expressing opinion is legal. And he said it's public space and I can do it there, and I said that I will do it now. And I asked him whether they will reply to the emails that I sent them, but he said no. And then I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-2, Cyprus Embassy; a woman listened me and she said maybe I should go to NATO. But she let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-3, Montenegro Embassy; a woman on the gate-phone said she read my email, and both of their diplomats were busy. But she let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-4, Irish Embassy; the receptionist said that I need appointment to visit the embassy. But I expressed my opinion without any problem. -But the racist EU corruption is still violating my human rights.

-5, French Embassy; I talked with a man on gate-phone, he said nobody is now there who speaks Hungarian. I told him I will express my opinion in public space, and he said I can't disturb their neighbors. And when I took the last picture of expressing my opinion, a woman from the front door of the building asked me what I was doing. I told her; "I express opinion in front of the French embassy.. Hungary corruptly joined NATO..". And when I put away my banners then she opened the door again and said this; "... -And are you going to destroy the recording?". I said to her; "Why should I destroy it? I need this for evidence.". And she said something I didn't understand because she started to close the door. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-6, Russian Embassy, I didn't talk with the embassy, but I told the police that I want to express my opinion, and they let me do it. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

This is the full email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56.
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, december, 20

Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, és -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), -Titkosszolgálatai. (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter- 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20151115Consul.png,
111Bp20241209Rm1.pdf, 111Bp20241209Rm2.pdf, 20241204ToIrEmb.pdf, KimarNVideo37.pdf, 20241211BnrBp.pdf
Tárgy; 3) NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus

Tisztelt Cím!
2024 December 11-én a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki az Orosz és öt EU-NATO ország nagykövetségei, konzulátusai előtt Budapesten. Előtte mindenkit értesítettem erről e-mailben, (csatolva van mint 111Bp20241209Rm1.pdf, 111Bp20241209Rm2.pdf, 20241204ToIrEmb.pdf). Az események videó linkjei a KimarNVideo37.pdf csatolásban vannak. És ezeket a transzparenseket használtam csatolva mint 20241211BnrBp.pdf.

-Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. A FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. És például nincs jövedelmem mert ez az emberi jogi bűncselekmény még a törvényes munkavégzésben is megakadályoz engem ezért az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet. - Sajnos Magyarország anélkül csatlakozott az EU-NATO-hoz, hogy bárki megállította volna a kommunista ügynök bűnök áldozataival szembeni elfogultságot és előítéletet Magyarországon. EU-NATO-tagországok pedig ezt korruptan, törvénytelenül engedélyezték a szavazatukkal. További információk erről ezekben a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

Ez történt;
-1, Litván Nagykövetség; egy férfi megkérdezte, hogy van-e időpontom, mondtam neki, hogy kétszer küldtem e-mailt, és úgy viselkedett, aki nem tud semmit. Elmondtam neki a véleménynyilvánításom indokát, megkérdeztem tőle, hogy egyetértenek-e a véleménynyilvánításommal közterületen, azt mondta, hogy megnézik az e-mailemet, és majd válaszolnak. Mondtam neki, hogy néhány nagykövetség hívja a rendőrséget vitatkozni, de ez a véleménynyilvánítás jogszerű. És azt mondta hogy az közterület és meg tudom csinálni, és én azt mondtam, hogy most megcsinálom. És megkérdeztem, hogy vajon válaszolnak-e az e-mailekre, amit küldtem nekik, de nemet mondott. És utána véleményt nyilvánítottam. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaim.

-2, Ciprus Nagykövetsége; egy hölgy meghallgatott, és azt mondta, talán menjek a NATO-hoz. De gond nélkül megengedte, hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-3, Montenegró Nagykövetsége; egy hölgy a kaputelefonon azt mondta, hogy elolvasta az e-mailemet, és mindkét diplomatájuk elfoglalt. De gond nélkül megengedte, hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak. -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-4, Ír Nagykövetség; a recepciós azt mondta, hogy időpontot kell kérnem a nagykövetség látogatásához. De gond nélkül véleményt nyilvánítottam. -De a rasszista EU korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-5, Francia Nagykövetség; Beszéltem egy férfival kaputelefonon, azt mondta, hogy most nincs ott senki, aki tud magyarul. Mondtam neki hogy véleményt fogok nyilvánítani közterületen, ő pedig azt mondta, hogy nem zavarhatom a szomszédaikat. És amikor elkészítettem az utolsó képet a véleménynyilvánításomnak, akkor egy nő az épület bejárati ajtajából megkérdezte, mit csinálok. Mondtam neki; "Véleményt nyilvánítok a Francia Nagykövetség előtt.. Magyarország korruptan csatlakozott a NATO-hoz..". És amikor eltettem a transzparenseim, akkor újra kinyitotta az ajtót, és ezt mondta; "... És megfogja semmisíteni a felvételt?". Azt mondtam neki: "Miért semmisítsem meg? Ez bizonyítéknak kell nekem.". És mondott valamit, amit nem értettem, mert elkezdte becsukni az ajtót. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-6, Orosz Nagykövetsége, Nem beszéltem a nagykövetséggel, de mondtam a rendőröknek, hogy véleménynyilvánítást akarok, és megengedték. -De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
20, December, 2024. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO Secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,
-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries. (Some countries don't have email just "e Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter- 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20151115Consul.png,
111Bp20241209Rm1.pdf, 111Bp20241209Rm2.pdf, 20241204ToIrEmb.pdf, KimarNVideo37.pdf, 20241211BnrBp.pdf
Subject; 3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism

Dear Sir, Madam,
On December 11, 2024, I expressed my opinion in front of the Russian and five EU-NATO countries’ embassies, consulates in Budapest. Before that I informed everybody about it in email (it's attached as 111Bp20241209Rm1.pdf, 111Bp20241209Rm2.pdf, 20241204ToIrEmb.pdf). The video links of the events are in the KimarNVideo37.pdf attachment. And I used these banners attached as 20241211BnrBp.pdf.

-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. The facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. The FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. And for example I've no income because this persecution even prevents me to work lawfully, therefore my mother pays for my food. - Unfortunately, Hungary joined EU-NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And EU-NATO countries corruptly, unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

This happened;
-1, Lithuanian Embassy; a man asked if I had an appointment, I told him I sent emails two times, and he acted like he didn't know anything. I told him the reason for expressing my opinion, I asked him whether they agree with my expressing opinion outside in public space, he said they will look at my email, and they will respond. I told him that some embassies call the police to argue but this expressing opinion is legal. And he said it's public space and I can do it there, and I said that I will do it now. And I asked him whether they will reply to the emails that I sent them, but he said no. And then I expressed my opinion. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-2, Cyprus Embassy; a woman listened me and she said maybe I should go to NATO. But she let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-3, Montenegro Embassy; a woman on the gate-phone said she read my email, and both of their diplomats were busy. But she let me express my opinion without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-4, Irish Embassy; the receptionist said that I need appointment to visit the embassy. But I expressed my opinion without any problem. -But the racist EU corruption is still violating my human rights.

-5, French Embassy; I talked with a man on gate-phone, he said nobody is now there who speaks Hungarian. I told him I will express my opinion in public space, and he said I can't disturb their neighbors. And when I took the last picture of expressing my opinion, a woman from the front door of the building asked me what I was doing. I told her; "I express opinion in front of the French embassy.. Hungary corruptly joined NATO..". And when I put away my banners then she opened the door again and said this; "... -And are you going to destroy the recording?". I said to her; "Why should I destroy it? I need this for evidence.". And she said something I didn't understand because she started to close the door. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-6, Russian Embassy, I didn't talk with the embassy, but I told the police that I want to express my opinion, and they let me do it. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 2 ** And interestingly the Montenegro Defence Ministry blocked my email address, a robot reply came back;
The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <> (reason: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email address is on SenderFilterConfig list)
I will complain it to their embassy, because when I went to their embassy to express my opinion then a woman answered positively on the doorbell-phone, she said they read my email, and both of their diplomats were busy but they may reply me.
-Many times I felt like lobbies have been using my situation for their own political interests.
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