Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** I sent this email to EU / NATO countries and to NATO, and I forwarded it to NATO Military Medicine Centre Of Excellence (NATO MILMED COE, in Hungarian NATO Katona-egészségügyi Kiválósági Központ,). And I sent it to NATO's media with using their contact form "Questions from the general public".
Subject; "Questions about corruption / Kérdések korrupcióról"

These are what I asked in the email;
1, How happens the employment of Hungarian ex-communists and their families at NATO/EU? And who stand up for them?
Because for example, when I tried to use my rights to prevent the ex-communists and their families bias/prejudice as a victim of ex-communists crimes then the family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". - And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
- And I saw an Al Jazeera documentary where the Taliban and a person from the previous regime had no problem to tell how the Taliban employed him after Taliban won the war, and they didn't say "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". Title "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary"., time 15:52

2, Why didn't NATO stop this human rights crime, when it used Hungary for military medical exercise?
"NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises took place in Bakonykúti Training Area, Hungary. It included 1600 military medical experts, from 27 Allies and a number of partner nations". While the Hungarian health is persecuting me on a racist political way.

3, What if there is a war between Russia and NATO/EU and mass graves of genocide are discovered?
- and all or most of the dead were victims of ex-communist crimes, and their relatives and supporters. - And EU/NATO investigations point to Russians and to its allies, but they say EU/NATO did corrupt investigations. - And Russians and their allies try to use my fight for my human rights to prove how the corrupt part of EU/NATO has been falsifying everything to hide their own human rights crimes. - A fact, for example the Russian embassy voluntarily talked with me to prove their innocence, in 2020 at my first expressing opinion in front of them, while EU/NATO doesn't want to end this persecution against me. - My conclusion with the Russian embassy was this in 2021; "- The West, especially the EU, introduced new laws, services to prevent/ solve problems like this after the cold war, and they got a lot of money for that. And if they can't solve it in Hungary then they should have lured me into another country to live there before I realize this".
This is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
23, 08, 2024. Hungary,
To; -Governments, Ministries, and Defences /Armies, Secret services of NATO and EU countries, -PESCO (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)
-Viktor Orbán Prime Minister, FIDESZ-KDNP political parties, -Hungary Helps Program, Azbej Tristan, Péter Kovács
Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
Subject; Questions about corruption

Dear Sir, Madam,
I'd like to ask the following, because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this persecution can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

1, How happens the employment of Hungarian ex-communists and their families at NATO/EU? And who stand up for them?
Because for example, when I tried to use my rights to prevent the ex-communists and their families bias/prejudice as a victim of ex-communists crimes then the family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". - And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
- And I saw an Al Jazeera documentary where the Taliban and a person from the previous regime had no problem to tell how the Taliban employed him after Taliban won the war, and they didn't say "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". Title "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary"., time 15:52

2, Why didn't NATO stop this human rights crime, when it used Hungary for military medical exercise?
"NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises took place in Bakonykúti Training Area, Hungary. It included 1600 military medical experts, from 27 Allies and a number of partner nations". While the Hungarian health is persecuting me on a racist political way.

3, What if there is a war between Russia and NATO/EU and mass graves of genocide are discovered?
- and all or most of the dead were victims of ex-communist crimes, and their relatives and supporters. - And EU/NATO investigations point to Russians and to its allies, but they say EU/NATO did corrupt investigations. - And Russians and their allies try to use my fight for my human rights to prove how the corrupt part of EU/NATO has been falsifying everything to hide their own human rights crimes. - A fact, for example the Russian embassy voluntarily talked with me to prove their innocence, in 2020 at my first expressing opinion in front of them, while EU/NATO doesn't want to end this persecution against me. - My conclusion with the Russian embassy was this in 2021; "- The West, especially the EU, introduced new laws, services to prevent/ solve problems like this after the cold war, and they got a lot of money for that. And if they can't solve it in Hungary then they should have lured me into another country to live there before I realize this".
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 08, 23
Címzett; -NATO és EU országok; Kormányai, Minisztériumai, Honvédelmei / Hadseregei, és Titkosszolgálatai, -PESCO, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)
-Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai pártok, -Hungary Helps Program, Azbej Tristan, Kovács Péter
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
Tárgy: Kérdések korrupcióról

Tisztelt Cím!
A következőket szeretném kérdezni, mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. További információk erről az üldözésről a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

1, Hogyan történik a magyar ex-kommunisták és családjaik foglalkoztatása a NATO/EU-nál? És kik állnak ki értük?
Mert például amikor megpróbáltam élni az ex-kommunisták és családjaik elfogultságai/előítéletei elleni jogaimmal, mint ex-kommunista bűncselekmények áldozata, akkor a háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy "Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". - És a Háziorvosok meghamisították az egészségügyi dokumentumaimat és biztosításomat hamis orvosi jelentésekkel, és a hatóságok megtagadják megállítani ezt a bűnt.
- És láttam egy Al jazeera dokumentumfilmet, ahol a táliboknak és az előző rezsimből származó személynek nem volt gond elmondani, hogyan alkalmazták őt a tálibok miután a tálibok megnyerték a háborút, és ők nem mondták hogy "Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". Cím "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary", idő 15:52

2, Miért nem állította meg NATO ezt az emberi jogi bűnt, amikor katonai orvosi gyakorlatra használta Magyarországot?
"NATO legnagyobb hadiorvosi gyakorlatsorozata volt Magyarországon, a Bakonykúti Gyakorlati Körzetben. 1600 katonai egészségügyi szakértő vett részt benne, 27 szövetségestől és számos partnerországtól". Mialatt a magyar egészségügy rasszista politikai módon üldöz engem.

3. Mi van, ha háború van Oroszország és a NATO/EU között, és népirtás tömegsírjait fedezik fel?
- és a halottak mindegyike vagy nagy része ex-kommunista bűnök áldozatai voltak, és a hozzátartozóik és támogatóik. - És EU/NATO nyomozások pedig az oroszokra és szövetségeseire mutatnak, de ők azt mondják, hogy a EU/NATO korrupt vizsgálatokat végzett. - És az oroszok és szövetségeseik pedig megpróbálják felhasználni az emberi jogaimért folytatott küzdelmemet annak bizonyítására, hogy EU/NATO korrupt része mindent meghamisított, hogy elrejtsék a saját emberi jogi bűncselekményeiket. - Tény, például az orosz nagykövetség önként beszélt velem, hogy bizonyítsák ártatlanságukat, 2020-ban az első véleménynyilvánításomon előttük, mialatt EU/NATO nem akar véget vetni ennek az ellenem irányuló üldözésnek. - Az Orosz Nagykövetséggel ez volt következtetésem 2021-ben; „- A Nyugat, különösen az EU új törvényeket, szolgáltatásokat vezetett be az ehhez hasonló problémák megelőzésére/ megoldására a hidegháború után, és sok pénzt kaptak ezért. És ha nem tudják megoldani ezt Magyarországon, akkor el kellett volna csábítaniuk egy másik országba, hogy ott éljek, mielőtt rájönnék erre".
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
It's not difficult to foresee that it will happen as always "-Does he have anybody (gang, family, etc) which can punish our (criminal) authorities as the gypsies are doing it or doesn't?", "-No? Then ignore it and time will solve it somehow..".
By the way about a half year ago or more at least 1 police was killed and 2 seriously injured in a suicide bombing man let the police into his house and then blew it up. I think the corrupt mafia authorities created that suicide crime with picking the wrong man, and then a police chief or Interior ministry said something like this "This event (1 police died) is inside the statistics.. so stop worry..", lol, I never heard this from them before.

- So what I mean is these people just gonna carry on with their racist crime, and EU-NATO gonna ignore this crime because corruptions. And EU-NATO / Western world can't really tell me "move here or there" because they are so obviously in the bed with my enemies. - And earlier I thought Malaysia will be a place where I can be useful after this persecution is over, anyway.. The corruptly idiot EU-NATO system should left me alone, I was a very good worker before the stalking etc started (it started around 2008), and since 2015 my fight for my life is proving also how I work.

** 2 ** As I said in my earlier post that next week on 28 August I will express my opinion (1 person protest) in Budapest, and I wonder if the police etc authorities will ask their tricky question "Is there anything we can do?" and I will say again "Yes, I want you to give back my human rights / stop this human rights crime..". And I wonder if they gonna say me "Okay let's do it.." because it would be the same like at Orban's home, or at his office "We can't do it because more people would come as a precedence and it's bad for our dirty business", and they try to show that it's my fault. Not to mention my enemies always wanted to carry on with their human rights crime instead of stopping it, that's why they lied in each of their "investigations".
But hey if they say me that they want to stop their own racist human rights crime then they can (but so far they were cheaters with their fake promises etc). Their cheap promises is like in sneaky mafia movies when the backstabber is a sweet friendly person or crocodile tears etc..
- Fact is if they want to stop their own crime then they would just simply delete their false medical reports from my health history and insurance and inform me about it, but they never did that for some corrupt racist reasons..

- Two things are sure a) I will report again those police etc which will try to trick me. and b) EU-NATO aren't happy about my reports because they're friends of my enemies and they don't want to look dirty in it.
I've been protesting since 2020 and I met hundreds of police since the persecution started in 2015. But I only met one single police which was sick with this crime and no crocodile-tears etc, the rest police followed orders and ignored my troubled life, and/or were thinking like radical racist in an apartheid etc.. I think about 3-5 % of police are seriously radicals, the rest follows orders for money etc benefits. And ironically that "only one" police worked front of the Russian embassy and not elsewhere, no wonder why West is losing colonies and wars everywhere.
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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
I expressed my opinion (1 person protest) on August 28 2024, in Budapest Hungary, because the racist communist crime against my life.
-1, Hungary Helps Program,
-2, Norway Embassy,
-3, Belgium Embassy,
-4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
-5, Interior Ministry,
-6, USA Embassy,
-7, Turkish Embassy,
-8, Iran Embassy,
-- I put duct-tape on my mouth because on 2021 November the police lied me in their custody/ and on court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police.
- But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".. And the Hungarian police in 2021 November when they took me from my expressing opinion/ protest they deleted my videos from my phone even the corrupt arrest.
- On this day also I met a lot of police and I saluted back to the police, it's a mirror image. Derren Brown on youtube synchronized people when he hypnotized and tricked them, I just said that because I don't want to believe naively in coincidences even if it is coincident especially when I'm in trouble and I'm surrounded with my enemies.

- So I used this banner everywhere, it was hanging from my neck and the rest were on my bag.
Megtudják az EU-NATO országok állítani ezt a
rasszista üldöztetést, vagy ez más országokhoz tartozik?
Mert eddig csak az EU-NATO világon kívül találtam segítséget.
Can EU-NATO countries stop this
racist persecution or it belongs to other countries?
Because so far I only found help outside of EU-NATO world.
Kérlek Irán
ha lehetséges akkor bővítsd ki az emberi jogi misszióid
Magyarországra (EU-NATO világba) is
Please Iran
if it's possible then expand your human rights missions
to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too
-1, Hungary Helps Program,
This time it went easily, I went into the building and the same receptionist was there from the last time, he said "the usual" and he was friendly with smile and said me "please don't hurt anybody". I said okay, but I didn't argue about what he meant, because I'm the injured by law even though their part of government doesn't really responsible for this persecution, but they belong to that part of government which is seriously responsible and they work on abroad to help persecuted people and they advertise themselves who fight against persecutions, etc..Anyway fact is that everything went easily without arguments.
A car stopped when I photographed myself, and they looked my banner and then they asked if they can photograph me and I said yes. I don't know who were they but it doesn't matter whose side they are because this persecution shouldn't go this far; "Please Iran...".

-2, Norway Embassy,
I pushed the doorbell-phone and a woman answered on it. I told her I want to express my opinion and it's legal and I sent email about it, and this persecution belongs to NATO's issues also, and then she said it's public area I can do it.
Nothing else happened.

-3, Belgium Embassy,
I pushed the doorbell and door opened and I went into the embassy, the same woman was there, and there was a glass-door and a reception window between us, so we couldn't hear each other but I showed with my hand what I want, and it looked to me she understand it. So I went outside and I expressed my opinion.
- And while I was taking pictures of me, a man with a broom, bucket in his hands came out from the embassy and asked why I protest there, and what the embassy has to do with it, because it's a Belgium embassy and not the EU. And then I said because of NATO (but EU too responsible for it as my banner and my email say it) and he said "Are you going to each embassies?", and I said "Yes", and he said "Well then good luck", and he walked away.
After I finished the protest, I put away my banners etc, and then I turned off the video recording as I do it usually after i end my protests (this time maybe it was a mistake). Anyway after that I went to this man to know who is he, he was cleaning the sidewalk in front of the embassy. So I asked who is he, and whether he represented the embassy when he said me his opinion in my protest or not. And he said he is only a caretaker/maintainer of the embassy, and he didn't represent the embassy.
- I should buy an action camera to record everything / to solve problems like this. But on the other hand there are situation what I just can't record because of simple security etc and threat reasons, - and it's complicated even for me, I've no witness etc protection while I talk about human rights crime, and sometimes not here but elsewhere the reactions of authorities etc can show serious evidences and problems and those can act like cornered "rats"..
- But here the embassy simply created a situation when a person from the embassy asks questions, and when I finished my protest and I turned off my camera and then I went to him to ask who is he and whether he represented the embassy or not, so later he just said he didn't represented his embassy.
- Once a police was talking to me bs (jamming) to waste my time and using the memory, battery of my phone, and then when I turned off the video then he said "Did you turn it off? Okay goodbye". And there are many more tricks to attack video records.
- So what if I didn't ask at all who is he / and whether he represented the embassy or not?
That's why I was upset when Malaysian embassy sent me away in an arrogant reckless hard way, because slowly I realized it can create problems for me. It's like when you got something and you try to walk away with it, and in the first moment it seems okay it's not too big deal, - but slowly you realize they cheated here and there too.. So this man maybe coincidently said this to me on his own, - or because Malaysian embassy could do that, - or because "Iran" was in my email and on my banner, - or because this whole human rights crime is a growing evidence against EU-NATO's racist corruption = it is evidence of a future war-crime opportunity. - Or it was something else.. but months ago the Turkish embassy also asked whether they are the only one or not.
And I agree with them, I must have to go to other embassies too with this.

-4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
I went into the building again and I talked with the police and they let me do it easily on the usual place. A police stood a few meters away from me while I expressed my opinion and another police checked my ID. (Later the news said a man used gas-pistol etc somewhere next to the Parliament or elsewhere, so maybe that's why police were more careful.)

And a man from a van (he was waiting in red traffic-light) was yelling at me something like this "you should go to work instead of doing this.." and I mutely showed him thumbs-up without even turning toward him, - and I put a duct tape on my mouth, or it was already on it I don't know. Anyway I should just told the police "Sir, this man just like me wants me to stop doing this protest and to get a real job, so please give back my rights.".
- My phone didn't video record anything in this protest for some reason, maybe it was my fault or something else or all together everything. And when I wanted to start video recording my protest the date and time on the phone showed 2015 and 01:00 AM, and then I set the date/ time, but the rest of functions looked okay. It does this when I take out and back the battery, but here I didn't do it..
- And then I walked away after I finished my protest, and the security was watching me even when I was far away from their building, but VW van and other luxury cars were parking there and Orban PM uses VW van, so maybe Orban PM was there.

-5, Interior Ministry,
The police said they knew about my email, and he told me where I can express my opinion (on the same place), and he called another police they checked my ID while I expressed my opinion, everything was polite and easy. Nothing else happened.

-6, USA Embassy,
I went to the same security-booth and a guard was outside talking to / helping an old woman, and he asked what I want I told him and he said I've to wait a little. Then he went into the booth and minutes later he came out and asked something like this if I remember correctly; where I want to do it, inside or outside / or do I want to go inside. And I said I just want to do the usual expressing opinion on the usual place, and then I pointed to "Iran" on my banner and I said "This too is on it", and he said "Oh", and I said him "But I said it in my email and the (banner's) photo is in the email", and then he said something like this "Everything is okay then..". In March they looked at my banners because they didn't want to say okay without looking at my banners. Nothing else happened.
- lol, even to write it down to here is not that easy, and it's the same story about Iranian embassy where I didn't talk with anybody, everything is very sensitive, and I just want this persecution to end (9 years already wasted from life).
-7, Turkish Embassy, A policewoman was there, she didn't know anything, I told her I did this earlier also here, and I've been doing this at the Russian embassy since 2020 (they're in the same district) and I told her she can check it on the phone, then she made a phone call and she said they know me and I can do it.
Nothing else happened.

-8, Iran Embassy,
When I arrived to the embassy a car came out and went back to the embassy, actually it just turned around, the usual thing what drivers do when they are busy with their cars. Anyway I went to the gate but the consulate was already closed, I arrived late again, but this time I rather didn't push the doorbell. To be honest I was worried (Malaysian embassy worked on me), I didn't want to ruin my chances and hope here, even though for me it's better to hear an honest "please go away" instead of feeding myself with false imagined hopes. So I saw they were closed and then I looked a place where I can do it (the cars' gate was still wide open and the driver was busy with the car and I didn't want to use it as a background of my photos), I think the driver of the embassy maybe saw me but he didn't do anything. I built up my banners and took some pictures and then I put away my banners and then I walked away.
- So all together I was there to ask help silently because there is serious EU-NATO human rights crime corruption, and I really don't want to ruin anything around Iranian embassy, because that only could benefit my enemies. And the embassy already sent me a robot reply email, so they probably knew about me, but as I said I really don't want to feed myself with false imagined hopes, nor to ruin anything.
This time I published my photos on Internet without asking anything from Iranian embassy, but I didn't do any illegal thing.
** 2 ** - I had a dilemma in the last 1,5 months (started before my first time at Iranian and Malaysian embassies) so this was it;
"How many times should I go to Iranian and Malaysian embassies? What is the reason/target of repeating? Where is the limit of not being a problem person front of them? What's next?".
- So doing it two times in front of Iranian embassy is not a coincident, and everything happened in a peaceful way on mine and their side. And I've to concentrate / pressure the EU-NATO embassies, as even the maintainer/caretaker man of Belgium embassy said it, not sure he meant exactly this, but Turkish embassy also said "why the Turkish embassy? what about the others?", and of course I still want to use the "Please Iran.." banner.
About NATO rules;
Each NATO member country has to agree when a new country becomes NATO member, as it happened with Sweden and Finland when Turkish and Hungarian governments disagreed and asked a few things from Sweden and Finland before agreeing.
- So this is an evidence of that each NATO country has responsibility and respect for each others inside NATO, actually NATO is a kind of "one for all all for one".
That's why I wonder; - How happens the employment of Hungarian ex-communists and their families at NATO/EU? And who stand up for them? - And I saw an Al Jazeera documentary where the Taliban and a person from the previous regime had no problem to tell how the Taliban employed him after Taliban won the war, and they didn't say "Nobody cares that "stupid" law". youtube title "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary"., time 15:52
And what if there is war??
- And Orban was the PM when Hungary joined to NATO, and wikipedia says Demeter Ervin was an advisor around Orban PM in that time and then he became secret service minister within 2 years. And Demeter Ervin was the person who signed corruptly investigated documents in my persecution. And I think Demeter Ervin is now pensioner but I guess he's still a protected person also because of his earlier work-life, so he gets protection and money for his earlier jobs, while his corrupt job is ruining my life and dressing down a part of NATO, but I care about to save my life.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** 2024Sept02 I sent email to the Pope again it was the 17th time,
It's almost the same email, only difference is I left out the;
"- It's not possible to stop this racial discrimination communist crime without foreign legal help.". Sometimes I felt this made my enemies' ego bigger, and by they everybody knows that my enemies never gonna "voluntarily" follow the laws to stop their own racist human rights crime,
Luckily the Vatican's server didn't send me any "demon mail, to say that I've to send it to their postmaster, though I sent it to their postmaster. Anyway this time also I tweeted my email onto Pope's X account.
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
02, Sept, 2024. Hungary,
To; His Holiness Pope Francis,

Dear Your Holiness Pope Francis.
I'd like to ask Your Holiness to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP government to stop their racist communist crime against my life. This persecution officially started under the FIDESZ-KDNP government in 2015. And the KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) controlled the health care at that time.

A; - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the former Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ". But so far the rest of EU, NATO countries corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent / refuse me. False flag attack? Because the Russian Embassy voluntarily talked with me in 2020 too, and they too said that the West, especially the EU should have helped me, just as even those too said this who helped me in Malaysia.
-Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) of this kind of (racial discrimination) case like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
-That's what Hungarian authorities, etc said to me; - Cooperation benefits, for example: money aid, pension. Or; "Leave the country (emigrate)"; "Nobody cares that "stupid" law."; "Need guardianship".
- I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and the Malaysian politicians etc didn't help me. *But others too helped me, for example an old Methodist Chinese man gave me some useful advice, and Falun Dafa too.*.
- I swear and I state that I'm /Norbert Kimár/ mentally healthy person and I've never been on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary.

B; - These are what authorities/ doctors do unlawfully against me in Hungary:
1; -Doctors/ authorities medically want to correct/ force me to give up my disbelief in the former communism. Literally they medically want to convince me that:
- a,- their communism was not bad.
- b,- to give up my rights against the prejudice of ex-communists, and their relatives, etc., though I and my family was victim of communist crimes.
- c,- and also that the strong harassment, etc crimes never happened against me, and therefore police didn't help me.
2; -Or doctors/ authorities, etc medically try to silence/ discredit my thoughts, opinions, etc, as they did it under communism too. And it benefits the ex-communists and their relatives.

C; - I cannot do what they want because I don't believe in communism, and because:
1; - I would lose permanently my rights in the freedom of thought and opinion in democracy.
2; - I already lost protection:
- a,- in health care in (since) 2015: -family doctors have falsified my health history and insurance with false medical reports, and authorities refuse to stop and delete these false reports. - and doctors, authorities reject my "other-descent"/ social origin rights, and my thought/ opinion rights, when I want to prevent prejudice. (Communists even called "other origin" the families like mine.)
- b,- and in prevention of crime: as police, doctors etc proved and said to me that they don't care about laws in this.
3; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; I cannot work legally. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this.

D; - How it started, what happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police rejected to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "-This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.

E; - I've been expressing opinion for my rights since 2020:
-But nothing changes, and in Nov. 2021 police took me and I spent 3 nights in a cell, and judgment was pity offence, riot (szabálysértés, garázdaság). - The pathetic part is that, I the victim have to be scared from jail in expressing opinion, and not the guilty authorities, provocateurs etc.

F; - Comment;
- My father was Roman Catholic, my mother is Reformed Church (Református) Christian. And communists didn't let my parents to take me to the church to baptise me when I was just a toddler. And after communism I wasn't ready to be baptised when my grandmother asked me, though sometimes I prayed to God, Jesus.
With every good wish to Your Holiness, Sincerely Norbert Kimár

*** Magyarul / In Hungarian ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, szept, 02
Címzett; Őszentsége Ferenc Pápa.

Tisztelt Szentséges Ferenc Pápa.
Meg szeretném kérni Önt Szentséges Atyát hogy beszéljen a magyar FIDESZ-KDNP kormánnyal, hogy hagyják abba az életem elleni rasszista kommunista bűnüket. Ez az üldöztetés hivatalosan a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány alatt kezdődött 2015-ben. És a KDNP (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) irányította az egészségügyet abban az időben.

A; - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek a volt Orosz kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldözést azok a (ex-)kommunisták (és hozzátartozóik) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ". De eddig a többi NATO, EU országok korruptan, bürokratikusan hallgatnak / elutasítanak engem. Hamis zászlós támadás? Mert az Orosz Nagykövetség önként beszélt velem 2020-ban is, és ők is azt mondták, hogy a Nyugatnak, különösen az EU-nak segítenie kellett volna rajtam, ahogyan még azok is ezt mondták akik segítettek engem Malajziában.
-Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen (rasszista diszkriminatív) üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
-Magyar hatóság, stb ezt mondták nekem; - Együttműködési hasznok, például: pénz segély, nyugdíj. Vagy; "Hagyja el az országot (emigrálj)"; "Senkit sem érdekel ez a "hülye" törvény"; "Gyámság kell".
- Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem segítettek a malajziai politikusok stb. *De mások is segítettek nekem, például egy idős Metodista Kínai férfi adott nekem néhány hasznos tanácsot, és Falun Dafa is.*.
- Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy én /Kimár Norbert/ szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha nem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon.

B; - Ezek amit a hatóságok/ orvosok törvénytelenül csinálnak ellenem Magyarországon:
1; -Az orvosok/hatóságok orvosilag akarnak kijavítani/ rákényszeríteni, hogy adjam fel hitetlenségemet a volt kommunizmusban. Szó szerint orvosilag akarnak meggyőzni hogy:
- a,- nem volt rossz a kommunizmusuk.
- b,- hagyjak fel a volt kommunisták és hozzátartozóik, stb. előítéletei elleni jogaimmal, habár én és családom a kommunista bűnök áldozata volt.
- c,- és azt is, hogy az erős zaklatás stb. bűncselekmények soha nem történtek ellenem, és ezért nem segítettek nekem a rendőrök.
2; -Vagy pedig az orvosok/ hatóságok, stb orvosilag próbálják elhallgattatni/ hitelteleníteni a gondolataimat, véleményeimet, stb, ahogy a kommunizmusban is csinálták. És az ex-kommunistáknak és hozzátartozóiknak van haszna belőle.

C; - Nem tudom megtenni amit akarnak mert nem hiszek a kommunizmusban, és mert:
1; - végleg elveszíteném a gondolat és véleményszabadság jogomat a demokráciában.
2; - már elvesztettem a védelmet:
- a,- az egészségügyben 2015 óta: -háziorvosok hamis orvosi jelentésekkel meghamisították az egészségügyi törzskartonomat és biztosításomat, - és a hatóságok elutasítják megállítani és törölni ezeket a hamis jelentéseket, - és az orvosok, a hatóságok elutasítják a "más származású"/ társadalmi származású jogaimat, és gondolat/ vélemény-jogaimat, amikor előítéletet akarok megakadályozni. (Kommunisták "egyéb származású"-nak is hívták a családokat mint az enyémet.)
- b,- és bűnmegelőzésben: ahogy a rendőrök, orvosok stb. bizonyították és mondták nekem, hogy nem érdekli őket a törvény ennél.
3; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; Nem tudok legálisan dolgozni. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem.

D; - Hogyan kezdődött, mi történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.

E; - Véleményt nyilvánítok a jogaimért 2020 óta:
-De semmi sem változik, és 2021 nov.-ben a rendőrök elvittek és 3 éjszakát fogdán töltöttem, és az ítélet szabálysértés, garázdaság volt. - A szánalmas rész az hogy nekem az áldozatnak kell félni a börtöntől a véleménynyilvánításon, és nem a bűnös hatóságoknak, provokátoroknak stb.

F - Megjegyzés;
- Az édesapám Római Katolikus volt, az édesanyám Református Keresztény. A kommunisták pedig nem engedték a szüleimet hogy elvigyenek engem a templomba megkeresztelni, amikor még kisgyerek voltam. És a kommunizmus után pedig nem voltam készen megkeresztelkedni, amikor a nagymamám megkért, pedig néha imádkoztam Istenhez, Jézushoz.
Őszentségének minden jó kívánsággal, Tisztelettel: Kimár Norbert
** 2 **

I found this about asylum in EU;
"The EU Treaty Protocol on asylum for Nationals of Member States of the European Union essentially provides that applications for refugee status from EU nationals shall be inadmissible for processing by another EU Member State except in very exceptional circumstances."
Applications by EU Nationals
The EU Treaty Protocol on asylum for Nationals of Member States of the European Union essentially provides that applications for refugee status from EU nationals shall be inadmissible for processing by another EU Member State except in very exceptional circumstances. These exceptions flow from failure to meet obligations relating to respect for human rights and the rule of law under the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Treaties.
In practice, the application of the Protocol means that applicants from EU States will not be allowed to enter into the protection process.
Accordingly, the International Protection Office will not accept protection applications from any EU nationals.
This information is not legal advice and does not give a legal interpretation of the International Protection Act 2015. If you require more information about the 2015 Act and its effect on your case, you should obtain legal advice. ... cumstances.

http:// www. .ie/en/IPO/Pages/Applications_by_EU_Nationals#:~:text=The%20EU%20Treaty%20Protocol%20on,except%20in%20very%20exceptional%20circumstances.

- So when EU countries use this law / regulation to reject asylum of a citizen of another EU country then; - Do they still have rights to ignore human rights crimes of other EU countries for reason it's not their business?
- How is it possible to reject both and it's still legal by UN laws / regulations without saying it's because they're ally of human rights criminal authorities, politicians etc?

And not to mention what if there is war between EU and Russia..
- Well people say "European Union is like Soviet Union was"..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On Sept. 11, 2024, I sent this email because I want to express my opinion again in Kazincbarcika because of the racist communist crime against my life. It's my usual email..
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.,
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt., -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Városüzemeltetési és Rendészeti Osztály Kazincbarcika,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, KimarN20240717Kb.jpg
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás és Munka/Pénz kérés dátuma
Tisztelt Cím!
Ismételten a véleményemet (egyedül) akarom kinyilvánítani Kazincbarcikán, és munkát/ pénzt kérni. -Ez néhány perc lenne. -Egyedül és békésen akarok menni transzparensekkel és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). -És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről.
Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, szeptember, 18,
Háziorvosi rendelő Gépész út 21; -Háziorvosi rendelő, Május 1 út 2; -Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, Fő tér 40,
Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság Fő tér 41; -Polgármester Hivatal, Fő tér 4.; -Foglalkoztatási osztály, Tóth Árpád út 2,
Háziorvosi rendelő, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,; -Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitányság, Barátság tér 1-3,
Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, szeptember, 11
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul, In English. ***
To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Department,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept., -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Department of City Management and Law Enforcement Kazincbarcika,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, KimarN20240717Kb.jpg
Subject: Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism and Asking Job/Money
Dear Sir, Madam,
I repeatedly want (alone) to express my opinion in Kazincbarcika, and to ask for a job/ money.-This would be a few minutes. -I want to walk alone and peacefully with my banners and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). -And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event.
It's date and location: 18, September, 2024,
Family doctor surgery Gépész út 21; -Family doctor surgery Május 1 út 2; -Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, Fő tér 40,
Kazincbarcika District Court Fő tér 41; -Mayor Office, Fő tér 4.; -Employment Department, Tóth Árpád út 2,
Family doctor surgery, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,; -Kazincbarcika Police Station, Barátság tér 1-3,
Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
11, September, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 2 **
And after this my plan is to start protesting / expressing my opinion in front of the remain of EU-NATO countries' embassies (in Budapest) where I haven't been yet.
And I've been wondering since years about when my enemies (and/or their AI) tell me via subliminal message, etc that they don't need to care about this persecution, prejudice etc because I'm and my generation is the last victims of ex-communist crimes (so time will bury it, so nobody cares it, no future of it, etc)..
- lol and people thought even a bad/weak moment is bad for any security, so much about NATO, EU solid securities.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On September-18-2024, I expressed my opinion, protested because of the racist communist crime against my life.

1-Family Dr Tamás Motko surgery Gépész út 21.
I expressed my opinion as usual and nothing else happened.

2-Family Dr Márta Lencár surgery Május 1 út 2.;
I expressed my opinion as usual and nothing else happened.

3-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, Fő tér 40,;
I expressed my opinion as usual and nothing else happened.

4-Kazincbarcika District Court Fő tér 41;
I expressed my opinion as usual and nothing else happened.

5-Kazincbarcika Mayor Office, Fő tér 4.;
I expressed my opinion as usual and nothing else happened.

6-Employment Department (Jobcenter), Tóth Árpád út 2.;
Two young men looked at my banners (I think they were gypsies) anyway they tried to ask questions "What is it?" etc, and I removed half of duct tape from my mouth for a moment to say them "Rats are watching (spiclik figyelnek)", and then I stick back the duct tape and silently showed my banners.. I'm not sure they understood my banners but anyway they said I'm right to do this..

7-Dr József Tímár Family doctor surgery, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,;
I started to build up my banners to my bag as I do it always on the same spot about 25 meters away from the surgery, and the duct-tape was already on my mouth when a young man (I think a gypsy) started to look my banners, and I didn't talk just show him the banners, and he became a bit upset and said "The (European) Unio does everything (EU is corrupt), EU should be terminated, they should go to work for money...". Maybe he too had problems, anyway my mother said me a day before my protest that a bagger woman said her that she's hungry and nobody can give her money and she doesn't know what to eat..

8-Kazincbarcika Police Station, Barátság tér 1-3.
An old woman tried to ask me to tell her in 2 sentences what is it, and then she saw the duct-tape on my mouth and left me alone.. But actually I remember on her, she heard my story from me years ago before police took me away in 2022.
So all together the authorities still didn't do anything to terminate their racial (commie) crime against my life.
And on this day people were interested 3 times about my story, meanwhile my protests were only few minutes long.. Maybe it was a coincident or the system set up everything, but "to trust in any coincidence is a mistake".

** 2 **
On September-18-2024, I sent this email because I want to express my opinion again in Budapest on September 25 because of the racist communist crime against my life.

These are the places where I want to do it;
-Slovakian Embassy, 1143, Stefánia út. 22-24,
 -Romanian Embassy, 1146, Thököly út 72.
-Italian Embassy, 1143, Stefánia út 95. 
-Bulgarian Embassy, 1062, Andrássy ut. 115.
-Polish Embassy, 1068, Városligeti fasor 16.
 -Austrian Embassy, 1068, Benczúr utca 16.
-Greek Embassy, 1063, Szegfű u.3.
 -Czech Embassy, 1064, Rózsa u. 61.
-Spanish Embassy, 1067, Eötvös utca 11/B.
 -Albanian Embassy, 1062, Andrássy út 132.
-North Macedonia Embassy 1062 Andrássy ut 130 1em 1-2.
 -Croatian Embassy, 1063, Munkácsy Mihály u. 15.

This is the usual email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 6ker, 14ker Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR,FSB
-Szlovákia Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Románia Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Olaszország Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Bulgária Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Lengyelország Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Ausztria Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Görögország Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Csehország Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Spanyolország Nagykövetség Budapesten
-Észak-Macedónia Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Horvátország Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Albánia Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Összevont transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, Szeptember, 25,

-Szlovák Nagykövetség 1143, Stefánia út. 22-24, -Román Nagykövetség 1146, Thököly út 72,
-Olasz Nagykövetség 1143, Stefánia út 95, -Bolgár Nagykövetség, 1062, Andrássy ut. 115,
-Lengyel Nagykövetség, 1068, Városligeti fasor 16, -Osztrák Nagykövetség, 1068, Benczúr utca 16,
-Görög Nagykövetség, 1063, Szegfű u.3, -Cseh Nagykövetség, 1064, Rózsa u. 61,
-Spanyol Nagykövetség, 1067, Eötvös utca 11/B, -Albán Nagykövetség, 1062, Andrássy út 132,
-Észak-Macedónia Nagykövetség 1062 Andrássy ut 130 1em 1-2, -Horváth Nagykövetség, 1063, Munkácsy Mihály u. 15,

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő / hely / Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19 / Kazincbarcika / Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 09, 18
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***
To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 6ker, 14ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Justice Minister, -Sándor Pintér Interior Minister, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Embassy of Slovakia in Budapest, -Embassy of Romania in Budapest, -Embassy of Italy in Budapest,
-Embassy of Bulgaria in Budapest, -Embassy of Poland in Budapest, -Embassy of Austria in Budapest,
-Embassy of Greece in Budapest, -Embassy of Czech in Budapest, -Embassy of Spain in Budapest,
-Embassy of North Macedonia in Budapest, -Embassy of Croatia in Budapest, -Embassy of Albania in Budapest,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.
Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.
Attachment:  KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a merged banner too, it's attached  as 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

It's date and location: 25, September, 2024,

-Slovakian Embassy, 1143, Stefánia út. 22-24, -Romanian Embassy, 1146, Thököly út 72.
-Italian Embassy, 1143, Stefánia út 95. -Bulgarian Embassy, 1062, Andrássy ut. 115.
-Polish Embassy, 1068, Városligeti fasor 16. -Austrian Embassy, 1068, Benczúr utca 16.
-Greek Embassy, 1063, Szegfű u.3. -Czech Embassy, 1064, Rózsa u. 61.
-Spanish Embassy, 1067, Eötvös utca 11/B. -Albanian Embassy, 1062, Andrássy út 132.
-North Macedonia Embassy 1062 Andrássy ut 130 1em 1-2. -Croatian Embassy, 1063, Munkácsy Mihály u. 15.

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and/ or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place / date / Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika / 19, May, 1972 / Hungarian,
18, 09, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 3 **

That ex-KGB which works for EU-NATO is nothing but a bunch of reckless greedy double agent criminals, they're from KGB and now they work for EU-NATO, and they're proud to be on both side..

- So that's why EU-NATO countries refuse to stop this crime, and practically everybody in EU-NATO system allows silently this crime against me. Looks like they just want a government regime change in Russia, technically EU-NATO wants the entire ex-KGB to work for them.
And I'm not surprised because Taiwan is now in trouble with the "blowing up pagers in Lebanon, Syria", and the Hungarian system joyfully ignores it as it can. Sure if the owner of the middle (Hungarian) company would be a person like me then police, prosecutors etc would say "Suspect is in custody under terrorism, etc charges, and we interrogate everybody around him, and we try to get close to his foreign friends, etc and we summoned the ambassadors..", and the racist propaganda machina / media would talk with some ex-KGB neighbors to broadcast gaslight.
- And this persecution against me officially started 9 years ago (September 2015) and if I look back to check what EU-NATO countries did for me and against me, how useful and how useless and/or evil they were, then I can say for myself only this "I was 100% right in those moments when I didn't hope any lawful help from them what they should have done under EU-NATO laws/rules..".
- Well Irish and USA at least said straight that to not come into their countries to live there, the Irish answered in an email with a silly reason "economic houses crisis, etc is in Ireland, so don't come" (but it was way better than what UK did), and also USA (probably ICE) said in subliminal message "Don't come, nobody gonna stand up for you " and they showed some click baits..
- But UK, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden were pure tricky radical enemies, and for example Italy, French are also clearly and fully on the side of my enemies, but they didn't come out fully from the shadow of my enemies. And I know I can't accept anything else just this from EU-NATO countries.
By the way if the EU-NATO systems have no problem to support / commit war and human rights crimes anywhere else on this planet, and on the other hand they're ally and business partners of my enemies, then which of them would stop this persecution and for what?
- And I believe I was right not to push it too far at Iranian embassy, now I would be jamming their system like an annoying person and that could benefit only my enemies.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On September-25-2024, Budapest. I expressed my opinion (protest) because of the racist communist crime against my life.
Honestly at night at home I decided to do everything without talking to any embassy same way as I do it in my city, and I wanted to start the day at Romanian embassy, but a person was outside there and politely asked me to come back at 9:30, so everything happened differently after that, but it was very interesting.
* 1 -Italian Embassy, This was maybe the worst embassy.
- So I pushed the gate-phone and I said what I want but a man said me "No", and then he came out, he looked like an Italian police and we talked in English. He said me to do it at their neighbour (at Iranian embassy) he talked in the usual Italian way (bit loud and angry), and he said he will call the police if I try to express my opinion. And then a civil dressed man came out, he talked in Hungarian and he said I cannot take pictures. I said them to "call the police", or maybe I asked "when will the police come", and the Italian police laughed and said he won't call the police.
And the argument was going on and the civil dressed man said "Aren't you the one the bolond?" (bolond means crazy, fool, stupid) ("Nem maga az a bolond?"), and he was smiling/laughing. Well that was it for me, sure he was cornered had to say that to attack me stronger, anyway I went straight with my target for my rights.
- They even said me I can't express my opinion there because they asked it politely, just as the corrupt FIDESZ works, and I love the "Bandits" film part when a bank director's wife said to the bandits "Good manner is no excuse for criminal behaviour"..

They said me this;
Excuse me, we asked you politely (don't express opinion in front of us)

In Hungarian;
Bocsánat mi megkértük udvariasan (hogy ne csináljon vélemény nyilvánítást előttünk).

And I answered this
You're asking me politely to forget my human rights, and this is crime.

In Hungarian;
Maguk megkérnek engem udvariasan hogy felejtsem el az emberi jogaimat, és ez bűncselekmény.
And I also said them;
I can 't work, I can't eat.
And you want war against Iranians, everybody while that person's rights is trampled in the mud who were on your side under the oppression of communism during the Cold War. Shame on you.

In Hungarian
Nem tudok dolgozni, nem tudok enni.
És maguk pedig háborút akarnak Irániak, mindenki ellen úgy hogy közben annak az embernek van sárba tiporva a jogai akik a kommunizmus elnyomása alatt a hidegháborúban a maguk oldalán volt. Szégyelljék magukat.
I also said;
You are the land of Roman law and you want to deny even that (expressing opinion).

In Hungarian;
Maguk a Római törvény hazája és még ezt is meg akarják tagadni (véleménynyílvánítást).
There is a huge side-walk even a big 18-wheels truck could park in that empty place and people still could walk next to it, and nobody was there just me, well their problem was me and my banners.
- Anyway I decided to put my banners on my bag and on me and I took some pictures,
- And I only talked with the embassy, but the duct tape on my mouth only meant they too want to reject my rights.

And when other staffs of embassy arrived, they were all watching me and saying nothing, and I told them what a persecuted person feels times like this. I told them the Muslims helped me and Christians didn't understand in Islam country why I go to Muslims for help and not to Christians.
- First the two men clearly joyfully bullied me with their corrupt talk, that was their tricky bully hate toward me, to make me angry on them, and then they were just listening me (usual corrupt racist weapon of my enemies, they first used it in front of FIDESZ headquarters in 2021). And then an hour later I just heard back from police at Romanian embassy this "Yes we know you were there, they called us on phone..". Italians aren't the first who used this trick..
- And maybe they thought if an Islam country (Malaysia) can send me away, then they too can do it.. But there is difference between asking help from Malaysia, Iran and from Italy, because Italy has duties against this persecution by EU-NATO.
Actually Italy corruptly let Hungary to join NATO and EU, because this racist communist bias / prejudice is unsolved ongoing crime as even Ombudsman (UN) said me in 2015. Well Italian system was paid/bribed when they let Hungary to corruptly join NATO-EU, and now they got salary to cover up their corrupt NATO-EU decisions..

Probably the Italian corrupt secret services too are angry with me, especially with my emails what I've been sending them since years, and they've to keep ignoring it corruptly and to write reports even about my banners too..

And as always I don't want to record any embassy conversation as long there wasn't problem, but sadly the Italian embassy was very wrong and bad, they even tried to "legalize" their discrimination with using "polite / good manners excuse" tricks.
I don't know exactly the law but I believe this can head into the trickily forcing direction (trükkös kényszerítés irányba), by the way the Italian policeman responded to me first was inpolite, angry, rude way.
* 2 -Slovakian Embassy, They let me do it easily, nothing else happened
* 3 -Romanian Embassy The embassy was positively interesting and polite, for me the best way to describe this event is; I respect the Romanian embassy, (and I didn't record the conversation because the embassy was polite and helpful).
- So I wanted to start the day here but a person at the gate politely asked me to come back at 9:30, because they want to talk with me before I express my opinion. And I came back as they asked it, and then they asked my ID, and then a man arrived and politely asked me about my story, and then he said something like this "You want me/us to talk with the authority?" and I said yes and then he went into the embassy, and then 5-10 minutes later 2 policemen arrived. The policemen also were polite. I said the police I respect this embassy because they were polite and they talked with me (or I said something like this to the police). I talked the police about my persecuted situation and they photographed my banners, and also my 2020 BRFK/ORFK police email (laws, rules of expressing opinion).
And they also photographed me with my protest T-shirt, they even asked it if it's not a problem, honestly I just don't know how many times they photographed me elsewhere in my protests, and I always wondered how the police photograph my T-shirt, whether only my name can be seen or the rest too, because I demand the Hungarian etc racist communist authorities to stop their racist communist crime against my life..

- And they said I can do it, but be quiet, and I told them I came from the Italian embassy and I had argument with the embassy there, and the police said they know about it, the embassy called them. (I wonder what the Italian embassy could say against me.)
- And here too the police also said the usual "Please don't put anything on the fence etc", well I never did anywhere but that's their duty to say it. (And I was just wondering if somebody write a false report against me then how badly it can mislead/jam the police and embassies work elsewhere in my expressing opinions, they will concentrate on false things.)

- Well it wasn't a bad but more like a good idea what the Romanian embassy did. Though I don't know what the Romanian emb said to the police when they called them, but the police were polite and they wanted to know my banners and why I want to express opinion and they let me do it easily (sure police already knew few things about the persecution).
- So I met with 2 versions;
1st, when the USA emb. looked at my banners and said "It's FIDESZ"..
2nd, when the Romanian emb. said me "Do you want me to talk to the authorities?" and I said yes and they called the police.. Though nobody stopped this persecution, but at least these 2 embassies showed something.
* 4 -Austrian Embassy I said what I want to a man at reception, and he said with smile that he doesn't understand what I said but I can do it, and nothing else happened. (Sure there are people in the Austrian system who know a lot about this and not since 2015 but since 2014.)
* 5 -Greek Embassy They said they only can deal with who has appointment, but anyway they easily let me express my opinion, nothing else happened.
* 6 -Czech Embassy The consulate didn't want to talk about it and they sent me to their embassy part, and those said they're closed, and then I simply expressed my opinion, nothing else happened.
* 7 -Spanish Embassy They let me do it easily, nothing else happened.
* 8 -Bulgarian Embassy An old man was there and he was a nice person, so I did it easily, nothing else happened.
* 9 -Albanian Embassy (it's in an apartment office in a building),
I pushed the gate-phone and then a woman said they've meeting and asked about appointment, I said I don't have and then I told her I want to express my opinion and it' s legal. Nothing else happened.
* 10 -North Macedonia Embassy, (it's in an apartment office in a building),
I pushed the gate-phone and I think a woman asked if I had appointment, anyway I told them I sent email and will express my opinion. And I started it and a man came out, maybe he was a receptionist, but he was rude, he said me the embassy sign can't be in my pictures, and I asked why, and where is the sign which banns it, and what about other people, etc. And he also said me "Get out of here (Tünj innen)", and then a couple came out and they talked with this man, and this man said to them "He's crazy (bolond)".
An old woman looked at my banners and in the end she said me "I agree with it but this (she pointed to the communist) shouldn't be there.".. I didn't say anything to her, but if they stop this persecution then I will stop doing this.
* 11 -Croatian Embassy They photographed/checked my ID, and we were waiting a lot to the police, I don't know when they called the police but they arrived about 43 minutes after me. The embassy didn't want to let me take pictures in public space in front of their embassy while there wasn't any "no-photographing" sign anywhere, and they also said the cars can't be photographed (2 normal cars with civil license-plate on them in public area). Well after about 32 minutes waiting in front of the embassy I decided to put my banners onto my bag and on me. And after about 8-9 minutes later I decided to take selfy pictures, because the embassy wasn't able to tell me why they make difference between me and other people in that public area, and by the way photos about the embassy was on Internet everywhere. They only said me "what if the owner doesn't want you to do it", well the owner is Croatia, a country (so was it segregation / discrimination?).
And after my 1 minutes long photographing I started to put away my banner, because I finished my expressing opinion, but suddenly the police arrived.. So I built up my banners again, and I told the police there isn't any "no-photographing" sign, and I told them I don't know what is the difference between me and other people because those can do it if they want while I can't. And the police said I can do it. So it was over and I put away the banners and I said the police I go to the Polish embassy and they said they know about it (it's in my email and that embassy too is in their district).
- So here too I only talked with the embassy, but the duct tape on my mouth only meant they too want to reject my rights to collect evidences.

(- I wouldn't be surprised if somebody was watching me and waiting how far the embassy can push the problem, because the police arrived when I was about to leave, when I finished my expressing opinion there. The 2 policemen were young and polite, easy but it doesn't mean nobody ordered them to wait 40 minutes.)
* 12 -Polish Embassy I went into the consulate and I tried to tell them what I want, but when they heard "expressing opinion" then they suddenly said they don't want to talk about it and I've to leave the embassy (they looked a very little upset confused). And then I went outside and I expressed my opinion and nothing else happened.
- Well ironically 15 years ago a Polish "workmate" in UK was arrogantly singing next to me "where do you go honey.." it was 1-2 hours before I realised I've to leave "voluntary" my last job and UK..

** 2 **

- And wish I could record the embassies when they act honestly and politely, and show it on the Internet.
But for example when I complained to the USA embassy about what happened in my first 2 times there, then they corrected themselves politely, and then I thanked it on their X account. But since I realized anybody can use these "thnaks", just as the "I respect the Russian embassy", and the "help in Malaysia".
- Hungary is strongly divided with Romania and Slovakia, and I think that's why none of these two wanted more division problems especially into the EU-NATO security directions.. And probably it was interesting moment for Romania when a Hungarian is asking them to try to do something with the Hungarian govt because of human rights crime..
- And Romania has Black-sea border where there is Russia too not just Ukraine, and they felt the war a few times, sure their security's eyes is on the war and on the Black-sea..
- And the Italians are a painted as good/friendly/funny character by the Hungarian propaganda, so Italian embassy's act was protected/covered up already.
These Italians acted as some Italians are acting in Italy, so they knew something very good, or they were arrogantly fishing, because to do this especially next to Iranian embassy means that. Sure Iran was on my banner, and I always say in my emails "I'd be dead already without help of Muslims in Malaysia" and Italians don't really like Islam.
- The Italy's Giorgia Meloni leader said "no place for Islam in Europe", but they and FIDESZ and others are burnning the Rome Law in Hungary even front of them and next to Iran emb just to keep warm their privileged clubs, and that's why they need to use "good-looking polite" cards. I wonder how they would feel if Iran would answer, even if it means to marry a Muslim woman there because in Malaysia the only problem was that even the lobbies of my enemies came after me very easily, as I even heard it back from others there.
- Probably Malaysia and the helpful people there were attacked by lobbies of EU-NATO countries, and that's a lot and hard to track them down perfectly.

- Well the Italian embassy behaved like it would be a privileged club, and the Italian system has been acting this way even when I crossed Italy in the last 9 years.
And also the UK emb too has been doing this, but English don't go to war with themselves, here too they used 3rd parties (African and Hungarian guards, police, etc) between me and them, but Italians go to war with themselves in this situations.
- A problem with the "not going to war with yourself" is that the "allies" can be stolen, no wonder why UK is losing its colonies/markets to China without any war, and they just cry in their media etc..

- And my situation is showing me that Europe is much worse than USA. Kissinger's saying "being enemy of USA is dangerous but friend is fatal" isn't really true here in Europe. Well USA is also a bogeyman card in Europe, but I don't want to ignore Kissinger's words.
- And the cleaner at the Belgium emb was right when he said I should go to other embassies too. I admit I went very slowly to new embassies. And I felt this day that why Belgium is sick and tired of EU-NATO, etc and bureaucrats and with their impunity in Belgium, well not all but some embassies are pure reflections of it.
And Croatia, Macedonia are former Yugoslav countries so that's why they acted in similar way against my expressing opinion. And I don't know at all Croatia neither North-Macedonia, but Internet says Macedonia has serious human rights issues.
And Austrian system is for example that type which always act as the moment of opportunity let it.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On October-03-2024 I sent email to the Pope again it was the 18th time, it's the same usual email. Luckily the Vatican's server didn't send me any "demon mail" etc. Anyway this time too I posted my email into Pope's X account.

** 2 **
- And I think I must send email to NATO-EU countries about my last expressing opinion / protest, I've to report the embassies. Because what the Italian and Croatian and the North Macedon embassies did is pure evidence of aiding crime.

- And also it would be nice to know; - where and by who stopped my case, for example when the Romanian embassy called the police and those police wrote a report and photographed my banners and me. Because somebody had to write a report at police and send it to somewhere, but my human rights is still oppressed.
- Practically it proves that how the racist corrupt authorities cover up their own human rights crimes, and they leave their crime victims like me to be oppressed in the peace time in Hungary, - if any human rights crime victim ends up in Romania to ask help, and Romania sends back the victim to Hungary with the unstopped human rights crime. And this crime can be more radically evil in war time.
- And a question is what about those crime victims who have no luck and the racist authorities corruptly taking them away?

- Unless this was a plan/drill of EU-NATO securities; "Let's practice how to cover up a human rights crime if the victim escaped to another EU-NATO country, but then he was sent back by our allies.".
I still state that I respect the Romanian embassy, - because they wanted to hear me, and they even asked me if I want them to talk with the Hungarian authorities, - and I said "yes", - but problem is that the crime still exists against me, - and if the Hungarian authorities took me away corruptly, then Romania / Romanian embassy would look like a guilty partner of this crime.
- And not to mention those EU-NATO countries which unlawfully tried to stop me to express my opinion, and unlawfully stop me taking evidence pictures in front of their embassies.
- And there are 35+Hungary members of EU-NATO world, and I've been expressing opinion in front of 19 embassies of EU-NATO countries, so it's more than half. And I made a basic statistic and it shows that about 25-30% of these 19 embassies unlawfully tried to prevent my expressing opinion in front of them, practically they clearly sided with this racist crime and acted against their EU-NATO human rights duties. And none of them stopped this crime.

** 3 **
lol, my enemies and their AI have been going mad since Iran is on my banners.. These racist criminals have been desperately running corrupt psychiatric subliminal messages etc mind controls... And the last two times when I published my post here in this forum it was like my enemies' AI censor had a huge "Iran phobia" melt down.. and also their desperate fear click-bait..
- Well I said in my email in spring that this is a red-line, and I don't want it, and also that's why I said to USA embassy "This too is on my banner.." and I pointed on "Iran", and the guard just said with smile "Oh". Everybody knows it's better not say some words in some places but I thought the Hungarian secret services etc will use their brain or others will help them thinking. But sadly even the Hungarian government admits that they "go until the wall", and here we go. So these idiots are there at the wall, and they don't know what to do, because if they would forcefully take me into a psychiatric then they would make a favour to Russia, Iran, etc against NATO and EU. And not to mention their psychiatric fraud attempt crimes is visible, known in public spaces and on Internet and at embassies, etc..
- Unless the racist idiots who came up with this psychiatric fraud attempt were told they will go under examination, because "this Iran" is too much.. Well I agree what USA embassy said "It's FIDESZ" and actually I felt, saw that in my protests and since years, even before I talked with USA embassy.
- And because my enemies fear power became a joke since my banners says this; I found only help outside of EU-NATO world, and I ask Iran's human rights mission help.
- FIDESZ should have listened to Russian embassy when they said me I can keep protesting at them, and also when USA embassy said "It's FIDESZ", and so on..
Only a stupidly educated corrupt law person would think a psychiatric examination could help them out, and it could be used as a precedence inside EU-NATO securities.. Just as Britney Spears psychiatric fraud case ended, the shrinks lost all credit and they had nothing left to lie.. But it would be a mistake to underestimate the stupidity of my idiot enemies..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

On October 08 2024 I sent this email to Mark Rutte NATO secretary General of NATO, - NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence). The subject is "Congratulations, and a Reminder".

This is what I wanted tell them in the email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
1,- First of all, I would like to congratulate Mark Rutte on becoming the new Secretary General of NATO.
2,- And in this e-mail, I would like to remind you of my persecuted situation, which is one of the bad examples for NATO. Unfortunately, Hungary joined NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And NATO countries unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information and security problems about this persecution are in the attachments.

This is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, október, 08

Címzett; -Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár,
-NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240925Italy.jpg, 20151115Consul.png

Tárgy: Gratulálás, és egy Emlékeztetés

Tisztelt Cím!
1,- Először is szeretnék gratulálni Mark Rutte-nek, hogy a NATO új főtitkára lett.
2,- És ebben az e-mailben szeretném Önöket emlékeztetni az üldözött helyzetemre, ami a NATO egyik rossz példája. Sajnos Magyarország anélkül csatlakozott a NATO-hoz, hogy bárki megállította volna a kommunista ügynök bűnök áldozataival szembeni elfogultságot és előítéletet Magyarországon. NATO-tagországok pedig ezt törvénytelenül engedélyezték a szavazatukkal. Az üldöztetéssel kapcsolatos további információk és biztonsági problémák a csatolásokban találhatók.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
08, October, 2024. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO secretary General of NATO;
-NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),

Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240925Italy.jpg, 20151115Consul.png

Subject; Congratulations, and a Reminder

Dear Sir, Madam,
1,- First of all, I would like to congratulate Mark Rutte on becoming the new Secretary General of NATO.
2,- And in this e-mail, I would like to remind you of my persecuted situation, which is one of the bad examples for NATO. Unfortunately, Hungary joined NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And NATO countries unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information and security problems about this persecution are in the attachments.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
And I still haven't sent any complainant / report to NATO and to EU-NATO countries about my last expressing opinion what some some embassies did, but I've to start it. lol sure I'm too slow but how something is really try to slow me when I try to write it. lol it's like an AI would be set to take me away from it..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** (I edited the date on 07-Nov-2024 because it wasn't correct so the correct is October-16-2024)
On October-16-2024, I sent this email to Mark Rutte NATO secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO, -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács, -Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries,

I reported / informed the EU-NATO countries about what happened at Italian, North Macedonian and Croatian embassies and also at Romanian embassy. (I deleted a part of the video links to keep them unpulished, so the links only works for those who recieved my emails)

This is what I reported in the email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
On September 25, 2024, I expressed my opinion in front of twelve embassies of EU-NATO countries in Budapest (its email 108Bp20240918To.pdf), (Video links are KimarNVideo34.pdf attachment.) I used these banners attached as 20240925BnrBp.pdf. -Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

And this happened;
- The Italian, North Macedonian and Croatian Embassies unlawfully tried to prevent me from expressing my opinion in front of them and taking evidence pictures about this. And this is aiding the persecution against me. Video link; It1 -It2
-Mk -Hr
- Romanian Embassy, (I didn't record what they said because they were polite and helpful). An embassy official asked why I wanted to express opinion and after I answered he asked something like this; "You want us to talk with the authority?", and I said "Yes", then he went into the embassy and 5-10 minutes later two police officers arrived. I recorded this conversation, link
We talked about my persecuted situation, and they photographed my banners, some of my emails/letters, and me in my protest T-shirt. And then they said that I can express my opinion.
- Although I don't know what the embassy told the police on the phone, - but the police had to write a report and send it to somewhere, but my human rights are still oppressed.
- Practically this event proves that how the authorities sweep under the rug their human rights crimes, instead of stopping it, - even if for example, a victim of human rights crime goes abroad to ask for help, - and those send back the victim to Hungary with the ongoing human rights crime. - And this will be more radically corrupt and evil in war time.

And this is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
16, October, 2024. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,
-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, (Some countries don't have email just "e Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf
20240925BnrBp.pdf, KimarNVideo34.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20241008ToNato.pdf, 108Bp20240918To.pdf
Subject; NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism

Dear Sir, Madam,
On September 25, 2024, I expressed my opinion in front of twelve embassies of EU-NATO countries in Budapest (its email 108Bp20240918To.pdf), (Video links are KimarNVideo34.pdf attachment.) I used these banners attached as 20240925BnrBp.pdf. -Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

And this happened;
- The Italian, North Macedonian and Croatian Embassies unlawfully tried to prevent me from expressing my opinion in front of them and taking evidence pictures about this. And this is aiding the persecution against me. Video link; It1 -It2
-Mk -Hr
- Romanian Embassy, (I didn't record what they said because they were polite and helpful). An embassy official asked why I wanted to express opinion and after I answered he asked something like this; "You want us to talk with the authority?", and I said "Yes", then he went into the embassy and 5-10 minutes later two police officers arrived. I recorded this conversation, link
We talked about my persecuted situation, and they photographed my banners, some of my emails/letters, and me in my protest T-shirt. And then they said that I can express my opinion.
- Although I don't know what the embassy told the police on the phone, - but the police had to write a report and send it to somewhere, but my human rights are still oppressed.
- Practically this event proves that how the authorities sweep under the rug their human rights crimes, instead of stopping it, - even if for example, a victim of human rights crime goes abroad to ask for help, - and those send back the victim to Hungary with the ongoing human rights crime. - And this will be more radically corrupt and evil in war time.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,0
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, október, 16

Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf
20240925BnrBp.pdf, KimarNVideo34.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20241008ToNato.pdf, 108Bp20240918To.pdf

Tárgy; NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus

Tisztelt Cím!
2024 szeptember 25-én a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki tizenkettő EU-NATO országok nagykövetségei előtt Budapesten (emailje 108Bp20240918To.pdf), (Video linkek a KimarNVideo34.pdf csatolásban vannak.) Ezeket a transzparenseket használtam csatolva mint 20240925BnrBp.pdf. -Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Móagyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. További információk erről a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

És ez történt;
- Az Olasz, Észak-Macedón és Horvát Nagykövetségek illegálisan próbáltak megakadályozni engem, hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak előttük, és erről bizonyítékként fényképeket készítsek. És ez segíti az üldöztetést ellenem. Video link; It1; -It2;
-Mk; -Hr;
- Román Nagykövetség, (Nem rögzítettem, amit mondtak, mert udvariasak és segítőkészek voltak). A nagykövetség egyik tisztviselője megkérdezte, miért akarok véleményt nyilvánítani, és miután válaszoltam, valami ilyesmit kérdezett; "Azt akarja, hogy beszéljünk a hatósággal?" és azt mondtam "Igen", majd bement a követségre, és 5-10 perc múlva két rendőr érkezett. Ezt a beszélgetést rögzítettem, link
Az üldözött helyzetemről beszélgettünk, és lefényképezték a transzparenseimet, néhány e-mailemet / leveleimet, és engem a tiltakozó pólómmal. És aztán mondták hogy kinyilváníthatom a véleményemet.
- Bár nem tudom mit mondott a nagykövetség a rendőrségnek telefonon, - de a rendőrségnek jelentést kellett írni és elküldeni valahova, de az emberi jogaim még mindig el vannak nyomva.
- Gyakorlatilag ez az esemény azt bizonyítja, hogy a hatóságok hogyan söprik a szőnyeg alá az emberi jogi bűncselekményeiket, ahelyett hogy megállítanák, - még akkor is ha például egy emberi jogi bűncselekmény áldozata külföldre megy segítséget kérni, - és azok visszaküldik Magyarországra az áldozatot a folyamatban lévő emberi jogi bűncselekménnyel. - És ez pedig sokkal radikálisan korruptabb és gonoszabb lesz háborús időben.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar- N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
Technically there are embassies / governments in EU-NATO world which are scared to see my banners in my few minutes long events in front of them.

** 2 **

I wonder how the EU-NATO securities gonna think now about my persecution and protests, because according to news North Korea started to send soldiers to Russia to fight against Ukraine. I agree with some people when they said North Korea probably wants to get military war experience there, but it will make stronger the ex-communist agents.
- That's why I'm saying ex-KGB gonna win this war, and only question is which side of ex-KGB, the pro-Russia or that which is officially working for EU-NATO.. But Russia can't re-occupy countries like Hungary, their communist past is still a bad memory even in Ukraine.
- I still laugh on Orban when he visited Putin to talk about peace plan in Ukraine while he has no problem to run this persecution against me and therefore I've been protesting even in front of his home and Russian embassy.
I've to go again, and also to new embassies too.
- These idiots are running pessimistic / drama mood subliminal messages while I'm trying to write on my pc... Earlier my enemies were laughing on me while they were listening me when I talked about my plans, but now they're desperately try to stop / confuse me and my words what I want to say. But sure their world is now making those mistakes when better to leave them with their mistakes..
- lol for example days ago their mood was desperately angry instead of pessimistic after I replied to a news on "X" which was about Orban PM. They really pushed me to delete my critic replies fast on X.. They tried to show their Orban PM like he was a true friend of Islam in a propaganda news and about 80% or more of trolls/bots were illogically celebrating him for that.. To be honest when I reply to others on "X" then I usually delete those replies with in days or weeks for "safety" reason, but this time they were like "Delete those now!! I warned you!!"..
- Years ago the idiot moderators (and troll farms) started to force me to delete most of my earlier replies and stop me to reply to others on facebook, otherwise I could lose my fb account, therefore I switched to X. And if Trump wins then probably these privilege people will destroy X too..
Last edited by knorbert on Thu Nov 07, 2024 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

A few things about the Italian/Rome/Vatican system;
- Hungarian cardinal priest József Mindszenty asked and got asylum at USA embassy and stayed there from 1956 till 1971. And I only read what wikipedia showed me, and I read it a few times in the last years, anyway it says there were disagreements between him and the Pope / Vatican (Rome) about how to end the problems between him and the communists.
- I never really understood why were disagreements there. But "FIAT-Lada" history says a few things, and my father said me once "For some reason the Italians are always ends up on the winners' side" (they switch side like corrupt opportunities).
And I witnessed, experienced few times the similar things in Italy what happened with me in front of Italian embassy in Budapest.
- Actually Italian embassy was a very good example for me to understand a few things, and the Internet says the Vatican is protecting the communists, even the present Pope said years ago "people call me communist Pope..".

- Now I know more about the origin of "When in Rome do as Romans do", but the Italian embassy told me to forget my human rights and expressing opinion rights in front of them but lol in my own country. Sure it's an interesting "seed/ idea", and for example the UK embassy too tried it many times (colonizer tricks), but UK was like a mixed of bulldog and fox.

- Well their "seed/ idea" can create - fruit, like the "FIAT-Lada" and then some people like it some not, - or their "seed/ idea" can create for example a security nightmare like in Afghanistan when French soldiers went home in black-bags after they replaced the Italians, (and probably Taliban too had lost there). All because the Italians forgot to mention their soldiers were doing special private business with Taliban. So the Italians soldiers were already caught in deadly corruption in NATO. And what if their corruptions turn into a genocide, war crime etc?

- And I'm sure FIDESZ-KDNP govt / Orban PM's vision/perspective is to make fruit for themselves from this human rights crime too, with milking their fake truce in this persecution instead of ending it with peace.

- That's a reason why the oppressed Hungarian gypsies have more success against the human rights crimes of authorities in Hungary than the "white"/native Hungarians. Well even the Hungarian security system admits their police only care about crimes when the blood is flowing.. And Jozsef Antal PM said after the regime change "You should have made revolution..".

And by the way in 1 of my earlier posts I said I met with with hundreds of police since this persecution started, - but I only met with one (1) single police who had conscience against this persecution, - and there were about 3-5 % radicals, and the rest just followed the orders.. Sure there is difference between those who blindly follow orders, but if there is an upraise/revolution and people kill some of them. - then how can any system say those police were not guilty when they were silent and/or followed silently the corrupt orders??

And as I said earlier ironically even Orban PM proved it in the Swedish, Finnish NATO joining process when he said "no" with his vote, because NATO requires 100% "yes" in vote.
- So for example Italy has been working corruptly for EU-NATO, and not the EU-NATO regulations, laws corrupted Italy. Here in EU-NATO world politicians/governments love to blame EU-NATO to whitewash themselves, and distance themselves with blaming EU-NATO organisations what they corruptly control.

Well I've to collect in a list, the corruptions and connections of NATO countries in this persecution, and same about EU.
So NATO countries;
- corruptly voted "Yes" in 1999 when they let Hungary to join NATO with this bias, prejudice even in the Hungarian health care.
- had corrupt medical war game in Hungary.

So why do some EU-NATO countries try corruptly prevent me to express my opinion against this bias, prejudice, and persecution in front of their embassies?
lol, and news say Russia trains / uses North Korean soldiers to fight against Ukraine in the war, and therefore South Korea summoned the Russian embassy to say they violate the truce between the two Korean countries. And South Korean and Ukraine intelligences are working together in Ukraine because of this.
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