Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

I sent the usual reminder email to the same addresses where to I sent email on July-17-2024.
Tisztelt Cím!
Szeretném emlékeztetni Önöket, hogy a véleményemet fogom kinyilvánítani 2024.07.24-én B, további részletek az alábbi továbbított e-mailben találhatók, amit már elküldtem Önöknek 2024-07--17-én.
A rendőrség és/vagy a nagykövetségek sokszor azt állították, hogy nem kapták meg az önként küldött e-mailjeimet, és sajnos néhányuk megpróbálja felhasználni ezt mint egy lehetőség indokát, hogy törvénytelenül elutasítsák a rasszista bűncselekmény elleni szólásszabadság jogomat.
Más szavakkal, a hatóságok, stb. törvénytelen parancsot követnek, hogy elrejtsék a bűnüket, mert félnek a néhány perces néma, törvényes eseménytől, ami az igazságról szól.
-És nagyon érdekes, amikor a rendőrök arrogánsan ezt mondják nekem a véleménynyilvánításaimon; "Mit ért el ezzel?", "Még nem unja ezt!?", "Nincs engedélye ehhez!", stb, stb.
Ez egyértelmű bevallása annak, hogy az egész EU-NATO rendszer hogyan gondolkodik és cselekszik a rasszista bűncselekményeik áldozataival szemben.
Magyarország, 2024, július, 22
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***
Dear Sir, Madam,
I'd like to remind you that I will express my opinion on July-24-2024 in Budapest, more details can be found in the below forwarded email what I already sent to you on July-17-2024.
Many times the police and/or the embassies claimed that they didn't receive my voluntarily sent emails, and sadly some of them try to use it as a reason of opportunity to unlawfully deny my freedom of speech right against racist crime. In other words the authorities etc follow unlawful orders to hide their crime because they're scared from the few minutes long silent, lawful event which is about the truth.
- And it's very interesting when police arrogantly say me these in my expressing opinions; "What did you achieve with this!?", "Aren't you tired of this yet!?", "You don't have permission for this!", etc., etc.
It's a clear confession of how the entire EU-NATO system thinks and acts against their racist crime victims.
22, July, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

And I sent this email to Malaysians and Iranians;
Tisztelt Cím!
Véletlenül továbbítottam Önöknek a 2024. július 17-i keltezésű e-mailemet mint emlékeztetőt, sajnálom, mert az volt a tervem, hogy egy másik e-mailt küldök Önöknek.
Úgy gondolom, hogy az EU-NATO országainak biztonsági kötelessége lenne az első pillanatban megállítani ezt az üldözést ahelyett, hogy ilyen messzire hagyják ezt menni, de ezt sajnos senki nem teszi (a korrupció miatt).
Békés megoldást keresek az üldözés megállítására, ahogy évekkel ezelőtt e-mailjeimben is mondtam néhány országnak, hogy ezt az üldözést nem lehet békésen megállítani legális külföldi segítség nélkül. Például itt Magyarországon néhány cigány kisebbség néha megveri a hatóságokat, néhány magyar pedig keményebben próbált visszavágni, amit a hatóságok terrorizmusnak neveznek.
- Sajnos a magyar miniszterelnök és kormánya köztudottan a falig megy még a rasszista bűnügyekben is, de ez abnormális kontrollja ennek az üldözésnek.
És 2023-03-8 óta küldök e-maileket a pápának is, de eddig sikertelenül (utolsó emailem csatolva 20240706ToPope14.pdf néven).
Ezért szeretnék néhány percre transzparensekkel az Önök nagykövetségeik közelében állni, hogy a békés emberi jogi misszió segítséget kérjek.

Magyarország, 2024, július, 22 
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***
Dear Sir, Madam,
I coincidentally forwarded you my dated 17-July-2024 email as a reminder, I'm sorry for it, because my plan was to send you a different email. I believe that it would be the security duty of the EU-NATO countries to stop this persecution at the first moment, instead of letting it go this far, but unfortunately no one does this (due to corruption).
I'm looking for a peaceful solution to stop this persecution, as I even said to some countries in my emails years ago that this persecution can't be stopped peacefully without legal foreign help. For example, here in Hungary, some gypsy minorities sometimes beat the authorities, and a few Hungarians tried to fight back harder and the authorities call that terrorism.
- Unfortunately, the Hungarian Prime Minister and his government are known to go to the wall even in racist criminal cases too, but this is an abnormal control of this persecution.
And I've been sending emails to the Pope also since Mar 8, 2023, but so far without any success (my last email attached as 20240706ToPope14.pdf).
Therefore I'd like to stand close to your embassies for a few minutes with banners to ask for peaceful human rights mission help.
22, July, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

And I don't know why but I skipped to say them also that what I said to the authorities on the phone around 2019; "How can I reach her as the gypsies are doing it?", because before that they just tried to gaslight me arrogantly.. "Ha Ha she's not here.. Ha ha I don't know when she will be available, ha ha..".
I tried the same with two different department / person and they talked the same way before and after that, it was like a magic word, they stopped laughing and they became serious and available immediately.
- Half of my enemies act like rabid/mad dogs on leash without muzzle or a sneak, etc, - and the other half the West "the wild animal owner" is laughing on the attacked victims or shows crocodile tears, or gaslight and blame the victim.
And the racist authorities can do it that easily because they and I have the same white skin colour.. And actually that's why gypsies are strong, and that's why my enemies and their friends were always weak for example in Malaysia.
Posts: 334
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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
24-07-2024, Budapest Hungary. I expressed my opinion (protested), because of racist communist crime against my life in the following places;
-1, Malaysia embassy rejected me,
-2, Hungary Helps Program,
-3, Belgium Embassy,
-4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
-5, Interior Ministry,
-6, USA Embassy,
-7, Turkish Embassy,
-8, Iranian Embassy/consulate,
-- I put duct-tape on my mouth because on 2021 November the police lied me in their custody/ and on court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police.
- But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".. And the Hungarian police in 2021 November
***** 1, Malaysia embassy rejected me, I pushed the doorbell and they told me on doorbell-phone to go into the building, so I went into the building and there were 2 Asian women. I started to talk with one of them and I was a bit confused when I started to talk with her. So I started to tell what I want and to thank "their" earlier help in Malaysia, and then the woman's ego maybe was climbing because how she called a Hungarian woman to translate to us, because "I don't speak English".. And then I started to tell again my story to this Hungarian woman, but she was confused a bit and she didn't really translate properly what I said. And then the two Asian women started to talk with each other in English like 2 silly women, and they pushed their ego higher and higher in arrogant level, like I was a bad, annoying person and like I was trying to do something bad against them with my banners.
Those who know how the arrogant type of South-east Asian behave when they are wrong but they want to force it, well then that's what them.
- And then the Hungarian woman said them "He wants to thank you..", but these 2 woman just pushed themselves higher like they were told to send me away with blaming me.
They said I can't do it, and if I try it then they will call the police, and I told them I have police letter but they suddenly became desperate and they said they don't want that police letter (their ego became pathetic and funny in that moment). And then one of them said I've to leave the embassy, like when they kick somebody out, she said because they gonna have a meeting and I'm blocking them to do that (lol, it was 9AM and they opened 8:30AM). They jammed themselves into their own lies.
So in the end I just said in a relaxed polite way something like this;
"- From now on no more help, it's over, and I was right to come here and thank you for help".
And the Malaysian woman was standing in a proud arrogant style and she said proudly something like this "Yes, hmm", she was impressed with her arrogant ego and without brain.
These two women were dressing down many things, they showed their true colour, what I heard from others and didn't believe. So times like this better to use the "Let your enemy to win to show them how "stupid" they are", or as Napoleon said "Don't interrupt your enemy when it makes mistakes after mistakes".
- The Hungarian woman was wondering in a shocked way how these 2 silly Asian women burned down this relation.
And I'm too still wondering where was their benefit in it?
- These things happen when there are more than one stories about one thing, when they lie about the person behind his back, when there is the "real" and the fake-story. And usually fake stories means bunch of lies everywhere what they were milking.
- Well what happens when the truth finally walks into the right place and the lies are being exposed / cornered??
I wouldn't be surprised if the "benefiter" was hiding elsewhere, it reminded me to when I went to the ex-secret service minister's hostel to apply for job because he signed a corrupt document in this persecution, so while he was hiding cowardly his wife and their staffs represented him, but here they tried to blame and attack me the victim for some reason.
- Why didn't they just tell me that in a simple reply email?
- Why didn't they just say me that "Please don't come here, leave us alone with that" or something like that?
- Why did they need the arrogant and not peaceful break up?
- Why never was a problem for them when I mentioned them in the end of my emails "Malaysian system helped me"?
- Why was I suddenly problem for them when I was there personally?
- Why did the embassy's 2 staffs act like who sided with my enemies?
- Why did they need to try to gaslight me in an upset angry way?
- Who told them what to do with me?
- Why did they act like who don't know anything, but in reality a few times they coincidently said those things what they shouldn't know if they were telling the truth?

Well I've been warned many times (since first moment) about how corrupt the Malaysian govt etc are, but I didn't believe it.
And I went to the embassy's web page on the next day, and it was full with happily friendly subliminal emotion messages, it was the exact opposite of how they acted a day before, and earlier I never experienced any subliminal on their web page, it was always free form subliminal.
- It was like they knew everything already, and they did what they wanted to achieve (but they were silly, reckless instead good in it). -- And actually that's what I felt on last week's Friday, I sent them email on Wednesday to inform them about my protest, and maybe I'm wrong (or not at all) but it was like my enemies here in my city knew this result within 2 days on Friday.. Well in Malaysia the helpful people warned me about future problems, but here it looked like my enemies were informed about this.. And honestly I thought/felt that the Iranian embassy gonna do this to me and the Malaysian embassy may will send me away politely.
Probably they milked this persecution on both sides.
They let me park myself around nice helpful people who treated me, and then they collected money from those who gave me a sudden temporary job under the table in Kuala Lumpur (collecting bribe for this is common even in some EU countries too), while I didn't really earn much money, but it helped me a lot in my heart, - and that's what worried my enemies, they envied that "love" toward me), and in the same time these corrupt people maybe were dealing with my enemies behind my back "selling me".
- That's why some people and even refugees everywhere said me to be careful, because these people are very corrupt and they will sell me.
- So who has benefit from this?
- And what would be my enemies plan with me after this, if they have any?
- An important question is; - Am I the first with this in Malaysia or not (or in any other country)?
- Are the recycled ex-KGB with EU-NATO intelligences forcing / sending victims like me to escape into colonies of EU-NATO countries?

As they say "That's Malaysia". An example of their brainless arrogance, a guy in Kuala Lumpur is selling Harley and Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc luxury western toys, and a half year ago I saw a short video on his facebok, he's voice says " white guys" and a "I don't need followers" photo was on it. Now try to cure the "stupid" part in it, as they say "Stupid is as stupid does".

2, Hungary Helps Program,
There was another person at the reception and he left me do it easily, but I can tell I was right to send the email about Hungary Helps Program. Probably the entire EU-NATO system have the same problems and I think everybody is faking their own data, that's a reason why they're losing "colony" countries in Africa etc. The Africans know it better than I.

3, Belgium Embassy,
It was the same easy and fast as usual, and nothing happened.
4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
I told the police what I want and they checked my ID and their boss came to make the decision, and then they let me do it. Nothing else happened.
5, Interior Ministry,
I went to the police and they first said everything is okay, freedom of expression is legal in Hungary, and one of them talked with somebody and then two other police came and they checked my ID, and they told me I've to do it at the corner because they've visitors (last time NATO chief visited Budapest). This time I had to go away from the earlier place to the corner, and this reason "security for visitors" is funny reason because tourists and many other people are walking there, but it showed me they're scared from my banners.
I even said the police wouldn't be easier if they just simple shot the victims, people like me and throw me/them into the Danube river (nazis and commies did it). They said "we don't do these things", and I told the police they're now like in the communist Kadar regime with slicing strategy, and earlier under Gyurcsány it was like Rákosi regime and they were shooting bullets.

The police this time to asked "is their anything else what we can do?", to be honest I really don't know why nobody told them if they ask this question then they can hook up in it when I answer "yes, you can, please stop this racist crime..".
So I told them "yes, you can, please stop this racist crime against me..", and one of them started to gaslight with "you still didn't know what crime.." and I told him "It's on my banner there"..
And the police tried to gaslight me with saying the Interior Ministry has nothing to do with this (human-rights crime)..
I guess the police saw my "video-audio recording" sign, and that's why his eyes got angry, and he tried to tell me in a long bureaucratic way that I can submit a complain etc to this ministry in the other side of the building.. I told him that's "authoritarian" (Kádár style), and to be honest after that I went to that place and I asked the reception and they said the electronic and this personally submitted letters are the same thing, and actually the personally given submission has the same name what the email address has, and I've been sending my emails there.
I think the police just realized he hooked up in it and tried to sneak out from it in a tricky bureaucratic way. In the end they asked again what else can they do, and I said the same "give back my human rights" and then I said them "can you give me money?", and they said no. Great right, a person tries to ask/collect money from the police and not the other way, well they didn't do anything against this crime so..
-- If the police can ignore this human rights crime continuously in each time, using bureaucratic and lawyer tricks etc, then if there is a marshal-law etc order and a mobilization etc then they can kill innocent people because of their origin and do it more openly because they've no limit in this crime.
-- Me and Russia aren't friends and we were enemies in the history but now it's in a thin way and "the Battle-Axe was buried between us but somebody (our same enemy) dug it out", and EU-NATO worlds don't provide security for victims of communist crimes, technically we're not ally.
6, USA Embassy,
I went to the same both, the security guard smiled friendly and let me do it.
Well I'm really happy for their easy fast "service", but honestly there isn't any EU-NATO country who wants to help me.
Same as Belgium embassy, they both are fast and easy with saying "okay" but nothing to help to end this crime.

Honestly I'm a bit not exactly worried but more like aware with one thing what Kissinger said "Being enemy of USA is dangerous, but being friend is deadly".
- In March the USA embassy changed its arrogant way into polite friendly, but just as Belgium embassy without solution against this crime.

- So why didn't any EU-NATO country leak/tell me any information about where to should I go, including some reference sources?
- What are the EU-NATO counter intelligences waiting for?
7, Turkish Embassy,
I talked with the police and he made a phonecall and then he said okay, I did in the same place where last time.
A Turkish embassy staff (probably guard) stood behind the fence and he was smiling in a friendly way.
And nothing else happened here.
8 Iranian embassy;
It was closed, I arrived after 1PM, and a sign said that they were open until around 11-12 o-clock, and by the way the Internet says their consulate was closed but their embassy was open,
So I pushed the doorbell but was no answer.
- Anyway I decided to express my opinion there, and there wasn't really any police so everything was fast and easy.
-- And after this I went to the front of Italian embassy to take some pictures without talking to anybody, because I realized they're the neighbour of Iranian embassy, and it went fast nothing happened, but I didn't publish those photos.
And I rather sent an email to Iranian embassy and to their Foreign Ministry, I wanted to ask them whether they allow me to publish my photos what I took front of them or not, and I also told them what happened at the Malaysian embassy.
- The Iranians only replied this so far;
Thank you for contacting with us.
We are currently reviewing your request. Please be sure that all emails are read, but due to the large volume of emails that we receive, only emails about a customer service issue are guaranteed a reply.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service.
And I asked the same on their X account and so far no answer.

Honestly maybe their answer is in their email, and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't answer to my comment on their x either. Can you imagine how the Malaysian embassy would be ashamed if Iran never says me yes or no to me, but then I would publish my photos, though I rather do what Iran does.

Well I said that if Malaysian embassy gonna reject me, then it will be a trophy for my enemies, well the questions;
Is the "recycled pro-EU-NATO ex-KGB" or the "pro-Russia-ex-KGB" have that trophy??
I don't know what the EU-NATO world won in it, if Malaysia had to dress down, it's like both gave up their positions, I wonder what Russia sees in it, and same about Iran.

That's why I say the ex-KGB gonna win the war in Ukraine, only question is the "pro-Russia" or the "pro-EU-NATO", well West has no allies here just propaganda and fake promises and the recycled pro-ex-KGB. And that's what the spineless Hungarian government milks happily while everybody calls them Trojan Horse.

Checking my last few months I feel like my relations/connections have been attacked, it's like my enemies try to ruin everything around me, for example what the Malaysian embassy did to me in a hawkish way for some reason, or the "Orban's peace mission deal" news which made me to write email to Russia because I was forgotten from it.
- So in a basic nutshell it's like a reckless process is working in the last few moths inside the EU-NATO counter intelligence world to weed out and ruin my useful relations with Malaysia and Russia, because those clearly prove the EU-NATO's corruptions against me. Well looks like my enemies and their Malaysian connections recklessly over did it for some reason. (I remember how a staff of Russian embassy smiled when I started to tell my luck was normal in Malaysia, Thailand, Turkiye, Japan. it was like he got a picture who is behind this persecution, and he was confused when I told him Germany was bad/rude with me even before the persecution, and then he said me "try Human-rights Watch" or maybe the other "Amnesty International", I tried them but was no answer as usual.)

** 2 **
I wonder how they trade with refugees, asylum seeker.
Are they doing asylum seeker swaps too? I mean it's not impossible to use/trade victims in spy, prisoner exchange. Sure if it exists then it's in the darkest part of illegal human traffics/trades, but fact is the governments lure and deport asylum seekers and there are also valuable people too in those, so probably it exist.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

On 25 July 2024 I sent this email to Malaysian embassy and to their Foreigner Affairs.
Kedves Malajziai kormányok, politikusok stb., [a továbbiakban: Önök].

Azt hiszem Isten / Allah küldött engem az "Önök" nagykövetségéhez 2024-július-24-én, hogy meghalljam azt amit nem hittem el, azt amit a segítőkész emberek mondtak nekem több alkalommal (2020 óta).
- Néhány külföldi és néhány helyi ember Malajziában soha nem szerette, amikor "Önöket" megemlítettem az ö a segítségükben. És azt mondták; ők voltak azok, akik segítettek nekem, és "Önök" nem segítettek nekem, és "Önök" simán elfognak adni engem, mert "Önök" korruptak. Most már tudom, miért mondták nekem ezt, mert "Önök" kihasználtak engem és őket.
Az első véleménynyilvánítási napomon 2020-ban meg kellett volna látogatnom az "Önök" nagykövetségét.
És lehet, hogy még egyszer el kell mennem az "Önök" nagykövetségéhez, de egy igazi transzparenssel, hogy kimondani az igazat; "Önök" nem segítettek nekem, hanem mások segítettek Malajziában.
És mostantól ez a megjegyzésem az e-mailjeim végén;
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék néhány segítő ember nélkül akiket Malajziában ismertem meg, és többségük Muszlim volt, és a segítségük nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben. És azt mondták hogy a Malajziai politikusok stb soha nem segítettek nekem mert annyira korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, július, 25
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***
Dear Malaysian governments, politicians, etc people, [hereafter "you"].

I believe God, Allah sent me to "your" embassy on July-24-2024, just to hear that what I didn't believe, that what the helpful people told me many times (since 2015).
- Some foreigner and some local people in Malaysia never liked it when I mentioned "you" in their help. And they said that; they were the one who helped me and "you" didn't help me, and "you" will simply sell me, because "you" are corrupt. Now I know why they told me this because "You" used me and them.
I should have visited "your" embassy in 2020 on my first expressing opinion day. And I may have to go one more time to "your" embassy, but with a true banner, to say the truth; "you" didn't help me, but others helped me in Malaysia.
And from now on this is my comment (note) in the end of my emails;
Comment: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without some helpful people whom I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and their help pressured the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution. And they said the Malaysian politicians etc never helped me because they're that corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
25, July, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
I read on fb when refugees in Indonesia complained / talked about UN etc and govt corruptions in Indonesia, for some reason I couldn't read enough personal stories, maybe they didn't say it, or it was moderated. Anyway Malaysian embassy was looking for this hard break up or they confused the weakness with patient or both (wrong information).. I still like and want to remember on the helpful people, and also what they said me about their govt, politician etc corruptions and what the embassy acted. Sometimes I think that's how Philippines, Brazil etc tiger countries fall back into poverty within decades. There is saying "if everything would walk away what not the Malaysians built, then nothing would be left".
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

Still about the Malaysia embassy; Why is bad idea to reject an individual person from standing front of an embassy to ask human-rights mission help, especially if the local law doesn't ban it?
Because there are many consequences / conflicts of interests after that, for example that embassy/country;
- can't do ethically any human-rights mission etc help here in Hungary,
- can't say ethically any human rights opinion in this country about anybody.
Because there is double standards, conflicts of interests and open discriminations etc, and they can be accused of covering up, participating etc with these Hungarian human rights criminals, and so on.
But sure the decision/ choice about; - to go to help or ignore it, - and to help / ignore which of the troubled human groups in any human-rights mission help - belongs to their governments, organizations, etc and to their citizens, - but the embassy / government etc just can't ban ethically any attempt of asking this kind of help what I tried there.
Technically they're dividing their own country with this discrimination, and they're separating themselves (the corrupt people) from - the helpful part of their citizens - and from the foreigners who helped me in Malaysia - and from victims like me. And they're siding with racist corrupt people in Hungary like Orban / FIDESZ-KDNP members.
(Times when corruptions prefer to blame the victims and helpful people.)
Fact is I'm not forcing anybody to help me, but asking for help is a right of life to live what nobody can ban.
- Why weren't they scared when I mentioned the Malaysian help in my emails, banners, and when they let people to help me in Malaysia?
Because I even published those emails, banners on Internet, and even Malaysians saw that, and I visited Malaysia even after that and I talked about that there.
Sure strange things happened which were kind of threats towards some of those who helped me, but why did the Malaysian system ignore that?
- And are they forcing the Malaysian business people to stay away from this crime, in other words are they banning them to make business with Hungarians especially with those who are closely connected to the corrupt racist Hungarian government, or they aren't banned?
Because I didn't see any of this kind of warnings on the Malaysian embassy's web page.
- Do they tell their Malaysian business people that their embassy bans the rights of some Hungarians to ask human rights mission help from Malaysia?
- And how can the Malaysian business people do business in Hungary and or with Hungarians if their government is scared from victims who try to ask human right mission help?
- If they don't ban their business people then how do they feel about themselves when they allow the Malaysian business people to make business with people connected to human rights criminal politicians, authorises etc?
- And how do they feel about themselves when they make political meetings, decisions with human rights criminal politicians in Hungary?
Or are they too benefiting from this crime?
- And why did they become desperate suddenly when I appeared at their embassy, just as it happened at the UK embassy?
- What is the common between them?

Sure there are always national security threat reasons, but that doesn't exist here, because my emails and banners have been naming them many times as they helped me many times. So their national securities had enough time to give an order against my words, but that never happened, only thing happened is when bunch of helpful / honest people told me everywhere to be careful because there is corruption and these people gonna sell me (double crossing).
Sure strange things happened which were kind of threats towards some of those who helped me, but why did the Malaysian system ignore that?

Well this is a reason why the Iranian embassy acted silently.
Well looks like being silent doesn't always mean "siding with the crime", it's just a part of communications what Iran preferred to used here.
The wisdom is missing from many Malaysians because the arrogance is blinding them, and that's a reason of why some countries suddenly somehow were able to grow fast, but than fall back within decades, like Brasilia, Philippines, etc and for example Japan was able to stand back from loser of ww2 into a world power.
As an old Chinese Singaporean man said me once "wisdom has more value than money," sure we use money to pay for food too, but wisdom is a part of investments and money is there.


- And by the way human rights crimes have consequences, and if a country recorded that then after that that country can use the victim like selling him in different back-room deals, between lobbies or swap etc deportation etc or park them etc, and many more tricks, or help and save the victim.
But they can't even say that I was milking the Malaysian system, because I spent way more of my own money there than what I earned there in cash and food, etc. And I didn't badmouth them, I talked positively with nearly zero negative critics.
- So why didn't the Malaysian system just simply say me how to go further in life, telling me which countries take victims like me if they didn't have any other deal behind my back, or saying we can't do anything more please leave us alone? Why did they always balanced between yes and no about me?
Sure some people said me try this / that country but without fact, and I said everybody that I only found story in a document film about a Romanian couple whose case in USA and was denied and they too had the "commie agent crime" problem but not in psychiatric fraud case. And I found only a USA immigration statistic which shows very low granted asylum case and those probably covers only minorities and nothing else because number was that low..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
The Croatian Defence Ministry sent a simple robot reply to my email what I sent on Apr 17, 2023, subject was "9) Repeated questions to EU secret services because you didn't answer".
Actually they only said that they don't use that email address anymore (well I stopped using it a long time ago) and they showed a list of other contact options, it's the usual AI list information. So it means my emails were officially stored in their data until now, I guess the same about anywhere else in other countries.

** 2 **
On Aug, 13, 2024 I sent this email to EU, NATO countries, its subject "Kérdés az emberi jogi misszióról / Question about human rights mission".

This is the main part;
Dear Sir, Madam,
On July 24, 2024, I expressed my opinion in many places in Budapest, and today I'll publish (on Internet) the photos of expressing my opinion taken in front of the Iranian embassy, attached as 20240724ir.jpg, 20240724ir2.jpg. And I would like to ask your opinion;
Can you stop this racist human rights crime, persecution or not?
Because if EU, NATO countries are unable to stop this crime, then I will start to use the 2024HelpBn.pdf banner in front of your embassies too. "Please Iran, ... if it's possible then expand your human rights missions to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too". Information about this human rights crime can be found in the 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, (20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf) attachments. I hope there is a NATO or EU country that can stop this persecution, because it is a shame and a sign of reckless corruption.
This is the email
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, augusztus, 03
Címzett; -NATO, -PESCO, -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai,
(Néhány országnak nincse-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)
Tárgy; Kérdés az emberi jogi misszióról
Tisztelt Cím!
2024. július 24-én Budapesten sok helyen a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki, és ma közzéteszem (az Interneten) az Iráni nagykövetség előtt készült véleménynyilvánítási fotóimat, csatolva 20240724ir.jpg, 20240724ir2.jpg. És szeretném kérni az Önök véleményét;
Meg tudják Önök állítani ezt a rasszista emberi jogi bűncselekményt, üldözést vagy nem?
Mert ha a EU, NATO országok nem képesek megállítani ezt a bűncselekményt, akkor elkezdem használni a 2024HelpBn.pdf transzparenst az Önök nagykövetségei előtt is. "Kérlek Irán, ... ha lehetséges akkor bővítsd ki az emberi jogi misszióid Magyarországra (EU-NATO világba) is". Információ erről az emberi jogi bűnről a 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, (20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf) csatolmányokban található. Remélem, van olyan NATO vagy EU ország, amely meg tudja állítani ezt az üldöztetést, mert ez egy szégyen és a meggondolatlan korrupció jele.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
*** Angolul / in English ***
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
03, August, 2024. Hungary
To; -NATO, -PESCO, -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries,
(Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)
Subject; Question about human rights mission
Dear Sir, Madam,
On July 24, 2024, I expressed my opinion in many places in Budapest, and today I'll publish (on Internet) the photos of expressing my opinion taken in front of the Iranian embassy, attached as 20240724ir.jpg, 20240724ir2.jpg. And I would like to ask your opinion;
Can you stop this racist human rights crime, persecution or not?
Because if EU, NATO countries are unable to stop this crime, then I will start to use the 2024HelpBn.pdf banner in front of your embassies too. "Please Iran, ... if it's possible then expand your human rights missions to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too". Information about this human rights crime can be found in the 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, (20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf) attachments. I hope there is a NATO or EU country that can stop this persecution, because it is a shame and a sign of reckless corruption.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
So today I uploaded / published (on Internet) the photos of expressing my opinion taken in front of the Iranian embassy. It is unbelievable that the EU NATO world has sunk to this point! And probably EU-NATO countries will ignore this email too as always, and therefore I will start to use this "please Iran..." banner in front of their embassies too.

So I was thinking why I shouldn't worry about publishing my pictures what I took in front of Iranian embassy, because law allows it, and even google's street-view map and satellite map shows the embassy, and anybody can take selfi pictures in public space. And as I said asking help is legal, and it's not a shame for Iranian embassy at all, and Malaysian embassy over did its corrupt part and that made me worry for nothing (while EU-NATO were benefiting from it).

I just don't know how many times I wrote again this part, they set their AI, boots, and their trolls to be desperately abnormal on social media (I use X right now), they keep trying to manipulate and jam me instead controlling me. lol, their AI even tried to say me "don't write God in the Note part of email because West will not help you..." while I was writing my email because EU-NATO is always on the side of my enemies. And also suddenly out of blue there were some manipulative troll, boot comments and subliminal messages on X which tried to turn against Iran that what Malaysian embassy did to me. But fact is I don't want to waste my time on the corrupt Malaysian system, because they were milking this persecution since always, and now they were about to sell me arrogantly (sure the deal was done). And as I said in my earlier post many people in Malaysia warned me about "they will sell you" and even in 2015 and I didn't believe it (they hid themselves behind helpful people). And if there is something else will be what I missed to say here and it could be help for others then I will say it later, and sure I've to go back to Malaysian embassy with a new banner to say this because I advertised them and other troubled persecuted people can be scammed just like I was.
And to the corrupt part of Malaysian system, sometimes I think there is God because those things happened sometimes when people say "How is it possible?!".
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On Aug-07-2024, I sent this email to EU-NATO countries and NATO, PESCO.
Actually I reported the Hungarian police to the-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, but this time these police were at Interior Ministry on July-24.

This is the main part of it.
Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to ask again the following from you;
Can the police / authorities ignore this human rights crime against me even if my banners question the EU-NATO world too, or can't?

- 1, - I expressed my opinion in front of Interior Ministry in Budapest on July-24-2024.
-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.
- And this happened again; - The police checked me and this time also they asked this; "Is there anything we can help you with?", and I answered this time also; "Yes, I want my human rights, stop the crime against me". Video https:// com/watch?. - Sure they told me how to report this crime personally to the Interior Ministry, and then I checked that, and they said that it goes to where I've been sending emails for years, and I even informed them also in email about this expressing opinion too a week before. So it was a corrupt police trick just to ignore this racist human rights crime inside EU, NATO. - But according to law the authorities have to start to stop the human rights crimes in the first moment, but this never happens. -I used the following attached banners there; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, except the banner on page 4 of 20240313BannerBp.pdf. - And the police did the same here on June 12, 2024, the day NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Budapest. -video https:// com/watch?.
- 2, - This human-rights crime prevents me from even working lawfully, therefore I have no income and because of this my mother pays for my food. - The EU-NATO's security systems get money from the taxes of the communist crime victims too, but nobody in EU-NATO world wants to stop this crime for some reason.
- 3, - And if there is a mobilization for example because there is a war, then the police etc authorities will follow the same racist outlaw orders to ignore this racist crime, which is a war crime, and it's already a sign of genocide, and they can even do this against the supporters of the victims too.
- 4, - I've been expressing my opinion with banners in many places in Hungary in front of embassies too since 2020, and the authorities are always following corrupt racist orders to ignore this racist human rights crime.

This is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
07, 08, 2024. Hungary,

-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to ask again the following from you;
Can the police / authorities ignore this human rights crime against me even if my banners question the EU-NATO world too, or can't?

- 1, - I expressed my opinion in front of Interior Ministry in Budapest on July-24-2024.
-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.
- And this happened again; - The police checked me and this time also they asked this; "Is there anything we can help you with?", and I answered this time also; "Yes, I want my human rights, stop the crime against me". Video https:// com/watch?. - Sure they told me how to report this crime personally to the Interior Ministry, and then I checked that, and they said that it goes to where I've been sending emails for years, and I even informed them also in email about this expressing opinion too a week before. So it was a corrupt police trick just to ignore this racist human rights crime inside EU, NATO. - But according to law the authorities have to start to stop the human rights crimes in the first moment, but this never happens. -I used the following attached banners there; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, except the banner on page 4 of 20240313BannerBp.pdf. - And the police did the same here on June 12, 2024, the day NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Budapest. -video https:// com/watch?.
- 2, - This human-rights crime prevents me from even working lawfully, therefore I have no income and because of this my mother pays for my food. - The EU-NATO's security systems get money from the taxes of the communist crime victims too, but nobody in EU-NATO world wants to stop this crime for some reason.
- 3, - And if there is a mobilization for example because there is a war, then the police etc authorities will follow the same racist outlaw orders to ignore this racist crime, which is a war crime, and it's already a sign of genocide, and they can even do this against the supporters of the victims too.
- 4, - I've been expressing my opinion with banners in many places in Hungary in front of embassies too since 2020, and the authorities are always following corrupt racist orders to ignore this racist human rights crime.(Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)
Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
KimarNVideo31.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf
Subject; 2) Question about ignoring human right crimes

Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to ask again the following from you;
Can the police / authorities ignore this human rights crime against me even if my banners question the EU-NATO world too, or can't?

- 1, - I expressed my opinion in front of Interior Ministry in Budapest on July-24-2024.
-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

- And this happened again; - The police checked me and this time also they asked this; "Is there anything we can help you with?", and I answered this time also; "Yes, I want my human rights, stop the crime against me". Video https:// com/watch?. - Sure they told me how to report this crime personally to the Interior Ministry, and then I checked that, and they said that it goes to where I've been sending emails for years, and I even informed them also in email about this expressing opinion too a week before. So it was a corrupt police trick just to ignore this racist human rights crime inside EU, NATO. - But according to law the authorities have to start to stop the human rights crimes in the first moment, but this never happens. -I used the following attached banners there; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, except the banner on page 4 of 20240313BannerBp.pdf. - And the police did the same here on June 12, 2024, the day NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Budapest. -video https:// com/watch?.
- 2, - This human-rights crime prevents me from even working lawfully, therefore I have no income and because of this my mother pays for my food. - The EU-NATO's security systems get money from the taxes of the communist crime victims too, but nobody in EU-NATO world wants to stop this crime for some reason.
- 3, - And if there is a mobilization for example because there is a war, then the police etc authorities will follow the same racist outlaw orders to ignore this racist crime, which is a war crime, and it's already a sign of genocide, and they can even do this against the supporters of the victims too.
- 4, - I've been expressing my opinion with banners in many places in Hungary in front of embassies too since 2020, and the authorities are always following corrupt racist orders to ignore this racist human rights crime.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 08, 07

Címzett; -NATO, -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
KimarNVideo31.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf
Tárgy: 2) Kérdés az emberi jogi bűn figyelmen kívül hagyásával kapcsolatban

Tisztelt Cím!
A következőt szeretném kérdezni Önöktől ismét;
Figyelmen kívül hagyhatja a rendőrség / hatóságok ezt az emberi jogi bűncselekményt ellenem még akkor is, ha a transzparenseim az EU-NATO világát is megkérdőjelezik, vagy nem?

- 1, - A véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki a Belügy Minisztérium előtt Budapesten 2024-július-24-én.
-Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. További információk a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

- És ez történt ismét; - Rendőrök ellenőriztek, és ez alkalommal is ezt kérdezték; "Tudunk e segíteni valamiben?", és ezúttal is válaszoltam; "Igen az emberi jogaimat szeretném, hagyják abba a bűncselekményt ellenem". Videó https:// com/watch?. - Persze megmondták, hogyan jelentsem be személyesen ezt a bűncselekményt a Belügyminisztériumnak, aztán leellenőriztem azt, és azt mondták ott, hogy ez ugyan oda kerül ahova én e-maileket küldök évek óta, és egy héttel korábban még őket is tájékoztattam e-mailben erről a véleménynyilvánításról is. Tehát ez egy korrupt rendőri trükk volt, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyják ezt a rasszista emberi jogi bűncselekményt EU-n NATO- belül. - De a törvény szerint a hatóságoknak az első pillanatban el kell kezdeniük az emberi jogi bűncselekmények megállítását, de ez soha nem történik meg, -Az alábbi csatolt transzparenseket használtam ott; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, kivéve a 20240313BannerBp.pdf 4-dik oldalán levő transzparenst. - És a rendőrök ugyanez csinálták itt 2024. június 12-én azon a napon, amikor Jens Stoltenberg NATO-főtitkár Budapestre látogatott. -video https:// com/watch?.
- 2, - Ez az emberi jogi bűncselekmény még a törvényes munkavégzésben is megakadályoz engem, ezért nincs bevételem, és emiatt az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet. - Az EU-NATO biztonsági rendszerei pénzt kapnak a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak adójából is, de az EU-NATO világában senki sem akarja megállítani ezt a bűncselekményt valamilyen okból.
- 3, - És ha mozgósítás történik például azért mert háború van, akkor a rendőrség stb. hatóságok ugyanazokat a rasszista törvénytelen parancsokat fogják követni, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyják ezt a rasszista bűncselekményt, ami háborús bűncselekmény, és már most is népirtás jele, és ezt még az áldozatok támogatói ellen is megtehetik.
4, - Magyarországon 2020 óta sok helyen transzparensekkel fejezem ki a véleményemet nagykövetségek előtt is, és a hatóságok mindig korrupt rasszista parancsokat követnek, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyják ezt a rasszista emberi jogi bűncselekményt.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
To be honest I wouldn't have reported this if the police didn't try to scam/lead me with bureaucratic tricks to give up asking back my human rights. Because the police first just simply asked "Is there anything else we can help you?"and I said "Yes, I want my human rights, stop the crime against me". But then he changed the subject with long bureaucratic jamming talk, and then he asked "Is there anything else we can help you with?" ("Tudunk e még valamiben segíteni esetleg?"), just to prove that he is a useless dirty police if it's about stopping human rights crimes, but he too gets money for following orders, and if any crime victim dies in this crime then they call it "died in natural death".
By the way, the police asked the same in last time also but it happened when the Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO was in Budapest, and in that time the police were that ultra polite what I never experienced before and not just here but everywhere.
-- But interestingly when Xi (Chinese leader) visited Hungary then the police acted in a different friendly style.
- What I mean is on May when Xi visited Hungary then the police acted like an important customer was here, (like when Formula 1 teams are here and local businesses are happy, because money is coming)..
- But when Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO visited Hungary then the police acted like when the big boss / CEO was visiting 1 of its chain shops and he doesn't want to hear any problem even though he knows there are serious problems.
And sure some of NATO secret services too were here on that day on June, just as Xi's secret services were here on May, but the police behaved differently each time.
Seems like Xi's people only wanted security for their leader, but NATO securities (counter intelligences) officially checked the Hungarian security systems and that's why the police were ultra polite and scared and careful.
(Only the Foreign Affairs' Hungary Helps Program acted recklessly when NATO was here, but Orban's wife was reckless when Xi was here. But both were controlled / observed by counter intelligences I guess, if not then they're more reckless then I think they are. But Xi = money, so Orban's wife was a good target, and Hungary Helps Program works with NATO too which is also a good counter intelligence target. Maybe unlike me Orban's wife realized immediately why she had to be there when I stood at their gate).

** 2 **
If the Dutch again or another EU-NATO country says me to stop sending emails, or ask me why do I send these emails, - then I will just have to say the same what I said to the Dutch system and also for example that it can be useful evidence about this human rights crime even for Russia and for its allies if there is a war crime or EU-NATO countries want to investigate a crime like this.

(1 more thing about Malaysia, a boycott Israel org was sued by Malaysian McDonald's in Malaysia for defaming, so I'm not the only one who was sold, and maybe there are bigger targets too. My case is not about Israel, but it introduces Muslims as helpful character and I guess that too was a big problem for my enemies.)
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

On Aug-09-2024, I asked in email the GKN Automotive Hungary Kft to employ me lawfully, or tell me how I can work elsewhere.
I addressed the email to; - Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zoltán Demeter,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health, -Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika, -NATO, -Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-GKN Automotive Limited, -GKN Automotive Hungary Kft; - Unipart Group, Cowley, Oxford. -Brit Embassy in Hungary,

lol, why is it that my Internet pretty fast showed me the SVR, FSB etc Russian govt email addresses... but my Internet can't find a Hungarian email address of a legal UK company which has factory in Hungary?

Actually I had to address my email to the media of GKN Automotive Limited, because that was the only what the Internet was able to show me as a useful "here".. And it's not the first time when my Internet couldn't find any useful email address if my email draft was targeting EU-NATO countries, and regardless if it was private business or government etc authorities. And the contact forms of some governments etc were AI designed to discriminate persecuted people like me.

This is the main part of my email, actually it's almost the same with the earlier "job seeking" emails but for example I changed Malaysia to Iran,
Dear Sir, Madam,
Can GKN Automotive Hungary Kft lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".

- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.

-Please Unipart group tell us what to do now, because for example the hacking of my phone "man in the middle attack with voice changer" started in UK when I was employed by you in 2008. And some east EU workmates were wearing ex-communist medals on them without problem while they behaved like sheepdogs in your company.
-And I ask the UK, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.

NATO, EU countries' authorities, secret services are corruptly working together with the racist corrupt Hungarian authorities, secret services. - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf).

This happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police refused to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "- This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
- And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
4; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; the lawful industrial safety is not possible. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this. And my mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution, because I've no income.
This is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, aug, 09

Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Demeter Zoltán,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-NATO, -Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-GKN Automotive Limited, -GKN Automotive Hungary Kft; - Unipart Group, Cowley, Oxford.
-Brit Nagykövetség Magyarországon,

Tárgy: Munkakeresés, Nyilatkozat
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2024KimarN.pdf, 202407NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
Tudna a GKN Automotive Hungary Kft törvényesen foglalkoztatni, vagy megmondani hogyan dolgozhatnék máshol? Bármilyen állást elfogadok.
A probléma az hogy a magyar hatóságok rasszista (kommunista) bűnei elnyomják az emberi jogaimat 2015 óta. -Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
- Ha Önök nem tudnak semmit sem tenni akkor kérem adják át Iránnak azokat a piacukat Magyarországon, amelyek lefedik a kommunista bűncselekmények áldozatait és hozzátartozóit stb. -És természetesen azok a magyar áldozatok és hozzátartozóik, stb, akiknek ez nem tetszik, azt csinálhatnak a piaci részükkel/ jogukkal, amit akarnak. -És remélem, hogy Irán nem utasítja ezt vissza, de ha valami ok miatt Irán nem akarja ezt, akkor megkérek más országokat. Ennek a rasszista diszkriminatív bűnnek az áldozatai könnyebben megértik ezt az EU/NATO világában.
-Kérem Unipart Group mondja meg nekünk, hogy most mi legyen, mert például a telefonom hackelése "közbeékelődéses támadás hangátalakítóval" az Egyesült Királyságban kezdődött amikor Önöknél voltam alkalmazott 2008-ban. És néhány kelet EU-s munkatárs gond nélkül viselt ex-kommunista jelvényeket miközben juhászkutyaként viselkedtek az Önök cégén belül.
-És arra kérem az Egyesült Királyság, a magyar és a NATO titkosszolgálatait, hogy mutassák meg nekünk itt, hogyan kezelik Önök az emberi jogokat ezen a magyar piacon.

NATO, EU országok hatóságai, titkosszolgálatai korruptan együttműködnek a rasszista korrupt magyar hatóságokkal, titkosszolgálatokkal. - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek, a kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - És a tények azt mutatják, hogy azok az ex- kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik stb) csinálják ezt a rasszista üldözést akik most a Nyugatnak, főképpen az EU-nak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BannerBp.pdf).

Ez történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.
- És a Háziorvosok meghamisították az egészségügyi dokumentumaimat és biztosításomat hamis orvosi jelentésekkel, és a hatóságok megtagadják megállítani ezt a bűnt.
4; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; törvényes munkavédelem nem lehetséges. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem. Az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet a rasszista üldöztetés miatt, mert nincs jövedelmem.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
09, Aug, 2024. Hungary,

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zoltán Demeter,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-NATO, -Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-GKN Automotive Limited, -GKN Automotive Hungary Kft; - Unipart Group, Cowley, Oxford.
-Brit Embassy in Hungary,

Subject: Job search, Declaration
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2024KimarN.pdf, 202407NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
Can GKN Automotive Hungary Kft lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.
-Please Unipart group tell us what to do now, because for example the hacking of my phone "man in the middle attack with voice changer" started in UK when I was employed by you in 2008. And some east EU workmates were wearing ex-communist medals on them without problem while they behaved like sheepdogs in your company.
-And I ask the UK, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.

NATO, EU countries' authorities, secret services are corruptly working together with the racist corrupt Hungarian authorities, secret services. - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf).

This happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police refused to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "- This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
- And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
4; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; the lawful industrial safety is not possible. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this. And my mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution, because I've no income.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

An interesting subliminal message was on Internet maybe a week ago. It was a sexual desire and marriage feelings towards Iranian women, it was like an Iranian woman was flashed on the monitor and then there was a very strong desire feeling out of blue.
Sure Iran wouldn't do that, but I experienced years ago a similar sexual subliminal message but it was reckless and weaker, a kind of arrogant "you can f... them here (Mexican etc Latin women next to US border in Mexico, probably it was Tijuana)". It happened when I was watching a news / or report video on youtube, it was about the migrants life in Mexico and how they get into USA.. It was during in the time when my enemies were running "come to USA" subliminal messages tricks (probably it was the pro-FIDESZ part of Hungarian secret service).
I wonder if my enemies want to inject me to Iran or use me around Iran, or they are scared from Iran and they want me to say this to be divided with Iran.. Any way fact is about 18-20 months ago it was like my enemies were about to lure me to Egypt, and then to Georgia, but I knew already the Egypt govt is a big "puppet" of West.. and Georgia is an ex-communist country and it's really not on my bucket list, I even heard decades ago a news a "mentally ill" man from Georgia escaped illegally to Hungary, and I'm not sure right now but maybe he tried to get political asylum but the Hungarian govt simply deported him back as a mental ill person.
Sure if Iran could help me even if I had to live there then I would be lucky especially because EU-NATO is in bed with my enemies, and it would be problem for EU-NATO securities if they lose me (but they lose wars all the time and everywhere so...). And I think Russia is getting clean from these crimes what the recycled ex-KGB does for example against me in EU-NATO world.
And for some reason the Internet desperately tries to keep me away from Afghanistan, and it's been since many months if not 1,5 year.. I can understand why many of my enemies have phobia against Afghanistan, because the entire ex-communist EU-NATO part lost war against Afghanistan and two times. First when they "served" USSR / KGB, and then when they (ex-KGB) switched side to "serve with their experiences" the EU-NATO world. Even Orban PM has that kind of CV what nobody really able to achieve without being member of KGB under communism, and now he acts as a fake anti EU-NATO rebel clown while he serves the EU-NATO securities.. Well I cynically call coincidence that West is now going down the drain just as USSR did it after Afghanistan.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On 11-Aug-2024, I sent email to the Pope again it was the 15th time,
It's the same usual email what I keep sending to ask them to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life.
- Luckily this time the Vatican's server didn't send me any "demon mail, to say that I've to send it to their postmaster, though I sent it to their postmaster. Anyway this time also I tweeted my email onto Pope's X account.

This is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
11, Aug, 2024. Hungary,
To; His Holiness Pope Francis,

Dear Your Holiness Pope Francis.
I'd like to ask Your Holiness to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP government to stop their racist communist crime against my life. This persecution officially started under the FIDESZ-KDNP government in 2015. And the KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) controlled the health care at that time.
A; - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the former Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ". But so far the rest of EU, NATO countries corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent / refuse me. False flag attack? Because the Russian Embassy voluntarily talked with me in 2020 too, and they too said that the West, especially the EU should have helped me, just as even those too said this who helped me in Malaysia.
-Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) of this kind of (racial discrimination) case like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
-That's what Hungarian authorities, etc said to me; - Cooperation benefits, for example: money aid, pension. Or; "Leave the country (emigrate)"; "Nobody cares that "stupid" law."; "Need guardianship".
-NATO member Turkiye was helpful and warned me before persecution started (but I was naive). So they do it inside the EU.
-I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims, but others too helped me, (for example an old Methodist Chinese man gave me some useful advice, and Falun Dafa too). And Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution. - It's not possible to stop this racial discrimination communist crime without foreign legal help.
- I swear and I state that I'm /Norbert Kimár/ mentally healthy person and I've never been on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary.
B; - These are what authorities/ doctors do unlawfully against me in Hungary:
1; -Doctors/ authorities medically want to correct/ force me to give up my disbelief in the former communism. Literally they medically want to convince me that:
- a,- their communism was not bad.
- b,- to give up my rights against the prejudice of ex-communists, and their relatives, etc., though I and my family was victim of communist crimes.
- c,- and also that the strong harassment, etc crimes never happened against me, and therefore police didn't help me.
2; -Or doctors/ authorities, etc medically try to silence/ discredit my thoughts, opinions, etc, as they did it under communism too. And it benefits the ex-communists and their relatives.
C; - I cannot do what they want because I don't believe in communism, and because:
1; - I would lose permanently my rights in the freedom of thought and opinion in democracy.
2; - I already lost protection:
- a,- in health care in (since) 2015: -family doctors have falsified my health history and insurance with false medical reports, and authorities refuse to stop and delete these false reports. - and doctors, authorities reject my "other-descent"/ social origin rights, and my thought/ opinion rights, when I want to prevent prejudice. (Communists even called "other origin" the families like mine.)
- b,- and in prevention of crime: as police, doctors etc proved and said to me that they don't care about laws in this.
3; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; I cannot work legally. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this.
D; - How it started, what happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police rejected to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "-This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
E; - I've been expressing opinion for my rights since 2020:
-But nothing changes, and in Nov. 2021 police took me and I spent 3 nights in a cell, and judgment was pity offence, riot (szabálysértés, garázdaság). - The pathetic part is that, I the victim have to be scared from jail in expressing opinion, and not the guilty authorities, provocateurs etc.
F; - Comment;
- My father was Roman Catholic, my mother is Reformed Church (Református) Christian. And communists didn't let my parents to take me to the church to baptise me when I was just a toddler. And after communism I wasn't ready to be baptised when my grandmother asked me, though sometimes I prayed to God, Jesus.
With every good wish to Your Holiness, Sincerely Norbert Kimár

*** Magyarul / In Hungarian ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, aug, 11
Címzett; Őszentsége Ferenc Pápa.

Tisztelt Szentséges Ferenc Pápa.
Meg szeretném kérni Önt Szentséges Atyát hogy beszéljen a magyar FIDESZ-KDNP kormánnyal, hogy hagyják abba az életem elleni rasszista kommunista bűnüket. Ez az üldöztetés hivatalosan a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány alatt kezdődött 2015-ben. És a KDNP (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) irányította az egészségügyet abban az időben.
A; - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek a volt Orosz kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldözést azok a (ex-)kommunisták (és hozzátartozóik) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ". De eddig a többi NATO, EU országok korruptan, bürokratikusan hallgatnak / elutasítanak engem. Hamis zászlós támadás? Mert az Orosz Nagykövetség önként beszélt velem 2020-ban is, és ők is azt mondták, hogy a Nyugatnak, különösen az EU-nak segítenie kellett volna rajtam, ahogyan még azok is ezt mondták akik segítettek engem Malajziában.
-Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen (rasszista diszkriminatív) üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
-Magyar hatóság, stb ezt mondták nekem; - Együttműködési hasznok, például: pénz segély, nyugdíj. Vagy; "Hagyja el az országot (emigrálj)"; "Senkit sem érdekel ez a "hülye" törvény"; "Gyámság kell".
-NATO tag Törökország segítőkész volt és figyelmeztetett engem az üldöztetés előtt (de naiv voltam). Tehát EU-n belül csinálják ezt.
-Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok, de mások is segítettek nekem, (például egy idős Metodista Kínai férfi adott nekem néhány hasznos tanácsot, és Falun Dafa is). És Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben. - Külföldi jogi segítség nélkül nem lehet megállítani ezt a rasszista diszkriminatív kommunista bűncselekményt.
- Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy én /Kimár Norbert/ szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha nem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon.
B; - Ezek amit a hatóságok/ orvosok törvénytelenül csinálnak ellenem Magyarországon:
1; -Az orvosok/hatóságok orvosilag akarnak kijavítani/ rákényszeríteni, hogy adjam fel hitetlenségemet a volt kommunizmusban. Szó szerint orvosilag akarnak meggyőzni hogy:
- a,- nem volt rossz a kommunizmusuk.
- b,- hagyjak fel a volt kommunisták és hozzátartozóik, stb. előítéletei elleni jogaimmal, habár én és családom a kommunista bűnök áldozata volt.
- c,- és azt is, hogy az erős zaklatás stb. bűncselekmények soha nem történtek ellenem, és ezért nem segítettek nekem a rendőrök.
2; -Vagy pedig az orvosok/ hatóságok, stb orvosilag próbálják elhallgattatni/ hitelteleníteni a gondolataimat, véleményeimet, stb, ahogy a kommunizmusban is csinálták. És az ex-kommunistáknak és hozzátartozóiknak van haszna belőle.
C; - Nem tudom megtenni amit akarnak mert nem hiszek a kommunizmusban, és mert:
1; - végleg elveszíteném a gondolat és véleményszabadság jogomat a demokráciában.
2; - már elvesztettem a védelmet:
- a,- az egészségügyben 2015 óta: -háziorvosok hamis orvosi jelentésekkel meghamisították az egészségügyi törzskartonomat és biztosításomat, - és a hatóságok elutasítják megállítani és törölni ezeket a hamis jelentéseket, - és az orvosok, a hatóságok elutasítják a "más származású"/ társadalmi származású jogaimat, és gondolat/ vélemény-jogaimat, amikor előítéletet akarok megakadályozni. (Kommunisták "egyéb származású"-nak is hívták a családokat mint az enyémet.)
- b,- és bűnmegelőzésben: ahogy a rendőrök, orvosok stb. bizonyították és mondták nekem, hogy nem érdekli őket a törvény ennél.
3; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; Nem tudok legálisan dolgozni. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem.
D; - Hogyan kezdődött, mi történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.
E; - Véleményt nyilvánítok a jogaimért 2020 óta:
-De semmi sem változik, és 2021 nov.-ben a rendőrök elvittek és 3 éjszakát fogdán töltöttem, és az ítélet szabálysértés, garázdaság volt. - A szánalmas rész az hogy nekem az áldozatnak kell félni a börtöntől a véleménynyilvánításon, és nem a bűnös hatóságoknak, provokátoroknak stb.
F - Megjegyzés;
- Az édesapám Római Katolikus volt, az édesanyám Református Keresztény. A kommunisták pedig nem engedték a szüleimet hogy elvigyenek engem a templomba megkeresztelni, amikor még kisgyerek voltam. És a kommunizmus után pedig nem voltam készen megkeresztelkedni, amikor a nagymamám megkért, pedig néha imádkoztam Istenhez, Jézushoz.
Őszentségének minden jó kívánsággal, Tisztelettel: Kimár Norbert

Why is it impossible for the Vatican to stop human rights crimes like this if the victim for example I'm asking it?
- What I mean is the Vatican, Pope is silent toward some of human rights crime victims, - and sometimes the victims put the law into their hands and if they lost their freedom fight (opposite call it terrorism) then they get many years in jail for that, - and then sometimes the Vatican, Pope is able to mediate for some of these victims to be freed from the jail, - and the evil/dirty human rights criminals look like they became stars "Oh the Pope forgave to those criminals in the jail who wanted to punish us (for being racist dangerous criminals), I hope they will now behave after the Pope/ Vatican talked with them and they got released..".
- Is it a mediator job which is all about securing money / power, just as the forgiveness letter "was"?

** 2 **
And I want to send email / contact form to NATO's media.
I want to ask them about what NATO, etc will say if; - if there is war between Russia and NATO countries, - and genocide mass graves were discovered, - and all or most of the victims were victims of ex-communist crimes, including their relatives and supporters. - And NATO investigations point on the Russians and its allies but Russia and its allies say NATO made corrupt investigation and false accusation.
- And Russia and its allies tries to use my fight for my human rights to prove that how the corrupt part of NATO secret services etc have been faking everything to hide their own human rights crimes. Well fact is, Russian embassy voluntarily came out from their embassy in 2020 in the beginning of my first protest to prove their innocence, while NATO doesn't want to end this persecution against me.
- And by the way I just wonder how is it legally possible for NATO intelligences to allow this;
"NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises takes place in Hungary"
"From 29th of April to 8th May, NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises took place in Bakonykúti Training Area, Hungary. It included 1600 military medical experts, from 27 Allies and a number of partner nations. " ... dLocale=en
*- Because for example I sent emails to NATO countries and I even expressed my opinion in front of the US, UK, Dutch, Belgium, Swedish embassies because of this human rights crime, and to tell them I want this to be stopped. And UK embassy with the Hungarian police even tried illegally to prevent me to express my opinion against this persecution.
And since now I expressed my opinion even in front of Iranian embassy in Hungary to ask human rights mission help, because NATO-EU countries don't want to do anything against it.
And also Hungarian defence has been training Ukrainian medical professionals "Honvédelmi Minisztérium: Ukrán katonai egészségügyi szakembereket képez ki a honvédség".

How is it legally possible for NATO to allow that training while there is an ongoing "hidden" hate crime, persecution run by Hungarian authorities and against some of the victims of ex-communist crimes in a slicing strategy way??
- And technically the Dutch said me a year ago that even though we're EU-NATO members but they don't care about crimes what the Hungarian authorities do and I should stop talking to them about these crimes.
- How can any EU-NATO country manage any war crime investigation as an "independent"?
- Three family doctors in a row arrogantly denied my rights without any consequences, they were even supported by the rest of the authorities everywhere in Hungary. I only met one single police under this persecution which had conscience, while the rest simply ignored this crime, and some were radical haters, and some laughed on my persecuted situation.
- And the Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said me in 2015 "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with case like yours but we don't have records about cases like yours.."..
Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On 13-Aug-2024, I sent email to the Pope again it was the 16th time,
Actually I sent an email few days before that but I forgot to change the "Malaysia" in it, and I decided to leave out the Turkish part.
- I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and the Malaysian politicians etc didn't help me. *But others too helped me, for example an old Methodist Chinese man gave me some useful advice, and Falun Dafa too.* - It's not possible to stop this racial discrimination communist crime without foreign legal help.
This is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
13, Aug, 2024. Hungary,
To; His Holiness Pope Francis,

Dear Your Holiness Pope Francis.
I'd like to ask Your Holiness to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP government to stop their racist communist crime against my life. This persecution officially started under the FIDESZ-KDNP government in 2015. And the KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) controlled the health care at that time.
A; - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the former Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ". But so far the rest of EU, NATO countries corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent / refuse me. False flag attack? Because the Russian Embassy voluntarily talked with me in 2020 too, and they too said that the West, especially the EU should have helped me, just as even those too said this who helped me in Malaysia.
-Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) of this kind of (racial discrimination) case like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
-That's what Hungarian authorities, etc said to me; - Cooperation benefits, for example: money aid, pension. Or; "Leave the country (emigrate)"; "Nobody cares that "stupid" law."; "Need guardianship".
- I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and the Malaysian politicians etc didn't help me. *But others too helped me, for example an old Methodist Chinese man gave me some useful advice, and Falun Dafa too.* - It's not possible to stop this racial discrimination communist crime without foreign legal help.
- I swear and I state that I'm /Norbert Kimár/ mentally healthy person and I've never been on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary.
B; - These are what authorities/ doctors do unlawfully against me in Hungary:
1; -Doctors/ authorities medically want to correct/ force me to give up my disbelief in the former communism. Literally they medically want to convince me that:
- a,- their communism was not bad.
- b,- to give up my rights against the prejudice of ex-communists, and their relatives, etc., though I and my family was victim of communist crimes.
- c,- and also that the strong harassment, etc crimes never happened against me, and therefore police didn't help me.
2; -Or doctors/ authorities, etc medically try to silence/ discredit my thoughts, opinions, etc, as they did it under communism too. And it benefits the ex-communists and their relatives.
C; - I cannot do what they want because I don't believe in communism, and because:
1; - I would lose permanently my rights in the freedom of thought and opinion in democracy.
2; - I already lost protection:
- a,- in health care in (since) 2015: -family doctors have falsified my health history and insurance with false medical reports, and authorities refuse to stop and delete these false reports. - and doctors, authorities reject my "other-descent"/ social origin rights, and my thought/ opinion rights, when I want to prevent prejudice. (Communists even called "other origin" the families like mine.)
- b,- and in prevention of crime: as police, doctors etc proved and said to me that they don't care about laws in this.
3; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; I cannot work legally. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this.
D; - How it started, what happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police rejected to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "-This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
E; - I've been expressing opinion for my rights since 2020:
-But nothing changes, and in Nov. 2021 police took me and I spent 3 nights in a cell, and judgment was pity offence, riot (szabálysértés, garázdaság). - The pathetic part is that, I the victim have to be scared from jail in expressing opinion, and not the guilty authorities, provocateurs etc.
F; - Comment;
- My father was Roman Catholic, my mother is Reformed Church (Református) Christian. And communists didn't let my parents to take me to the church to baptise me when I was just a toddler. And after communism I wasn't ready to be baptised when my grandmother asked me, though sometimes I prayed to God, Jesus.
With every good wish to Your Holiness, Sincerely Norbert Kimár

*** Magyarul / In Hungarian ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, aug, 13
Címzett; Őszentsége Ferenc Pápa.

Tisztelt Szentséges Ferenc Pápa.
Meg szeretném kérni Önt Szentséges Atyát hogy beszéljen a magyar FIDESZ-KDNP kormánnyal, hogy hagyják abba az életem elleni rasszista kommunista bűnüket. Ez az üldöztetés hivatalosan a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány alatt kezdődött 2015-ben. És a KDNP (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) irányította az egészségügyet abban az időben.
A; - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek a volt Orosz kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldözést azok a (ex-)kommunisták (és hozzátartozóik) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ". De eddig a többi NATO, EU országok korruptan, bürokratikusan hallgatnak / elutasítanak engem. Hamis zászlós támadás? Mert az Orosz Nagykövetség önként beszélt velem 2020-ban is, és ők is azt mondták, hogy a Nyugatnak, különösen az EU-nak segítenie kellett volna rajtam, ahogyan még azok is ezt mondták akik segítettek engem Malajziában.
-Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen (rasszista diszkriminatív) üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
-Magyar hatóság, stb ezt mondták nekem; - Együttműködési hasznok, például: pénz segély, nyugdíj. Vagy; "Hagyja el az országot (emigrálj)"; "Senkit sem érdekel ez a "hülye" törvény"; "Gyámság kell".
- Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem segítettek a malajziai politikusok stb. *De mások is segítettek nekem, például egy idős Metodista Kínai férfi adott nekem néhány hasznos tanácsot, és Falun Dafa is.* - Külföldi jogi segítség nélkül nem lehet megállítani ezt a rasszista diszkriminatív kommunista bűncselekményt.
- Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy én /Kimár Norbert/ szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha nem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon.
B; - Ezek amit a hatóságok/ orvosok törvénytelenül csinálnak ellenem Magyarországon:
1; -Az orvosok/hatóságok orvosilag akarnak kijavítani/ rákényszeríteni, hogy adjam fel hitetlenségemet a volt kommunizmusban. Szó szerint orvosilag akarnak meggyőzni hogy:
- a,- nem volt rossz a kommunizmusuk.
- b,- hagyjak fel a volt kommunisták és hozzátartozóik, stb. előítéletei elleni jogaimmal, habár én és családom a kommunista bűnök áldozata volt.
- c,- és azt is, hogy az erős zaklatás stb. bűncselekmények soha nem történtek ellenem, és ezért nem segítettek nekem a rendőrök.
2; -Vagy pedig az orvosok/ hatóságok, stb orvosilag próbálják elhallgattatni/ hitelteleníteni a gondolataimat, véleményeimet, stb, ahogy a kommunizmusban is csinálták. És az ex-kommunistáknak és hozzátartozóiknak van haszna belőle.
C; - Nem tudom megtenni amit akarnak mert nem hiszek a kommunizmusban, és mert:
1; - végleg elveszíteném a gondolat és véleményszabadság jogomat a demokráciában.
2; - már elvesztettem a védelmet:
- a,- az egészségügyben 2015 óta: -háziorvosok hamis orvosi jelentésekkel meghamisították az egészségügyi törzskartonomat és biztosításomat, - és a hatóságok elutasítják megállítani és törölni ezeket a hamis jelentéseket, - és az orvosok, a hatóságok elutasítják a "más származású"/ társadalmi származású jogaimat, és gondolat/ vélemény-jogaimat, amikor előítéletet akarok megakadályozni. (Kommunisták "egyéb származású"-nak is hívták a családokat mint az enyémet.)
- b,- és bűnmegelőzésben: ahogy a rendőrök, orvosok stb. bizonyították és mondták nekem, hogy nem érdekli őket a törvény ennél.
3; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; Nem tudok legálisan dolgozni. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem.
D; - Hogyan kezdődött, mi történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.
E; - Véleményt nyilvánítok a jogaimért 2020 óta:
-De semmi sem változik, és 2021 nov.-ben a rendőrök elvittek és 3 éjszakát fogdán töltöttem, és az ítélet szabálysértés, garázdaság volt. - A szánalmas rész az hogy nekem az áldozatnak kell félni a börtöntől a véleménynyilvánításon, és nem a bűnös hatóságoknak, provokátoroknak stb.
F - Megjegyzés;
- Az édesapám Római Katolikus volt, az édesanyám Református Keresztény. A kommunisták pedig nem engedték a szüleimet hogy elvigyenek engem a templomba megkeresztelni, amikor még kisgyerek voltam. És a kommunizmus után pedig nem voltam készen megkeresztelkedni, amikor a nagymamám megkért, pedig néha imádkoztam Istenhez, Jézushoz.
Őszentségének minden jó kívánsággal, Tisztelettel: Kimár Norbert
** 2 **
I found this report on youtube, "Exclusive access inside the Taliban's palace | Witness Documentary" time 15:52.
According to the report; The Taliban's deputy of the media center is from the previous regime, he worked for the previous regime and stayed in his position when Taliban took over the power.
So instead of executing, arresting him they let him work but for them, and this media deputy man said in the report "I was thinking I'm reborn, God give me another chance..", and Talibans said "He is a really honest and caring collage. It doesn't matter who was working here in the past.",
And they also said these;
" - All those things you've carried out in the previous regime you've to carry out in this..".
"- The main thing is how you do your job, how you serve your government, how actually perform your duty on the way that benefits others, this is important this comes first."
"- Most importantly the people who work for us should be trust worthy. And they should be loyal to the Taliban. We should be able to trust them. The person shouldn't be a traitor, this is the whole point."
But for example in Hungary the ex-communist agents and their families etc stayed in power with changing positions with each other.
I guess that's why the ex-communists and their families look USSR/Russia as their dead king and EU-NATO as their new king, and they openly say "you've to be always on the winners' side". And it's same everywhere in east EU-NATO world. Technically their king died and a new king was born for them, and not the other way, their "soul" didn't die and so couldn't reborn either = nothing changed.
No wonder why the ex-communists have arrogant privileged life / power in EU-NATO + allies world. And the EU-NATO world regime is like their new family and even their authorities are laughing and saying "Nobody cares that "stupid" law" when the subject is about to prevent prejudice in human rights crimes. So they prove that we are still enemies and for example NATO isn't ally of the victims of ex-communist crimes.
The Taliban openly stood up for this man, but I never heard anybody from Western world who said anything like this about their recycled ex-KGB, etc under groups. I guess there is reason why none of them stood up openly for these people, but they cover their backs like they were in the same racist criminal families and victims like me would be just an "other origin" in their target..
I checked the media man "Hasmat Nasiri" on the Internet, just to know what happened with him, and "X" gave me some new results but without any photo, it was the same name under a few months old news / articles. I prefered to check it because the Internet, Youtube gave this documentary as suggestion video, and my enemies control my Internet, and they love to create trouble maker set ups etc to mislead and divide me with anybody and as they can. And their best chance was always on the Internet, and/or with voice changer (AI) on phones etc.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** I googled "military medical exercise in Hungary" and it showed me these two;
This story connects to the NATO NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises in Hungary, I talked about earlier here. This article says the Hungarian police too were on the NATO’s largest series of military medical exercises in Hungary.
"Police are on military exercise (in Hungarian Rendőrök a NATO hadgyakorlaton)" ... yakorlaton
https ://www. police. hu/index.php/hu/hirek-es-informaciok/legfrissebb-hireink/szervezeti-hirek/rendorok-a-nato-hadgyakorlaton

And also this is interesting the Internet gave me this when I searched about NATO medical military exercise in Hungary;
NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) ... milmed_coe?
https ://www. coemed. org/about-us#what_is_the_nato_milmed_coe?
The NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) is a multinational military organization working for and accredited by NATO. We assist the Alliance in its goal of continuous transformation in the medical field. The COE is also the Department Head for the NATO Medical Support (Med Sup) Discipline.
The Force Health Protection Branch is located in Munich, Germany, the rest of the Branches and supporting elements are located in Budapest, Hungary. It's web page said they aren't part of NATO but they work for NATO, for me it looks like a kind of under group like the "Hungary Helps Program" (but that is "religious" and civil and not military, but it works next to some NATO missions). (Interesting is once I went to Munich Caritas around 2018 to ask help but Caritas just ran victim blaming on me, and bulled me to go away..)
Anyway EU-NATO's recklessly corrupt counter intelligences just let me connect them, and I think this fit perfectly here;
"My conclusion with the Russian embassy was this in 2021; "- The West, especially the EU, introduced new laws, services to prevent/ solve problems like this after the cold war, and they got a lot of money for that. And if they can't solve it in Hungary then they should have lured me into another country to live there before I realize this"."
- Well corrupt part of NATO doesn't believe in losing any war because they are still big enough to survive and to fight a new war elsewhere. And interestingly Hungary has been giving medical training to Ukrainian army while Hungarian govt and its propaganda is talking like a pro-Russia good cop.

Director, NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine is Colonel Dr. Fazekas László. He is a Hungarian, and his CV says 1984 –1991 Education as military physician at Kirov Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg, Russia. And he served in Afghanistan when West / NATO was there in the last Afghan war..
- Well I believe I should contact them and ask some questions from them too.
** 2 ** I sent this email again because I will express my opinion on 28, August, 2024, in these places;
-Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
-Norwegian Embassy, 1015 Budapest Ostrom u. 13,
-Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47.
-Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
-Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123,
-Iranian Embassy 1143, Stefania ut 97,
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 1ker, 2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 14ker Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, David Pressman Nagykövet, FBI, CIA,
-Belga Nagykövetség Magyarországon,
-Török Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Norvég Királyság Nagykövetsége Budapesten,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Iráni.I.K. Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Iráni.I.K. Külügyminisztérium,
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240724BpFA.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BannerBp.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Összevont transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024BnrRdir.jpg.
Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, augusztus, 28,
-Hungary Helps Program, Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Üldözött Keresztényeket Segítő Programokért Felelős Államtitkárság, 1016, Naphegy tér 1.
-Norvég Nagykövetsége, 1015 Budapest Ostrom u. 13, -Belga Nagykövetség 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Belügyminisztérium 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Török Nagykövetség 1062, Andrassy ut 123,
-Iráni Nagykövetség 1143, Stefánia út 97,
Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BannerBp.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő / hely / Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19 / Kazincbarcika / Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, augusztus, 21
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 1ker, 2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 14ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Justice Minister, -Sándor Pintér Interior Minister, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, -David Pressman Ambassador, FBI, CIA,
-Belgium Embassy in Hungary,
-Turkish embassy in Budapest,
-Royal Norwegian Embassy in Budapest,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-I.R.Iran Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R.Iran,
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240724BpFA.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BannerBp.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a merged banner too, it's attached  as 2024BnrRdir.jpg.
It's date and location: 28, August, 2024,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
-Norwegian Embassy, 1015 Budapest Ostrom u. 13, -Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123,
-Iranian Embassy 1143, Stefania ut 97,
Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place / date / Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika / 19, May, 1972 / Hungarian,
21, August, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
And I had to send it again to Greek Defence Ministry and to French Embassy because they said the attachment size was too big, so I reduced the size, and looks like it worked out.

Iran sent this robot reply;
Thank you for contacting with us.
We are currently reviewing  your request. Please be sure that all emails are read, but due to the large volume of emails that we receive, only emails about a customer service issue are  guaranteed a reply.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service.

I merged two banners together and I'm planing to hang it on my neck in each places,
Megtudják az EU-NATO országok állítani ezt a
rasszista üldöztetést, vagy ez más országokhoz tartozik?
Mert eddig csak az EU-NATO világon kívül találtam segítséget.
Can EU-NATO countries stop this
racist persecution or it belongs to other countries?
Because so far I only found help outside of EU-NATO world.
Kérlek Irán
ha lehetséges akkor bővítsd ki az emberi jogi misszióid
Magyarországra (EU-NATO világba) is
Please Iran
if it's possible then expand your human rights missions
to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too

I can't believe how far my enemies reckless corruption goes,
- a) they know what they're doing and everything goes according to their plan..
- b) they don't care about anything, they just corruptly go with the reckless flow..

- I would not believed this when I was a child under communism and somebody would said me that the West will recycle the communist agents and their families and use them against those anti-communists who supported the West while they lived under communism. - Well once under communism I made a big USA flag and put it on my school bag, and then a teacher saw that and told me to remove it because we have nothing to do with USA (or he said something like that). And ironically now I'm trying to ask Iran to help me with their humanitarian mission even in front of USA embassy, because EU-NATO world refuse to help, because this is a pure false-flag attack designed by NATO-EU world, - because victims of communists crimes aren't ally of NATO, and West betrayed the victims of communist crimes long ago, - so West ran out of credit but now they desperately need "useful idiot cannon fodders" to fight the war for West..
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