Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On 30-05-2024, I visited the District Office of Kazincbarcika, to apply for health care tax aid. I have to because otherwise the tax office could charge / punish me and force me to pay them money, yap it's extortion.
This time too they said me I can apply for more aid too, it's a script / lawyer trick talk. They set me up once with that trick years ago, 1st they said / showed only nice things about it, like they were a helpful office which cannot help me to get back my human rights, but they can give me some "aid money".. But after I applied for it they immediately sent me a letter to tell me there are more rules / laws about that aid.. Practically they simply gaslighted me then they double crossed everything, and their reason was "laws / rules are changing every day". Therefore I had to "voluntarily" step back from it, they gave me no other choice just that.
- So now I told them I don't need that, I want my human rights back, as I even wrote on my application form too that I'm a victim of racist communist crimes, and family doctors wrote false medical reports into my health insurance - health documents... And these staffs said nothing about that like it would be nature of them covering up / aiding this kind of commie crimes..

- The staffs of authorities, etc easily dare to commit / ignore human rights crimes without any fear, and all because no consequences, thanks to corrupted laws by FIDESZ-KDNP and to their orders. Technically the staffs of authorities etc are protected while they commit / ignore / cover up human rights crimes too, as ww2 nazis, communists, fascists etc did it.
- Orban PM / FIDESZ govt created a law long ago to make it act of terrorism for example if somebody throw even a tiny peace of paper to them or to their authorites etc.
- This is why Orban PM is building weapon factories while he gaslightly cries for peace, because he and his people want to survive their racist crimes in a racist way. They would love to send their crime victims in an "unwanted" war to die in trenches etc and call them their "martyrs".
** 2 ** On 04-June-2024, I sent email to the Pope again this was the 13th time,
It was the same usual email what I keep sending to ask them to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life. Persecution officially started under this govt in 2015. And KDNP Christian Democratic People's Party control led the health care in that time. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO. And EU, NATO corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent / refuse me..
- So far this time the Vatican's server didn't send me any "demon mail, to say that I've to send it to their postmaster, meanwhile I sent it to their postmaster. Anyway I tweeted my email onto Pope's X account this time too.
** 3 ** On 05-June-2024 I sent email to Hungarian government / authorities etc and to EU-NATO countries and to NATO, and to Russian embassy, Russian govt, and to Malaysian and Iranian embassies and foreign ministries to inform them I'm going to express my opinion next week 12-06-2024 in Budapest.
And I forgot to address it to the Turkish embassy, but "luckily" I said in the email I will forward it to other EU-NATO countries too, so I did it that way.

- These are the places where I want to express my opinion;
-State police headquarter (ORFK) 1139 Teve utca 4-6.
-Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
-Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47.
-Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
-Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123

(I wanted to go to the secret service too, but it was too far for me this time, this is its address; Nemzetbiztonsági Szolgálat, NBSZ_Budapest, Törökvész út 32-34., Bég u., 1022 / Gábor Áron ut. lol their web page shy/paranoid to show it, but even google map knew where it is. And no wonder why they moved out from the city center long ago..)

My reasoning;
The reason for this can be found in the forwarded below email, it dated 29, April, 2024, subject "Is it red line for EU-NATO? / Ez vörös-vonal az EU-NATO számára?".
- I honestly hope that the EU-NATO countries can stop this persecution, but if can't, then next time I will go to the Malaysian, Iranian, etc embassies too to look for help in those countries too.
And this is the main part of forwarded 29-April-2024 email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
Since years I've been sending emails to the EU, NATO countries about my persecuted situation, but so far nobody stopped the persecution. And I don't want to cross red-lines, therefore I'd like to ask your answers in this letter before I start to ask help elsewhere, if you don't stop this crime.

Therefore I'd like to ask these;
1, - Does the "Hungary Helps Program" or EU-NATO countries can stop this persecution or it belongs to other worlds?
And if you can't stop this persecution then I'd like to ask;
2, - How is it possible for foreign countries to accept ethically Christian foreign aid from that Christian organization (Hungary Helps Program) which was created and is controlled by that conservative Christian (FIDESZ-KDNP) government which is persecuting some of the (Hungarian) members of Christian families in a slicing strategy way (and the persecution benefits those ex-communist agents and their families which work for EU-NATO world)?
3, - And how would EU-NATO world react if for example a Malaysian or an Iranian, or an Afghan etc religious organization would offer me their help as a peace mission in EU, NATO world?
(Sorry for my English, and tbh I just don't know for example why I didn't see that "Does... can..?" mistake, but anyway..)

I will use a new banner too;
Megtudják az EU-NATO országok állítani ezt a
rasszista üldöztetést, vagy ez más országokhoz tartozik?
Mert eddig csak az EU-NATO világon kívül találtam segítséget.

Can the EU-NATO countries stop this
racist persecution or it belongs to other countries?
Because so far I only found help outside of EU-NATO world.

This is the email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt., -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK),-1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, -David Pressman Nagykövet, FBI, CIA,
-Belga Nagykövetség Magyarországon,
-Iráni.I.K. Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Iráni.I.K. Külügyminisztérium,
-Malajzia Budapesti Nagykövetsége, -Malajziai Külügyminisztérium,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / Ez egy vörös-vonal?

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Új transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024RedLineBan.jpg.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, június, 12,
-ORFK 1139 Teve utca 4-6.
-Hungary Helps Program, Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Üldözött Keresztényeket Segítő Programokért Felelős Államtitkárság, 1016, Naphegy tér 1.
-Belga Nagykövetség 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13 ,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Belügyminisztérium 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Török Nagykövetség 1062, Andrassy ut 123

Ennek az indoka az alábbi továbbított e-mailben található, kelt 2024, április, 29, tárgy "Is it red line for EU-NATO? / Ez vörös-vonal az EU-NATO számára?".
- Őszintén remélem, hogy az EU-NATO országok meg tudják állítani ezt az üldözést, de ha nem, akkor legközelebb a malajziai, iráni, stb nagykövetséghez is elmegyek, hogy segítséget keresek azokban az országokban is.
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. -Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, június, 05,
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. *** 

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept., -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), -1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, -David Pressman Ambassador, FBI, CIA,
-Belgium Embassy in Hungary,
-I.R.Iran Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R.Iran
-Malaysian Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / Is it a red-line?

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a new banner too, it's attached 2024RedlineBan.jpg.

It's date and location: 12, June, 2024,
-ORFK 1139 Teve utca 4-6.
-Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
-Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123

The reason for this can be found in the forwarded below email, it dated 29, April, 2024, subject "Is it red line for EU-NATO? / Ez vörös-vonal az EU-NATO számára?".
- I honestly hope that the EU-NATO countries can stop this persecution, but if can't, then next time I will go to the Malaysian, Iranian, etc embassies too to look for help in those countries too.
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
05, June, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
This is the forwarded part of my email;
Címzett: -NATO, -PESCO, -EU,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Tisztelt Cím!
Továbbítom Önöknek a 2024. június 05 dátumú e-mailem,
tárgy; "*(Bp) Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / Ez egy vörös-vonal?"
Magyarország, 2024, június, 05
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I send this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Dear Sir, Madam,
I'm forwarding to you my email dated 05, June, 2024,
subject; "*(Bp) Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / Ez egy vörös-vonal?"
The subject in English; "Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / Is it a red-line?"
05, June, 2024. Hungary,
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 4 ** There will be local and EU elections this week, lol I wouldn't be surprised if FIDESZ-KDNP lose power on it, but the left wing opposition is the same hated or more hated / disliked than them. But maybe EU-USA-Western etc lobbies will give more power tp "play democracy".. Fact is all of politicans / parties there are connected to the same seccret services, authorites, etc, it's like "the re-cycled ex-KGB king is dead, long live the re-cycled ex-KGB king"..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** 10-06-2024, I sent reminder email to EU-NATO countries / embassies, and to Russian, Iranian and Malaysian embassies, foreign affair ministries.
Tisztelt Cím!
Szeretném emlékeztetni Önöket, hogy a véleményemet fogom kinyilvánítani 2024.06.12-én Budapesten, további részletek az alábbi továbbított e-mailben találhatók, amit már elküldtem Önöknek 2024-06-05-én.

A rendőrség és/vagy a nagykövetségek sokszor azt állították, hogy nem kapták meg az önként küldött e-mailjeimet, és sajnos néhányuk megpróbálja felhasználni ezt mint egy lehetőség indokát, hogy törvénytelenül elutasítsák a rasszista bűncselekmény elleni szólásszabadság jogomat.
Más szavakkal, a hatóságok, stb. törvénytelen parancsot követnek, hogy elrejtsék a bűnüket, mert félnek a néhány perces néma, törvényes eseménytől, ami az igazságról szól.
-És mindig nagyon érdekes, amikor a rendőrök arrogánsan ezt mondják nekem a véleménynyilvánításaimon; "Mit ért el ezzel?", "Még nem unja ezt!?", "Nincs engedélye ehhez!", stb, stb.
Ez egyértelmű bevallása annak, hogy az egész EU-NATO rendszer hogyan gondolkodik és cselekszik a rasszista bűncselekményeik áldozataival szemben.

Magyarország, 2024, június, 10,
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***

Dear Sir, Madam,
I'd like to remind you that I will express my opinion on 12-06-2024 in Budapest, more details can be found in the below forwarded email what I already sent to you on 05-06-2024.

Many times the police and/or the embassies claimed that they didn't receive my voluntarily sent emails, and sadly some of them try to use it as a reason of opportunity to unlawfully deny my freedom of speech right against racist crime. In other words the authorities etc follow unlawful orders to hide their crime because they're scared from the few minutes long silent, lawful event which is about the truth.
- And it's always very interesting when police arrogantly say me these in my expressing opinions; "What did you achieve with this!?", "Aren't you tired of this yet!?", "You don't have permission for this!", etc., etc.
It's a clear confession of how the entire EU-NATO system thinks and acts against their racist crime victims.

10, June, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

Well, The French Ministry of Army / "Le Ministère des Armées" replied me today (10-June-2024)

En application de l’article 2 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 : « la langue de la République est le français ». L’article 1er de la loi n°94-665 du 4 août 1994 relative à l'emploi de la langue française dispose que : « la langue française (…) est la langue (…) des services publics ».

Dans ces conditions, afin de répondre à votre question, il serait appréciable de transmettre vos interrogations en langue française tout en précisant votre identité.

Bien cordialement,
Le Ministère des Armées.

Google translator;
Good morning,

In application of article 2 of the Constitution of October 4, 1958: “the language of the Republic is French”. Article 1 of Law No. 94-665 of August 4, 1994 relating to the use of the French language provides that: “the French language (…) is the language (…) of public services”.

Under these conditions, in order to answer your question, it would be appreciated to transmit your questions in French while specifying your identity.

Best regards,
The Ministry of the Armed Forces.
I've been sending emails to them since 06-June-2022 and in 2 languages "Hungarian and English", and 2 years later they replied that they only speak French. Well I don't speak French, so I sent / forwarded my email to the French embassy, and I attached their Ministry's reply too.
- Can you imagine, "Le Ministère des Armées." only use French language while we're in EU - NATO world, and they needed 2 years to say that??
- Anyway something happened, maybe my "reminder email", or "Russia, Iran, Malaysia" in my emails, or my protest against this racist crime, or all together everything. And about the "specifying your identity", well I always told them my name, my home address, and the date / place of my birth, and my nationality, and I always attach my ID card too.
- Probably it was an AI reply, and it was allowed to send me a cheap lawyer trick reply, because Macron's AI only sent me the simple robot replies to confirm they've received my e-letter / contact form and they maybe will answer.

- And there is Tristan Azbej and I addressed my email to him also, and he is a French born politician etc in Hungary, he studied in USA too and he's working for the Hungarian Foreign Affairs and for Hungary Helps Program to help persecuted people even in Africa, while some African countries are kicking out the French too..
- I honestly feel that if I had money then I could just walk over on these EU-NATO racist corrupt bureaucratic authorities, etc politicians in this racist crime. Because they've nothing left to lie and they're already a powerless joke outside of their world. As I said years ago that "Orban is bluffing, he has no power everywhere like in Malaysia, etc".
- And also just like Orban with his FIDESZ-KDNP govt, they run empathy propaganda to try to trick anybody to get empathy scam power over anybody, and they try it even with me, but FIDESZ send me "Think with empathy about Orban" subliminal messages meanwhile they persecute me, lol.. But problem starts for them when their racist crime gang is compared to helpful communities especially if those are Muslims and outside of EU-NATO world..

So I guess the French Ministry of Army lost their power to Malaysia, Iran etc in this persecution crime, and I not yet started my protest.
** 2 ** And how reckless are the secret services / intelligences in Hungary, there is a German shop (Lidl) in my city, it's front of police. And the staffs are working really hard and good, but the security design is interesting. And it could be well designed, but the cash payment / movement reflects the reckless of security. Many times I was thinking to tell them for example in Japan it works smarter and it's not a big investment at all, but as I said their job is to work hard, while the thinking / development belongs to elsewhere. And funny part is police regularly go there to buy their food, just as some local politician etc and those don't care about it either. I guess that's how Chinese grow, they see strength and weakness.. And the civil secret services etc love to report people to get promotion etc, especially reporting people like me, but they're dumb to protect corporations, that's the difference between opportunist traitors and serving protection.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
I expressed my opinion (protested) in these new places
on 12-06-2024, Budapest Hungary, because of racist communist crime against my life.
-1, Hungarian State Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-2, Hungary Helps Program,
-3, Belgium Embassy,
-4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
-5, Interior Ministry,
-6, USA Embassy,
-7, Turkish Embassy,

I put duct-tape on my mouth again because on 2021 November the police lied me in their custody/ and on court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police. - But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".. And the Hungarian police in 2021 November when they took me from my expressing opinion/ protest they deleted my videos from my phone even the corrupt arrest.
The NATO Secretary General visited Hungary on this day, so I guess that's a reason why there were a lot of police, and they were busy with me, and they talked with me more easier and friendlier than usual. And my email was also addressed to the NATO Secretary General, NCIA (NATO intelligences) too, and this time it was also addressed to Iranian and Malaysian embassies, foreign ministries too.
I met with that many police on this day, when I just realised I was saluting them a few times. Some police, guards salute people some times, and sometimes people salute back as a copy. I think it only once happened with me in an earlier protest, or I almost did it, anyway my protests happened "peacefully" on this day.
-1, Hungarian State Police Headquarters (ORFK),
I went into the building and the police wasn't really okay with my expressing opinion, but he talked carefully, and then I show him that letter what they sent me in 2020, and then he said it's good. And then I asked where can I do it, and he told me a really far place, and I went there, but it was very far and a bad position for this. So I just went to the other side of the building, and there was another policeman, and I said him I want to do it here, and he didn't care about that, he just said okay. And then I started to put out my banners and to take photos and some people were wondering what I was doing. And this police came and said me to turn off my camera, and I did it, but then I told him "okay but my phone is recording", and I showed him the "video recording" sign on me. And then the police said that I should go to the other side of the road. I told him that's the NEAK (national public health insurance) and they're too responsible for this persecution, because there are false medical reports in my health insurance, but I want to do this (protest) on this side now.
- And the police the other (with whom I talked first time) came and said carefully with worry on his face that this is a political (protest) too, and people can report / sue me for that (what my banner says). I'm not sure but maybe he meant the "FIDESZ-KDNP families..." banner. So I told him I used these banners elsewhere too even front of Orban PM's home and nobody said anything. And he was still worried, like it's still not good enough, but then I told him the American embassy looked at my banners in May (actually it was in March) and the embassy said that "It's FIDESZ". And that was the moment when this police looked differently, like he was a mediator between me and someone else, and now he knew how to think on each side. (Actually I used a new banner too, but that just asked EU-NATO countries whether they can stop this persecution or it belongs to outside of their world.)
This police was maybe gypsy (no offence), most of them are able to understand these situations better, and also they know racism does exist.
- I can't forget that moment when once a gypsy police in Kossuth square in front of parliament how so easily interrupted and separated a drunk provocative man from me, and neither me nor that man realized what that police just did, and peace was around us. I'm not saying each gypsy police is very good to be mediator, but usually they understand better both sides, and sure they personally felt discrimination, etc in their life.
- And he said next time I should do it a bit away from there, and police can't be on my pictures (well I blurred / pixeled the police even though they were very far). I asked how far should I be next time because I'm in public area and I want their street number too on my photo as background.
- Well this problem exists nearly in each new place in my protests, and it's difficult to find the correct spot in the first time, and on this day I had 5 new places.
And 2 people / police in a car were watching me a few meters away, and instead of turning they just stopped there (probably they read my banners and watched me while I took selfi-photos), and they may talked later to the police / guards.

-2, Hungary Helps Program,
This is a human rights secretariat of foreign affairs, they say on their web page this;
We are not abandoning innocent people suffering. We protect communities threatened by religious or other persecution, violence, catastrophes or the effects of migration. We are bound by our thousand-year-old Christian heritage, by our moral duty resulting from this heritage and also by the general principles of humanity....
Well they didn't know about my email, nor about reminder email, and they didn't really want to let me to express my opinion front of them.
And they also said me it's a government building etc, though I even said them I want to do it in public area, in front of the building, but they kept saying that's not good, I've to do it (far) away from there too, (they talked just as some embassies, etc).
- And I told them I want to photograph myself, and the building would be the background, but they said I can't take photos of the building, even though I told them I want to do it in public area.. And said them how come the google map has right to do it, and what about those who walk outside and simply take some photos??
- I even said them to call the police and ask them about this "expressing opinion" because it's legal and no need permission for this..
- It was really interesting for me when in the end they said I can do it, but I shouldn't come with a (dated) 2020 police paper / letter. - Meanwhile this police letter just talked about the freedom of speech rights, which is a basic fundamental human rights, and 1 person isn't gathering.
So I told them (to the human rights secretariat of government which is should be full with human rights lawyers) that - I've rights to express my opinion in public area, - and no need any permission as long it is 1 person (protest), - because the gathering needs permission but not this. Luckily I said them "from 2 or 3 persons means gathering, but 1 person isn't gathering", now they just have to figure out is it from 2 or 3 persons..
- Well, if those NATO, etc plus the Hungarian secret services whose duty is watching these situations, but if they didn't "listen" our conversation then those too should be questioned by their bosses. I couldn't record it because I was inside the building and the rules are different there, but it doesn't mean this conversation didn't happen.
- Okay some embassies try this kind of lawyer tricks, but those too have limits what they can't cross without damage, but a human rights secretariat of government just can't even try this at all.
- And for example my email about this expressing opinion (protest) was addressed to Iran and Malaysia too, and also to Hungarian Defence / Interior Ministry and to EU-NATO countries too, and there was a NATO chief visit on this day. - So I really should report this even though it may sound "it's not a big thing". Because this "Hungary Helps Program" also works there where are Hungarian / NATO soldiers too, like in Africa, Middle-East, etc. And my email mentioned that if EU-NATO can't stop this persecution, then I will ask help outside of EU-NATO world, even if it's Malaysia, Iran, etc, just as my new banner said that too, and actually that was the meaning of this protest/expressing opinion on this day.
- So that's a new reason for - I honestly hope that the EU-NATO countries can stop this persecution, because if they let it go, then it can easily come back to them anywhere in many form. Technically now the EU-NATO counter intelligences of police and soldiers can create a new problem even for themselves, if they let this go. And not to mention the problem guys would think everything is okay, and it wasn't their red line..
- Now I understand why the govt / Orban push the Interior Ministry when the problem over grew in some of other Ministries.
- And this persecution against me started under the KDNP (Christian Democratic) govt party, and this Hungary Helps program belongs to this party, which is interesting subject for religious countries.
After this I went out and put my banners on my bag and one into my neck and I started to take selfi-photos, and then two men came out from the building while I was taking pictures, one of them looked a bit familiar, maybe I saw somewhere on Internet etc. But they didn't say anything to me, they walked away.
-3, Belgium Embassy,
The embassy was the same easy, polite, fast as earlier, they said everything is all right, they know about me, and then I went outside, I built up my banners and I took some pictures then I walked away.
-4, Foreign Affairs Ministry,
I went into the building and I talked to the police at the reception, and I gave them my email and ID. But on this email the ministry's email address wasn't there. Well that was my mistake, because I didn't print out my "forwarded on Sunday email", neither my "reminder Monday email". So this email was sent only to the police and to the Hungary Helps Program, etc which technically belong to this ministry, bit it wasn't directly sent to the ministry.
- And the police asked me to wait for their commender, and the police controlled the conversation all the time and not me. And they asked questions like why is it racism, and why I want to protest here at Foreign Ministry, etc. I told them, according to the UN law it's racism, and I want to do it here at Ministry too because the Hungarian embassy / consul wrote me to stay in Malaysia if I don't trust in the Hungarian authorities. And also the Hungarian Helps program belongs to this Ministry, and many people who helped me on abroad / in Malaysia didn't understand why nobody can solve this persecution in Hungary. Interesting was when I took out the consul's 2015 reply email which said me to stay in Malaysia, then the police really don't want to see that email, but they acted better than other police which just said arrogantly that they don't care that email.
- And the police said me they don't want to let me protest right next to the building, because important people can come and go (NATO chief visit day).
- And they also said me, okay now we make a background check on you, and I said all right, and then the police said "Look he's not scared, he knows this. They checked you that many times right??..".
- And then we walked out from the building and a police maybe said me I can't really be inside the building, but maybe I misunderstood them because the reception and police were inside. And when the police showed me the place where they thought it's good for protesting then a police said I can do it a bit more further too from the ministry (usual trick to send me more far away from them), and I said them "That's from where they deported my father in 1956 (actually it was after 1956 in 1957)", and then the police just turned back and left me alone. And it's true my father lived in front of this ministry, and they were forced move from there, he was 9 years old. (And just a story to this, my father said few times that; once when he was in the window then a bullet almost hit his head, and the angle of the bullet pointed back to the ministry's windows. But gun / weapon sometimes has purpose and sometimes it's an accident / coincident, anyway he was lucky.)
- When I started to put away my banners then a man came and asked whether he can photograph me, and I said yes, and he took a picture then said me "You're right for doing this".
-5, Interior Ministry,
I told the police I want to express my opinion and they started to check everything, and they said they need to hear the permission from their media department, and those will say whether I can do it or not. It was interesting to hear this, I even said them I saw in news when people were protesting there. And the police said it's okay, but I've to do it few meters away from the front door. So I couldn't do it right under the "Interior Ministry" sign, which is right next to the front door, fact is that day was a NATO security day so..

And the Interior Minister came out, and he greeted with his hand while he sat into his car. In the first moment I thought it was for someone else, then next moment it reminded me to Orban PM, and to my city's major when they did the same hi with their hands. Anyway two moments later I too said hi to him with my hand, but not sure he saw it. Well as I said others also did it elsewhere, but it didn't change anything.

Police offered me water, and it reminded me to the guards at FIDESZ headquarters in 2021, and I think here too I said the same thank you but I don't need it, I just need my human rights. And police also asked me how they can help me, and I just kept saying to give back my human rights that's enough for me. And they asked why I can't work and I told them there are false medical reports in my health documents / insurance therefore I can't work legally.

And then I started to build up my banners onto my bag, and the police photographed some of my banners and my protest T-shirt too (I'm not sure if they photographed the "FIDESZ-KDNP families" banner too or not, it was on the back side of my bag). Well the last time the protest at Orban's home wasn't smooth, and this time the Interior Ministry's media needed to know my banners maybe for the NATO visit or for something else too, but future will tell it.
-6, USA Embassy,
The guard recognized me, he smiled and said "The usual?", and I said "Yes, and I'd like to thank that when you looked at my banners in an earlier time (in March), and I'd like to send an email to thank that, because it was useful for me today at ORFK (State Police Headquarters"). So everything went easy and fast here.
-7, Turkish Embassy,
I went to the police both, and the police said he didn't know about my email, he made a phone call as they do it usually, and he said they're looking for my email and I've to wait for it, or I can start it right now too, but on the second pathway (there are 4 parallel pathways on that street and the second is outside of their guard zone) and he said please do not yell there, he was a young police and looked worry who doesn't want to be in trouble.
Well to be honest that was the best place for me to do this, because the embassy's staffs were busy and a car was waiting at the gate inside, and it was the best for taking photos too. So I went there, and then fast the embassy's staffs came and asked about what is it and why. I told them I'm persecuted and this belongs to the NATO too, I can't even be a soldier, and they saw the NATO on my banner, and then they asked why is the Turkish embassy, and is this the only (NATO) embassy where I do this or not. And I said it's not the only one, I was at US and Belgium embassies too, and then he said okay. And when the man looked my banner he also asked how they can stop this persecution, but for me it looked like he asked it like he doesn't understand it, how / why would it belong to Turkiye.
Fact is there are Turk countries which are former USSR countries, so this persecution / ex-KGB is a sensitive but interesting subject for the Turkish too. But as I said the NATO chief visited Hungary on this day and everybody looked busy here too.

I finished everything earlier than in other days in Budapest, but a lot more things happened than usual. And I'm sure the timing was perfect for me to do this.
** 2 ** I keep saying that I really hope this persecution will be stopped inside EU-NATO world.
And I also was thinking about what if I have to go to Iranian and Malaysian embassies, and probably Afghanistan too will be, though they don't have embassy in EU-NATO world (actually I think Afghans only have in China, and also the embassy works maybe in Qatar too). Well I found the Afghan Foreign and Interior Ministries' web pages, email addresses and X accounts.
And the law of these countries are based on religion, so I've to go that way, but lucky for me it also means I can ask their religion / culture to help me as a mission. (Hungary Helps Program belongs to religious KDNP party as a unique of world).

So their embassies would be just the place where I can say that there is need for their help here in Hungary inside EU-NATO world. And actually the embassies are globally hosting their and other countries human rights org etc, as it's one of their missions.
- But for example Iran and Russia are close friends to each other, and as I said in some of my emails too that; - I respect the Russian embassy, because they voluntarily talked with me even in the first protest, - and neither I nor them want any situation where I and Russians can throw mud at each other. But I've to be ready for that if for example the Iranian embassy just simply reject me, and send me away with saying to forget this around them.
- Actually I visited the Iranian embassy in 2015 to ask about visiting Iran, but they said me to go on train via travel agency, which was very expensive. But then I went to Istanbul and a Chinese girl told me how to travel to Iran as a backpacker tourist, and then I asked the Iranian embassy on Internet about it and they said it's true I can do that, and that's how I could visit Iran (it happened before the persecution started officially).
- And the Hungarian govt officially has been pushing the peace and it doesn't support Ukraine in the war, well it sounds useful for Russia. So Iran will be interesting even though this persecution is a false-flag against Russia.
- Malaysia and its embassy, and the Afghan govt will be interesting for me. Well Afghanistan won the war against USSR Russia decades ago, and now they won against West too, so they're not scared nor controlled by anybody.
- Now I've to find out when to start this, should it be in my next protest which is gonna be next month, or separately in the other same protest as this was (so far I prefer the sooner is the better).
Because the next protest would be the usual type when I go to Orban PM's home, UK, USA, Belgium, Russian embassies, FIDESZ-KDNP party headquarters.

And something like this would be the banner and Malaysia / Iran, etc would be on it;
"Please Malaysia expand your human rights mission to Hungary (EU-NATO)"
Edit; it was in 2021 and not 2020; -5 Interior Ministry "Police offered me water, and it reminded me to the guards at FIDESZ headquarters in 2021.."
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

On 20, 06, 2024 I sent email to the USA embassy, subject: "Thanking to the US Embassy".
Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to thank you when the embassy looked at my banners and said: "It's FIDESZ", before I started to express my opinion in front of the embassy on 13, 03, 2024. This was useful for me in expressing my opinion on 12, June, 2024, in front of National (Country) Police (ORFK) Headquarters.

This is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, június, 20

Címzett: -U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, -David Pressman Nagykövet, FBI, CIA,

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf,
Tárgy: Köszönet az Egyesült Államok Nagykövetségének

Tisztelt Cím!
Szeretném megköszönni, amikor a nagykövetség megnézte a transzparenseimet és azt mondta: "Ez FIDESZ", mielőtt 2024. 03 13-án elkezdtem véleményt nyilvánítani a nagykövetség előtt. Ez hasznos volt számomra a 2024. június 12-én, az Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK) előtti véleménynyilvánításomon.

- Mivel egy rendőr udvariasan, de aggodalommal az arcán azt mondta nekem, hogy én ezt ott nem igazán csinálhatom, mert ez egy politikai dolog. És emiatt bajba kerülhetek, akár be is perelhetnek emiatt. Mondtam a rendőrnek, hogy ezeket a transzparenseket még Orbán miniszterelnök otthona előtt is használtam, és ez nem volt probléma. De a rendőr továbbra is ugyanazt mondta, és úgy nézett rám, mintha ez nem lenne elég. És ezután azt mondtam neki, hogy az USA nagykövetség ránézett a transzparenseimre, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ". És ez volt az a pillanat, amikor a rendőr úgy nézet aki, érti és tudja, mit kell mondania, hogy megoldja ezt, és úgy beszélt mint egy közvetítő köztem és valaki más között a feje fölött. (Hibásan mondtam a rendőrnek a hónapot amikor a nagykövetség megnézte a transzparenseimet, "múlt hónapban" mondtam "március" helyett, videó idő 14:05. Videó link:
- Két új transzparenst is használtam, amióta a nagykövetség látta azokat a transzparenseket, de az általam küldött / továbbított e-mailben a nagykövetség véleményét is elmondtam a rendőrségnek, és csatoltam ahhoz az e-mailhez azokat a transzparenseket 20240313BannerBp.pdf néven, amelyeket a nagykövetség március 13-án látott. (A két új transzparenseim csatolva vannak itt 2024_5-6Bans.pdf néven, de ezek a korábbi e-mailjeimben ismertek.)
- Sajnos néha még a rendőrök egy része is feldühödik a transzparenseim "rasszista komcsi / kommunista / ex-KGB bűn" részén, miközben büszkén figyelmen kívül hagyják az ellenem irányuló üldözést. És úgy gondolom, hogy a nagykövetség véleménye hasznos tanács volt a rendőrség számára ezen a napon, és ez azon a napon történt, amikor a NATO főtitkára Magyarországon járt, ami azt bizonyítja, hogy a hatóságok egy része még mindig nem tud egyedül gondolkodni.

Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
20, June, 2024. Hungary,

To: -U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, -David Pressman Ambassador, FBI, CIA,

Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf,
Subject: Thanking to the US Embassy

Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to thank you when the embassy looked at my banners and said: "It's FIDESZ", before I started to express my opinion in front of the embassy on 13, 03, 2024. This was useful for me in expressing my opinion on 12, June, 2024, in front of National (Country) Police (ORFK) Headquarters.

- Because a policeman politely told me, but with concern on his face that I can't really do that there, because it's a political thing. And I can get in trouble for that, I even can be sued for that. I told the policeman that I've been using these banners even in front of Orban PM's home and it wasn't a problem. But the policeman kept saying the same thing and looked at me like it wasn't enough. And after this I told him that the US embassy looked at my banners and said "It's FIDESZ". And this was the moment when the policeman looked like who understands and knows what to say to solve this, and he talked like a mediator between me and somebody else over his head. (I wrongly said the month to the policeman, I said "in last month", but it was "in March" when the embassy looked at my banners, video time 14:05. Video link;
- I used two new banners too, since the embassy saw those banners, but I also told the opinion of the embassy to the police in the e-mail I sent / forwarded, and I attached those banners what the embassy saw on 13, March, to that email as 20240313BannerBp.pdf. (My two new banners are attached here as 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, but these are known in my earlier emails.)
- Sadly sometimes even some police get angry at the "racist commie / communist / ex-KGB crime" part of my banners, while they're proudly ignoring the persecution against me. And I think the embassy's opinion was useful advice for the police on this day, and this happened on that day when the Secretary General of NATO visited Hungary, which proves that a part of the authorities still can't think alone.

Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On 26-06-2024, I sent email to authorities because I'm going again to express opinion in Budapest on 03-07-2024. Because of the racist discriminative communist crime against my life. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU and NATO. - This time too I will walk with duck-tape on my mouth to prove that I'll be mute and I will video record it and take photos. *- I want to get a lawful job / advice or money from families of Viktor Orban and FIDESZ-KDNP. Because they live in the racist privileged, they inherit the racist wealth. But for example I can't work lawfully = I've no income.
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Országház; Országgyűlési Őrség, -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt., -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv,
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK),-1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 12ker, 14ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-Brit Nagykövetség Magyarországon, -U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, -David Pressman Nagykövet, FBI, CIA,
-Belga Nagykövetség Magyarországon,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),á

Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf; 2024TBtaxAid.pdf; 20240313BannerBp.pdf; KimarN20240508Bp.jpg
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás/ Munka/Pénz kérés dátuma

Tisztelt Cím!
Ismételten (egyedül) akarom kinyilvánítani a véleményemet Budapesten, és munkát/ pénzt kérni. -Ez néhány perc lenne. -Egyedül és békésen akarok menni transzparensekkel és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). -És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, július, 03
Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnök otthona 1121 Cinege út 5;, -Brit Nagykövetség 1022 Füge utca 5-7
Belga Nagykövetség, 1015, Toldy Ferenc u. 13; -Miniszterelnökség épülete, 1014 Színház utca
Kossuth tér/ Parlament; -USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Orosz Nagykövetség 1062 Bajza út 35,
FIDESZ Székház 1062 Lendvay utca 28; -KDNP Székház 1141 Bazsarózsa út 69

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BannerBp.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. -Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, június, 26,
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul, In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -Parliament; Guards of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Department,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept., -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), -1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 12ker, 14ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Brit Embassy in Hungary, -U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, -David Pressman Ambassador, FBI, CIA,
-Belgium Embassy in Hungary,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),

Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf; 2024TBtaxAid.pdf; 20240313BannerBp.pdf; KimarN20240508Bp.jpg
Subject: Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism/ Asking Job/Money

Dear Sir, Madam,
I repeatedly want (alone) to express my opinion in Budapest, and to ask for a job/ money.-This would be a few minutes. -I want to walk alone and peacefully with my banners and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). -And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event.

It's date and location: 03, July, 2024,
Viktor Orbán's home 1121 Cinege út 5; -British Embassy 1022 Füge utca 5-7,
Belgium embassy, 1015, Toldy Ferenc u. 13,; -Prime Minister's Office building, 1014, Színház utca
Kossuth tér/ Parliament; -USA Embassy 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Russian Embassy 1062 Bajza ut 35
FIDESZ Headquarters 1062 Lendvay utca 28; -KDNP Headquarters 1141 Bazsarózsa ut 69

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
26, June, 2024. Hungary,
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
I had a dilemma about should I keep repeating the expressing opinion in the same places or it would be better to start the new ones at Malaysia, Iranian embassies. Well I didn't want to rush and to change too fast, but I don't want to hold it too long, so I really want to start it in July, so July will be busy.

** 2 **
I wonder what kind of subliminal messages are my enemies sending me, but it just keep reducing my will to do my targets, it's like "Come visit X. Stay with us a little, and relax, don't do anything just wait and like, and sleep and forget what you wanted to do today, you can do it tomorrow...". It's like being a virtual hostage on "X", and coincidently Elon Musk / Trump etc are good friends of Hungarian govt.. It's been going this "slow down" since always, but now they're over doing it on a ridiculous way, my pation is their target.
And I wonder was it me who made a mistake in the job search email what I sent to Shell, or the AI did it. The "Tesco" left in it while I should have replced it to "Shell". And I feel like the mind control is trying to turn me into a reckless lazzy, even with reducing my will to check myself like a glad arrogant would do it.
- So I really want to start protesting for help at Iranian, Malaysian embassies too, and this AI just keep rying to keep me away from contacting the Afghan govt, to ask them how could I protest for help wihen no Afghan embassy here. And the programmers of AI don't care about that I've no income, and the EU-NATO countries didn't really look like who want to stop this persecution (I can understand my enemies, because not everybody go that far in human rights fight like me, and I would travel to Asia if I had income).
There was the EU election in Hungary, and a part of result just proved that what I predicted always, "the left wing still can't come back", and all because police etc can't protect them, especially now in a proxy war against Russia. The police, etc authorities are really glad for FIDESZ to rescue everybody for the 2006 police brutality in Budapest.
And the strongest opposition winner is an out of blue party with a man. The party and this man were unknown, while this man's wife was the justice minister of FIDESZ govt. And they divorced, and then later the ex-wife walked away from politician and public life because she hooked-up in using her power to cover up a forced homosexual crime on boys / pedophile crime case in an orphanage. Just as this person's mother too had to resign from the National Office for Judiciary (from the highest court) when this man's ex-wife (ex-justice minister hooked up in this pedophile case). And why did they pick this man is hard to know, but sure the east EU secret services are thinking differently since Fico was almost killed. Techincally the ex-communists stayed with a "new" face in the same teams everywhere.

** Edit **
Edit; I forgot to say, I will change my next protest at Orban PM's home, because I will do the same what I did last time at UK embassy. I'm simply going to build up the banners before I go there and then I go there with duct tape on my mouth, and take some sefly pictures there and walk away, without trying to start conversation with anybody to say "Hi, I'm here again and I sent email to you again...". So the first two places Orban's home, UK embassy should be faster and more simple, they've enough guards and police etc and everybody knows everything about this racist crime. So "F" them, why should I keep saying the same to those who are openly fishing to cover up this racist crime.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On 28-06-2024, I sent email to -NATO, -PESCO, -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács, -Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)
The subject is "Informing about Hungary Helps Program"

This is the important part;
Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to inform the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of National Defense of the EU-NATO countries, as well as their secret services about the following.

The Hungary Helps Program headquarters doesn't know the human rights of Hungary.
- The following happened at the Hungary Helps Program on 12-June-2024, before I started to express my opinion in front of them. (It was on the same day when the NATO Secretary General visited Hungary.);
- At first they didn't want to allow me to express my opinion in front of their building, for that because this is the secretariat building of the ministry. Although I told them that I wanted to do it outside in a public area, but they answered that I had to do it away from them. - And I also told them that I want to photograph myself with banners, and the building would be the background, but they said I can't photograph the building, even though I told them I want to do it outside in public area. And I asked why the google maps has the right to do that, and what about those who walk outside and simply take some photos. - I even said them to call the police and ask them about the "expressing opinion rights" because it's legal and no need permission for this.
- It was interesting for me when in the end they said that all right you can do it, but you shouldn't come with a dated 2020 police letter (police letter is attached 2020BRFKvelnyilv.pdf). - But this dated 2020 police letter just talked about the freedom of expressing opinion rights, because it's a basic human rights in Hungary, and doesn't need permission for that, and the gathering / assembly needs permission but one person isn't gathering / assembly . And then I told them (to the human rights secretariat of government which should be full with human-rights lawyers, and experts) that; - I've rights to express my opinion in public area, - and the gathering / assembly needs permission, but one person isn't a gathering / assembly therefore doesn't need any permission for this.

I know this may sound like; "It's nothing, no big deal.".
But the problem is that the Hungary Helps Program is a human rights secretariat, and it also works as a mission there where EU / NATO soldiers are in Africa, Middle-East, etc. And I said in my dated 05-June-2024 email that if EU-NATO countries can't stop the persecution against me, then I will ask help outside of EU-NATO world, from Malaysia, Iran, etc. Just as my new banner too said that, and actually that was the meaning of my expressing opinion on that day. And the persecution against me started under the FIDESZ-KDNP government, - and this Hungary Helps Program belongs to Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP), - and it can be an interesting topic for religious countries.
- And their web page says this; "We are not abandoning innocent people suffering. We protect communities threatened by religious or other persecution, violence, catastrophes or the effects of migration. We are bound by our thousand-year-old Christian heritage, by our moral duty resulting from this heritage and also by the general principles of humanity....".

For me this is another reason to say;
- I honestly hope that the EU-NATO countries can stop the racist communist persecution against me, because it can easily come back to them anywhere and in many form. Practically the counter intelligences of EU-NATO soldiers, police etc are creating problem even for themselves with this. And not to mention the problem persons can think and live like everything is okay, and it's not their fault.
-- If I've to go to express my opinion in front of Malaysian, Iranian, etc embassies, then something like this will be on my banner there; "Please Malaysian / Iran expand your human rights missions to Hungary (EU-NATO)".

This is the whole email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, június, 28

Címzett; -NATO, -PESCO, -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2024TBtaxAid.pdf, 2020BRFKvelnyilv.pdf, 20151115Consul.png
Tárgy: Tájékoztatás a Hungary Helps programról

Tisztelt Cím!
Az alábbiakról szeretném tájékoztatni az EU-NATO országok Külügyminisztériumait és Honvédelmi Minisztériumait, valamint titkosszolgálataikat.

A Hungary Helps Program központja nem ismeri Magyarország emberi jogait.
- Az alábbiak történtek a Hungary Helps Program-nál 2024 június 12-én, mielőtt elkezdtem volna a véleményemet nyilvánítani előttük. (Ugyanaznap volt, amikor a NATO-főtitkár Magyarországra látogatott.);
- Először nem akarták megengedni, hogy véleményemet kinyilvánítsam az épületük előtt, azért mert ez a minisztérium titkársági épülete. Bár mondtam nekik, hogy kint, a közterületen szeretném csinálni, de azt válaszolták, hogy tőlük távol kell csinálnom. - És azt is mondtam nekik, hogy transzparensekkel akarom lefényképezni magamat, és az épület lesz a háttér, de azt mondták, hogy nem fényképezhetem le az épületet, habár mondtam nekik, hogy kint, közterületen szeretném csinálni. És megkérdeztem hogy a google térképnek miért van joga ehhez, és mi van azokkal, akik kint sétálnak és egyszerűen fényképeznek. - Még azt is mondtam nekik, hogy hívják a rendőrséget, és kérdezzék meg őket a "véleménynyilvánítási jogokról" mert ez legális, és ehhez nem kell engedély.
- Érdekes volt számomra amikor a végén azt mondták, hogy rendben csinálhatja, de nem kellene jönnie egy 2020-as keltezésű rendőrségi levéllel (rendőrségi levél csatolva 2020BRFKvelnyilv.pdf). - De ez a 2020-as dátumú rendőrségi levél csak a véleménynyilvánítás szabadságáról szólt, mivel ez alapvető emberi jog Magyarországon, és ehhez nem kell engedély, és a gyülekezéshez kell engedély kell, de egy személy nem gyülekezés. És akkor azt mondtam nekik (az emberi jogi kormánytitkárságnak, amelynek tele kellene lennie emberi jogi jogászokkal és szakértőkkel), hogy; - Jogom van közterületen véleményt nyilvánítani, - és a gyülekezéshez kell engedély, de egy személy nem gyülekezés, ezért ehhez nem kell engedély.

Tudom, hogy ez így hangozhat; "Ez semmi, nem nagy ügy".
De az a probléma, hogy a Hungary Helps Program egy emberi jogi titkárság, és misszióként működik ott is, ahol EU/NATO katonák vannak Afrikában, Közel-Keleten stb. És azt mondtam 2024 június 5-én kelt e-mailemben, hogy ha az EU-NATO országok nem tudják megállítani az ellenem folytatott üldözést, akkor az EU-NATO világon kívül kérek segítséget, Malajziától, Irántól, stb. Ahogy az új transzparensem is ezt mondta, és tulajdonképpen ez volt a véleménynyilvánításom értelme azon a napon. És az üldözés ellenem a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány alatt kezdődött, - és ez a Hungary Helps Program a Keresztény Demokrata Néppárthoz (KDNP) tartozik, - és ez érdekes téma lehet vallásos országok számára.
- És a web oldaluk ezt mondja; "Nem hagyjuk magukra az ártatlanul szenvedőket. Megóvjuk azokat a közösségeket, amelyeket vallási vagy más üldöztetés, erőszak, katasztrófák vagy a migráció hatásai fenyegetnek. Erre kötelez ezer éves keresztény örökségünk, az ebből fakadó erkölcsi kötelességünk, de az emberiesség általános elve is..."

Számomra ez egy újabb indok arra, hogy elmondjam;
- Őszintén remélem, hogy az EU-NATO országok meg tudják állítani az ellenem irányuló rasszista kommunista üldözést, mert ez könnyen visszatérhet hozzájuk bárhol és sok formában. Gyakorlatilag az EU-NATO katonák, rendőrök, stb-ik elhárításai még saját maguknak is problémákat okoznak ezzel. És nem beszélve arról, hogy a problémás emberek úgy gondolkodhatnak és élhetnek, mintha minden rendben lenne, és ez nem az ő hibájuk.
-- Ha el kell mennem véleményt nyilvánítani a Malajziai, Iráni, stb nagykövetségekhez, akkor valami ilyesmi lesz a transzparensem ott; "Kérem, Malajzia / Irán bővítse ki az emberi jogi misszióit Magyarországra (EU-NATO)".
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
28, June, 2024. Hungary,

To; -NATO, -PESCO, -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2024TBtaxAid.pdf, 2020BRFKvelnyilv.pdf, 20151115Consul.png
Subject: Informing about Hungary Helps Program

Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to inform the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of National Defense of the EU-NATO countries, as well as their secret services about the following.

The Hungary Helps Program headquarters doesn't know the human rights of Hungary.
- The following happened at the Hungary Helps Program on 12-June-2024, before I started to express my opinion in front of them. (It was on the same day when the NATO Secretary General visited Hungary.);
- At first they didn't want to allow me to express my opinion in front of their building, for that because this is the secretariat building of the ministry. Although I told them that I wanted to do it outside in a public area, but they answered that I had to do it away from them. - And I also told them that I want to photograph myself with banners, and the building would be the background, but they said I can't photograph the building, even though I told them I want to do it outside in public area. And I asked why the google maps has the right to do that, and what about those who walk outside and simply take some photos. - I even said them to call the police and ask them about the "expressing opinion rights" because it's legal and no need permission for this.
- It was interesting for me when in the end they said that all right you can do it, but you shouldn't come with a dated 2020 police letter (police letter is attached 2020BRFKvelnyilv.pdf). - But this dated 2020 police letter just talked about the freedom of expressing opinion rights, because it's a basic human rights in Hungary, and doesn't need permission for that, and the gathering / assembly needs permission but one person isn't gathering / assembly . And then I told them (to the human rights secretariat of government which should be full with human-rights lawyers, and experts) that; - I've rights to express my opinion in public area, - and the gathering / assembly needs permission, but one person isn't a gathering / assembly therefore doesn't need any permission for this.

I know this may sound like; "It's nothing, no big deal.".
But the problem is that the Hungary Helps Program is a human rights secretariat, and it also works as a mission there where EU / NATO soldiers are in Africa, Middle-East, etc. And I said in my dated 05-June-2024 email that if EU-NATO countries can't stop the persecution against me, then I will ask help outside of EU-NATO world, from Malaysia, Iran, etc. Just as my new banner too said that, and actually that was the meaning of my expressing opinion on that day. And the persecution against me started under the FIDESZ-KDNP government, - and this Hungary Helps Program belongs to Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP), - and it can be an interesting topic for religious countries.
- And their web page says this; "We are not abandoning innocent people suffering. We protect communities threatened by religious or other persecution, violence, catastrophes or the effects of migration. We are bound by our thousand-year-old Christian heritage, by our moral duty resulting from this heritage and also by the general principles of humanity....".

For me this is another reason to say;
- I honestly hope that the EU-NATO countries can stop the racist communist persecution against me, because it can easily come back to them anywhere and in many form. Practically the counter intelligences of EU-NATO soldiers, police etc are creating problem even for themselves with this. And not to mention the problem persons can think and live like everything is okay, and it's not their fault.
-- If I've to go to express my opinion in front of Malaysian, Iranian, etc embassies, then something like this will be on my banner there; "Please Malaysian / Iran expand your human rights missions to Hungary (EU-NATO)".
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and there doesn't exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
*** 2 ***
Why did I send this email?
Well a similar reason is why I sent email to USA embassy (because that recklessly idiot the system is).
- And if I didn't send this email just only complain here at this forum or elsewhere, then they would try to fix it with writing something against me, just to make themselves look good. That's what they did under communism too but in that time they wrote fake reports to Russia.
Isn't it interesting I've been openly persecuted nearly for 9 years, and I'm sure a jail time of beating up racist authorities is less than 9 years. So those gypsies which 9 years ago beat up some racist authorities are probably already out of jail (unless it was murder case). And that's why some of gypsies have success in racist cases and that's why authorities laugh on me, but they're desperate if their crime or the victim leaves the country..
- And of course the law is designed to protect racist corrupt crimes of authorities, and my enemies only back up in their crimes if their blood is there (as gypsies fight) or the public is too angry.
- So my racist criminal enemies can think which is better for them; - when gypsies beat up some of their racist criminal members inside authorities, and then gypsies go to jail, - or joyfully watching with crocodile tears their crime victims, until they face a pogrom style revolution (as in 1956) - or getting use to be called racist criminals and trying to cover up their crime??
Well if the crimes victim talk to these racist criminals in a normal polite way, then these racist criminals think it's a credit to be more arrogantly racist criminal "Look they still trust us, le'ts strike the iron until it's hot".
- For example once I even kissed a woman's hand just to show my respect to the authorities, to get peace, but it was just oil on fire, because they started to laugh arrogantly on my persecuted situation, = their racist ego was growing. But then two times I said to these racist authorities on the phone "How can I reach them as the gypsies do it?", and it was like a magic, they stopped laughing and they became available immediately.
In around the summer of 2021, in one of my protests at Office of Parliament I saw a politician László Toroczkai was talking to the media and after the end I went to him and I told my story, including that I was saved by Muslims. He said it's a shame of the government, and he talked in an intelligent, civilized way without any arrogance. And he said me to send my story to him in email. But after that in my next protest on that day at the House of Terror Museum a person photographed my banners and said he will send it to his friend who works at a human-rights org (Tasz), and I told him thank you but I want to make that decision, (I personally heard negative critics about Tasz), - and then I went to the Russian embassy and to the FIDESZ to protest, - and at the FIDESZ headquarter another man came, and he told me to forget László Toroczkai, and he said me to contact a human-rights lawyer Gaudi-Nagy Tamás, because they can help me. And this man also said me to forget my protests because nobody cares that, it's worthless, just as my rights to prevent communist prejudice is nonsense. And he was telling me to write down the phone number of the lawyer, but I just simply recorded it on my phone instead of looking for a pen, paper, and actually I didn't like to be controlled by this negative man, and the security guard at the FIDESZ was looking us with worry on his face.
- Well László Toroczkai is an ultra right wing politician, but one of his great-grandfathers was a fearful judge under communism after 1956, and it was a sensitive topic of László Toroczkai in the EU election campaign. - And by the way that Gaudi lawyer was too slow with the 2006 police brutality case, and he blamed it on the ECHR (European-court) in a youtube video, - and since it turned out he was involved in a pedophile crime cover up when the justice minister and the president of Hungary had to resign because of that crime.
- So connection and coincidences are everywhere,
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On 03-July-2024, Budapest. I expressed my opinion (protest) because of the racist communist crime against my life.
1/9- next to Viktor Orbán Prime Minister's home.
2/9- Brit/UK Embassy.
3/9- Belgium Embassy,
4/9- Orbán/Prime Minister's Office building, Színház utca,
5/9- in Kossuth tér next to Parliament and Prime ministry Office.
6/9- USA Embassy.
7/9- Russian Embassy.
8/9- FIDESZ govt party's Headquarter.
9/9- KDNP govt party's Headquarter.
- I put duct-tape on my mouth, because in November 2021 the police lied me in their custody/ court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police. - But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out, and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".
- And because Hungarian police deleted my videos from my phone even the corrupt arrest in 2021 November (when they took me from my expressing opinion/ protest).
- So the purposes of these videos was to prove I was there and I was mute. - And authorities still did not do anything to terminate their racist (commie) crime against my life.

1/9- next to Viktor Orbán Prime Minister's home.
- I didn't talk with anybody, I built up my banners at the begging of the street and then I walked with duct tape on my mouth to the place where I always express my opinion. A camera turned toward me and I showed my banners to it and then I took the usual protest pictures, and after that I walked away, and I put away my banners in the same place where I built it up. And while I was waiting for the bus a white Skoda with 2 aerials on its top came out from Orban's street, and it turned left where I was, and then about 5-8 minutes later it turned out again from Orban's street but this time it turned right, and later my bus came.
2/9- Brit/UK Embassy.
I did the same what last time, I built up my banners at the beginning of the street and then I walked up to the embassy with duct tape on mouth. I started to take selfie photos and the same police came out from the booth with whom I had the biggest argument there, but this time he said everything is all right I can do it, and he tried to smile, I didn't say much maybe "okay". Anyway after I finished there I walked back to beggining of the street and I took away my banners.
3/9- Belgium Embassy,
I went into the embassy and the same woman was there, I told her I'd like to do the usual expressing opinion, and she said okay.
4/9- Orbán/Prime Minister's Office building, Színház utca,
Same script as in May, first 1-2 police check my ID etc and then they said all right I can do it, and then later other police came to check me again when I was expressing my opinion.
- So this time I talked with 1-2 police, they checked my ID and they made a phone call, and then they said okay I can do it. And then I built up my banners and I started to take selfie pictures, but suddenly an Asian tourist group stopped about 4 meter away from me (probably they were mainland Chinese, those are controlled by tourist guides to not let them see protests/banners). - And I stopped taking pictures to let them go away, but they didn't go. And then suddenly a bunch of police (about 10-11) came and they started to check my ID again, and they video recorded me, and then the tourist group past us (police stood in a line between me and the tourists). And the police asked questions like how long will be my protest, and I told them it would be finished already if they didn't stop me. They asked which will be my next places, and I started to read from my email each places on that day. They said me they hope they didn't make any mistake etc and hopefully everything was all right, and I can report them if they did something wrong.. And I told them the only thing/problem is that I still didn't get back my human-rights.. and the law says that the authorities have to stop human rights crimes in the first moment, but this never happens in my case. And the police always were smiling like we were friends, anyway I told them "There are about 10 police here and they can't give back my human rights". I also said them that the consul said me to stay on abroad if I don't trust into the authorities, and the police said the consulate is in higher (position) then they are, - and I said them yes but I came back to fight for my rights. And then I finished my protest and I went to the next protest place.
- I forgot to ask this from the police 'And is there any organisation or authority etc or any group of people in this street / square who cares about human rights crimes?'.. lol because the Orban PM Office and the residence of the President is right there.
- Well the tourist guides of Asian tourists had luck with that many police because the police stood between me and the tourists, so those couldn't see much, and probably Malaysians would be smiling / laughing on that moment, but anyway Malaysia is a tiger and not a sheep country..

- It was really interesting when the police said "the consul is in higher (position)", because it says many things even for helpful people in Malaysia.. but on the other hand years ago another police just said me in front of Swedish embassy that "Who cares that (Hungarian consul to Malaysia)...".
- Oh and the police asked me again; "And what forum do I want to post this on? (És ezt milyen forumra szeretné föltenni?)"..
They asked it like they were balancing between duty and fishing for information, it was like they would like to know whether am I a private protester or not, but their question was targeting my Internet places. And last time in May they said this; "And are you publishing this somewhere? (Ezt publikálja valahol?)"
- Why are the police curios at Orban PM's Office about the places where I publish my protests on the Internet, meanwhile they refuse to stop this racist crime?
- Well at the Interior Ministry the police said me that the media office controls them if it's about protests, and maybe here too. So if the media office orders the police to ask these questions, then how is this not using political media power to order police to spy on crime victims? (lol, AI subliminal massages are now suddenly trying to confuse/ jam me, it's like when somebody tries to count something but another one is saying numbers randomly to confuse, but here the AI is trying to trick me to write mistakes..).

- lol, I should have asked the police; -Who wants to know this information? - How they want to use this information? Because it is about how I publish my photo etc evidences on Internet. - And what is their purpose with that? -Why are they scared from my banners and my present here? Because tourists too are taking pictures of that building etc and then they too put it on the Internet etc but without any police questions.
-So if the police and media office etc don't have rights to ask these informations, then how is it not using power to spy illegally on crime victims?? Why do they feel that my evidence photos, etc can create danger for them? Because I'm alone on the photos with my banners and the building is in the background as an evidence to prove that I was there to fight against this racist crime.
- Probably the campaign/propaganda part of the media office wants to know these informations, and to hear it even personally from me too, because it's their job to cover up and whitewash the published evidences of these crimes in that area. Well they should just use their own powerful Internet search/spy engine to find these evidence photos etc, but that's only digital information and nothing on my phone so far, or they should just ask their counter intelligences for that information.
I wonder if these people asked the same questions when other people protested there for example against the government paedophile crime protection, and racial discriminations, etc??

So police can ignore Internet crimes if I'm a victim of it, and my attempts of reports are just sign of paranoia, but they want to know where to I publish my evidence photos etc including my words about these protests.
5/9- in Kossuth tér next to Parliament and Prime ministry Office.
There were a lot of tourists on my usual starting spot and the guard was busy with them, so I went elsewhere to another guard, and that said me all right I can do it. And then a man started to read my banners silently while I was building up the banners with duct tape on my mouth, and in the end he said that he doesn't agree with using his face, voice anywhere what my phone recorded, and the irony was that the camera didn't see him. Well that's Hungary, maybe he was scared, he reminded me to a man who read my banners 3 years ago here in Kossuth tér and he too was scared, maybe it was the same person or not. I call this kind of moments jamming / poisoning my video records. And not to mention it's a busy tourist and public space, and tourists are taking pictures everywhere and those go onto Internet, and this place is full with police and guards and cameras and spies..
6/9- USA Embassy.
I went to the booth and I said to the guard what I want to do, and this guard didn't know me but luckily another guard showed us that it's all right, so everything went fast and easy.
7/9- Russian Embassy.
The police said they know about it, and I can do it, so everything went fast and easy.
8/9- FIDESZ govt party's Headquarter.
A guard was outside, he looked new for me, but anyway I simply walked away next to him as I always do it with my banners and with duct tape on my mouth. And I stopped in the usual place at the end of the street to take some pictures, and this guard was watching me but far from me. And then I walked away after I finished my protest.
9/9- KDNP govt party's Headquarter.
The street was empty as usual, nothing happened. This place is far, and most of the times it's empty, but this is an important place for me.
So on this day the police were "smiling" and / or they tried to act in friendly way, but they didn't do anything against this racist persecution crime, though I even said that at Orban's Office. By the way the guards of Orban's home said me last year that I should go to Orban's Office but nobody cares this crime here either.
Well if I compare the "friendly" behaviour of useless police to those people in Malaysia who really and honestly helped me, then it only shows me that my enemies are just changing their strategies against me. Maybe the war in Middle East changed the wind of Russian war in Ukraine or something else happened. As I said years ago the pro-West or the pro-Russia ex-KGB gonna win the war in Ukraine, and not the victims of communist crimes. But I always hopped in deep that 1 of EU-NATO countries may stop this crime, well it never happened.
- And when Assange was released from the UK prison and Wikileaks was publishing the fresh news on "X", then subliminal messages tried to convince me about that "this racist crime against me isn't false-flag attack, because the system just wanted to check / pressure its own people" or it said something like this.. - But how is it not a false flag attack; when that ex-KGB part has been benefiting from this persecution which works for EU-NATO world, and this crime against me only hurts me, and including that part of victims of communist crimes inside EU-NATO world which never collaborates with any group of (ex-)KGB world..
And how come my enemies rather try to change the meaning of their crime around me instead of stopping their crime and then they could say that "it wasn't exactly that what you thought"..

- So if my enemies have to change their strategies, then they've to change the story around me. So it can be red-herring etc attacks, and bully etc attacks to try to white wash themselves with victim blaming, but they will just beat around the bush as always.. That's why I prefer to use the same banners, as a Muslim said me when he had dilemma about decisions, and in the end he always said "I don't care that idea, I rather go straight with the book / Quran", and lol my enemies used to say "your letter contains the same content what we already rejected" and then I decided to start protesting instead of arguing with racist criminals for ever.

** 2 **
So now it's time for me to start to go to Malay, Iranian etc embassies to ask help with banners, well it will turn out how they will react.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On 06-July-2024, I sent email to the Pope again this was the 14th time,
It was the same usual email what I've been sending always to ask the pope to talk to the Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life. Persecution officially started under this govt in 2015. And KDNP Christian Democratic People's Party control led the health care in that time. - Facts are showing that those (ex-)communists (and their relatives) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO. And EU, NATO corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent / refuse me..
- So far this time the Vatican's server didn't send me any "demon mail". Anyway I tweeted my email onto Pope's X account this time too.

** 2 **
On July-08-2024 I sent this email to -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ political party, -KDNP political party, -Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, -Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB.
Its subject; Questions about the "peace mission".
- Orban had a peace-mission in Russia which was about Russia and Ukraine, and I don't trust neither side in this war and I don't want to get involved in that war on any side anymore. But fact is that usually politicians etc stop the problem persecutions before any peace-mission meetings, unless it worth for them to keep running these persecution. And by the way Orban PM is now the leader of EU.

When I was writing the email I was thinking about to post it on the USA Ambassador's "X" where they talked about Orban's peace-mission. So I posted it there and including this; "...I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution." I'm sure this part is what none of EU-NATO countries' Ambassadors want to see in any post, especially on their social media accounts. And I picked the US Ambassador's "X" because they looked at my banners and said "It's FIDESZ".

And I mentioned in this email a story from Malaysia;
- 3) I met with an American in a hostel in Malaysia at the end of 2022. I told him about this persecution, including that "I told the Russian Embassy that I respect their embassy because they voluntarily talked with me even in the first moment", and he answered something like this with shocked surprise "And they still haven't stopped this (persecution)?!". He was neither a republican nor a democrat and a day before he spoke respectfully to Russian tourists in the hostel as he wanted to know more about Russia.
This American guy was maybe socialist, but I'm not fully sure and it was years ago, anyway he got a point what he said me.

This is my questions and reasoning;
Dear Sir, Madam,
I heard in the news that: - Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto had a "peace mission" meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. At a press conference after their meeting, Putin said that the talks were “frank and useful” and that they discussed the situation in Ukraine.

Therefore I'd like to ask these;
- Also were "(ex-)KGB human rights crimes within the EU-NATO world" the subject of this "peace mission" meeting or not?
- If "yes" then why is my human rights still oppressed?
- If "not" then why was this "ex-KGB human-rights crime in Hungary" ignored?

- 1) I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf). But so far the rest of NATO, EU countries corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent, and / or refuse me, just as the Hungarian authorities have been doing it. -More information about this persecution in English and Hungarian is attached as 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf. My mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution.
- 2) Moreover, I have been expressing my opinion (with banners) in many places in Hungary for years, including in front of the Russian Embassy in Budapest, Viktor Orbán's home and the Prime Minister's Office Building. And I've been sending emails even to the Russian FSB, SVR too.
- 3) I met with an American in a hostel in Malaysia at the end of 2022. I told him about this persecution, including that "I told the Russian Embassy that I respect their embassy because they voluntarily talked with me even in the first moment", and he answered something like this with shocked surprise "And they still haven't stopped this (persecution)?!". He was neither a republican nor a democrat and a day before he spoke respectfully to Russian tourists in the hostel as he wanted to know more about Russia.
- I've been always talking with respect about the Russian embassy, but someone steals my respect, and for example now there were only Viktor Orban, Peter Szijjarto and Vladimir Putin in this "peace-mission" meeting.
- So far for me this peace-mission meeting just proved about this persecution what the US embassy said to me after they looked at my banners ``It's FIDESZ".

And this is the full email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ politikai párt, -KDNP politikai párt,
-Szijjártó Péter, Külgazdasági és Külügyminiszter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,

Tárgy; Kérdések a "béke misszióval" kapcsolatban
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf; 2024TBtaxAid.pdf; 20240313BannerBp.pdf;

Tisztelt Cím!
Hírekben hallottam, hogy: - Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök és Szijjártó Péter külügyminiszter "békemissziós" találkozót folytatott Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnökkel Moszkvában. Putyin azt mondta a találkozójuk után tartott sajtótájékoztatón, hogy a megbeszélések „őszinték és hasznosak”, és az ukrajnai helyzetről tárgyaltak.

Ezért ezeket szeretném kérdezni;
- A "békemisszió" találkozójának tárgya volt szintén az „ex-KGB emberi jogi bűncselekményei az EU-NATO világban”, vagy nem?
- Ha "igen", akkor miért vannak még mindig elnyomva az emberi jogaim?
- Ha "nem", akkor miért hagyták figyelmen kívül ezt az "emberi jogi ex-KGB bűncselekményt Magyarországon"?

- 1) Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek az Orosz kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - És a tények azt mutatják, hogy azok az ex-kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik stb) csinálják ezt a rasszista üldözést akik most a Nyugatnak, főképpen az EU-nak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BannerBp.pdf). De idáig a többi NATO, EU országok korruptan, bürokratikusan hallgatnak, és / vagy elutasítanak engem, ahogy a magyar hatóságok is azt csinálják. -Erről az üldöztetésről angol és magyar nyelvű további információ a 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf csatolásban található. Az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet emiatt a rasszista üldözés miatt.
- 2) Sőt, már évek óta véleményemet nyilvánítom (transzparensekkel) Magyarországon sok helyen, többek között a Budapesti Orosz Nagykövetség előtt, Orbán Viktor otthona és a Miniszterelnökség épülete előtt is. És még az orosz FSB-nek, az SVR-nek is küldtem e-maileket.
- 3) Találkoztam egy amerikaival egy hostelben 2022 végén Malajziában. Meséltem neki erről az üldözésről, beleértve azt is, hogy "Azt mondtam az Orosz Nagykövetségnek, hogy tisztelem a nagykövetségüket, mert már az első pillanatban önként beszéltek velem", és valami ilyesmit válaszolt megdöbbenő meglepetéssel "És még mindig nem hagyták abba ezt (üldözést)?!". Nem volt sem republikánus, sem demokrata, és egy nappal azelőtt tisztelettel beszélt az orosz turistákhoz a hostelben, mert többet akart tudni Oroszországról.
- Mindig tisztelettel beszéltem az Orosz Nagykövetségről, de valaki lopja a tiszteletemet, és például most ezen a "békemissziós" találkozón csak Orbán Viktor, Szijjártó Péter és Vlagyimir Putyin volt jelen.
- Eddig számomra ez a békemissziós találkozó csak azt bizonyította erről az üldöztetésről amit az USA nagykövetsége mondott, miután a transzparenseimre néztek "Ez FIDESZ".
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, július, 08
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

** Angolul, In English. **
To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ political party, -KDNP political party, 
-Péter Szijjártó Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,

Subject; Questions about the "peace mission"
Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf; 2024TBtaxAid.pdf; 20240313BannerBp.pdf;

Dear Sir, Madam,
I heard in the news that: - Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto had a "peace mission" meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. At a press conference after their meeting, Putin said that the talks were “frank and useful” and that they discussed the situation in Ukraine.

Therefore I'd like to ask these;
- Also were "(ex-)KGB human rights crimes within the EU-NATO world" the subject of this "peace mission" meeting or not?
- If "yes" then why is my human rights still oppressed?
- If "not" then why was this "ex-KGB human-rights crime in Hungary" ignored?

- 1) I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BannerBp.pdf). But so far the rest of NATO, EU countries corruptly, bureaucratically remain silent, and / or refuse me, just as the Hungarian authorities have been doing it. -More information about this persecution in English and Hungarian is attached as 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf. My mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution.
- 2) Moreover, I have been expressing my opinion (with banners) in many places in Hungary for years, including in front of the Russian Embassy in Budapest, Viktor Orbán's home and the Prime Minister's Office Building. And I've been sending emails even to the Russian FSB, SVR too.
- 3) I met with an American in a hostel in Malaysia at the end of 2022. I told him about this persecution, including that "I told the Russian Embassy that I respect their embassy because they voluntarily talked with me even in the first moment", and he answered something like this with shocked surprise "And they still haven't stopped this (persecution)?!". He was neither a republican nor a democrat and a day before he spoke respectfully to Russian tourists in the hostel as he wanted to know more about Russia.
- I've been always talking with respect about the Russian embassy, but someone steals my respect, and for example now there were only Viktor Orban, Peter Szijjarto and Vladimir Putin in this "peace-mission" meeting.
- So far for me this peace-mission meeting just proved about this persecution what the US embassy said to me after they looked at my banners ``It's FIDESZ".
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor.- I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
08, July, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 3 **

Next week I'll go again to express my opinion on July 17 in my city Kazincbarcika, because of this racist discriminative communist crime against my life. I sent email to the usual addresses (Hungarian authorities, FIDESz-KDNP govt parties, and to Orban PM Interior / Justice Ministries, and -Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB, -Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence).
- Well I'm still not ready to start expressing my opinion in front of Malaysia, Iran etc embassies, so I will protest in my city next week. And this above quoted last email to Russian - Orban's type Hungarian peace-mission, well Iran is an ally and friend of Russia, and Putin liked that plan but it ignores human rights crime victims like me, but interestingly Orban is Islam phobic and pro-Israeli against Palestine, so it will be interesting.
lol, and what a surprise is that my enemies sent a subliminal message before I sent the above quoted email to Russian and Hungarian govt; "Make it later because if you're doing fast then Malaysian embassy will kick you out..". Sounds like my enemies have a plan to try to divide me with Iranian, Malaysian embassies, and sure it would be a huge trophy for their ego if Malaysian embassy would reject me.. Well that's the difference when for example there is Orban as a decision peace maker between me and Russia, and when he's not. Because when "peace-maker" Orban is not there then neither I nor Russian embassy think about any situation where we could throw mud at each other.. Well Orban always gaslight and cries when he strikes, and now he's preaching peace, but his billboard are about to recruit soldiers, and he's building weapon factories, and investing in weapons..
- These racist criminals never get tired with their scams, and I wonder why none of EU-NATO countries showed me an example of those whom they rescued in this kind of ex-KGB persecution, maybe because there isn't anybody. And probably if they were cornered to show some rescued victims, then they would just make some fake reports with some connected Hungarians on abroad "West saved our lives in this crime, and we're one of those.. and many saved people don't want to be seen in the camera...".
"And I mentioned in this email a story from Malaysia;
- 3) I met with an American in a hostel in Malaysia at the end of 2022. I told him about this persecution, including that "I told the Russian Embassy that I respect their embassy because they voluntarily talked with me even in the first moment", and he answered something like this with shocked surprise "And they still haven't stopped this (persecution)?!". He was neither a republican nor a democrat and a day before he spoke respectfully to Russian tourists in the hostel as he wanted to know more about Russia.
This American guy was maybe socialist, but I'm not fully sure and it was years ago, anyway he got a point what he said me."

A main reason was for me to tell him my story because he didn't knopw much about east-Europe, and there was almost a fight on that "day before", the typical "Ukraine-Russia" argument broke out and 2/3 of people weren't sober (most had beer in their mind on both sides) and he was sitting with Russians and he didn't understand what's going on.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On July-17-2024 I expressed my opinion in Kazincbarcika. Dr Tamás Motko family doctor's surgery is working again now, so I could start my protest there. Nothing happened on this protest day other then when outside at Dr Lencar Marta family doctor surgery a gypsy woman said to another gypsy woman something like this; "Look how fool (stupid, or idiot, etc ) he is, he glued his mouth, I wouldn't do that..". If she talked about me then I 100% agree with her, and not because it was a very warm day but because wearing that duct tape proves dehumanisation, even though I use it to prove I'm protesting silently, and everybody knows the corrupt racist system has no limits, - and for example once next to FIDESZ headquarters a couple looked my banners and talked to me but they said "Leave it (tape) there, we know why is it there". And this duct tape protected me from provocations many times, and sure the false reports against me became weaker since I use this tape.
** 2 ** I sent this email to Hungarian authorities, FIDESZ-KDNP govt parties and EU-NATO countries and to Russian embassy / government, SVR, FSB, and to Malaysian and Iranian embassies and to their foreign affairs too.
-- I can't believe the EU-NATO world's secret services, etc and the Hungarian politicians and authorities let me go to Malaysian and especially to Iranian embassy. Maybe my enemies know something what I don't know yet, or they have a plan with me there, or they are that recklessly corrupt as they've been saying/proving it me since 2015. But actually Orban PM is recklessly proudly running his peace-mission plan while one of his crime victims (me) is known by Russian embassy also as a victim of reckless crime, and Ukraine put Orban on the list of their enemies. Practically if Russia would accept Orban's peace plan for Ukraine under this persecution then later this persecution too could come back to Russia.

These are the places where I will go;
1 -Malaysian Embassy 1026, Házmán utca 8,
2 -Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
3 -Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
4 -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47.
5 -Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
6 -USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
7 -Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123,
8 -Iranian Embassy 1143, Stefania ut 97,
It's almost the same list of the "is it red-line" protest, but I put in Malaysia and Iran and I left out the "National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK)", one of the reasons was "not sure I've enough time" but honestly I will meet enough police in many more places on this day so and none of them gonna stop this persecution.

And this will be my new banner at Malaysian, Iranian embassies if they allow me to use it, it will be on me; Kérlek Malajzia
ha lehetséges akkor bővítsd ki az emberi jogi misszióid
Magyarországra (EU-NATO világba) is
Please Malaysia
if it's possible then expand your human rights missions
to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too
* Kérlek Irán
ha lehetséges akkor bővítsd ki az emberi jogi misszióid
Magyarországra (EU-NATO világba) is
Please Iran
if it's possible then expand your human rights missions
to Hungary (to EU-NATO world) too
And in the rest of places this banner will be on me, what I used in the "is it red-line?" protest in June; Megtudják az EU-NATO országok állítani ezt a
rasszista üldöztetést, vagy ez más országokhoz tartozik?
Mert eddig csak az EU-NATO világon kívül találtam segítséget.
Can the EU-NATO countries stop this
racist persecution or it belongs to other countries?
Because so far I only found help outside of EU-NATO world.
This is the reasoning of my email;
Reasoning; Because my human rights have been oppressed since 2015, more information about this can be found in the attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf. This attached as 2024helpbanr.pdf banner would be on me in front of the Malaysian and Iranian embassies, because this is what I want to ask there, and the other banners 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf would be on my bag there. And in other places I want to use the same banners as on June, 12, 2024.
And this is the email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 1ker, 2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 14ker Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, David Pressman Nagykövet, FBI, CIA,
-Belga Nagykövetség Magyarországon,
-Török Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Jens Stoltenberg NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Iráni.I.K. Nagykövetsége Budapesten, -Iráni.I.K. Külügyminisztérium,
-Malajzia Budapesti Nagykövetsége, -Malajziai Külügyminisztérium,
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240404To3NatoEU.pdf
2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 2024helpbanr.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről.
Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2024, július,  24

-Malajziai Nagykövetség 1026 Házmán utca 8,
-Hungary Helps Program, Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Üldözött Keresztényeket Segítő Programokért Felelős Államtitkárság, 1016, Naphegy tér 1.
-Belga Nagykövetség 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Belügyminisztérium 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Török Nagykövetség 1062, Andrassy ut 123,
-Iráni Nagykövetség 1143, Stefánia út 97,

Indoklás; Mert az emberi jogaim el vannak nyomva 2015 óta, erről bővebb információ a csatolmányokban található 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf. Ez a 2024helpbanr.pdf csatolt transzparens rajtam lenne a Malajziai és Iráni nagykövetség előtt, mert ezt szeretném kérni ott, a többi transzparens 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf pedig a táskámon lennének ott (a többi helyen pedig ugyanazokat a transzparenseket akarom használni, mint 2024. június 12-én).
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. -Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, július, 17
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 1ker, 2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 14ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, -David Pressman Ambassador, FBI, CIA,
-Belgium Embassy in Hungary,
-Turkish embassy in Budapest,
-Jens Stoltenberg Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-I.R.Iran Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I.R.Iran
-Malaysian Embassy in Budapest, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia,
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240404To3NatoEU.pdf
2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20151115Consul.png, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 2024helpbanr.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event.

It's date and location: 24, July, 2024,
-Malaysian Embassy 1026, Házmán utca 8,-Hungary Helps Program, -Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, 1016 Naphegy tér 1,
-Belgium Embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u 13,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1027, Bem rakpart 47. -Interior Ministry 1051, József Attila utca 2-4.
-USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12, -Turkish embassy1062, Andrassy ut 123,
-Iranian Embassy 1143, Stefania ut 97,

Reasoning; Because my human rights have been oppressed since 2015, more information about this can be found in the attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf. This attached as 2024helpbanr.pdf banner would be on me in front of the Malaysian and Iranian embassies, because this is what I want to ask there, and the other banners 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf would be on my bag there. And in other places I want to use the same banners as on June, 12, 2024.
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
17, July, 2024. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
As I sad I can't believe they rather let this go that far instead of leaving me alone, maybe FIDESZ lives in the past because they became big guys between 1998-2002 when they back-stabbed and destroyed even the moderate right wing FKGP party which was against communism but was in coalition with FIDESZ. And actually that's what FIDESZ / Orban have been doing all the time with anybody who said no to communists.. No wonder why Orban's / FIDESZ's favorite opposition figure is the ultra left wing Gyurcsany family and the rest reckognised by Orban media are also connected to communists somehow. The entire victims of communist crimes should kick the FIDESZ out and forever, or just look for a world where FIDESZ / Orban has no power like in Malaysia.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
I sent this email to EU-NATO countries, actually because on July-03 in my protest in Front of Orban PM Office Building the police said I've right to report them if I believe they made anything wrong by law while they checked me and my expressing opinion.

This is the main part of my email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to ask the following from you;
Can the police / authorities ignore this human rights crime against me even if my banners question the EU-NATO world too?
This happened;
1, - I expressed my opinion in front of Prime Minister's Office building, (1014, Színház utca) on July-03-2024. (Because I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in the attachments please also read the 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf.)
- And more than ten police officers checked me there, and one of them said that I've right to report them if they did anything wrong in their process, but they hope that there wasn't any infringement (jogsérelem).
- And I answered to the policemen that; Only thing is that you didn't give back my human rights, but the law says the authorities should start to stop the human rights crimes in the first moment, but this has never happened anywhere, and not just here. This is the video link and I used the following attached banners; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, except the banner on page 4 of 20240313BannerBp.pdf.
I've been expressing my opinion with banners in many places in Hungary in front of embassies too since 2020, and the authorities are always following corrupt racist orders to ignore this racist human rights crime, and this happens even in front of the Prime-Minister's Office too.
2, - This human-rights crime prevents me from even working lawfully, therefore I have no income and because of this my mother pays for my food.
- While the EU-NATO's security systems get money from the taxes of the communist crime victims too, but nobody in EU-NATO world wants to stop this crime for some reason.
3, - And if there is a mobilization for example because there is a war, then the police etc authorities will follow the same racist outlaw orders to ignore this racist crime, which is a war crime, and it's already a sign of genocide, and they can even do this against the supporters of the victims too.
4, - Since 2020, I've met with friendly, good, bad, corrupt, etc policemen in my expressing opinions, and here they tried to be friendly, but they never were useful to public safety because they always followed the same racist order.

And this is the email;
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
21, 07, 2024. Hungary,

-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries, (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240404To3NatoEU.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, KimarNVideo30.pdf
Subject; Question about ignoring human right crimes

Dear Sir, Madam,
I would like to ask the following from you;
Can the police / authorities ignore this human rights crime against me even if my banners question the EU-NATO world too?

This happened;
1, - I expressed my opinion in front of Prime Minister's Office building, (1014, Színház utca) on July-03-2024. (Because I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the Russian communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. More information about this can be found in the attachments please also read the 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf.)
- And more than ten police officers checked me there, and one of them said that I've right to report them if they did anything wrong in their process, but they hope that there wasn't any infringement (jogsérelem).
- And I answered to the policemen that; Only thing is that you didn't give back my human rights, but the law says the authorities should start to stop the human rights crimes in the first moment, but this has never happened anywhere, and not just here. This is the video link, and I used the following attached banners; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, except the banner on page 4 of 20240313BannerBp.pdf.
I've been expressing my opinion with banners in many places in Hungary in front of embassies too since 2020, and the authorities are always following corrupt racist orders to ignore this racist human rights crime, and this happens even in front of the Prime-Minister's Office too.
2, - This human-rights crime prevents me from even working lawfully, therefore I have no income and because of this my mother pays for my food.
- While the EU-NATO's security systems get money from the taxes of the communist crime victims too, but nobody in EU-NATO world wants to stop this crime for some reason.
3, - And if there is a mobilization for example because there is a war, then the police etc authorities will follow the same racist outlaw orders to ignore this racist crime, which is a war crime, and it's already a sign of genocide, and they can even do this against the supporters of the victims too.
4, - Since 2020, I've met with friendly, good, bad, corrupt, etc policemen in my expressing opinions, and here they tried to be friendly, but they never were useful to public safety because they always followed the same racist order.
Comment: - I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and there doesn't exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without the help of Malaysia, mostly Muslims helped me, and Malaysia put political pressure on the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***

Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2024, 07, 21

Címzett; -NATO, -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai, (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240404To3NatoEU.pdf, 20240213ToNatoEU.pdf
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, KimarNVideo30.pdf
Tárgy: Kérdés az emberi jogi bűn figyelmen kívül hagyásával kapcsolatban

Tisztelt Cím!
A következőt szeretném kérdezni Önöktől;
Figyelmen kívül hagyhatja a rendőrség / hatóságok ezt az emberi jogi bűncselekményt ellenem még akkor is, ha a transzparenseim az EU-NATO világát is megkérdőjelezik?

Ez történt;
1, - A Miniszterelnökség épülete, (1014 Színház utca) előtt a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki 2024-julius-03-án. (Mivel gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek az Orosz kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. További információk a csatolásokban találhatók kérem olvassák el a 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf is.)
- És több mint tíz rendőr ellenőrzött engem ott, és az egyikük azt mondta, hogy jogom van feljelenteni őket, ha bármi rosszat tettek az eljárás során, de remélik hogy nem történt jogsértés (jogsérelem).
- És azt válaszoltam a rendőröknek, hogy; Csak az egy dolog van, hogy Önök nem adták vissza az emberi jogaimat, de a törvény szerint a hatóságoknak az első pillanatban el kellene kezdeniük az emberi jogi bűncselekmények megállítását, de ez soha nem történt meg sehol se, és nem csak itt.Ez a video link, és az alábbi csatolt transzparenseket használtam; 2024_5-6Bans.pdf, 20240313BannerBp.pdf, kivéve a 20240313BannerBp.pdf 4-dik oldalán levő transzparens.
Magyarországon 2020 óta sok helyen transzparensekkel fejezem ki a véleményemet nagykövetségek előtt is, és a hatóságok mindig korrupt rasszista parancsokat követnek, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyják ezt a rasszista emberi jogi bűncselekményt, és ez még a Miniszterelnöki Hivatal előtt is megtörténik.
2, - Ez az emberi jogi bűncselekmény még a törvényes munkavégzésben is megakadályoz engem, ezért nincs bevételem, és emiatt az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet.
- Miközben az EU-NATO biztonsági rendszerei pénzt kapnak a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak adójából is, de az EU-NATO világában senki sem akarja megállítani ezt a bűncselekményt valamilyen okból.
3, - És ha mozgósítás történik például azért mert háború van, akkor a rendőrség stb. hatóságok ugyanazokat a rasszista törvénytelen parancsokat fogják követni, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyják ezt a rasszista bűncselekményt, ami háborús bűncselekmény, és már most is népirtás jele, és ezt még az áldozatok támogatói ellen is megtehetik.
4, - 2020 óta találkoztam barátságos, jó, rossz, korrupt stb. rendőrökkel a véleménynyilvánításaim során, és itt igyekeztek barátságosak lenni, de egyikük sem volt hasznos a közbiztonság számára, mert ugyanazt a rasszista parancsot követték mindig.
Megjegyzés: - Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék Malajzia segítsége nélkül, többnyire Muszlimok segítettek engem, és Malajzia politikai nyomást tett a magyar rendszere hogy visszalépjenek egy kicsit ebben az üldöztetésben. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
** 2 **
I wonder how my enemies are acting behind my back in these weeks / days, is there any character-assassination, black-propaganda etc or lobby etc tricks?? Because next week I will try to express my opinion in font of Malaysian and Iranian embassies too, and the behavior of my enemies can show what is their plan with me, and I still wonder why they rather let me go to these embassies too, instead of leaving me alone. Sure they can't leave me alone because that would simply end their racist ego world in a peaceful cheap way and Orban loves to run his crimes until the wall and even if it's racist crime.. And how is it not a genocide when the victim can't even work for money to buy food and can't get aid money because of system's lawyer tricks?
- And the Western systems never say that whose side they are in this kind of racist crime, - but they dare to act like everything is solved around our history, - all because they make their decision based on "which side makes more (easy) money for them, and this situation is good to play divide and conquer colony game". maybe I should ask why they are silent, because they support this crime or they don't want to get involved in it while they take the tax from victims of communist crimes, well they don't look the victims of communist crimes as an ally but more like as a useful idiot, and that's why they hold their hands for security taxes but turn away if the victim is targeted..

** 3 **
An interesting thing about the duct on my mouth, I've been using it since January 2022, but if I'm correct then it was on September-2023 when a police asked about it at FIDESZ headquarters, and it happened hours after when I first expressed my opinion in front of the UK embassy. Well I don't trust UK at all, but that's the difference between UK and east European systems (probably the English asked the police and those couldn't answer). Because my Hungarian enemies never cared about it before that, and probably they still think the dehumanization onto this level is a proud sign of their corrupt fear power, instead of looking it as it's a self-protection answer, and reflection of their reckless corruptions.
And as I said many times that's why some of gypsies are attacking the racist trouble maker Hungarian authorities in asap, but the white Hungarians nearly always are waiting too long and then they maybe run a pogrom style revolution against these racist commie criminals. And interestingly my Hungarian enemies act the same way, because they are also waiting recklessly like a frog in the warming water, unlike UK or USA. But my Hungarian enemies don't know why it would better to stop it (they aren't hurt physically), and when they attacked me (harassment etc) then they always did it without any logical sense and without any sign of learning from their own mistakes, partisan gang jobs.
- Just as it's interesting the police started to double check me and asking about my Internet at Orban's PM Office Building a few hours after when I tried to talk with Orban's wife at their home when she rather ran away with smile on her face, and then I called everybody racist criminals there.

** 4 **
And I think I reached that point where I say that my enemies always try to fabricate hopes via subliminal messages, and sure it always worked many times but until I made real life fact check on them, - but I don't have any hope about that the Hungarian system will ever stop its racist communist crime against my life in a peaceful settlement way, - and to be honest 8 years ago even the police called that law "stupid" which is about to protect my rights and life against their crimes.
Well I said in the end of my emails years ago that "it can't be stopped peacefully without legal foreign help", and I'm not interested to go to the jail of my enemies, and that is what my enemies are abusing, but they cry when I can go abroad outside of their world.
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