Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

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Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On December-27-2024, I sent this email to Montenegro's Foreign Ministry and Defence Ministry and Embassy, and to NATO, NCIA. Subject "Miért tette ezt velem? / Why did you do this to me?".
Well this time no robot reply arrived to say me they denied my email address, so they may "received it" or not.. Anyway this kind of blocking messages can encourage racist corrupt people, especially racist authorities to be more evil against me, so that's another reason to ask Montenegro and NATO about "Why did you do this to me?". (Well on 11-December-2024 when I protested then the embassy did say me they will reply me in English, but anyway I hope they will answer to my email.)

This is the main part of the email;
Dear Sir, Madam,
On December-11-2024, I talked with the Montenegro Embassy (on their gate-phone) before I expressed my opinion, and they said they'll maybe answer me in email. - And on December-20-2024, I sent an email to EU-NATO countries including to the Defence Ministry of Montenegro. Subject "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf - And then I received a robot-reply in English from Montenegro's Defence Ministry; "<> (reason: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email address is on SenderFilterConfig list)". (I forwarded this robot-reply to you in this email and I also attached it as 20241220robModMe.pdf)

-Can you tell me the legal reason why Montenegro Defence Ministry did this to me?
-Why is it problem for Montenegrin Defense Ministry when it receives emails about NATO (and EU) corruption and racism?

- Because I'm a victim of the racist corrupt NATO (and EU) crimes. - And because according to the Internet Montenegro is NATO member, therefore Montenegrin defence security has wider responsibility.
And this is the email;
Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Montenegró Külügy Minisztériuma, Védelmi Minisztériuma, Budapesti Nagykövetsége,
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20241220robModMe.pdf, 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf
Tárgy; Miért tette ezt velem?

Tisztelt Cím!
2024-december-11-én beszéltem a Montenegrói Nagykövetséggel (a kaputelefonjukon), mielőtt véleményt nyilvánítottam volna, és azt mondták, hogy talán válaszolnak nekem e-mailben. - És 2024-december-20-án pedig e-mailt küldtem az EU-NATO országoknak, köztük Montenegró Honvédelmi Minisztériumának is. Tárgy; "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf. - És akkor kaptam egy angol nyelvű robot-választ a Montenegrói Honvédelmi Minisztériumtól (Gmail fordító); "<> (indok: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; A feladó megtagadva, mint a feladó e-mail címe szerepel a SenderFilterConfig listán)". (Ezt a robot-választ ebben az e-mailben továbbítottam Önöknek, és 20241220robModMe.pdf néven csatoltam is.)

-Megmondanák nekem a jogi indokot, hogy Montenegró Védelmi Minisztériuma miért tette ezt velem?
-Miért jelent problémát a Montenegrói Védelemnek, amikor emaileket kap NATO (és EU) korrupcióról, rasszizmusról?

- Mivel én a rasszista korrupt NATO (és EU) bűnök áldozata vagyok. - És mert az Internet szerint Montenegró NATO-tag, ezért Montenegró védelmi biztonsága nagyobb felelősséggel tartozik.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
27, December, 2024. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO Secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence)
-Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Ministry, Defence Ministry, Embassy in Budapest,
Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20241220robModMe.pdf, 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf
Subject; Why did you do this to me?

Dear Sir, Madam,
On December-11-2024, I talked with the Montenegro Embassy (on their gate-phone) before I expressed my opinion, and they said they'll maybe answer me in email. - And on December-20-2024, I sent an email to EU-NATO countries including to the Defence Ministry of Montenegro. Subject "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf - And then I received a robot-reply in English from Montenegro's Defence Ministry; "<> (reason: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email address is on SenderFilterConfig list)". (I forwarded this robot-reply to you in this email and I also attached it as 20241220robModMe.pdf)

-Can you tell me the legal reason why Montenegro Defence Ministry did this to me?
-Why is it problem for Montenegrin Defense Ministry when it receives emails about NATO (and EU) corruption and racism?

- Because I'm a victim of the racist corrupt NATO (and EU) crimes. - And because according to the Internet Montenegro is NATO member, therefore Montenegrin defence security has wider responsibility.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 2 ** I forwarded two emails to Russia and Iran;
Date of 2024-Dec-07, subject; "2) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus"
Date of 2024-Dec-20, subject; "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus."
And I started to write a same report about the remain of embassies where I already protested/expressed opinion.
And in January I also want to protest/express opinion in the last four embassies/consulates too; Slovenia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta. The Internet says Luxembourg, Malta have only honorary consulates but anyway..

** 3 **
These corrupt racist authorities etc are like the Mafia, cartels etc because these authorities etc kill, destroy targeted innocent people for a medal, promotion etc, and also for fun to bust their moral, but if it's backfired then they say "we followed orders..", just as the Mafia kills, destroys innocent people for a dollar and fun, but if it's backfired then they say "it was just business..".

I've been thinking to make a new banner on my home's fence, something like this;
"This racist crime exist and even right now they can keep innocents inside corruptly whom they dislike, hate.."
And I still didn't put any correction to Turkey and Malaysia on my banners which are on my home's fence, and sure the protest banners some how have been corrected with asking help from "Iran" and accusing EU-NATO countries / world. Sometimes I wonder whether I was that naive, or my enemies manipulated me with subliminal messages to write about Turkey as a good character. Sure there were "few" moments in Istanbul in 2014 and 2015 which were nice, useful but honestly Turkey is just a NATO member and friend of my enemies, well Turkish play on both side.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 ** On January 02, 2025, I sent the same usual email to Pope Francis again, to ask him to talk to Hungarian FIDESZ-KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life, it was the 21st time.
** 2 ** On 04-January-2025, I sent a report email to EU-NATO countries and NATO. Pesco, the subject; "NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus".
Actually this is the 2-nd part of the date of 16-October-2024 email, the first talked about 4 embassies in my expressing opinion on 09, 25, 2024, but I left out the following embassies with the events;
To; Mark Rutte NATO Secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,
-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, and -Defences (Armies), -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries. (Some countries don't have email just "e Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Dear Sir, Madam,
I sent you an email on October, 16, 2024 (see below), it talked about a part of my expressing opinion on 09, 25, 2024, but I left out the following embassies with the events, and now I'd like to send these to you. Video attachment KimarNVideo34.pdf
This happened;
-Spanish Embassy let me express my opinion with banners, (and I believe they said they knew about it).
-Slovakian Embassy let me express my opinion with banners, but I couldn't talk with them about my reason.
-Bulgarian Embassy let me express my opinion with banners, but I couldn't talk with them about my reason.
-Greece Embassy said I need an appointment to talk with them, but I could express my opinion with banners without any problem.
-Albanian Embassy said I need an appointment to talk with them, but I could express my opinion with banners without any problem.
-Austrian Embassy didn't understand my reason, but I could express my opinion with banners without any problem.
-Czech Embassy refused to talk with me, but I expressed my opinion with banners.
-Polish Embassy refused to talk with me, but I expressed my opinion with banners.
-But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

*** in Hungarian / Magyarul ***

Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, és -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), -Titkosszolgálatai. (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Tisztelt Cím!
2024 október 16-án küldtem Önöknek egy e-mailt (lásd lent), a 2024. 09. 25-i véleménynyilvánításom egy részéről szólt, de a következő nagykövetségeket kihagytam az eseményekkel, és most ezeket szeretném elküldeni Önöknek. Videó csatolások KimarNVideo34.pdf
Ez történt;
-Spanyol Nagykövetség megengedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak transzparensekkel, (és azt hiszem, azt mondták hogy tudnak róla).
-Szlovák Nagykövetség megengedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak transzparensekkel, de nem tudtam velük beszélni az indokomról.
-Bolgár Nagykövetség megengedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak transzparensekkel, de nem tudtam velük beszélni az indokomról.
-Görög Nagykövetség azt mondta, időpont kell, hogy beszéljek velük, de transzparensekkel gond nélkül tudtam véleményt
-Albán Nagykövetség azt mondta, időpont kell, hogy beszéljek velük, de transzparensekkel gond nélkül tudtam véleményt nyilvánítani.
-Osztrák Nagykövetség nem értette az indokomat, de transzparensekkel gond nélkül tudtam véleményt nyilvánítani.
-Cseh Nagykövetség nem volt hajlandó beszélni velem, de véleményt nyilvánítottam transzparensekkel.
-Lengyel Nagykövetség nem volt hajlandó beszélni velem, de véleményt nyilvánítottam transzparensekkel.
-De a rasszista EU-NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

- And while I was writing/ fixing the email before I sent it, then it was like somebody (an operator) was so angry, furious because of my email (and it was like maybe s/he wished me to forward it to Russia, Iran).
- And of course the Montenegro Defence Ministry this time also blocked my email, they simply refused to receive information about (EU-)NATO racist corruptions, but last time when I sent a complaint to ask them why they blocked me then they didn't sent me the; "We blocked your email address...".

And I forwarded this email to Iranian embassy and Foreign Affairs and Russian Embassy, govt and FSB, SVR.
And the FSB sent this robot reply, this is the origin Russian version;
Доводим до Вашего сведения, что для направления обращений в форме электронного документа, предусмотренного частью 3 статьи 7 Федерального закона от 2 мая 2006 года № 59-ФЗ «О порядке рассмотрения обращений граждан Российской Федерации», и иных сообщений необходимо использовать ЭЛЕКТРОННУЮ ПРИЕМНУЮ на официальном сайте ФСБ России www . fsb . ru.
Обращения в электронном виде, направленные в ФСБ России минуя предлагаемую форму ввода, к рассмотрению не принимаются.
Данное письмо сгенерировано автоматически. Ответ на него не требуется.
gmail translator to English;
We would like to inform you that in order to send requests in the form of an electronic document, as provided for in Part 3 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Requests from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, and other messages, it is necessary to use the ELECTRONIC RECEPTION ROOM on the official website of the FSB of Russia www . fsb . ru
Electronic requests sent to the FSB of Russia without using the proposed input form will not be accepted for consideration.
gmail translator Hungarian;
Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a 2006. május 2-i szövetségi törvény 7. cikkének 3. részében előírt elektronikus dokumentum formájában történő fellebbezések elküldése érdekében az 59-FZ „Az állampolgárok által benyújtott fellebbezések elbírálásának eljárásáról” az Orosz Föderáció” és egyéb üzenetek esetén használja az ELEKTRONIKUS VÉTELT Oroszország FSB hivatalos honlapján www. fsb. ru
Az orosz FSB-nek küldött, a javasolt beviteli űrlapot megkerülő, elektronikus formában benyújtott fellebbezéseket nem fogadják el megfontolásra.
Ez a levél automatikusan jött létre. Válasz nem szükséges.
I think it automatically translated to Hungarian without asking it, though I always click to translate to English first from the origin language, and the Hungarian translation sounds differently than the English. Maybe it's just me but it sounds more like I went over somebody's head and that's why they ignored my email, and there was a strong emotion subliminal message which was like "I mean it..!!!!!". Actually I received too many fear, threat etc subliminal messages in the last 17 etc years, and it can be from anybody. And usually coward low IQ punks use it (subliminal warriors), they're just like desperate-childish keyboard-warrior-trolls on Internet.. so it wasn't really a Russian style, anyway..

Now when I checked the FSB webpage then it seemed to me I addressed my email to; "The Public Relations Center of the FSB of Russia (PRC)", so probably the robot reply came back from there.
And when I checked their webpage then I found many other email addresses too, and in the first look these departments would be the interesting for me what I found;
"Department of Military Counterintelligence of the FSB of Russia"
"Military Medical Directorate (MMD) of the FSB of Russia"

- And I became tired with everything today, and I really tried to find the answer what the FSB robot reply said me, but even the translator didn't work everywhere (lol even the simple google translator said 'not translating it' in the first few try.. which never happened before), and I clicked on Russian language links on that page as a try of those what the email asked me, and those were only pdf documents in Russian (I don't speak in Russian).

Well FSB sent this to me maybe because; -1 it was cyber attack (because EU-NATO went desperate), -2 FSB got tired with my emails, -3, Russia and EU-NATO solved some issues about this EU-NATO racist-corruption, so behind doors decision and I got this answer from Russia..

So FSB maybe did it on purpose or not, but sure somebody stopped me there.

By the way;
- Montenegro Defence Ministry's block was too open, and sure it encourages the racist criminals, I personally know how my racist corrupt enemies love these moments in EU-NATO world..
- I guess the French "Defence" used a way better excuse with the "We don't use neither Hungarian nor English language just French..", as their embassy said the same to me in my protest.
- And the Dutch Government electronic reception was the weakest corrupt reply when they said me to stop sending them e-letters because nobody from their Dutch system (not even their secret services etc) wants to know about other EU-NATO countries racist corrupt crimes, persecutions (though they're too responsible)..
I don't want to be killed or die under this racist crime but I still don't get it, if they don't want to stop their racist crime against me and leave me alone, then why they don't just simply "terminate" victims like me? But sure our history time is getting closer to when the responsible racist criminal politician, authorities, etc and their "racist friends" will simply start to kill their crime victims openly in the streets, in the "usual" genocide way as unstopped racist crimes end always, and then will come the revolution, uprise as always..
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was right about 13 years ago in a news "If you (EU/West) not gonna fix/end the (economic) crisis, then your people will sit at home and start to think and talk with each other, and they will figure out what's going on..". And here I am, when I just read web pages of Russian, NATO, USA, etc secret services, then I can understand many things of their structures. And the problem is that I don't care the whole thing, but I just more and more understand it all because of the limbo/ persecution, and I look the embassies how they are lying to me, except those joke embassies which rather hiding from me.. and sometimes I can detect their mind control, cyber etc attacks..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
I sent email to Hungarian authorities and EU-NATO countries and NATO, NCIA, PESCO, Hungary Helps Program, etc because I'll express my opinion (1 person protest) on January, 15, 2025. Because of the racist discriminative communist crime against my life.
These embassies will be the places of my event;
-Embassy of Estonia, -Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg,
-Embassy of Slovenia, -Honorary Consulate of Malta,
It'll be a short start of the year with only "4 embassies/consulates".

This is the email:
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK), 2ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR,FSB
-Észt Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Luxemburg Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa Budapesten,
-Szlovén Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Málta Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa Budapesten,
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés.
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről. Összevont transzparenst is fogok használni, csatolva 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2025, Január, 15,
-Észt Nagykövetség 1025, Áldás utca 3, - Luxemburg Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa 1025 Szeréna út 60/A,
-Szlovén Nagykövetség 1025, Cseppkő utca 68, - Málta Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa 1029, Hársalja u. 27,

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő / hely / Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19 / Kazincbarcika / Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, 01, 08
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English. ***
To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Dept,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), 2ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Justice Minister, -Sándor Pintér Interior Minister, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Embassy of Estonia in Budapest, -Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg in Budapest,
-Embassy of Slovenia in Budapest, -Honorary Consulate of Malta in Budapest,
-Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Subject; Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event. I'll use a merged banner too, it's attached  as 2024BnrRdir.jpg.

It's date and location: 15, January, 2025,
Embassy of Estonia 1025, Áldás utca 3, - Honorary Consulate of Luxembourg 1025 Szeréna út 60/A,
Embassy of Slovenia 1025, Cseppkő utca 68, - Honorary Consulate of Malta 1029, Hársalja u. 27,

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and/ or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place / date / Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika / 19, May, 1972 / Hungarian,
08, 01, 2025. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
** 2 **
The Montenegro's Defence Ministry still blocking my email address.
- Why are they doing this, what is their purpose?
This is a country what nearly nobody knows here in Hungary, and it became a country after Yugoslavia broke apart. Maybe this Defence Ministry is the bad-cop / fall guy, because that's how it works to make the big responsible guys look good / white washed.. In UK also usually the English didn't hurt anybody, but there were bully foreigners to stalk on others, those were the pro-ex-commie children from east EU, and some had USSR, etc communist medals. One thing sure as I said and experienced and I heard a few times that the east-European / Hungarian secret services / counterintelligences are more idiot than a usual team, and the Hungarian and UK intelligence can do this together.
- Maybe I should report them to UN, because this is a precedence discrimination also what the ultra idiot part of my enemies can easily look it as a weakness of mine..
And by the way this "blocking" should be issue for NATO also.

- Just as the FSB sent a robot reply again, it was the same as last time but this time without any subliminal message.
Honestly there was a time when Russian Foreign Ministry sent similar robot replies to use contact form, and SVR sent once or a few times robot replies "you used all of your memory space here..".
Sure authorities globally receive a lot of messages in cluding spams each day, so let's see how the future works out.
- And I was wondering about when I read first this FSB robot reply and it had a subliminal message "you went over head!!", sure people can misread any text, but this was controlled with subliminal message to generate a fake thought.
A question is who created it?
It can be the Trojan Horse troublemaker Hungarian intelligence, or FSB went desperate, but the Russians don't really talk like a punk.
Anyway if it was from FSB than Kremlin is weak, and maybe they and EU-NATO made a security back-room deal "over my head". Well as the they say "each accusation is a confession".. Or Orban regime wants to show / sell an Ukraine-Russian peace deal mediator job, and actually Orban regime is full with punk subliminal message warriors..
And Orban regime is guilty of this persecution and it's making them ridiculous in a peace deal while I protest at Russian / EU-NATO embassies and Orban's home etc..
- And also interesting first Putin got on the ICC wanted list what nobody thought earlier can happen, and now Israelis too. What I mean is my enemies (racist Orban regime's authorities, politicians) have a "well founded fear reason" about their future in Hungary, EU-NATO.. A lot of people are provenly dirty in this persecution against me, and by the way Orban regime corruptly "solved" the Hungarian oil-mafia war, just as the 2006 police terrorism in Budapest.. and the "regime change of communism" also became ultra corrupted by Orban govt..

So this is the translated FSB Robot reply;
We would like to inform you that in order to send requests in the form of an electronic document, as provided for in Part 3 of Article 7 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Requests from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, and other messages, it is necessary to use the ELECTRONIC RECEPTION ROOM on the official website of the FSB of Russia www .fsb. ru
Electronic requests sent to the FSB of Russia without using the proposed input form will not be accepted for consideration.
This letter is automatically generated. No response is required.
My first question is am I the only or this is a new rule for everybody? Because their (automatic translated) robot reply doesn't say it's a new but more sounds like it's an old rule what I never heard before.
- So why now?
-What if people gonna collect data about the human rights criminals in Hungary?
-What if there is an uprise in Hungary against these racist Hungarian commie agents in a similar anti-Russia event like in Ukraine?
-How FSB gonna react if Russians gonna think it's a CIA / NATO job?
I personally know how easily people can be divided with using the history. And these east EU crypto/pro commie families are repeating the same script in EU-NATO world which collapsed the USSR, but lol, they now work for EU-NATO..
A fact is the Russians are more flexible about when some of their staffs got punished for the "stupidity", sometimes they even give the victim a gun etc to get rid of the "stupid" problem staff, but sometimes the victim will be punished. But the West especially EU isn't flexible by this, they protect their criminal staffs and call "terrorism, (red-line)" the punishments against their staffs (the Hungarian ultra right wing call the gypsies "terrorists" for it, but gypsies usually corner the authorities with "you want fight or respect human rights law").

** 3 **
- The Internet showed me that that Hungarian consul which said me in email in 2015 that "stay in Malaysia if you don't trust Hungarian authorities", well she's still consul to Malaysia.
And I just wonder how come the anti-immigrant Hungarian regime and the anti-immigrant part of Malaysians never had problem with people like this consul?
She (Böszörményi-Nagy Katalin) and the embassy/consulate should apologize, because they created a racist hate crime precedence against me (and against other victims like me) in my own country in Hungary. Because after that some proud racist Hungarian authorities etc easily said me "leave the country (if you don't like it)"..
And regardless if this racist consul still works there or not, because even the embassy should apologize and reverse their racist words/suggestion against me!
They sound like "Accept our racist crypto-commie agent oppression (crypto-ex-KGB apartheid) or we punish you with ethnic cleaning).

If they're silent and/or refuse to apologize then maybe I should demand apology against their racist words with banners and to question how come she/embassy/consulate can still work to Malaysia. And by the way where are the radical anti-migrant Malaysians times likes this?? Because nice helpful people in Malaysia were against this persecution when they helped me, even though I never stayed over the 90-days in Malaysia, so the anti-immigrants should show "B" not just "A" (no double standards). Well I can demand it in front of Malaysian embassy and Hungarian Foreign Ministry too.

- I started to think about to make a Guinness-Record protest, "1 person protest within 1 day in front of embassies/consulates of 35 EU-NATO member countries in Budapest"..
My mother laughed on it as a "not bad idea", and she agreed with that I'm already in it with (probably) holding the record in front of Russian Embassy, (and Kossuth square - Parliament) etc protests..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

I expressed my opinion (1 person protest) on January-15-2025 in Budapest Hungary, in front of 4 EU-NATO countries' Embassies / Consulates. Because of racist communist crime against my life. - And the facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU and NATO, and/ or representing those, (including the FIDESZ).
Well it was snowing, a sudden snow and in the same time the snow was melting a little but the whether was cold, so everything went a bit slower and harder.

1-Estonian Embassy
On gate-phone they said they don't know about my emails, but they let me express my opinion. And then a woman came out, she seemed a nice happy woman, and she photographed me with my banners. And then she said "Orban, Rogan, and their Vladimir friend (Putin) are doing this".

- I told her I think it's NATO / NATO's secret service. And then she said NATO doesn't have secret service, I told her it does have and it's name is NCIA (though I wrongly sad it's full name but honestly it doesn't change the fact). And I didn't say her that NATO has more intelligence groups and not just NCIA, well even there are contractor under groups too and some only work for NATO. And sure its official name isn't "secret service", but NATO does have "secret" intelligences and "secret" counter intelligences etc which "serve" NATO. And the public calls this kind of "services" as "secret service". (By the way years ago the Netherlands also tried to send me away with saying "There doesn't exist secret service..".)
- And she also said that I don't have right to do this (expressing my opinion) in front of embassies but their embassy doesn't want to send me away. (What a generous honour they let me practice my rights in front of them - but nobody starts any investigation about Orban PM in this racist treason case in EU-NATO world).
She said the Vienna convention doesn't allow this (expressing opinion), because this is disturbing the embassies' work, (standing alone silently with banners in front of embassy in public space without blocking anybody is violation of Vienna convention???). I told her she confuses the expressing opinion (freedom of speech) with the gathering. I told her they're the 34th embassy in my expressing opinions so I know how it works.
(-Honestly the host country's laws control the freedom of speech in public space and not the diplomatics’s security, impunity, privilege etc..)
It's funny isn't it, first she said; - "It's Orban PM, Rogan and their friend Vladimir (Putin)".
But on the other hand she also said that;
- a), "NATO doesn't have secret service".
- b), And she also said the Vienna Convention doesn't allow me to express my opinion (practice freedom of speech) in front of embassies.
I don't know maybe she tried to gaslight me, fishing for my reaction, and to jam my case / injecting wrong information into facts, - or maybe she really didn't know anything and her embassy simply let her say what she thinks.

I was always curios about the Estonian embassy's reaction, and I knew they will somehow dislike my expressing opinion, but I never thought they will say that which is useful only for Kremlin.
-That's why I'm not worried about why FSB said "we don't read letters which addressed to our email address from people.. so use contact form" well I still don't know how their contact form works. Sure FSB is annoyed with seeing my case, and I believe I'm way more upset from anybody because this persecution is stilling my life. - But fact is the ICC genocide warrant threat is a problem now in many countries in the world since Putin, and now Israelis too are wanted. So EU-NATO's counter intelligences, politicians, authorities etc really don't like to face with any racist crime cases, especially if it's standing even in front of their embassies too. Because NATO (the "good-cop" character) becomes weaker if its "human-rights propaganda" is a tragic comedy even in front of their embassies.
Well fact is;
a), Orban PM and Rogan are top responsible members of FIDESZ govt, but even the small "FIDESZ" members are responsible for this racist corrupt crime, and FIDESZ is known as racist mafia party. But the list of responsible names is way bigger and wider. The KDNP (Christian Democratic party) also in it, just as even the local left-wing mayor Mr Péter Szitka too is responsible for this crime.

b), By the way if she was right about "Vladimir (Putin)" in this crime against me then;
-How come none of the EU-NATO countries investigates this racist treason or try to give me life in their countries?
-Why did a lot of NATO member embassies unlawfully try to stop my expressing opinion in front of them?
-Why did Western NATO countries corruptly vote "yes" when Hungary joined NATO? And how are they solving the problems by their corruptly voted "yes"??
-And for example how legally did Estonia join NATO?
She too just proved that NATO is seriously behind this racist crime. And honestly it's impossible to believe that the FIDESZ-KDNP party is able to exist over the EU-NATO umbrella, no wonder why here in Hungary the public calls the FIDESZ as "Trojan Horse"..
But honestly I'm not surprised about Estonian Embassy because even a man Siim Kallas was PM but under USSR he was communists - while his grandfather Eduard Alver was the commander of independence war against USSR/Russia from 1918 to 1920, and his grandfather also served as the head of the country's police and the Internal Security Service.. - and Siim Kallas' daughter Kaja Kallas too was PM.. There are a bunch of same conflict of interests in Estonia too.. Russians called these people "traitor" after the collapse of USSR, and the victims of communist crimes called them "collaborator/capo" of commies.. That's why I keep saying the ex-KGB gonna win the war in Ukraine, but questions is which one the "pro-NATO (capo/traitor)" or the "pro-Russia/Kremlin (openly pro-USSR)" wins. And Orban PM / FIDESZ-KDNP govt too belong to the pro-NATO (but nearly each of them were communist or were from there and now they act who wasn't so they work like capo/traitor)..
That's why I believe I need a real mediator country between me and Russia, and it looks like it needs to be outside of EU-NATO, because the "not-ex-KGB" countries of EU-NATO want everybody to lose except themselves, because they've been always using and betraying the victims of communist crimes since 1989.
((But they loved to cry for our support when USSR / KGB posed nuclear weapon on them. And later they wondered why not many people wanted their NATO.
And I wonder about what if I ask those EU-NATO countries which were enemies of USSR; - Was it a "paranoid" problem that too when Communists posed nuclear weapons on you and you wanted our support or it wasn't? Because now you want me to bow to the former communist agents who switched side toward you, and to forget my rights against their communist past bias, prejudice in your world.))
- And I forgot to put the duck-tape on my mouth in this expressing opinion at Estonian embassy, but anyway the snow (and the mucus from my nose) covered everything..
2-Luxembourg Honorary Consulate
Nobody was there, but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem.

3-Sloven Embassy,
A man from the embassy came out, he was polite and asked about my reason while we walked to the embassy's gate, because I was at the consulate's entrance and I didn't know the embassy has different gate.
I couldn't tell him too much about my reason because he was busy, (and the sudden snow was also problem here too). But honestly each embassies must knew my case already, they've securities and those must inform the right persons before events like this start, but I agree they need to hear it from me too.

4-Malta Honorary Consulate
Nobody was there, but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
So now I expressed my opinion (1 person protest) in front of each EU-NATO countries' embassies, consulates (35 places), and though I not yet used the "Iran" banner in front of Swedish, Dutch and UK embassies (it'll be in February), but fact is I've been in each places and this was my experience;

I keep saying that in my earlier protests, there were about 20% (sometimes 30%) of embassies which openly hatefully acted against me in my expressing opinions, and it happened before the ICC arrest warrant was issued against Israelis because of genocide in Gaza.
(Another example of how successfully the Muslims can go after their enemies, earlier they put Karadžić to ICC. Now Internet is full with stories how the Muslims go after even those Israeli-Americans, etc which "just" support the genocide. And I found another tweet where another health-care worker but she was also IDF soldier was reported in USA as a "...high risk of bias/danger while treating Muslim patients..".)

- And as I said it a few times already maybe it's a "coincident" or not but since some Israelis became wanted by ICC well that's exactly since none of the next embassies acted/talked openly hatefully against me and against my expressing opinion (protest). Sure these embassies were new places but they showed a new "statistic" which was total different. - Because out of blue there were no more hate but on the other hand there were way more embassies which tried to protect this racist persecution with their "polite" gaslight talk, just to cover up and protect this racist crime inside EU-NATO world instead of stopping it.
- And sure the next time when I will go back to the "hateful" embassies then it will be interesting to see whether they'll still be the same openly racist or not.

Here in Hungary the "paper-pellet-law (papír-galacsin-törvény)" allowed / built this opportunity for the Hungarian politicians, authorities, civil servants etc to be that arrogantly fearless racist corrupt, and the Liberal-left wing with their FIDESZ opposition invented it slowly based on 2006.
- The law even can be used to say that a person commits terror attack if for example she/he throws even a tiny peace of "paper-pellet" to another person (especially to "protected-people" like authorities, civil servant, politicians etc) = total disarming the public.. This law was created for "protection" after the September 2006 national TV headquarters was attacked and occupied, meanwhile FIDESZ covertly still protects the 23-October-2006 pro-communist police terror in Budapest. Oh and FIDESZ was the opposition in 2006 and the liberal-left-wing was in power.. Actually I still remember on when a FIDESZ member gladly said how protective this law is, (The opposition of FIDESZ is the liberal-left-wing but they're together just divided 1 party system)..

And the result of this law; - The authorities, civil servants, politicians, etc easily can act that corruptly as they want, because the victims can't protect themselves. And it easily encourages the "moderate" part of them to be the same ruthless because no consequences of their corrupt crimes. The law was born around 2009, but for me since 2014-2015 when persecution became more bigger, well many times I personally saw in the eyes of authorities, civil servants etc how this law transform them to be more and more narcissist monsters. It turns their mind into a special higher ethnic, class, it's similar to the colonies where people have different rights.
- When they created this law they also wanted to ban the protests/gatherings too, but then they with their corrupt Ombudsman backtrack on it, because they violated the freedom of speech.. They pushed the gathering law on that level where they had to rewrite it because people couldn't even stop and talk if a simple car accident happened, their corrupt law didn't allow the people / witnesses on the crime screen to talk to each other about how the accident happened.
- No wonder why in my expressing-opinions (1 person protest) some embassies were openly bully provocatives even in the camera (they used their impunity to protect the racist crime against me with bully fishing), but for some reason I didn't experience this that openly ever since Israel is on the ICC's wanted list, meanwhile still nobody ended this racist crime against me just as in Gaza still not sure anything..
- There is no Russian (Kremlin) in this case against me just corrupt, ruthless people (ex-KGB etc communist agents + their families) who work for the racist corrupt part of EU-NATO systems, and sure there must be some naive and corrupt pro-Russians too who went for this like a dreamer of an ideology.
These racist governments, authorities, politician etc got use to how easily they can get away from human rights crimes. As they say "You said that so many times and it doesn't mean anything... (no consequence)", all because the "paper-pellet-law (papír-galacsin-törvény)" created this opportunity for them.

** 2 **
I sent an email to the authorities because I'll express my opinion (1 person protest) again on January, 29, 2025 in my city Kazincbarcika. Because of the racist discriminative communist crime against my life.

This is the usual email;
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.,
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt., -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Városüzemeltetési és Rendészeti Osztály Kazincbarcika,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),

Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, KimarN20241127Kb.jpg
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás és Munka/Pénz kérés dátuma

Tisztelt Cím!
Ismételten a véleményemet (egyedül) akarom kinyilvánítani Kazincbarcikán, és munkát/ pénzt kérni. -Ez néhány perc lenne. -Egyedül és békésen akarok menni transzparensekkel és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). -És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről.
Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2025, január, 29,
Háziorvosi rendelő Gépész út 21; -Háziorvosi rendelő, Május 1 út 2; -Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, Fő tér 40,
Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság Fő tér 41; -Polgármester Hivatal, Fő tér 4.; -Foglalkoztatási osztály, Tóth Árpád út 2,
Háziorvosi rendelő, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,; -Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitányság, Jószerencsét út 1/A,

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények lassan azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, január, 22
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul, In English. ***
To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party,
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Department,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept., -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Department of City Management and Law Enforcement Kazincbarcika,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),

Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg; 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf; 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, KimarN20241127Kb.jpg
Subject: Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism and Asking Job/Money

Dear Sir, Madam,
I repeatedly want (alone) to express my opinion in Kazincbarcika, and to ask for a job/ money.-This would be a few minutes. -I want to walk alone and peacefully with my banners and mutely, with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). -And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event.
It's date and location: 29, January, 2025,
Family doctor surgery Gépész út 21; -Family doctor surgery Május 1 út 2; -Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, Fő tér 40,
Kazincbarcika District Court Fő tér 41; -Mayor Office, Fő tér 4.; -Employment Department, Tóth Árpád út 2,
Family doctor surgery, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,; -Kazincbarcika Police Station, Jószerencsét út 1/A,

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are slowly showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and or representing those. -And on 03-13-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf). -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and there doesn't exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
22, January, 2025. Hungary
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

The police in my city moved to another address in November, but the police web page still shows the old address while that building is closed and it has no information where to go, and at the new building there is a small "Police" sign on an A4 paper on the door.. The authorites are that recklessly corrupt, but if a person buys a car and tries to drive it without putting his/her name on the title than these police would charge him/her..
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

2025-01-27. I sent this email. Subject; Job search, Declaration.
Actually it's the usual "Job search" email what I've been sending, and this time I addressed it to the "AUCHAN RETAIL Group", it's a French supermarket chain, and to the French embassy too.

This is the main part (and the reasoning is in the email);
Dear Sir, Madam,
Can Auchan lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.
-And I ask the French, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.

This is the email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, Január, 27

Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Demeter Zoltán,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt. -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv.
-NATO, -Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Auchan Magyarország Kft , -AUCHAN RETAIL Group,
-Francia Nagykövetség Magyarországon,

Tárgy: Munkakeresés, Nyilatkozat
Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2025KimarN.pdf, 202412NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf, KimarN20241211Fr.jpg

Tisztelt Cím!
Tudna az Auchan törvényesen foglalkoztatni, vagy megmondani hogyan dolgozhatnék máshol? Bármilyen állást elfogadok.
A probléma az hogy a magyar hatóságok rasszista (kommunista) bűnei elnyomják az emberi jogaimat 2015 óta. -Magyar Ombudsman (ENSZ) ezt mondta nekem 2015-ben: "Nem azt mondom, hogy Ön az első (áldozat) ilyen üggyel mint az Öné, hanem hogy nekünk nincs ilyen ügyről jegyzőkönyvünk mint az Öné."
- Ha Önök nem tudnak semmit sem tenni akkor kérem adják át Iránnak azokat a piacukat Magyarországon, amelyek lefedik a kommunista bűncselekmények áldozatait és hozzátartozóit stb. -És természetesen azok a magyar áldozatok és hozzátartozóik, stb, akiknek ez nem tetszik, azt csinálhatnak a piaci részükkel/ jogukkal, amit akarnak. -És remélem, hogy Irán nem utasítja ezt vissza, de ha valami ok miatt Irán nem akarja ezt, akkor megkérek más országokat. Ennek a rasszista diszkriminatív bűnnek az áldozatai könnyebben megértik ezt az EU/NATO világában.
-És arra kérem a francia, a magyar és a NATO titkosszolgálatait, hogy mutassák meg nekünk itt, hogyan kezelik Önök az emberi jogokat ezen a magyar piacon.

NATO, EU országok hatóságai, titkosszolgálatai korruptan együttműködnek a rasszista korrupt magyar hatóságokkal, titkosszolgálatokkal. - Gondolatszabadság megsértési (átnevelés) kísérletnek vagyok áldozata, 2015-ben kezdődött és az ex-KGB-nek, a kommunista ügynök ideológiának van haszna ebből. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. - És a tények azt mutatják, hogy azok az ex- kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik stb) csinálják ezt a rasszista üldözést akik most a Nyugatnak, főképpen az EU-nak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet, és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ", (a transzparensek csatolva 20240313BnrBpS.pdf).

Ez történt:
1; - Ismeretlen személyek zaklattak, hergeltek telefonon, Interneten, stb, éveken keresztül, erősebben, és erősebben (rondább dolgok is történtek) és a rendőrség elutasított segíteni nekem.
2; - Meglátogattam a háziorvost hogy megújítsam a vezetői engedélyem 2015 szeptember 15-én. És mondtam neki hogy mi történik velem. A háziorvos pszichiátriai végzettség nélkül mondta hogy paranoiám van. Mondtam neki hogy csak független pszichiátriai vizsgálatot fogadok el ahol volt és jelen kommunisták, stb hozzátartozók nem lehetnek jelen, - azzal indokkal hogy a kommunista bűnök áldozatainak családjába születtem, és az apám megpróbálta kikapni a kommunista ügynökök neveit, de nem adták ki. - Azóta rájöttem hogy én is az áldozatuk vagyok, mert 1972-ben születtem a kommunizmus alatt, és például a kommunisták meg sem engedték a szüleimnek hogy megkereszteltessenek engem.
3; - Háziorvosok és más hatóságok is elutasították a jogaimat azzal az indokkal hogy: "-Már régen volt a kommunizmusban azaz elévültek", "-Ez is paranoia", "-Senkit sem érdekel az a "hülye" törvény". És nevettek a jogaimon.
- És a Háziorvosok meghamisították az egészségügyi dokumentumaimat és biztosításomat hamis orvosi jelentésekkel, és a hatóságok megtagadják megállítani ezt a bűnt.
4; - Ezért nem tudok semmit se csinálni ami törvényes egészségvédelmet követel. Például; törvényes munkavédelem nem lehetséges. Az utazási jogaim korlátozottak. Magán egészségbiztosítók ügyvédei azt mondták hogy emiatt nem tudnak szerződést kötni velem. Az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet a rasszista üldöztetés miatt, mert nincs jövedelmem.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. - Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / In English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
27, January, 2025. Hungary,

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zoltán Demeter,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept. -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-NATO, -Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-Auchan Magyarország Kft , -AUCHAN RETAIL Group,
-Francia Embassy in Hungary,

Subject: Job search, Declaration
Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, CV2025KimarN.pdf, 202412NFSZ.pdf
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf
20151115Consul.png, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf, KimarN20241211Fr.jpg

Dear Sir, Madam,
Can Auchan lawfully employ me, or tell how I can work elsewhere? I accept any kind of job position.
The problem is that the Hungarian authorities' racist (communist) crimes have been oppressing my human rights since 2015. -Hungarian Ombudsman (UN) said to me in 2015 that: "I'm not saying you're the first (victim) with cases like yours, but we don't have records about cases like yours".
- If you can't do anything then please give to Iran free of charge those of your markets in Hungary which covering the victims of communist crimes and their relatives, etc. -And of course those Hungarian victims and their relatives, etc which dislike this can do what ever they want with their market share/ right. -And I hope Iran don't refuse this, but if for some reason Iran doesn't want this, then I'll ask other countries. The victims of this racial discrimination crime understand it easier inside EU/NATO world.
-And I ask the French, Hungarian and NATO secret services to show us here how human rights is managed by you on this Hungarian market.

NATO, EU countries' authorities, secret services are corruptly working together with the racist corrupt Hungarian authorities, secret services. - I'm a victim of an attempt to violate the freedom of thought (re-education), it started in 2015 and the ex-KGB, the communist agent ideology has been benefiting from it. And the FIDESZ-KDNP govt too is responsible for that. - And the facts are showing that those ex-communist agents (and their families etc) are doing this racist persecution who are now working for the West, especially for the EU and NATO. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners and said; "It's the FIDESZ", (the banners attached 20240313BnrBpS.pdf).

This happened:
1; - Unknown people harassed, bullied me stronger and stronger on phone, Internet, etc, for years (uglier things too happened) and police refused to help me.
2; - I visited the family doctor to renew my driving licence on 15 September 2015. And I told her what have been happening to me. The family doctor without psychiatric qualification said that I'm paranoid. I told her I only accept independent psychiatric examination where former and present communists, etc relatives cannot be present, - for reason I was born in a family of victims of communist crimes, and my father tried to get out the communist agents' names, but they didn't give out. - Ever since I realized I'm too victim of them, because I was born in 1972 in communism, and for example communists didn't even let my parents christen me.
3; - Family doctors and other authorities too rejected my rights for reason: "-It was long ago in communism therefore those expired", "- This is paranoia too", "-Nobody cares that "stupid" law". And they laughed on my rights.
- And the family doctors falsified my health documents and insurance with false medical reports, and the authorities refuse to stop this crime.
4; - Therefore I cannot do anything which demands legal health protection. For example; the lawful industrial safety is not possible. My travel rights are limited. Lawyers of private health-insurance companies said that they cannot make contracts with me because of this. And my mother pays for my food because of this racist persecution, because I've no income.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. - Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

On January, 28, 2025 I sent this email to -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó Minister,
-Hungarian Embassy in Malaysia, -dr. Petra Ponevács-Pana Ambassador, -Ms. Katalin Böszörményi-Nagy Deputy Head of Mission
-Malaysian Embassy in Budapest, -Malaysian Foreign Affairs Ministry, -Immigration Department of Malaysia (Ministry of Home Affairs)
-Anti-refugee Malaysian politicians, and their supporters,

Subject "Demand",

This is the main part in English;
Dear Sir, Madam,
In this email, I demand that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Embassy, Consulate to Malaysia, and Böszörményi-Nagy Katalin consul withdraw what they unlawfully "suggested" to me in 2015 via email, when I was in a hostel in Malaysia as a tourist (the email attached as 20151115Consul.png).

I asked this; "kedves konzul Melyik az a magyar törvény amelyik tiltja azt a külföldi orvosi segitséget, amit a magyar orvosi rendszer nem tud etikailag biztositani? Kérem, meg tudná mondani azt a törvényt?
dear consul Which is that Hungarian law which forbid that medical help, what the Hungarian medical system can not secure by ethic?Could you please tell me that law?"
And the consul answered this; "Magyar törvény nem tiltja a külföldi orvosi segítségnyújtást. Eredeti kérdése azonban nem erre vonatkozott. Amennyiben nem bízik a magyar egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban és hatóságokban, újfent javaslom, hogy igényeljen jelenlegi tartózkodási helyén gépjárművezetői engedélyt."
In English; "Hungarian law doesn't prohibit the foreign provision of health care. However, your original question wasn't about that. If you don't trust the Hungarian health services and authorities, I again recommend that you apply for a driver's licence at your current place of residence."

And this is my question to Malaysian anti-refugee politicians, and their supporters;
Isn't that a double standard? Do you really welcome Eastern EU refugees to settle as the embassy/consulate corruptly "suggested" and until now they have never withdrawn it, apologized for it?
-I loved being in Malaysia, but I always preferred to come home to fight for my rights, but this 2015 email serves as a precedent.

I know the email's date is "2015" but the consul's words still exist, and this is nothing but aiding racial persecution and this is the category of ethnic cleansing. This is how they force people to become refugee on abroad. And after this in Hungary when I tried to get back my human rights then some of the authorities, civil servants, etc said to me this "Leave the country (Hungary)". Practically they used the "suggestion" of consul as a precedent answer. And for example, on July 03, 2024, I mentioned this email to the police in front of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's office, and the police said; "The consulate is little bit higher power than we..". Video time 10:08, link;

And this is the email in Hungarian and in English;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, január, 28

Címzett; Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Magyar Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Szijjártó Péter Miniszter,
-Magyar Nagykövetség Malajziában, -Dr. Ponevács-Pana Petra nagykövet, -Böszörményi-Nagy Katalin elsőbeosztott diplomata
-Malajzia Budapesti Nagykövetsége, -Malajziai Külügy Minisztérium, -Malajziai Bevándorlási Hivatal (Belügyminisztérium)
-Menekült ellenes Malajziai politikusok, és támogatóik,

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20151115Consul.png
Tárgy; Követelés

Tisztelt Cím!
Ebben az e-mailben követelem hogy a magyar Külügyminisztérium, és Nagykövetség / Konzulátus Malajziában, és Böszörményi-Nagy Katalin konzul vonja vissza azt, amit 2015-ben e-mailben törvénytelenül "javasolt" nekem, amikor Malajziában egy hostelben voltam turistaként (az email csatolva mint 20151115Consul.png).

Ezt kérdeztem; "kedves konzul Melyik az a magyar törvény amelyik tiltja azt a külföldi orvosi segitséget, amit a magyar orvosi rendszer nem tud etikailag biztositani? Kérem, meg tudná mondani azt a törvényt?
dear consul Which is that Hungarian law which forbid that medical help, what the Hungarian medical system can not secure by ethic?Could you please tell me that law?"
És a konzul ezt válaszolta; "Magyar törvény nem tiltja a külföldi orvosi segítségnyújtást. Eredeti kérdése azonban nem erre vonatkozott. Amennyiben nem bízik a magyar egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban és hatóságokban, újfent javaslom, hogy igényeljen jelenlegi tartózkodási helyén gépjárművezetői engedélyt."

És ez a kérdésem a malajziai menekültellenes politikusokhoz, támogatóikhoz;
Ez nem kettős mérce? Önök valóban üdvözlik a kelet EU-s menekülteket, hogy letelepedjek, ahogy a nagykövetség/konzulátus korruptan "javasolta", és idáig soha nem vonták vissza, nem kértek bocsánatot?
-Én szerettem Malajziában lenni, de mindig is inkább hazajöttem, hogy a jogaimért harcoljak, de ez a 2015-ös e-mail precedensként szolgál.

Tudom, hogy az e-mail dátuma „2015”, de a konzul szava továbbra is létezik, és ez nem más, mint a rasszista üldözés segítése, és ez az etnikai tisztogatás kategóriája. Így kényszerítik az embereket a menekültté válásra külföldön. És ezután Magyarországon, amikor megpróbáltam visszaszerezni az emberi jogaimat akkor néhány hatóság, köztisztviselő stb ezt mondta nekem "Hagyja el az országot (Magyarországot)". Gyakorlatilag a konzul „javaslatát” használták precedens válaszként. És például 2024 július 03-án megemlítettem ezt az e-mailt a rendőrségnek Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök irodája előtt, és a rendőrség azt mondta; "A konzulátus egy kicsit magasabb hatalom mint mi vagyunk..". Videó idő 10:08, link;
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
28, January, 2025, Hungary,

To; -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó Minister,
-Hungarian Embassy in Malaysia, -dr. Petra Ponevács-Pana Ambassador, -Ms. Katalin Böszörményi-Nagy Deputy Head of Mission
-Malaysian Embassy in Budapest, -Malaysian Foreign Affairs Ministry, -Immigration Department of Malaysia (Ministry of Home Affairs)
-Anti-refugee Malaysian politicians, and their supporters,

Attachment; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20151115Consul.png
Subject; Demand

Dear Sir, Madam,
In this email, I demand that the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Embassy, Consulate to Malaysia, and Böszörményi-Nagy Katalin consul withdraw what they unlawfully "suggested" to me in 2015 via email, when I was in a hostel in Malaysia as a tourist (the email attached as 20151115Consul.png).

I asked this; "kedves konzul Melyik az a magyar törvény amelyik tiltja azt a külföldi orvosi segitséget, amit a magyar orvosi rendszer nem tud etikailag biztositani? Kérem, meg tudná mondani azt a törvényt?
dear consul Which is that Hungarian law which forbid that medical help, what the Hungarian medical system can not secure by ethic?Could you please tell me that law?"
And the consul answered this; "Magyar törvény nem tiltja a külföldi orvosi segítségnyújtást. Eredeti kérdése azonban nem erre vonatkozott. Amennyiben nem bízik a magyar egészségügyi szolgáltatásokban és hatóságokban, újfent javaslom, hogy igényeljen jelenlegi tartózkodási helyén gépjárművezetői engedélyt."
In English; "Hungarian law doesn't prohibit the foreign provision of health care. However, your original question wasn't about that. If you don't trust the Hungarian health services and authorities, I again recommend that you apply for a driver's licence at your current place of residence."

And this is my question to Malaysian anti-refugee politicians, and their supporters;
Isn't that a double standard? Do you really welcome Eastern EU refugees to settle as the embassy/consulate corruptly "suggested" and until now they have never withdrawn it, apologized for it?
-I loved being in Malaysia, but I always preferred to come home to fight for my rights, but this 2015 email serves as a precedent.

I know the email's date is "2015" but the consul's words still exist, and this is nothing but aiding racial persecution and this is the category of ethnic cleansing. This is how they force people to become refugee on abroad. And after this in Hungary when I tried to get back my human rights then some of the authorities, civil servants, etc said to me this "Leave the country (Hungary)". Practically they used the "suggestion" of consul as a precedent answer. And for example, on July 03, 2024, I mentioned this email to the police in front of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's office, and the police said; "The consulate is little bit higher power than we..". Video time 10:08, link;
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

lol, and when I was writing this email then I used the translator and it tried to minimize my sentences, for example when I wrote "I demand" then it translated to "I ask".

Well sure when I visited the embassy / consulate in 2018 then they asked how I stay in Malaysia and I told them "
That's a very good question, you know what you tell me how I stay here." and they said "You stay here as a tourist.". Well I tried to look it as they withdrew from their 2015 unlawful email, but fact is they never did it, and I'm still persecuted. By the way the Hungarian embassy in Malaysia even blocked my facebook account so..
And for example even in 2021 when the Hungarian police took me away from my protest and while I was behind bars in custody, then I said to a police "Where can I report all of you? Because I want to report all of you.." and he said me "to the consul"..

- I wonder how the Malaysian and the Hungarian systems will react;
a) because the racist ex-commie agent Hungarian system's biggest nightmare would be if they would have to allow their racist crime victims to make any psychiatric examination on abroad = it would be a pure collapse of their power.

b) but if they refuse to take back their racist unlawful "suggestion" then they're a "precedent" problem for Malaysian system too. And the Malaysian system can't protect this with saying the unlawful act of embassy is clean now, and it's no problem meanwhile their words still exists and used as a precedence.

And I'll probably express my opinion with banners in front of Malaysian embassy in Budapest to "ask" the Malaysian system and the Malaysian anti-immigrant people to make the Hungarian embassy to withdraw their unlawful "suggestion". And also I will demand this in front of Hungarian Foreign Affair Ministry too.

And interestingly this consul which sent the "2015 email", Ms. Katalin Böszörményi-Nagy is now the Deputy Head of Mission to Malaysia, so she stepped forward. And news sometimes say those authorities get also promotions which are aiding or connected to human rights crimes, and I just wonder am I the only victim of her racist corrupt words or there are more..

And I also addressed this email to the Hungary Helps Program (Christian org) too, and its job is to prevent this kind of "suggestions" / persecutions too, so now they all can show how to solve this..
- Great right?! Orban PM the big anti-immigration / anti-refugee is in another catch-22 in this racist human rights crime.. Just like Trump doesn't want immigration into USA but right now he wants to force move the war crime victim Palestinians from Gaza to other countries.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **

On January 29-2025, in Kazincbarcika. I expressed my opinion (1 person protest) because of the racist communist crime against my life.
* Authorities still did not do anything to terminate their racial (commie) crime against my life.
- This time too I put duct-tape on my mouth, because in November 2021 the police lied me in their custody/ court that the Swedish Embassy reported me to the police also but Swedish did it earlier and they didn't want to punish me with police. - But I asked the Swedish Foreign Ministry after police let me out, and they said me that Swedish Embassy "did not contact the police in this matter".
1-Family Dr Tamás Motko surgery Gépész út 21.;
It happened without any problem.
2-Family Dr Márta Lencár surgery Május 1 út 2.;
It happened without any problem.
3-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, Fő tér 40,;
A man older than me talked to me, I didn't say him anything because of duct-tape on my mouth (protected me from him, maybe he was drunk too).. Anyway he tried to ask why I'm rather not working, I showed him my banners and he said he's sorry for me, but I should go to work instead of doing this.. Well a few times people ask "who are you working for (paid protester)??", and sometimes "You should work instead of doing this"..
I never saw him before so I cannot say that he was a provocative commie or not, but he reminded me to the provocative people in Budapest.. Maybe he wasn't that and that's his nature style, but when a person sounds like a gaslight person and says that which benefits only the enemies, well that person is a useful idiot of enemies or he's from the trouble maker enemies.
Anyway it was near to a "moderate gaslight pessimism with refusing to understand my banners and was the victim blaming", fact is people are divided by communism, and so far I only met in my life with those who some how protected the communists and denied their crimes or condemn the communists for their crimes.
Maybe I should put a job search advertisement "persecuted native Hungarian (victims of communist crimes) wants to work but no legal contract possible because of the racist corrupt persecution"..
4-Kazincbarcika District Court Fő tér 41;
It happened without any problem.
5-Kazincbarcika Mayor Office, Fő tér 4.;
It happened without any problem.
6-Employment Department (Jobcenter), Tóth Árpád út 2.;
It happened without any problem.
7-Dr József Tímár Family doctor surgery, Mikszáth Kálmán u. 6,;
It happened without any problem.
8-Kazincbarcika Police Station, Jószerencsét út 1/A.
Nothing happened, but the people outside rather went in when I started it, and a policeman just turned his head away like he doesn't want to be seen..

((And I just checked this police station / headquarters on the police web page and it still shows the old address, and there is just a tiny police sign on an A4 paper on their new address' front door. People can't really find them unless they look straight there with sharp eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if they still didn't left any message on the old building's door either to say where to they moved. I don't know why but the political oppositions should collect signatures from the citizens to punish the police chief for that, "He must pay money or he must go to jail if he refuses to pay", they couldn't even start collecting signatures because the police would fix their reckless mistakes in asap. And these people call themselves police and the other side call themselves opposition..))

** 2 ** lol, I started to use another camera (old Olympus) since my last protest, because the sony camera is wrong. And in my earlier protest in Budapest I took nice good pictures with this Olympus, but now in this protest it started to act strangely just as the sony camera. The sony have wifi and the darker photo problem started in Budapest in front of UK embassy, then elsewhere too. And I wonder if my enemies rather started to introduce their hack of this camera when I protested in my city in Kazincbarcika, instead of in my earlier protest in Budapest.
This Olympus is very old but barely used, it's like a new, I'm the first owner of it, and it has no wifi.. Okay I know electronic problems can happen any time, but I remember when once the sony was taking rubbish CV pictures and then I got tired and I put this Olympus next to this sony to take pictures with both in the same time, and the sony acted like a hacked which makes 9 ugly face pictures from 10 and the 10th wasn't really good picture either, but the Olympus had normal-good 9 pictures from 10 and even the 10th picture wasn't that bad either..
And now I even extended more longer the selfie stick, though in my earlier protest it was still long enough for the Olympus too, but now it was like the focus was somehow closer.. and the flash sometimes turned on.. And some of pictures were darker for some unknown reason while the weather was nice (just as the sony started to make dark photos).. Years ago some police and some people connected to FIDESZ were joking about "why he needs to take that many picture..ha ha..".
Well if my enemies preferred to hack this camera too, then it means they're desperately angry.. and they rather tested and introduced their hacks here in this city instead of in my next protest in Budapest (or some embassies' securities asked this because I captured their hacks, so now they can be covered, "push the problem from us into the tiny city/town").. My enemies sometimes openly do hacker things sometimes just randomly, and even on my that pc which almost never was connected to Internet, they do it like they've remote access to it, but they sometimes act like they were recklessly drunk, or their idiot students are learning how to use AI to hack, but for example this pc shouldn't have any wifi etc Internet hardware at all..
lol, and I took this sony camera into a service in Budapest after I finished my protest, because the sony photos were blank (white), and a person there said the cable of the lens is broken. And then later I tried this sony when I was travelling to home on the train, and the sony worked again and next day at home I tried it inside and outside in cold whether too, and it worked.. Now just wonder are these coincidences or the EU-NATO embassies' securities became furious and the Hungarian secret service rather decided to openly hack my protest photos in my city?? (So which embassies were that furious?) And no wonder about why suddenly FSB started to send me robot replies "use contact from", did maybe my enemies use my emails and its attachments etc as a hacker package opportunity?

And you know what is the funny, each time when I talk about hacking etc mistakes of my enemies, and regardless if on the Internet or simply I tell it verbally, well the next time of using it is like "We're fixing our bs job again" yeah with a new bs job..

- Anyway if they did it then this hack was another desperate act of my enemies, just as they're desperately scared to let me earn some money, because they know I would travel outside of EU-NATO border to be free from these criminals for a moment and then I'd be back. And sure it proves that my enemies (and their EU-NATO intelligences) were damaged in the information wars in this persecution because I was outside of EU-NATO countries.
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

** 1 **
On February-01-2025 I sent the same "usual" email again to Pope Francis, it was my 22nd email to ask him talk to Hungarian FIDESZ KDNP govt to stop their racist communist crime against my life. Persecution officially started under this gov in 2015, and KDNP Christian Democratic People Party controlled the health care in that time

** 2 **
On February-03-2025 - I sent this email to NATO, EU countries, and I received again a blocking reply too from Montenegro Defence Ministry, so they again blocked my email instead of this racist crime against me inside NATO.
My e-mails subject; #4) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus

This is the main part of my email,
Dear Sir, Madam,
On January 15, 2025, I expressed my opinion in front of four embassies, consulates of EU-NATO countries in Budapest. I informed everybody about it in email (email is attached as 112Bp20250108To.pdf. The video links of the events are in the KimarNVideo39.pdf attachment. And I used these banners attached as 20250115BnrBp.pdf.

-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. The facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. And for example I've no income because this persecution even prevents me to work lawfully, therefore my mother pays for my food. - Unfortunately, Hungary joined EU-NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And EU-NATO countries corruptly, unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

This happened;
-1, Estonian Embassy said on gate-phone that they didn't know about my emails, but they let me express my opinion. And a lady came out, and she photographed me with my banners. And she said this; "It's Orban, Rogan and their friend Vladimir (Putin)", and "NATO doesn't have secret service". -It's fact the Orbán PM and Antal Rogán minister are the most responsible members of the FIDESZ government, but the lower ranking FIDESZ members are also responsible for this racist corrupt crime. And the KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) and the local left-wing mayor Mr Péter Szitka are also responsible for this racial crime. -But if the Estonian Embassy is right about "Vladimir (Putin)" in this crime against me, then why hasn't any EU-NATO country investigated or stopped this racist treason or helped me so far? And I am not the only victim, but there is no record of these as the Ombudsman (UN) also told me on the phone in 2015, in other words, any former communist crime victim can disappear in such racist crime, which is a hidden genocide. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-2 Luxembourg Honorary Consulate, nobody was there but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem. -But the racist
NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-3 Sloven Embassy, let me express my opinion and they politely asked me about my reason, unfortunately I couldn't tell much because the person was busy, (but my email and its attachments contained enough information about this racist crime). -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-4, Honorary Consulate of Malta, nobody was there but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

And this is the entire email;
Lakcím; Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56.
Születési idő, hely; Állampolgárság/ Etnikum; 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, február, 03

Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei), -PESCO,
-Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -FIDESZ-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter,
-NATO és EU országok; -Kormányai, -Minisztériumai, -Honvédelmei (Hadseregei), és -Titkosszolgálatai. (Néhány országnak nincs e-mailje csak "e-Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlap", stb van, ezért ezt nekik oda küldöm, és/vagy a nagykövetségeiknek.)

Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf,
20151115Consul.png, 112Bp20250108To.pdf, KimarNVideo39.pdf, 20250115BnrBp.pdf,
Tárgy; #4) NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus

Tisztelt Cím!
2025 január 15-én a véleményemet nyilvánítottam ki négy EU-NATO ország nagykövetségei, konzulátusai előtt Budapesten. Mindenkit értesítettem erről e-mailben, (email csatolva van mint 112Bp20250108To.pdf. Az események videó linkjei a KimarNVideo39.pdf csatolásban vannak. És ezeket a transzparenseket használtam csatolva mint 20250115BnrBp.pdf.

-Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. A tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most az EU-nak, NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. És a FIDESZ-KDNP kormány is felelős ezért. És például nincs jövedelmem mert ez az emberi jogi bűncselekmény még a törvényes munkavégzésben is megakadályoz engem ezért az édesanyám fizeti az ételemet. - Sajnos Magyarország anélkül csatlakozott az EU-NATO-hoz, hogy bárki megállította volna a kommunista ügynök bűnök áldozataival szembeni elfogultságot és előítéletet Magyarországon. És az EU-NATO-tagországok pedig ezt korruptan, törvénytelenül engedélyezték a szavazatukkal. További információk erről ezekben a csatolásokban találhatók 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

Ez történt;
-1, Észt Nagykövetség, azt mondta a kaputelefonon, hogy nem tudnak az e-mailjeimről, de megengedték hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak. És kijött egy hölgy, aki lefotózott engem a transzparenseimmel. És ezt mondta; "Ez Orbán, Rogán és a barátjuk Vladimir (Putin)", és "NATO-nak nincs titkosszolgálata". -Az tény, hogy Orbán Miniszterelnök és Rogán Antal miniszter a FIDESZ-kormány legfelelősebb tagjai, de az alacsonyabb beosztású FIDESZ tagok is felelősek ezért a rasszista korrupt bűncselekményért. És a KDNP (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) és Szitka Péter helyi baloldali polgármester is felelős ezért a rasszista bűncselekményért. -De ha az Észt nagykövetségnek igaza van "Vlagyimirrel (Putyinnal)" kapcsolatban az ellenem elkövetett bűncselekményben, akkor ezt a rasszista hazaárulást miért nem vizsgálta illetve állította le egyetlen EU-NATO ország sem, vagy segített nekem eddig? És nem én vagyok az egyetlen áldozat, de nincsen jegyzőkönyv ezekről ahogy az Ombudsman (ENSZ) is azt mondta nekem telefonon 2015-ben, más szavakkal, bármely egykori kommunista bűn áldozata eltűnhet az ilyen rasszista bűnben, ami egy rejtett népirtás. -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-2, Luxemburg Tiszteletbeli Konzulátusa, nem volt ott senki de gond nélkül véleményt nyilvánítottam a transzparenseimmel. -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-3, Szlovén Nagykövetség, megengedte hogy véleményt nyilvánítsak, és udvariasan megkérdezték az indokomat, sajnos nem tudtam sokat mondani, mert az illető elfoglalt volt, (de az e-mailem és a csatolásai elegendő információt tartalmaztak erről a rasszista bűncselekményről). -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

-4, Málta tiszteletbeli konzulátusa, nem volt ott senki de gond nélkül véleményt nyilvánítottam a transzparenseimmel. -De a rasszista NATO korrupció még mindig sérti az emberi jogaimat.

Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul / in English ***

Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
03, February, 2025. Hungary,

To; Mark Rutte NATO secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence), -PESCO,
-Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -FIDESZ-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén,
-Hungary Helps Program, -Azbej Tristan, -Péter Kovács,
-Governments, -Ministries, -Defences (Armies), and -Secret services, of NATO and EU countries. (Some countries don't have email just "e-Contact Form", etc, therefore I sent this to them there, and/or to their embassies.)

Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf,
2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf,
02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf, 20240823ToNatoEU.pdf,
20151115Consul.png, 112Bp20250108To.pdf, KimarNVideo39.pdf, 20250115BnrBp.pdf,
Subject; #4) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism

Dear Sir, Madam,
On January 15, 2025, I expressed my opinion in front of four embassies, consulates of EU-NATO countries in Budapest. I informed everybody about it in email (email is attached as 112Bp20250108To.pdf. The video links of the events are in the KimarNVideo39.pdf attachment. And I used these banners attached as 20250115BnrBp.pdf.

-Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. The facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the EU, NATO, and or representing those. And the FIDESZ-KDNP government too is responsible for that. And for example I've no income because this persecution even prevents me to work lawfully, therefore my mother pays for my food. -Unfortunately, Hungary joined EU-NATO without anyone stopping the bias and prejudice against the victims of communist agent crimes in Hungary. And EU-NATO countries corruptly, unlawfully allowed this with their vote. More information about this can be found in these attachments 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf.

This happened;
-1, Estonian Embassy said on gate-phone that they didn't know about my emails, but they let me express my opinion. And a lady came out, and she photographed me with my banners. And she said this; "It's Orban, Rogan and their friend Vladimir (Putin)", and "NATO doesn't have secret service". -It's fact the Orbán PM and Antal Rogán minister are the most responsible members of the FIDESZ government, but the lower ranking FIDESZ members are also responsible for this racist corrupt crime. And the KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) and the local left-wing mayor Mr Péter Szitka are also responsible for this racial crime. -But if the Estonian Embassy is right about "Vladimir (Putin)" in this crime against me, then why hasn't any EU-NATO country investigated or stopped this racist treason or helped me so far? And I am not the only victim, but there is no record of these as the Ombudsman (UN) also told me on the phone in 2015, in other words, any former communist crime victim can disappear in such racist crime, which is a hidden genocide. -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-2 Luxembourg Honorary Consulate, nobody was there but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-3 Sloven Embassy, let me express my opinion and they politely asked me about my reason, unfortunately I couldn't tell much because the person was busy, (but my email and its attachments contained enough information about this racist crime). -But the racist EU-NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

-4, Honorary Consulate of Malta, nobody was there but I expressed my opinion with banners without any problem. -But the racist NATO corruption is still violating my human rights.

Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.

Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:11 pm

Re: Another ethic problem by psychiatric examination,

Post by knorbert »

I sent an email to the authorities because I'll express my opinion again on February, 12, 2025. Because of the racist discriminative communist crime against my life.
-And I want to get a lawful job / advice or money from families of Viktor Orban and FIDESZ-KDNP. Because they live in the racist privileged, they inherit the racist wealth. But for example I the victim can't work lawfully = I've no income.

These will be the places;
-Viktor Orbán's home 1121 Cinege út 5;
-British Embassy 1022 Füge utca 5-7,
-Swedish Embassy 1027, Kapás u. 6-12,
-Dutch Embassy 1027, Kapás u. 6-12,
-Belgium embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u. 13;
-Prime Minister's Office building 1014 Színház utca
-Sándor-Palace 1014, Szent György tér,
-Kossuth tér/ Parliament;
-USA Embassy 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
-Russian Embassy 1062 Bajza ut 35,
-FIDESZ Headquarters 1062 Lendvay utca 28;
-KDNP Headquarters 1141 Bazsarózsa ut 69

This is the entire email
Címzett: -Orbán Viktor, Magyarország Miniszterelnöke, -Demeter Zoltán, -FIDESZ politikai párt, Sulyok Tamás Köztársasági Elnök,
-KDNP politikai párt, -Semjén Zsolt, -Tristan Azbej, -Péter Kovács, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr Kövér László; Országház Hivatala; -Országház; Országgyűlési Őrség, -Terror Háza Múzeum, Schmidt Mária,
-Kiss Zsolt, Főigazgató, Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK),
-Dr Müller Cecília, országos tisztifőorvos, Nemzeti Népegészségügyi és Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NGYK),
-Dr Alakszai Zoltán, BAZ-Megyei Főispán, -Dr Asztalos Ágnes, főosztályvezető, Népegészségügyi Főosztály,
-Dr Hudák Zita, Edelényi Járási Hiv., -Dr Király Mária, Népegészségügyi Oszt.
-Dr Motkó Tamás, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Szabó Ilona, -Dr Lencár Márta, -Dr Tímár József, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Szitka Péter, Polgármester Kazincbarcika, -Szabó Szilvia Foglalkoztatási Oszt., -Dr Agonás Lajos Béla Kbarcika Járási Hiv,
-Nagy Gábor Kazincbarcikai Rendőrkapitány, -Országos Rendőr Főkapitányság (ORFK),
-Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság (BRFK),-1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 12ker, 14ker, Budapest Rendőrkapitányság,
-Kazincbarcikai Járásbíróság, -Országos Bíróság Hivatal, stb Magyarországi Bíróságok,
-Kazincbarcikai Járási Ügyészség, -Központi Nyomozó Főügyészség, -Legfőbb Ügyészség,
-Dr Tuzson Bence Igazságügyi Miniszter, -Pintér Sándor Belügyminiszter, -Dr. Takács Péter egészségügyért felelős államtitkár,
-Oroszország Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, Sztaniszlavov Evgenij Arnoldovics Nagykövet, -Oroszország Kormánya, SVR, FSB,
-Brit Nagykövetség Magyarországon, -U.S.A. Nagykövetsége Magyarországon, FBI, CIA,
-Belga Nagykövetség Magyarországon, -Svéd Nagykövetség Budapesten, -Holland Nagykövetség Budapesten,
-Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-És továbbítani fogom ezt az e-mailt a többi EU-NATO országának.

Csatolás: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
Tárgy: Kommunista rasszizmus ellen véleménynyilvánítás dátuma. / És segítségkérés

Tisztelt Cím!
A véleményemet akarom kinyilvánítani Budapesten. Ez néhány perc lenne. Egyedül és békésen akarom ezt csinálni
transzparensekkel, és némán, ragasztószalaggal a számon (hogy bizonyítsam hogy némán csinálom ezt). És videó felvételt és fényképeket akarok csinálni a teljes eseményről.

Ennek dátuma és helyszíne: 2025, február, 12,
-Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnök otthona 1121 Cinege út 5;, -Brit Nagykövetség 1022 Füge utca 5-7, -Svéd Nagykövetség 1027, Kapás u. 6-12,
-Holland Nagykövetség 1027, Kapás u. 6-12, -Belga Nagykövetség 1015 Toldy Ferenc u. 13; -Miniszterelnökség épülete 1014 Színház utca,
-Sándor-palota 1014 Szent György tér, -Kossuth tér/ Parlament; -USA Nagykövetség 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
-Orosz Nagykövetség 1062 Bajza út 35, -FIDESZ Székház 1062 Lendvay utca 28; -KDNP Székház 1141 Bazsarózsa út 69

Indoklás; Mert a hatóságok rasszista kommunista bűnei, korrupciói elnyomják az emberi jogaimat és veszélyeztetik az életemet Magyarországon 2015 óta. -De a tények azt mutatják, hogy ezt az üldöztetést azok a (ex)kommunista ügynökök (és családjaik, stb) csinálják, akik most a Nyugatnak és a NATO-nak dolgoznak, és vagy képviselik azokat. -És 2024-03-13-án az USA nagykövetsége megtekintette a transzparenseimet (20240313BnrBpS.pdf), és azt mondta: "Ez a FIDESZ". -És több alkalommal küldtem e-mailt a Terrorháza Múzeumnak mert bizonyítékot akarok kapni a kommunista történelmi bűncselekményről, mivel a magyar hatóságok tagadják és paranoia jelének hívják ezek ismeretét is. A Múzeum sosem válaszolt idáig.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a „20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak.
- Név: Kimár Norbert, - Lakcím: Magyarország, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai út 56,
- Születési idő, hely, Állampolgárság: 1972,05,19, Kazincbarcika; Magyar,
Magyarország, 2025, február, 05,
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert

*** Angolul, In English. ***

To: -Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, -Zoltán Demeter, -FIDESZ political party, Tamás Sulyok President of Hungary
-KDNP political party, -Zsolt Semjén, -Azbej Tristan, -Kovács Péter, -Hungary Helps Program,
-Dr László Kövér; Office of Parliament; -Parliament; Guards of Parliament; -House of Terror Museum, Mária Schmidt,
-Zsolt Kiss, Director General, Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (NEAK),
-Dr Cecília Müller, National Chief Medical Officer, National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NCPHP), (NGYK),
-Dr Zoltán Alaszkai Lord Lieutenant BAZ County Govt Office, -Dr Ágnes Asztalos, National Public Health Department,
-Dr Zita Hudák, District Office of Edelény; -Dr Mária Király, National Public Health Dept.
-Dr Tamás Motkó, -Lászlóné Kovács Mária, -Ilona Szabó, -Dr Márta Lencár, -Dr József Tímár, -Dr Rácz Zsigmond J.
-Péter Szitka, Mayor of Kazincbarcika, -Szilvia Szabó Employment Dept., -Dr Lajos Béla Agonás District Office of Kbarcika,
-Gábor Nagy police chief of Kazincbarcika, -National (Country) Police Headquarters (ORFK),
-Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK), -1ker, -2ker, 5ker, 6ker, 12ker, 14ker, Budapest Police Headquarters,
-Kazincbarcika District Court, -National Office for Judiciary, etc Hungarian Courts,
-Kazincbarcika District Prosecution Office, -Central Chief Prosecution Office of Investigation, -Supreme Prosecution Office,
-Dr Bence Tuzson Minister of Justice, -Sándor Pintér Minister of Interior, -Dr Péter Takács Secretary of State for Health,
-Russian Embassy in Hungary, -Stanislavov Evgeniy Arnoldovich Ambassador, -Government of Russia, SVR, FSB,
-Brit Embassy in Hungary, -U.S.A. Embassy in Hungary, FBI, CIA,
-Belgium Embassy in Hungary, -Swedish Embassy in Budapest, -Embassy of Netherlands in Budapest,
-Mark Rutte Secretary General of NATO; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence),
-And I'm going to forward this email to the rest of EU-NATO countries.

Attachment: KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 2020-Marc-07_To-SVR-Demeter-Hudak_BAZ-12.pdf
2021-01-15_To-Museum_3.pdf, 2024TBTaxAid.pdf, 20231219ToReutYahoo.pdf, 02ToEUKimarN20220729.pdf
20240213ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240220To2_NatoEU.pdf, 20240322ToEUNATO_2US.pdf, 20240429ToEUNatoRed.pdf
20240823ToNatoEU.pdf, 20240828Iran.jpg, 20151115Consul.png, 2024MrktBn.jpg, 2024BnrRdir.jpg, 20240313BnrBpS.pdf
Subject: Date of Expressing opinion against communist racism. / And asking for help.

Dear Sir, Madam,
I want to express my opinion in Budapest. This would be a few minutes. I want to do it alone and peacefully with banners, and mutely,with duct-tape on my mouth (to prove I'm doing it mutely). And I want to make video recordings and photos about the entire event.

It's date and location: 12, February, 2025,
-Viktor Orbán's home 1121 Cinege út 5; -British Embassy 1022 Füge utca 5-7, -Swedish Embassy 1027, Kapás u. 6-12,
Dutch Embassy 1027, Kapás u. 6-12, -Belgium embassy 1015 Toldy Ferenc u. 13; -Prime Minister's Office building 1014 Színház utca
-Sándor-Palace 1014, Szent György tér, -Kossuth tér/ Parliament; -USA Embassy 1054 Szabadság tér 12,
-Russian Embassy 1062 Bajza ut 35, -FIDESZ Headquarters 1062 Lendvay utca 28; -KDNP Headquarters 1141 Bazsarózsa ut 69

Reasoning; Because the authorities racist communist crimes, corruption have been oppressing my human rights and endangering my life in Hungary since 2015. -But the facts are showing that those (ex-)communist agents (and their families, etc) are doing this persecution which are now working for the West and NATO, and/or representing those. -And on 13-03-2024 the USA embassy looked at my banners (20240313BnrBpS.pdf) and said; "It's the FIDESZ". -And I sent emails many times to the House of Terror Museum because I want to get proof about communist historical crimes, because the Hungarian authorities deny and call sign of paranoia the knowledge of these too. The Museum never replied so far.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my “20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf” letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt.
- Name: Mr. Norbert Kimár, - Address: Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
- Birth place, date, Nationality; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
05, February, 2025. Hungary,
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár

The 05-ker / 5th District Police Headquarters sent an automatic reply, and it said this email doesn't qualify to be submission because they can't identify me.. so they say I need to do it in an other way.

Gmail translator;
Dear Reporter!
I would like to inform you about the following regarding your submission via email. Submissions received by e-mail are not considered secure electronic communication and are not suitable for identifying the submitter. If you wish to send your submission electronically, I would like to inform you that, pursuant to Section 8. /1/ of Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General Rules of Electronic Administration and Trust Services, you are entitled to have your submissions related to the procedure sent to the proceeding authority by the Police using electronic forms for the cases listed on the www .police. hu website, under the electronic administration menu item, after customer portal identification. Based on this law, the police must ensure the possibility of handling cases electronically.
If you do not wish to use the electronic administration option or do not have the necessary conditions, you can still submit your application free of charge to the customer service of any police agency in person or by submitting a written request (by post or in person) with your original signature.
It is worth noting that the police provide electronic administration during office hours specified in their Service Regulations, unless otherwise provided by law.
If you wish to report an incident requiring immediate police action or request assistance from the police, you can do so via the unified emergency call system (112), which can be called 24 hours a day.
Any complaint regarding electronic administration can be reported to the Electronic Administration Supervision Authority.
The national telephone customer service (Government Customer Line) provides assistance with questions related to electronic administration.
Phone number: 1818
Number to call from abroad: +36 1 550 1858
Further information can be found at the following internet address:
https ://ugyintezes.police .hu/e-ugyintezessel-kapakslotos-szabalyzatok
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in your submission or in person, you should provide precise details of the event and its circumstances. /What? Where? When? How? Who? With whom? Why?/
The origin Hungarian;
Tisztelt Bejelentő!
Az e-mailben tett beadványával kapcsolatban az alábbiakról tájékoztatom. Az e-mailben érkező beadvány biztonságos elektronikus kapcsolattartásnak nem minősülő küldési mód, a benyújtó beazonosítására alkalmatlan. Amennyiben beadványát elektronikusan kívánja megküldeni, úgy tájékoztatom, hogy az elektronikus ügyintézés és a bizalmi szolgáltatások általános szabályairól szóló 2015. évi CCXXII. törvény 8.§. /1/ bekezdése alapján jogosult arra, hogy az eljáráshoz kapcsolódó beadványait a Rendőrség a www .police. hu internetes oldalon, az elektronikus ügyintézés menüpont alatt felsorolt ügyek tekintetében elektronikus űrlapok alkalmazásával, ügyfélkapus azonosítást követően az eljáró hatóságnak megküldje. E törvény alapján a rendőrségnek biztosítani kell az ügyek elektronikus intézésének lehetőségét.
Abban az esetben, ha az elektronikus ügyintézési lehetőségével nem kíván élni, vagy az ahhoz szükséges feltételekkel nem rendelkezik, úgy beadványát továbbra is díjmentesen előterjesztheti bármely rendőri szerv ügyfélszolgálatánál személyesen, vagy eredeti aláírásával ellátott írásos megkeresés (postai úton vagy személyes benyújtás) alkalmával.
Indokolt felhívni a figyelmet, hogy a rendőrség az elektronikus ügyintézést – jogszabály eltérő rendelkezésének hiányában – a Szolgáltatási Szabályzatában meghatározott hivatali időben biztosítja.
Amennyiben azonnali rendőri intézkedést igénylő eseményről kíván bejelentést tenni, vagy segélykérést kíván a rendőrséghez intézni, úgy azt a nap 24 órájában hívható egységes segélyhívó rendszeren (112) teheti meg.
Az elektronikus ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos esetleges panasz az Elektronikus Ügyintézési Felügyeletnél jelenthető be.
Elektronikus ügyintézéssel kapcsolatosan felmerült kérdésekben az országos telefonos ügyfélszolgálat (Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal) nyújt segítséget.
Telefonszám: 1818
Külföldről hívható szám: +36 1 550 1858
További tájékoztatást az alábbi internetes címen ér el:
https ://ugyintezes.police .hu/e-ugyintezessel-kapakslotos-szabalyzatok
Felhívom a figyelmét, hogy a beadványában vagy a személyesen tett bejelentése során pontosan részletezze az eseményt, és annak körülményeit. /Mi? Hol? Mikor? Hogyan? Ki? Kivel? Miért?/

Well I addressed my email to the -1, -2, -5, -6, -12, -14, districts of Budapest Police Headquarters, and also to the Budapest Police Headquarters (BRFK) and State Police Headquarters (ORFK) too, and only the 5th district sent this misleading email so far.

I think this is the first time this 5th District Police sent me any email, and honestly I'm not sure if any other district police sent me any email ever, but for example the 6th district police (the Russian embassy is there) a few times said me before I started to express my opinions (protest) "We know about your email.." (and sure sometimes they didn't know about it).
- No wonder why the 5th district police and their AI had no idea how to react lawfully, because it doesn't belong to protest etc events because one person isn't gathering etc, - and honestly it's just a freedom of speech category about human rights crime of authorities, civil servants. But I'm sure it's also even useful for the racist corrupt police to know about this even if they prefer to gaslight me..
- And I'm already checking the police web page but it's like a cheap design style "pick an icon and click on it" page, it's like when cheaters ask people to pick the correct one but the correct category doesn't exist. So I just can't figure out which one should be about "Freedom of speech as one person expressing opinion alone about a human rights crime which is run by racist authorities, civil servants (including Orban PM etc). And I also want to send this because some police / guards asked me to inform them in email about this in the future, - and it was years ago in the 5th district in Kossuth square, in case there is a bigger event etc and therefore this would be a help for their job..".

Well the usual question is;
What if I ignore this corruptly used automatic lawyer tricky email and leave it as it is, - or what if I try to follow its misleading "suggestion"?
- Well if I ignore it then police may will play the victim blaming with saying "we didn't receive your email, submission", and they'll hope I won't be able to say them "Your ignorance does not excuse your crime".
- But if I submit it then they may will play the bureaucratic gaslight "You used it wrongly so.." which is just another corrupt lawyer trick to mislead..
- Well fact is if they want to stop their crime against me then they wouldn't send this cheap rubbish lawyer tricky robot reply, and sure FSB has been sending similar replies but FSB is another story (lol, maybe these police are envy on the FSB but fact is this crime runs by that ex-KGB which works for EU-NATO, and sure not just me but Russia too wonders about "Why does this persecution blackmail still exist, if Orban PM really wants peace with Russia?").

And honest compare to this police web page, well I found faster the 5th District Police Headquarters on the google map and how easily I could get there from the Parliament and USA embassy in case I need to express my opinion there too, well that's what they call irony..
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