On December-27-2024, I sent this email to Montenegro's Foreign Ministry and Defence Ministry and Embassy, and to NATO, NCIA. Subject "Miért tette ezt velem? / Why did you do this to me?".
Well this time no robot reply arrived to say me they denied my email address, so they may "received it" or not.. Anyway this kind of blocking messages can encourage racist corrupt people, especially racist authorities to be more evil against me, so that's another reason to ask Montenegro and NATO about "Why did you do this to me?". (Well on 11-December-2024 when I protested then the embassy did say me they will reply me in English, but anyway I hope they will answer to my email.)
This is the main part of the email;
And this is the email;Dear Sir, Madam,
On December-11-2024, I talked with the Montenegro Embassy (on their gate-phone) before I expressed my opinion, and they said they'll maybe answer me in email. - And on December-20-2024, I sent an email to EU-NATO countries including to the Defence Ministry of Montenegro. Subject "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf - And then I received a robot-reply in English from Montenegro's Defence Ministry; "<kabinet@mod.gov.me> (reason: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email address is on SenderFilterConfig list)". (I forwarded this robot-reply to you in this email and I also attached it as 20241220robModMe.pdf)
-Can you tell me the legal reason why Montenegro Defence Ministry did this to me?
-Why is it problem for Montenegrin Defense Ministry when it receives emails about NATO (and EU) corruption and racism?
- Because I'm a victim of the racist corrupt NATO (and EU) crimes. - And because according to the Internet Montenegro is NATO member, therefore Montenegrin defence security has wider responsibility.
** 2 ** I forwarded two emails to Russia and Iran;Címzett; Mark Rutte NATO Főtitkár, -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Hírszerző ügynökségei),
-Montenegró Külügy Minisztériuma, Védelmi Minisztériuma, Budapesti Nagykövetsége,
Csatolás; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20241220robModMe.pdf, 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf
Tárgy; Miért tette ezt velem?
Tisztelt Cím!
2024-december-11-én beszéltem a Montenegrói Nagykövetséggel (a kaputelefonjukon), mielőtt véleményt nyilvánítottam volna, és azt mondták, hogy talán válaszolnak nekem e-mailben. - És 2024-december-20-án pedig e-mailt küldtem az EU-NATO országoknak, köztük Montenegró Honvédelmi Minisztériumának is. Tárgy; "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf. - És akkor kaptam egy angol nyelvű robot-választ a Montenegrói Honvédelmi Minisztériumtól (Gmail fordító); "<kabinet@mod.gov.me> (indok: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; A feladó megtagadva, mint a feladó e-mail címe szerepel a SenderFilterConfig listán)". (Ezt a robot-választ ebben az e-mailben továbbítottam Önöknek, és 20241220robModMe.pdf néven csatoltam is.)
-Megmondanák nekem a jogi indokot, hogy Montenegró Védelmi Minisztériuma miért tette ezt velem?
-Miért jelent problémát a Montenegrói Védelemnek, amikor emaileket kap NATO (és EU) korrupcióról, rasszizmusról?
- Mivel én a rasszista korrupt NATO (és EU) bűnök áldozata vagyok. - És mert az Internet szerint Montenegró NATO-tag, ezért Montenegró védelmi biztonsága nagyobb felelősséggel tartozik.
Megjegyzés: Esküszöm és kijelentem, hogy szellemileg egészséges személy vagyok és soha sem voltam semmilyen pszichiátriai vizsgálaton Magyarországon, és nem létezik semmilyen törvényes pszichiátriai vizsgálati eredmény ami „mentális betegséget” bizonyítana rólam, se külföldön se Magyarországon. -És Dr Motkó Tamás nem válaszolt a 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf levelemre, ezért nem ismerem el háziorvosomnak őt sem. - Már halott lennék a Malajziában megismert emberek segítsége nélkül, a legtöbb muszlim volt, és isten bebizonyította, hogy segítségük arra kényszerítette a magyar rendszert, hogy kicsit vissza lépjen az üldözésben, és nem a malajziai politikusok stb mert ők korruptak. -Nos ezek amiket tapasztalhatunk, amikor az EU, NATO titkosszolgálatok hanyagul korrupt részei újrahasznosítják az ex-KGB magyar részét.
Tisztelettel Kimár Norbert
*** Angolul / in English ***
Address; Hungary, 3700, Kazincbarcika, Tardonai ut 56.
Birth place, date; Nationality/ Ethnic; Hungary, Kazincbarcika, 19, May, 1972; Hungarian,
27, December, 2024. Hungary,
To; Mark Rutte NATO Secretary General; -NATO NCI Agency, (NATO Intelligence)
-Montenegrin Foreign Affairs Ministry, Defence Ministry, Embassy in Budapest,
Attachments; KimarN_SzIg_ID.jpg, 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf, 20241220robModMe.pdf, 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf
Subject; Why did you do this to me?
Dear Sir, Madam,
On December-11-2024, I talked with the Montenegro Embassy (on their gate-phone) before I expressed my opinion, and they said they'll maybe answer me in email. - And on December-20-2024, I sent an email to EU-NATO countries including to the Defence Ministry of Montenegro. Subject "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus", email attached as 20241220ToNatoEU.pdf - And then I received a robot-reply in English from Montenegro's Defence Ministry; "<kabinet@mod.gov.me> (reason: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email address is on SenderFilterConfig list)". (I forwarded this robot-reply to you in this email and I also attached it as 20241220robModMe.pdf)
-Can you tell me the legal reason why Montenegro Defence Ministry did this to me?
-Why is it problem for Montenegrin Defense Ministry when it receives emails about NATO (and EU) corruption and racism?
- Because I'm a victim of the racist corrupt NATO (and EU) crimes. - And because according to the Internet Montenegro is NATO member, therefore Montenegrin defence security has wider responsibility.
Note: I swear and I state that I’m mentally healthy person and I never was on any psychiatric examination in Hungary, and doesn’t exist any kind of lawful psychiatric examination result which proves “mental illness” about me, neither on abroad nor in Hungary. -And Dr Tamás Motkó didn’t answer to my 20210711_Kimar-N_Motko-T.pdf letter, therefore I don't recognize him either as my family doctor. - I'd be dead already without help of people I met in Malaysia, most were Muslims, and God proved that their help forced the Hungarian system to step back a little in this persecution, and not the Malaysian politicians etc because they're corrupt. -Well these are what we can experience when the carelessly corrupt parts of EU, NATO secret services are recycling the ex-KGB's Hungarian part.
Sincerely: Mr. Norbert Kimár
Date of 2024-Dec-07, subject; "2) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus"
Date of 2024-Dec-20, subject; "3) NATO-EU Corruption, and Racism / NATO-EU Korrupció, és Rasszizmus."
And I started to write a same report about the remain of embassies where I already protested/expressed opinion.
And in January I also want to protest/express opinion in the last four embassies/consulates too; Slovenia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta. The Internet says Luxembourg, Malta have only honorary consulates but anyway..
** 3 **
These corrupt racist authorities etc are like the Mafia, cartels etc because these authorities etc kill, destroy targeted innocent people for a medal, promotion etc, and also for fun to bust their moral, but if it's backfired then they say "we followed orders..", just as the Mafia kills, destroys innocent people for a dollar and fun, but if it's backfired then they say "it was just business..".
I've been thinking to make a new banner on my home's fence, something like this;
"This racist crime exist and even right now they can keep innocents inside corruptly whom they dislike, hate.."
And I still didn't put any correction to Turkey and Malaysia on my banners which are on my home's fence, and sure the protest banners some how have been corrected with asking help from "Iran" and accusing EU-NATO countries / world. Sometimes I wonder whether I was that naive, or my enemies manipulated me with subliminal messages to write about Turkey as a good character. Sure there were "few" moments in Istanbul in 2014 and 2015 which were nice, useful but honestly Turkey is just a NATO member and friend of my enemies, well Turkish play on both side.